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1、Reading Job interviewReading:Tips for job interview success Skimming:Read the following lecture transcript quickly and answer the following questions.1.What is the lecture transcript about?How to succeed in an interview.Three parts.To be enthusiastic,smile a lot,make eye-contact with the interviewer

2、,listen closely and answer carefully.2.How many parts does the interview process have?3.What should you do to increase your chances of success in the interview?Scanning:Para 1-2.He is going to talk how to get the job you really want.Its a talk between an employer and a potential employee.Questions 1

3、.What is the professor going to talk about?2.What is an interview?3.Whats the purpose of the interview?1)The interviewer can assess the interviewee.2)The job candidates can find out more about the job and the company.4.After getting much information about the company,what should you do next?Think ab

4、out what they are going to ask you and how to best answer them.5.How do you practice your interview?With a friend.6.What should you feel if you are prepared properly?You should feel confident.Para 3-61.How many states does an interview process have?What are they?Three states.First,preparation;second

5、,the interview itself;finally,what we should do after the interview.2.How important is the first part,preparation in the interview?It is the key to getting the job you want.3.In order to get prepared,where can you get much information about the company?From the companys website.1)Give yourself a goo

6、d shave.2)Put some styling wax in the hair.3)Wear hairpins(women).4)Wear smart clothes.4.The first impression is very important,how should we prepare for the first impression?Para7-101.What is the best time you arrive for the interview?Make sure you arrive on time or even a little bit early.2.What s

7、hould you do during the interview?To be enthusiastic,always smile,make eye contact with the interviewers,use body language,listen closely and answer carefully.Para 11-121.What should you do after the interview?Write to the company and thank them for giving me the interview.2.Why do we do this?Becaus

8、e this is the final chance to win the job.When your application is successful youre asked to go for an i_.The purpose of the interview is not only to find the s_ person for the position,but also provides o_ for job candidates to find out more about the job.Interview process can s_ into three parts:f

9、irst,p_,the k_ to getting the job;second,the interviewConsolidation nterviewuitablepportunityplitreparationeyitself;and finally,what you should do after the interview.Next,think about some questions you might be asked.Dont worry about having _ _ during the interview.First i_ are important,so wearing

10、 s_ clothes when youre going for an interview.butterflies instomachmpressionsmartWhen you arrive for interview,make sure you are _.During the interview,remember to be e_.Using _ to express yourself in perfect time.Listen closely and answer carefully.After interview you should follow up by writhing t

11、o the company to express thanks.on timenthusiasticbody languageReading strategyUnderstanding incomplete sentences usedfor emphasis.1)In terms of incomplete sentences to denote emphasis,what parts of the sentence are missing?A subject,a predicate or both.2)Which words does this kind of sentence often

12、 begin with?And,or,so,but.Analyse the following incomplete sentences.1.Or better yet,do practice interviews with a friend.2.So now I want you to imagine that its the day of the interview.Post reading:C1.How well did you understand the lecture transcript?Read it again and answer the following questio

13、ns.(page 20)1.What is the first part of the interview process?Preparation.2.Why is it easy nowadays to find out about different companies?Because most companies have a website that tells you most things you want to know.3.What should you do to prepare for possible questions?Practice interviews with

14、a friend.4.When does the interviewer begin to judge you?5.What should you wear on the day of the interview?The interviewer will begin to judge you as soon as he or she sees you.I should wear smart clothes.6.When should you arrive in the interview?7.Why should you always look the interviewer in the e

15、ye?I should arrive on time,or even a little bit early.Making eye contact is the quickest way of establishing a bond with another person.8.Give an example of using body language in the interview.Nodding my head to agree and waggingnot to agree.C2.Match the things you should do in each stage.a.Prepare

16、 for possible questions b.Be confidentc.Be dressed smartlyd.Collect informationBefore the interviewe.Be enthusiasticf.Show your interest in the jobg.Make eye contacth.Listen carefullyi.Be on time j.Sell yourself by sending a thank you letter.During the interviewAfter the interviewD.Match the words w

17、ith correct definitions.1e 2c 3d 4b 5f 6g 7h 8a(1)application (2)interview (3)preparation (4)confident (5)company (6)shorts(7)vest (8)candidate(9)follow up (10)nervousE.Jane is writing to a friend for help about a job application.Use the words below to complete her e-mail.F.What do you think about l

18、ooking for jobs and job interviews?Discuss these questions with your partner.Using the following conversation as an example.A:Have you ever had a job interview?B:Yes.I wanted to do an internship during the summer holidays,so I had to go for an interview.A:How did you prepare for the interview?B:I di

19、d some research on the Internet and thought about the answers to the questions.The interviewer was very impressed.A:Thats great.please go on!1.you wont have to answer questions off the top of your head during the interview.Language pointsoff the top of ones head信口地信口地2.Dont worry about having butter

20、flies in your stomach before the interview.have butterflies in ones stomach(做某事前做某事前)惊慌,紧张惊慌,紧张Eg.I always have butterflies in my stomach just before I perform on stage.3.Smile when you shake hands with the interviewer and look him or her in the eye.look somebody in the eye直视某人,正视某人直视某人,正视某人Eg.I ask

21、ed him to look me in the eye and tell me what he had done with my bike.4.You should follow it up by writing to follow up 对对采取进一步行动,加强采取进一步行动,加强Eg.Lucy followed up her interview with a telephone call.5.Nod your head when you agree withnod ones head 点头点头Eg.She nodded her head to show that she agreed with me.


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