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1、Unit 1Back to school素养导航晨读晚诵素养导航晨读晚诵My First Day of High SchoolI was getting ready for my first day of high school in the middle of the summer.I was thinking what I should wear and thinking what my hair and make-up should look like.I got more and more scared every day.I woke up that morning,excited

2、but nervous as I would begin my journey of high school.I was so scared for my first day that I got up two hours early.I had to do my hair five times just for it to look perfect.I was trying to make myself look older.I remember how I felt about the 6th graders when I was in the 8th grade.I didnt want

3、 any of the older kids to feel like that about me.I changed my outfit about three times.素养导航晨读晚诵When my brother and I left our house,I thought my insides fell out of my butt.He was getting mad because I was asking so many questions.We then had a tour of the school.I just hoped I could remember it al

4、l when I needed to.I made my best friend meet me by the door so that we could walk in with each other.She had on a cute skirt and she wanted to give them a good impression.We walked into the school gate and I saw all the older kids looking at me.It made me feel a little more scared.Now looking back

5、I feel dumb for being that scared for the first day.My first day of high school taught me that I shouldnt be so quick to judge about something that I havent even tried.I love high school because its the best thing of all.I feel older and I love it!I hope your first day will be one of your best days

6、of your life too.素养导航晨读晚诵词海拾贝scared adj.恐惧的nervous adj.紧张的outfit n.外套butt n.底部dumb adj.愚蠢的典句欣赏I woke up that morning,excited but nervous as I would begin my journey of high school.译文:那天早上我醒来时,既兴奋又紧张,因为我要开始我的高中之旅了。分析:这是一个复合句。句中as引导原因状语从句;主句中 excited but nervous为形容词作伴随状语,表示句子中主语I的状态。素养导航晨读晚诵理解诱思How do

7、 you like the first day of your senior high school?答案:The answers are various.Section AWelcome to the unit&Reading.知识体系图解 重点词汇 1.potential n.adj.2.senior adj._n.3.opportunity n.4.acquire vt.5.advance n.vt.&vi.6.resource n.7.facility n.8.attitude n.潜力;可能性 潜在的,可能的中学的(招收11或13岁以上学生);级别高的;高级水平的;老年的 机会,时机

8、获得,得到进步;进展;前进,行进 发展;进步资源;资料;谋略设施,设备;场所态度,看法级别(或地位)较高者;较年长的人;高水平运动员9.n.道路,小路;成功的途径 10.adj.积极乐观的;良好的,正面的 11.adj.令人大为惊奇的,令人惊喜的 adj.惊奇的 n.惊奇 12.n.信心,信任;把握 adj.自信的;有把握的 13.adj.相同的,相等的;平等的;相当的,能胜任的 14.n.目标;进球得分 15.vt.&vi.改进,改善 pathpositiveamazing amazed amazementconfidence confidentequalgoalimprove16.n.个人

9、adj.单独的,个别的 17.n.品质,性格;特点;人物,角色;文字 18.adj.有责任,负责;可靠的 n.责任 19.adj.(学校)为11或13岁以下儿童设立的;地位(或级别)低的;青少年的n.职位较低者;青少年运动员 20.adj.自主的,有主见的;自立的 n.独立 individualcharacterresponsible responsibilityjuniorindependent independence重点短语 1.cant wait to do 2.lead to 3.lie in 4.rise to 5.make advances in 6.make a differe

10、nce 迫不及待地做导致;通向存在,在于能够处理取得进步起作用,有影响7.充分利用,尽情享受 8.利用 9.积极参与 10.努力做某事 11.最后但同样重要的 12.迟早 13.对负责 14.盼望,期待 make the most oftake advantage oftake an active part inmake efforts to do sthlast but not leastin timebe responsible forlook forward to重点句式 1.Of equal importance are good study habits,useful skills

11、and a positive attitude.2.In time you will find yourself growing into a well-rounded individual.3.Ive been told that schoolwork will present more of a challenge in the years ahead,and that the teachers will hold us to higher standards.阅读导学A.阅读P2-3文章,匹配段落大意。Part 1(Para.1)A.What is senior high school

12、life like?Part 2(Para.2)B.What is potential?Part 3(Para.3)C.How to realize your potential.Part 4(Para.4)D.Welcome to senior high school!答案:Part 1DPart 2APart 3BPart 4CB.阅读P2-3文章,选出最佳答案。1.What challenges will students face at senior high school?A.A new environment.B.New knowledge.C.New ways of thinki

13、ng.D.All of the above.2.What does the principal have confidence in according to Paragraph 3?A.Students ability to overcome school challenges any time.B.Students ability to acquire greater knowledge than before.C.Students ability to make a difference to their family and the society.D.Students ability

14、 to develop amazing technologies in high school.答案:D答案:C3.What school resources are mentioned in the speech?A.Some opportunities to train students mind and develop students character.B.School classes,school facilities and a lot of school activities.C.A new environment,new knowledge and new ways of t

15、hinking.D.Some activities to improve communication and problem-solving skills.答案:B4.What positive attitude should students develop in the speech?A.Students should be always full of hope.B.Students should have good study habits.C.Students should set clear goals and make efforts to make it.D.Students

16、should try their best to improve their study conditions.5.What can we safely conclude after reading the passage?A.There is a long way for the students to realize their potential.B.Good study habits are less important than good school resources.C.Only school is responsible for realizing their great p

17、otential.D.It is so easy for the students to realize their potential with the help of school.答案:A答案:A重点词汇重点句式随堂练习1.Realizing your potential 发挥你们的潜力(P2)【词汇精讲】potential在句中为名词,表示“潜能”。它还有“可能性”之意。它还有形容词用法,表示“潜在的,可能的”。He has the potential to become a world-class musician.他有潜力成为世界级的音乐家。First we need to cle

18、ar potential problems.首先,我们需要弄清潜在的问题。【词汇拓展】potential for(doing)sth(做)某事的可能性/潜在性potential to do sth 有潜力做某事realize/achieve ones potential 发挥某人的潜力She recognized the potential for error in the method being used.她意识到在所采用的方法中可能出错。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习2.Welcome to senior high school!欢迎进入高中!(

19、P2)【词汇精讲】senior在句中为形容词,表示“中学的”,它还有“级别高的;高级水平的;老年的”之意。它还有名词用法,表示“级别(或地位)较高者;较年长的人;高水平运动员”。I have ten years experience at senior management level.我有十年的高层管理经验。My brother is my senior by two years.我哥哥比我大两岁。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习【词汇拓展】be superior to.比优越(更好、强)be inferior to.低于,不如,在之下be senior to.比年长(资深)be junior to

20、.比年轻(资浅),级别低于Although I am senior to him by 5 years,I am junior to him in the office.尽管我比他年长5岁,但是在办公室里我的级别低于他。We should be polite to those around who are senior to us.我们应该对我们身边比我们年长的人有礼貌。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习3.The path before you leads to a world full of challenges:a new environment,new knowledge

21、 and new ways of thinking.你们面前的路通向一个充满挑战的世界:新环境、新知识和新的思维方式。(P2)【词汇精讲】challenge 在句中为名词,表示“挑战”。它还有动词用法,表示“挑战;质疑”。Mike challenged me to a game of chess.迈克硬逼着要和我下一盘国际象棋。Schools must meet the challenge of new technology.学校必须迎接新技术的挑战。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习【词汇拓展】challenging adj.具有挑战性的face a challenge面临挑战meet the cha

22、llenges of迎接的挑战accept/take up a challenge接受挑战challenge sb(to sth)向某人挑战(某事)All of us must have this spirit of service to meet the challenges of our time.为了迎接我们这个时代的挑战,我们大家都必须具备这种服务的精神。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习4.However,for those of you with a positive mind,opportunity lies in e

23、ach challenge.但是,对于你们当中那些思想积极的人来说,机会存在于每一个挑战中。(P2)【词汇精讲】lie in在句中表示“存在,在于”。The future of Wenzhou will lie in providing services for these less developed areas.温州的未来在于为这些欠发达地区提供服务。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习【词汇拓展】The letter lay open on his desk.那信摊开在他的书桌上。She lies about her age.她谎报年龄。原形过去式过去分词现在分词词义词性lieliedliedlyi

24、ng说谎vi.lielaylainlying躺;位于vi.laylaidlaidlaying放置;下蛋 vt.重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习5.When you rise to the challenges,you will have the opportunity to acquire great knowledge and enjoy personal growth.当你们克服困难迎接挑战时,你们就有机会获得丰富的知识,享受个人成长。(P2)【词汇精讲】rise to表示“能够处理,有能力处理(突发情况、问题等)”。其中to是介词。I refuse to rise to

25、that sort of comment.我拒绝对那样的评论作出反应。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习【词语辨析】arise,rise,raise与arouse 原形词性词义过去式过去分词现在分词arise(vi.)出现;发生;起因于arosearisenarisingrise(vi.)升起;起立;增长;上升roserisenrisingraise(vt.)举起;提高;饲养;养育;筹集;提出raisedraisedraisingarouse(vt.)唤醒;激起arousedarousedarousing重点词汇重点句式随堂练习The book raises many important issues(

26、for our consideration).该书提出了许多重要问题(值得我们考虑)。He succeeded in arousing the nations sympathy.他已经激发了全民的同情。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习6.Most importantly,your time and effort at senior high school will open the door to your potential.最重要的是,你们在高中的时光和努力将开启你潜力的大门。(P2)【词汇精讲】effort在句中为不可数名词,表示“努力”。它还可以

27、作可数名词,表示“费力的事”。You should put more effort into your work.你应该更加努力地工作。Serious efforts must be made to assist the flood-affected poor residents.要认真做好受灾困难群众帮扶救助。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习【词汇拓展】spare no effort to do sth不遗余力做某事make an effort to do sth努力做某事in an effort to企图(努力想);试图要without effort毫不费力The company has fire

28、d 50 workers in an effort to save money.为节省资金,这家公司解雇了50名工作人员。Nothing can be obtained without effort.不花力气什么也得不到。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习7.Who knows what beautiful works of art you will create,what medical advances you will make or what amazing technologies you will develop!谁知道你们将创造出怎样美丽的艺

29、术作品,取得怎样的医学进步,或者研发出多么惊人的技术!(P3)重点词汇重点句式随堂练习【词汇精讲1】advance在句中为名词,表示“进步”。它还有“进展;前进;行进”之意。它还有动词用法,表示“发展;进步;提出;预付”。We live in an age of rapid technological advance.我们生活在技术迅猛发展的时代。Scientists have advanced many theories about why human beings cry tears,none of which has been proved.科学家们就人们为什么会流泪提出了不少理论,但无

30、一被证实。This could be an advance on the present situation.这可能是对目前情况的一次改善。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习【词汇拓展1】advanced adj.高级的;先进的advance on/upon/towards朝前进in advance预先;提前(指事先)in advance of在前面;超过make advances in在方面取得进步We are to make any further advances in this area of science.我们想在这一科学领域取得进一步的发展。Students are asked to pr

31、epare material in advance of each weekly seminar.要求学生为每星期一次的研讨班预先准备好材料。Its cheaper if you book the tickets in advance.预订票要便宜一些。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习【词汇精讲2】amazing为形容词,表示“令人大为惊奇的,令人惊喜的”。The audience was impressed by his amazing performance.他精彩的表演给观众留下了深刻的印象。【词汇拓展2】amaze vt.

32、使吃惊amazed adj.吃惊的amazement n.惊讶;惊愕in amazement 震惊;惊讶be amazed at因/对感到惊奇/吃惊重点词汇重点句式随堂练习to ones amazement令某人吃惊的是;出乎某人意料;使某人惊奇的是I have still been amazed by the excellent Chinese you spoke when we first met.我们第一次见面时,你说的一口流利的中文至今仍令我惊叹不已。To my amazement,he remembered me.使我大为惊奇的是,他还记得我。I stared at her in a

33、mazement.我惊讶地盯着她。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习8.The possibilities are endless,and I have confidence in your ability to make a difference to your family,to your community and to your country.可能性是无限的,我相信你们有能力改变你们的家庭、你们的社区和你们的国家。(P3)【词汇精讲1】confidence为名词,表示“信心,信任;把握”。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习【词汇拓展1】confident

34、adj.自信的;确信的confidently adv.自信地;安心地build up ones confidence树立信心have confidence in对有信心It is not easy to build up ones confidence.树立一个人的自信心并不容易。They have confidence in me.他们对我有信心。You must act boldly and confidently.你必须表现得大胆、自信。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习【词汇精讲2】make a difference在句中表示“起作用,有影响”。T

35、he sea air has made a difference to her health.海上的空气改善了她的健康状况。【词汇拓展2】make a difference to对起作用/有影响make some/no/little difference(to.)(对)有些/没有/没多少作用或影响tell the difference(between.and.)辨别/区分(与的)不同It makes no difference(to me)what you say;Im not going.不管你怎么说(对我来说)都无所谓,反正我不去。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重

36、点句式随堂练习9.To fully realize your potential,it is important for you to make the most of our school resources.为了充分发挥你们的潜力,对你们来说充分利用我们学校的资源是很重要的。(P3)【词汇精讲】make the most of 表示“充分利用,尽情享受”。Happiness is the ability to make the most of what you have.幸福就是充分享用你所拥有的一切的能力。【词汇拓展】make good use of好好利用make full use o

37、f充分利用make the best of充分利用make little use of几乎不利用;不充分利用I make little use of my own food.我不太会做饭。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习10.Take advantage of your classes,learn from your teachers and classmates,and make use of our school facilities.利用你们的课程,向你们的老师和同学们学习,利用我们的学校设施。(P3)【词汇精讲】advantage在句中为名词,表

38、示“优点”。take advantage of“利用”。We should actively take advantage of the opportunity.我们应积极利用这个机会。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习【词汇拓展】disadvantage n.缺点have an advantage over在有优势have the advantage of.有的优势to ones advantage对某人有利;有利于The writer believes that the disadvantages of new technology outweigh its advantages.作者认为新技术的缺

39、点大于优点。Use colors to your advantage by carefully selecting colors.通过仔细挑选颜色突出你的优势。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习11.Of equal importance are good study habits,useful skills and a positive attitude.同样重要的还有良好的学习习惯、实用的技能和积极的态度。(P3)【词汇精讲】attitude为名词,在句中表示“态度”。它还有“看法;意见;姿势”之意。Youth is simply an attitud

40、e of mind.青春仅仅是心态问题。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习【词汇拓展】an attitude to/towards 对的态度have/adopt/take a(n).attitude to/towards sb/sth对某人/事抱着的态度This very careful attitude to money can sometimes be regarded as being mean.这种对待金钱的谨慎态度有时会被认为是吝啬的。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习12.Carefully plan your study,set clear goals

41、 and balance your schoolwork with other activities.认真计划你们的学习,设定明确的目标,兼顾你们的功课和其他活动。(P3)【词汇精讲1】goal为名词,在此表示“目标”。它还有“目的;球门;进球得分”之意。They finally started attacking the opponents goal.他们终于开始向对方的球门发起进攻。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习【词汇拓展1】work towards a goal争取达到目标realize/reach/achieve/attain a goal达到目标set a goal设定目标Its easi

42、er to work towards a goal and succeed if it all makes sense.朝一个目标努力并取得成功是容易的,如果目标有意义的话。You need to set yourself some long-term goals.你得为自己定一些长期目标。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习【词汇精讲2】balance在句中为动词,表示“同等重视;(使)保持平衡;权衡重要性”。它还有名词用法,表示“均衡;平衡”。它还有“天平;平衡能力”之意。When you learn to ride a bike,you must le

43、arn to balance.你学骑自行车时必须学会平衡。【词汇拓展2】balanced adj.均衡的keep/lose ones balance 保持/失去平衡keep a balance(between A and B)(在A与B之间)保持平衡balance A against B权衡/比较A和Bkeep a balanced diet保持均衡的饮食重点词汇重点句式随堂练习It is very important to keep a balance between study and a social life.学习与社会生活保持平衡很重要。Traditional Chinese doc

44、tors believe that we need a balance between yin and yang to be healthy.传统的中医认为我们需要阴阳平衡才能健康。Before making the final decision,youd better balance the advantages against the disadvantages.在做最后决定之前,你最好权衡利弊。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习1.Of equal importance are good study habits,useful

45、 skills and a positive attitude.同样重要的还有良好的学习习惯、实用的技能和积极的态度。(P3)【句式剖析】该句实际上是一个倒装句。本句的句子正常结构是:Good study habits,useful skills and a positive attitude are of equal importance.of equal importance在句子中作表语。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习【句式拓展】“of+名词”结构可在句中作表语、后置定语和宾语补足语。(1)可以转化为同根形容词的“of+名词”结构,用来说明句子主语或所修饰词具有的作用、重要性或意义等。这类名词

46、有value,use,importance,help,benefit等。名词前可用no,some,any,little,much,great等词修饰,表明程度。常见的“of+名词”和同根形容词的转换如下:be of importance=be important重要的be of help=be helpful有帮助的be of use=be useful有用的be of value=be valuable 有价值的be of benefit=be beneficial有益的重点词汇重点句式随堂练习Listening more is of great help(=very helpful)to

47、English learners.多听对英语学习者来说是很有帮助的。In fact,sports can be of great benefit(=very beneficial)to our health.事实上,运动对我们的健康很有益。(2)不可以转化为同根形容词的“of+名词”结构,用来说明句子主语或所修饰词在重量、大小、颜色、类别等方面的特征。这类名词有color,size,age,height,weight,shape,type,kind,price,quality(质量)等,名词前可用different,the same,a(n)等来修饰。These pens are of man

48、y different colors.这些钢笔有许多不同的颜色。The two rooms are of a size/of the same size.这两个房间大小相同。Tom and I are of the same age.我和汤姆一样大。重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习重点词汇重点句式随堂练习2.In time you will find yourself growing into a well-rounded individual.最后,你们会发现自己逐渐全面成长。(P3)【句式剖析】本句是简单句,growing i

49、nto a well-rounded individual作宾语yourself的补足语。“find+宾语+动词-ing形式”结构是“find+宾语+宾语补足语”结构的一种,意为“发现正在”,宾语与作补足语的动词之间是逻辑上的主谓关系。When I went into her room,I found her reading a book.我走进她的房间时,发现她正在看书。(her与read是逻辑上的主谓关系)When I came in,I found all the students smiling at me.当我进来时,我发现所有的学生都冲着我微笑。(all the students

50、与smile是逻辑上的主谓关系)重点词汇重点句式随堂练习【句式拓展】“find+宾语+宾语补足语”的其他结构(1)find+宾语+形容词/副词I was just glad to find them alive.我很高兴地发现他们还活着。I called on her on my way home and found her out.我在回家的路上去拜访她,发现她不在家。(2)find+宾语+名词/介词短语I found it a boring film.我发现它是一部乏味的电影。When he woke up,he found himself in hospital.他醒来时,发现自己在医院


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