1、经贸公文翻译经贸公文翻译 1 1、经贸公文的主要功能及文体特点、经贸公文的主要功能及文体特点 2 2、主要翻译策略与方法、主要翻译策略与方法 3 3、公文翻译练习、公文翻译练习公文文本及其主要功能 广义的公文文体指政府(或机构)发布的各种公告、宣言、规章、法令、通告、启示、指令以及各类法律文书,狭义的公文文体只指法律文书。(刘宓庆)公文文体还应包括商业信函。“大的公司、企业与政府机构有类似之处。他们之间以及他们与顾客之间的书信往来是商业信函,但具有政府部门公函的某些特点”(丁往道)公文文本:信息型文本 1、信息型主体;2、公文的格式:约定俗成性和规约性;3、遣词:符合行业规范,严谨;4、公文文
2、本的“告知”和“规约”功能。公文汉译的五大要点:1、对原文的透彻理解;2、注意译语的语体;3、注意研究所涉及的专业内容、了解 专业词汇和术语;4、注意形式问题(程式、格式和体例问题);5、译文要贯彻统一性原则,避免一词多译;(刘宓庆)“统一”的原则,是指在汉英翻译过程中译名、概念、术语应始终保持统一,不允许将同一概念或术语随意变换译名。主要表现在:1、译中国特有的新生术语时,参照中国日报、中国翻译或北京周报等报刊上的译名。如:小康:fairly comfortable life 一刀切:impose uniformity 2、在翻译通用术语时,参阅国际商贸英语文献,保持商贸通用术语汉英译名的稳
3、定性和统一性。如:原产地原产地Original producing place?Place of origin贸易盈余Trade profit?Trade surplus可兑换货币Changeable currency?Convertible currency 免征进口税务的货物Import duty exempted goods?Free goods1、注重译文的尺牍规范 公文翻译强调规范性主要是指译文要符合尺牍,注意译文的文本格式和习惯套语。例如:项目招商通告 重庆南部新城开发建设重庆南部新城开发建设 征集策划运作单位征集策划运作单位 重庆主城区南部新城,面积33平方公里,重庆李家沱和马家
4、溪两座长江大桥横跨其间,是商家置业的黄金口岸。为实现国家西部大开发战略,我们计划进行 全面开发建设。诚征“新城”策划(规划)运作单位,有意者请与重庆市巴南区西部办联系。Request for Proposals for Development Plans The“New Town”Project of Chongqing The office of the Development of the Western Regions in Banan District,Chongqing City,invites qualified urban planners to submit proposals
5、 to design and plan the full-scale development of the New Town in the southern section of the city proper.The site of the project,with a total area of 33 square kilometers,is a spectacular setting strategically located,embracing the two Yangze River bridges at Lijiatuo and majiaxi.It is a port promi
6、sing unrivaled opportunities for commercial and real estate investments.The project is part of the effort to implement the national program for the development of the west regions of the country.A decision has thereof been made to carry out a full-scale development of the“New Town”project,which call
7、s for competitive proposals of development plans.Interested parties are advised to apply to the Office of Banan District for the Development of the Western Region.译文是把原文信息“填入”译文文本格式中,行文用字大相径庭,原文只是译文的“信息源”。2、避免歧义误解 公文文本翻译力求措辞严谨、文本正式,选词用字要一丝不苟,尽量避免歧义、误解、遗漏和差错,翻译时尤其不可望文生义。例如:因战争、火灾、洪水、禁运、爆炸、材料短缺、禁止进出口、
8、司法或政府限制、罢工或其他劳动问题,或其他当事人不能控制的原因而不能执行本合同时,双方均不负责任。Neither party hereto shall be responsible for the failure of performance hereunder if caused by war,fire,flood,embargo,explosion,shortage of materials,prohibition of import or export,judicial or governmental restrictions,strikes or other labor trouble
9、s,or any other causes beyond the control of the party,etc.在英语合同中“”shall”不单纯表将来,是表示应履行的义务、规定、要求等,主语是义务人,负有法律责任。试比较:Should you be unable to ship the goods by the time stipulated,please get in touch with us immediately.在商务合同中,要使用惯用的公文语副词,以使得译文结构严谨、逻辑严密、言简意赅。此类公文语副词为数不多。常用的这类副词是由here,there,where 等副词分别加上
10、after,by,in,of,on,to,under,upon,with 等副词构词。例如:Hereafter Thereafter Hereby Herein Therein,wherein Hereof Whereof Thereon;thereupon 从今以后,今后 此后,以后 以此、特此 在这方面,在这点上 在那方面,在那点上 关于这个、在本文中 关于那事(人或物)在其上 Hereunder Hereto whereto 在下面 对于这个 对于那个 因违反合同造成的损失,应由违反合同的一方承担经济责任。In case of any loss(es)caused by a breach
11、 of contract,the financial responsibility shall be borne by the part that has breached the contract.合同自签字之日起6个月仍不能生效,双方均有权解除合同。In case the contract cannot come into force within six months after the date of signing the contract,the contract shall be binding neither to party A,nor to party B.3、力求详尽 在
12、特定条件下,为保证精确性,宁可行文累赘,也不遗漏任何细节。Eg:The buyers obligation to pay the price includes taking such steps and complying with such formalities as may be required under the contract or any laws and regulations to enable payment to be made.买方支付价款的义务包括根据合同和任何有关法律和规章的步骤和手续,以便支付价款。在英文经贸合同中,同义反复的语言现象经常出现,这是合同文本的套语
13、,同时保证了合同的细致精确。例如:Terms and conditions 条款 Approve and examine 审批 Made and signed(entered into)签署 Null and void 无效 Keep and maintain 维护Example 2 买卖双方同意按下述条款购买出售下列商品并签订本合同。This Contract is made and entered into by and between the Buyer and the Seller,whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agree
14、s to sell the undermentioned commodity subject to the terms and conditions stipulated below.必要时双方可经协商修改本合同的有关条款。The sellers and the buyers agree that the relevant terms and conditions may be amended and revised through negotiation,as and when the need arises.合同无效或被撤销后,因该合同取得的财产,应当予以归还。The property a
15、cquired by either party as a result of a contract shall be returned to the other party after the contract is confirmed to be null and void or has been rescinded.在英译商务合同中,有时需要添加原文没有的细节,以使得合同翻译严密精确,避免歧义和误解。翻译练习 供方应保证自己是所提供的技术的合法拥有者,并且保证技术具有完整性、准确性、有效性、能够达到合同规定的目的。The supplier shall ensure that it is t
16、he lawful owner of the technology to be provided and that the technology provided is complete,accurate,effective and capable of attaining the technical targets specified in the contract.合营各方发生纠纷,董事会不能协商解决时,由中国仲裁机构进行调节或仲裁,也可由合营各方协议在其他仲裁机构仲裁。调解:conciliation 仲裁:arbitration Disputes arising between the
17、parties to a joint venture,which the board of directors fails to settle through consultation,may settle through conciliation or arbitration by an arbitrating body of China or through arbitration by an arbitrating body agreed upon by the parties.商务文本中的其他问题 在英语合同中,与时间有关的文字应严格慎重地处理,因为合同对时间的要求是准确无误。其中,合
18、同的起止时间更应强调清楚。英译起止时间时,常用以下结构来限定准确时间。例如:限定时间1、双介词自9月20日起,甲方已无权接受任何订单或收据。Party A shall be unauthorized to accept any orders or to collect any account on and after September 20.2、用 not(no)later than 表达“不迟于”本合同签字之日一个月内,即不迟于12月15日,你方须将货物装船。Party B shall ship the goods within one month of the date of signi
19、ng this Contract,i.e.not later than December 15.3、常用include的相应形式 inclusive,including,included 来限定含当日在内的时间。本证在北京议付,有效期至1月1日。This credit expires till January 1(inclusive)for negotiation in Beijing.Or:This credit expires till and including January 1 for negotiation in Beijing.装货须在2月6日至3月6日期间完成。(含2月6日和3
20、月6日)Shipment is to be effected from February 6 to March 6,both days included.限定金额 为避免金额数量的差漏、伪造或涂改,英译时常用以下措施把关。1、大写文字重复金额 英译金额须在小写之后,在括号内用大写文字重复该金额,即使原文合同中没有大写,英译时也有必要加上大写。例如:聘方须每月付给受聘方美元500元整。Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary of US$500(SAY FIVE HUNDRED US DOLLARS ONLY)当金额用数字书写时,金额数字必须紧靠货币符
21、号。外贸信函的翻译外贸信函的翻译外贸信函的特征 从选用的语言材料和表达手段来看,外贸信函具有如下特点:1、专业性:行业习语 2、实用性:满足交际的需要 3、规范性:行文固定,不求形式变化文本格式“尺牍”化(规范化)汉语商函:从旧公文演变而来,含有传统的“尺牍”特征。英语商贸信函:源于19世纪英国海外贸易信函文体,逐渐在行文措辞、结构章法、语体格式,甚至标题符号使用上形成了自己的规范。英语外贸信函的5C 原则:Conciseness Clarity Correctness Completeness Courtesy 外贸信函行文“尺牍”化特征主要表现在行文的起承转合处,表现为一些固定的套式,在使
22、用时,只需套用,无需自行表达。敬启者 谨上 兹复 兹谈及 特此奉告 承蒙好意 容此申谢 Dear Sirs,/Gentlemen:Yours faithfully,Sincerely yours In reply/answer to Referring to/as regards Wish to inform Through the courtesy of Thank you in advance for 多数情况下,汉英外贸信函中能找到相应功能的“尺牍”用语。例如:1、收悉、函悉、欣悉、顷闻等 你方9月8日来函收悉。We are in receipt of your letter of Se
23、pt.8.We acknowledge your letter of Sept.8.We make acknowledgement to your letter of Sept.8.We have for acknowledgement your letter of Sept.8.在当代商务信函中,这一套语有口语化趋势。例如:We have received your letter of You letter of is to hand.Your letter of has come to hand.Your letter of has come into our possession.2、如
24、蒙。,将不胜感激:We should be grateful/obliged/thankful if you should get for us some information about this company.It would be appreciated if you should get for us some information about this company.We should appreciate it if you should 3、谨告、告知、提醒等 谨告之(告之于人)谨告之(告之于人)装船单证正本正通过中国银行寄送你方。Please be advised th
25、at the originals of shipping documents are being sent to you through the Bank of China.请告之(告之于我)请告之(告之于我)你方具体要求,以便我方另寄目录和报价表。Please let us know your specific requirements in order for us to send you by separate mail our catalogue and quotation.我方现提醒你方注意。We wish to have your attention to 特此通知你方 This
26、is to inform you that We take the pleasure of informing you that Availing ourselves of this opportunity we wish to inform you that 4、随函附寄。,请查收。Enclosed please find two copies of our price list.Please find enclosed two copies of Enclosed are two copies of We are sending you under cover two copies of
27、We enclose two copies of“尺牍”用语在形式上其结构是固定的,表达上趋于一种常式,随意性小,内容上趋向于表达整体概念,不再强调单个语义成分在表层意义上的组合。专业化 现货 散装货 告罄 需求甚殷 市场疲软(价格)做不开 现货 散装货 告罄 需求甚殷 市场疲软(价格)做不开 Goods from stock Goods in bulk Be exhausted A brisk demand for A weak market Be not workable 以上术语是同一社会集团成员在特定范围内与特定对象为特定的目的就特定的内容而使用的业务专用语。例如:可供现货:We ca
28、n supply the goods from stock.We can supply the goods ex stock.The goods are in stock for supply.The goods are available for supply.无现货可供:The goods are out of stock.The goods are not available for supply.The stocks are exhausted.此货需求甚殷需求甚殷,故建议你方尽快惠赐试订单。We would suggest that you send us your trial or
29、der as soon as possible,as there is a brisk demand for this article.There is a heavy demand for There is a heavy commitment The rush of order(订单不断)你方123号报价单所报移动电话价格太高,做不开做不开。The price for Cellular Phones quoted in your Quotation No.123 is too high to be workable/unreasonable/impractical/infeasible/unrealistic.(经费)由(买方)负担:Should broader coverage be required,the extra premium is for the Buyers account.Be borne by the buyer Be charged to the Buyers account The Buyer shall bear the costs of