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1、八年级(上)期末英语复习卷三第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共4小题,每小题6分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。AAndrew was a smart boy when he was young. He liked doing things in a way that he thought to be clever. But sometimes he made wrong choices(选择). One day, his father gave him ten dollars and asked him to buy some

2、 goldfish. When he got to the market,he found that the killifish looked like goldfish and that they were much cheaper. So he bought some killifish and kept the rest of the money for himself. When he got home, his father found what Andrew did at once. He put the fish in the tank (水槽)without saying an

3、ything first. The next day he said to his son,Andrew, do you know what you bought yesterday? Are they goldfish? Andrew didnt know what to say. His father went on,Well, Im happy that you know how to save money. I also know you are good at watching things around you. But its not right to be dishonest(

4、不诚实)From then on, Andrews father often asked him to do some chores, like buying daily things and helping his uncle in his storeSeveral years later, Andrew became a successful businessman. When talking about the key to his success, he said,Thanks to my father, I got to know myself well and developed

5、in a right way. (1)How much money did Andrew spend on the fish ?A. Just ten dollarsB. Almost ten dollarsC. Less than ten dollarsD. More than ten dollars(2)Which of the following is the RIGHT order according to the passage ?Andrews father saw the killifish. Andrew became a successful businessman. And

6、rew got ten dollars from his father.Andrew helped his uncle in the store. A. B. C. D. (3)Why did Andrew thank his father ?ABecause his father taught him how to grow in a right way.BBecause his father taught him how to look after himself. CBecause his father helped him to find a successful job. DBeca

7、use his father told him the importance of helping others. (4)What can we know from the passage ?AAndrew, in fact, liked the killifish more than the goldfish. BAndrews father got really mad as soon as he saw the killifish. CMany businessmen are successful because of their great fathers. DAndrews fath

8、er is smart because he knows how to help his son. BOn a cold January morning, Myron opened the Spencer Library in Iowa.She heard a cat cry and finally found a yellow cat in many books. His little feet were frozen, said Myron. We gave him a bath to warm him up. He purred the whole time so that we kne

9、w he liked us very much. That was 1988 and it was a story for Dewey, the cat who has lived happily among the books ever since. His story has a life of its own.Many people drive hundreds of miles just to see him.A group of Japanese TV workers came to make a short film of him. A few months after Dewey

10、 got better, a photo of the librarys new employee(员工) started to be in local(地方的)newspapers. Dewey grew from a popular local library employee to a national star with his pictures on calendars. However, he is not alone. Library cats greet people in about 125 libraries across America. Most live and wo

11、rk in comfortable, small town libraries and they dont get lost in the books. Library cats create a nice, warm atmosphere(气氛), says Gary Roma, producer of Puss in Books, the film about library cats. More children and elderly people come to the library because maybe they dont have pets in their homes,

12、 says Roma, Books, libraries and cats just go together.(1)Myron found the cat called Dewey in the of 1988.A.springB.summerC.autumnD.winter(2)The underlined word purred in the second paragraph probably means .A.felt angryB.felt happyC.got hungryD.got sleepy(3)A group of Japanese TV workers went to th

13、e library to Dewey.A.winB.nameC.filmD.feed(4)The best title for this passage should be .A.What a small cat Dewey is!B.Dewey:theres a cat in the library!C.How important the library cats are!D.From a common cat to an international star!CFrieda and her mother lived in an apartment in New York.Frieda ha

14、d no brothers or sisters.Her best friend was a very old woman named Maria and she lived downstairs.Marias biggest possessions(财产)were a dog named Javier and an album of photos(相册) from her family in Mexico.When she visited Maria,Frieda liked to study the album.Maria would begin by talking about her

15、friends and family members but would end by telling stories about birds in the rain forest near her family home.Frieda loved listening to these stories.She wanted to become a scientist to help save the rain forest.One night when Frieda was doing her homework she heard the fire trucks on the street.T

16、hen a firefighter was at their door.The top floors of the building were on fire.Friedas mother shouted,Get your iPad quickly and lets go! Frieda saved her money for a year to buy the iPad.Maria may need help, Frieda shouted as she ran to her friends apartment.The door was open.The firefighters helpe

17、d Maria and Javier downstairs.Frieda took the heavy photo album from the bookshelf where Maria always kept it. Frieda hurried downstairs.Friedas mother was worriedly waiting for her on the street.She saw her daughter only saved Marias photo album. Im sorry about your iPad, Friedas mother said.Thats

18、all right, Frieda said,I made the right choice. (1)Why did Frieda want to become a scientist? A.To save the rain forest.B.To help Maria and her cat.C.To become rich and famous.D.To have a better life for herself and her mother.(2)From the passage, we can infer(推断)that .a.Frieda is the only child of

19、her family.b.Frieda and her mother lived in Mexico before.c.The iPad was something meaningful to Frieda.d.The firefighters saved Maria and Javier out of the fire.e.Friedas mother felt angry because Frieda didnt get her iPad back.A.a b eB.a c dC.b c dD.c d e(3)What does the underlined word it refer t

20、o in Paragraph 4?A.The bookshelf.B.The photo album.C.The pet dog.D.The iPad.(4)Which of these sentences would be the best at the end of this story? A. Im tired of my iPad.B. Maria told me to save it.C. I didnt like anything else.D. I knew it meant a lot to Maria.DMost people have a place to call hom

21、e on Earth.What about in outer space? The International Space Station(ISS)became our first home in space in 2000. It welcomed its first astronauts that year and made the way for 20 years of future research(研究,探索). You just find that were all citizens(公民)of not a country,but of the planet, NASA astro

22、naut Scott Kelly told National Geographic about working in ISS. We are working together for the future of the humans. Over the past 20 years, the ISS has mainly been used as a science lab, with 241 people from 19 countries.They have gone on spacewalks, done research and even grown plants in space. T

23、he stations development(发展)is good for people on the earth.For example,the way how the station makes water clean helps poor villages to get better drinking water.The station also helps to tell us something terrible before it happens, such as earthquakes. However, after being our home in space for ov

24、er 7,000 days, the station is starting to get old.Scientists think that the station can keep working until 2024.After that,scientists will bring it down to the earth and most of it will be burned up.Other debris(残骸)will fall into the Pacific Ocean. In the future,space will be home to more stations l

25、ike the ISS. NASA is building a space station, smaller than the ISS, near the moon.(1)What is the first home to astronauts in outer space?A.NASA.B.ISS.C.National Geographic.D.The Pacific Ocean.(2)What can we know from what Scott Kelly said in Paragraph 2 ?A.Astronauts work for their own countries.B.

26、Astronauts work for the whole planet.C.Astronauts in ISS arent friendly to each other.D.Astronauts think they are just common people like us on the earth.(3)How does the development of ISS help people on the earth? A.People will take a trip on the moon one day.B.People learn how to work better in a

27、science lab.C.People in poor villages can get clean drinking water.D.People will be able to grow plants as well as astronauts in space.(4)What will happen to ISS in the future ? A.It will become a space station near the moon.B.It will become smaller and smaller as time goes by.C.It will still keep w

28、orking for at least 20 years from now on.D.It will come back to the earth and most of it will be burned up.第二节(共1小题,每小题10分,满分10分)下面文章中有五处(第31-35题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的首句。选项中有一项是多余选项。Do you like going to family parties? If you dont, you should change your mind and go to more family pa

29、rties. Going to family parties are good for you in many ways. (1) As time goes by, you may have more and more relatives. And you may not know some of them if they live too far away. Going to family parties can help you know each other. (2) During family parties, family members can talk about their p

30、roblems together. With more people there, you can get more advice. (3) Parents and children will plan many activities for the family. Family members can talk about their family plans, and plan new activities. (4) Not all children in the family are studying well in school. When the children talk toge

31、ther, those children who do well in their studies will help their cousins to do well in studies, too. (5) Through sharing a common meal, the relationship between family members is becoming much stronger. Now we can say that going to family parties is really helpful. So would you like to help your pa

32、rents plan a family party and invite your relatives to come and enjoy themselves with you during the winter vacation? A. There is no family without problems.B. You can make more money by going to more family parties.C. Family members can discuss family plans and activities during a party.D. Having n

33、ice food together makes the family relationship stronger.E. School children can talk with each other when they attend a family party.F. Family parties will help family members to know more and better about each other.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分15分)第一节:完形填空(共1小题,每小题15分,满分15分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)

34、中选出一个最佳选项。It was a Friday morning.I felt too(1) to drive my car, so I called a taxi.The taxi arrived at my door at 6:00 a.m.and I got into it. I was so busy looking for (2) in my bag that I didnt pay any attention to the driver. I just said, Please go right now! Im in a (3) ! Someone replied,Yes, ma

35、dam!. I was surprised when I heard a females(女性的)(4) . I stopped what I was doing for a second and (5) the driver.The driver was a young lady of about 20. It was my (6) time seeing a young lady driving a taxi! The car was running well towards my destination(目的地).It was quite a long way(7)_ my home.T

36、he driver was driving(8) well.I had travelled in taxi many times, but I had never seen a young lady driver!I really wanted to know why she had chosen this job, so I started a(an)(9) , if you dont mind, can I ask you some questions? Yes, madam, no problem. I guess you are well-educated. (10) , madam,

37、 I got my masters degree(硕士学位)in New York University last month. Oh, wow! (11) did you choose this job then, instead of going for a business or financial career(金融职业)? I could see her face in the mirror.She (12) and showed her opinion. Very politely, she said, I started to be greatly(13) driving whe

38、n I was a child.My childhood dream comes true now.I do respect(尊重)each and every job. I dont (14)_ whether a job is good or bad in other peoples eyes. I want a job where I can get satisfaction.I receive offers from big companies but I like this one better because I like it! (15)_ I cant get enough m

39、oney from the job, I love driving!Thats it. I was really amazed.(1)A.enjoyableB.crowdedC.boringD.lazy(2)A.somethingB.nothingC.anythingD.everything(3)A.testB.holidayC.hurryD.meeting(4)A.noiseB.soundC.voiceD.saying(5)A.looked forB.looked afterC.looked forward toD.looked at(6)A.firstB.secondC.thirdD.fo

40、urth(7)A.fromB.byC.acrossD.to(8)A.finallyB.trulyC.normallyD.beautifully(9)A.questionB.speechC.conversationD.invitation(10)A.NoB.YesC.OKD.All right(11)A.HowB.WhyC.WhereD.When(12)A.smiledB.stoppedC.sharedD.shook(13)A.interested inB.talented inC.serious aboutD.careful about(14)A.decideB.standC.understa

41、ndD.mind(15)A.UnlessB.AlthoughC.SinceD.As long as第二节:(共1小题,每小题10分,满分10分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。Have you read The Tale of Peter Rabbit? Its a very famous childrens book by Beatrix Potter. Beatrix was born(1) 1866. She and her brother kept many small animals as pets-rabbits

42、, pigs, frogs and even bats!(2) of them liked to draw their pets, but Beatrix liked drawing animals from her own imagination most. Beatrix was very smart and she was really interested in mushrooms! She even wrote a scientific paper about them, but(3) (woman)at that time couldnt be scientists. To mak

43、e some money, Beatrix started drawing cards about animals. She liked writing, too. One day, she wrote a letter to her(4) (friend)son, and told the story of Peter Rabbit. She decided (5) (make) the story into a book. The Tale of Peter Rabbit came out in 1902(6) it was a great success! In 1905, Beatri

44、x bought a farm in the Lake District. She learned about farming and bought more farms and land to help save the landscape(乡村风景). She enjoyed country life very much and played(7) important part in saving the environment. When Beatrix died, she (8) (leave)almost all her farms and land to the National

45、Trust. This charity(慈善机构)protects historic places and landscapes. You can even visit Hill Top Farm today. It looks nearly the same(9) it was when Beatrix lived there! So(10) you havent read The Tale of Peter Rabbit, or other Beatrix Potter books, why not visit your city library or bookshop today? 第四

46、部分 写作(共两节,满分10分)第一节:单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一词)。1Mom, Im h . Could I have some pieces of bread now?2Can you tell me how Chinese people c the Spring Festival? 3I believe there will be f factories and less pollution in the future.4Nancy, never tell strangers your

47、 address and your other p information online.5My brother bought two t and asked me to watch a movie with him this weekend.6The doctor told Tommy to take the m three times a day. He would get better soon.7My favorite s is, A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.8David asked his classmat


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