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1、Developing ideas From the 16th to the 19th century,millions of Africans were transported across the Atlantic to provide cheap labour for Europes colonies in the Americas.Slaves endured long journeys in terrible conditions on slave ships.After they arrived,they were sold to new owners.But their condi

2、tions did not improve.Daily life for a slave involved back-breaking labour.Slaves on cotton plantations worked from first light until nightfall.They were allowed only enough rest as was needed to keep them alive and able to work.Some slaves were allowed to have families,but what was only because the

3、ir children would become slaves as well.Salves were often physically abused by their owners,but with no legal rights,they were unable to protest against such bad treatment.Slave owners could punish their slaves however they wished.When Uncle Toms Cabin,a now-famous novel about the life of an old sla

4、ve,was published in 1852,it was still illegal for anyone in the United States to help a runaway slave.The novel aimed to attack the law and to convince the reader of the evils of slavery.Indeed,it helped make slavery less popular by revealing the miserable lives of slaves.The Face of Slavery1.How di

5、d slave owners regard their slaves?2.What was a slaves life like?They didnt regard them as humans but as animals,without respecting them.Daily life for a slave involved back-breaking labour.Slaves had to work all day long without enough rest.They were often physically abused by their owners and had

6、no legal rights.Look at the title and skim the passage.Choose the book in which you would most likely find the passage.1.The Power of Speech2.Famous US Presidents3.Great Battles in History 总统巨石位于美国美南达科他州境总统巨石位于美国美南达科他州境内的拉什莫尔山的东南坡上,是世界上内的拉什莫尔山的东南坡上,是世界上最大的人面雕刻。拉什莫尔山由于山上最大的人面雕刻。拉什莫尔山由于山上雕刻着四位美国总统的头像而

7、得名雕刻着四位美国总统的头像而得名“总总统山统山”。这四位总统是美国开国总统乔。这四位总统是美国开国总统乔治治华盛顿,华盛顿,独立宣言独立宣言起草人之一起草人之一的美国第三任总统托马斯的美国第三任总统托马斯杰斐逊,美杰斐逊,美国维护联邦统一、取得南北战争胜利的国维护联邦统一、取得南北战争胜利的总统亚伯拉罕总统亚伯拉罕林肯,现代美国之父、林肯,现代美国之父、第第2626任总统西奥多任总统西奥多罗斯福。罗斯福。Abraham Lincoln(February 12,1809 April 15,1865)served as the 16th President of the United State

8、s from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865.He successfully led his country through its greatest internal crisis,the American Civil War,preserving the Union and ending slavery.Fourscoreandsevenyearsagoourfathersbroughtforthonthiscontinentanewnation,conceivedinLibertyanddedicatedtotheprop

9、ositionthatallmenarecreatedequal.Nowweareengagedinagreatcivilwar,testingwhetherthatnationoranynationsoconceivedandsodedicatedcanlongendure.Wearemetonagreat battlefieldofthatwar.Wehavecometodedicateaportionofthatfieldasafinalresting-placeforthosewhoheregavetheirlivesthatthatnationmightlive.Itisaltoge

10、therfittingandproperthatweshoulddothis.87 87年前,我们的先辈们在这个大陆上创立了一个新国家,它孕育于自年前,我们的先辈们在这个大陆上创立了一个新国家,它孕育于自由之中,奉行一切人生来平等的原则。由之中,奉行一切人生来平等的原则。现在我们正从事一场伟大的内战,以考验这个国家,或者任何一个孕现在我们正从事一场伟大的内战,以考验这个国家,或者任何一个孕育于自由和奉行上述原则的国家是否能够长久存在下去。我们在这场战争育于自由和奉行上述原则的国家是否能够长久存在下去。我们在这场战争中的一个伟大战场上集会。烈士们为使这个国家能够生存下去而献出了自中的一个伟大战场






16、政府永世长存。Setting(date&place):On 19 November 1863,in a field in Gettysburg,Pennsylvania Background event:The Battle of Gettysburg in 1863,which resulted in over 50,000 casualties.How did Lincoln describe the founding of the US?It was a new nation conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the proposition th

17、at all men are created equal./It aimed at bringing freedom to the people and was based on the principle that all men are created equal.What challenges did the Civil War bring to the nation?It would test whether a nation conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created e

18、qual can long endure.How did Lincoln describe the men who fought in the war?They gave their lives so that their nation might live.They were brave men whose struggles had consecrated the ground.What was the“great task”that Lincoln described?That this nation shall have a new birth of freedom;and that

19、this government of the people,by the people,for the people,shall not perish from the earth.Who would be responsible for carrying out this task?The living should be dedicated to the task.Think&Share1.What was Lincolns purpose in giving the speech?2.Lincoln talked about government“of the people,by the

20、 people,for the people”.What does this mean?He wanted to give the people hope,belief and a reason to look to the future.“Of the people”means that government should be made up of or drawn from the people;“by the people”means that government should be run by ordinary people;“for the people”means that

21、government should use its power for the peoples benefit.3 What efforts to break boundaries are described in the two reading passages in this unit?In the first passage,doctors or other people of different backgrounds worked together to save people in danger.In the second passage,Lincoln called on the

22、 people of the United States to strive for a free nation where all men are equal.Work in groups.Give a talk about the significance of abolishing slavery in the US.The US was divided into states in the North that prohibited slavery,and states in the South which allowed slavery and depended upon slave

23、ry economically.Slavery was a very cruel institution,and caused great human suffering in the states that permitted it.Reliance on slavery also made the South less technologically advanced than the North.Slaves were freed and were regarded as equal under the law,at least in theory.In practice,black A

24、mericans continued to suffer great discrimination in the South for the next hundred years,until the birth of the modern civil rights movement in the 1960s.The legacy of slavery continues to affect race relations in the US today.The abolition of slavery made former slaves and their former masters equ

25、al before the law.This was the first step towards true equality.1 What was Lincolns purpose in giving the speech?A To declare a civil war.B In memory of the soldiers who died in the war.C To celebrate a victory.2 How long did the worst battle last?A One day.B Two days.C Three days.D Four days.3 What

26、 did Lincoln think the nation should altogether do in a fitting and proper way?A They should be engaged in the civil war.B They should devote to their nation for the dead soldiers.C They should meet there on a great battlefield of that war.D They should fight for freedom and equality.Reading compreh

27、ension4 How did Lincoln describe the men who fought in the war?A Brave and dedicated.B Selfless.C Generous.D Hard-working.5 What was the“great task”that Lincoln described?A Winning the war against South.B Achieving human equality.C Building a stronger America.D Making people live a better life.Abrah

28、am Lincoln,President of the United States of America,made a speech on 19 November,1863 in Gettysburg,Pennsylvania in memory of the soldiers who 1_(die).At that time,America was 2_(bitter)divided.For two years,its people had been deep in a civil war between South and North.The Union side won but 3_ a

29、 great cost.People lost hope and purpose.Lincoln understood the feelings of the 4_(civil)people.His speech gave them hope,5_(believe)and a reason to look to the future.He gave them a new vision of 6_ the United States of America should be,7_(base)on the ideals set down by its Founding Fathers 87 yea

30、rs before.8_ was what the soldiers had died for.Now it was up to the living 9_(remove)not only the divisions between North and South,10_ the boundaries between black and white,and work step by step towards the equality of humankind.had died bitterly at civilian belief what based It to remove but直击高考

31、直击高考1.Who was Edgar Snow?2.What did he do and what boundaries did he break?He was an American journalist who wrote influential books and articles about China in the 1930s.He actually spent time with the Chinese Red Army and listened to their stories and observed their day-to-day lives.He also conduc

32、ted interviews with Mao Zedong and other leaders.His book Red Star over China broke ideological boundaries by telling the stories of the Chinese communist movement from the inside.Write your speech.Complete the table to organise your own speech about another person who has helped to increase underst

33、anding between two countries.Good morning,everyone.Today Im going to introduce a great man who devoted his life to practising medicine for the people of China Dr Norman Bethune.He was born in 1890,in Canada.He was a complicated person who was both very creative and very stubborn.He was also very har

34、d-working,and wanted to make a difference in the world.In fact,he invented or improved numerous surgical procedures and surgical instruments.However,it was in China that he would break national boundaries by becoming one of the few Western doctors to help the Chinese in their wartime struggle.His co

35、ntribution to the welfare of the Chinese people was not only unusual,but immense.Having married a wealthy woman,Bethune had once enjoyed a luxurious lifestyle in Canada.However,his social conscience developed during the 1930s,with a visit to the Soviet Union and time as a surgeon during the Spanish

36、Civil War.In January 1938,he left Canada again,this time to help the soldiers in Chinas Eighth Route Army.It was no easy journey.Travelling thousands of kilometres,he did not reach Yanan until the end of March.By June,he was working at the front.He soon saw that the medical situation for the troops

37、and local people was bad.There were not enough medicines or surgical instruments,and the medical staff were not well trained.Bethune worked hard to help the wounded and train his staff,even inventing medical equipment that was suitable for guerilla warfare in China.The pace at which Bethune worked c

38、an be seen in a battle during April 1939,when he performed 115 operations in only 69 hours.The Chinese,though they sometimes found Bethune difficult because of his stubbornness,admired him greatly because of his ceaseless hard work and his dedication to helping the Chinese people.But tragedy struck

39、when Bethune cut himself while conducting an operation.He soon contracted blood poisoning and died on 12 November 1939.Dr Norman Bethune had worked tirelessly as a surgeon,teacher and hospital administrator for the Chinese people.Their struggle became his own.Although he was not Chinese,he sacrifice

40、d his life for them.In December 1939,Chairman Mao Zedong wrote an article“In Memory of Norman Bethune”,as a tribute to Bethune,and called on the Chinese people to learn from his example.Dr Norman Bethune remains the greatest inspiration for anyone who believes that we must fight alongside others for

41、 justice even if they are from a different nation to our own.Look at the pictures and make a list of boundaries in society.Choose one of the boundaries you have listed and talk about how to break that boundary by answering the questions.What led to the boundary?Who is affected by the boundary?What can be done to remove the boundary?How would society change if the boundary were removed?


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