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1、20212021届全国新高考英语复习备考届全国新高考英语复习备考虚拟语气及应用 Subjunctive Mood and Its Application v To master the usage of subjunctive mood.2.To learn to analyze sentences with subjunctive mood and use it skillfully in writing.3.To increase the awareness of appreciating different sentences.Learning objectives Our first

2、football matchWe would have wonIf Jack had scored that goalIf wed had just a few more minutes,If we had trained harder,If we hadnt taken it easy,If we hadnt run out of energy,We would have wonIf wed been better 我们的第一场足球赛我们本来会夺冠如果杰克踢进了那个球,如果我们还有几分钟,如果我们训练的更刻苦,如果我们没有放松警惕,如果我们没有筋疲力尽,我们本来会夺冠,如果我们能做得更好。E

3、njoy a poem一、概念一、概念 虚拟语气用来表达说话人的虚拟语气用来表达说话人的主观愿望主观愿望、假假设设、或、或建议建议等,而不表示客观存在的事实。等,而不表示客观存在的事实。二、特点二、特点 用于用于条件状语条件状语从句,从句,名词性从句名词性从句(主语从句、主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句)以及其以及其他他特殊句型特殊句型中。中。虚拟语气虚拟语气 条件从句条件从句 主句主句 对对过去过去的假设的假设 对对现在现在的假设的假设 对对将来将来的假设的假设 did(be用用were)should+动词原形动词原形were+to do did(be用

4、用were)should/would/could/might+have+doneshould/would/could/might+do(一一)用于条件状语从句中用于条件状语从句中即时练习1.They might have found a better hotel if they_(drive)a few more kilometers.had driven2.Secondly,if _,I _ in the evening with my friends.(如果我是你,我会如果我是你,我会在傍晚和朋友一起散步在傍晚和朋友一起散步)I were youwould take a walkWere

5、I you,I would高考链接高考链接1.(2019.天津卷天津卷)The workers were not better organized,otherwise they _ _(accomplish)the task in half the time.would have accomplished 2.(2019.江苏卷江苏卷)What a pity!You missed the sightseeing,or we _ (have)a good time together.would have had总结:总结:If If 从句中特别注意从句中特别注意虚拟语气中的虚拟语气中的if的省略

6、:的省略:当条件状语从句的谓语部分含有当条件状语从句的谓语部分含有had,should或或were 时,时,可以把连词可以把连词if省略,而将省略,而将 had,should或或were 提提 到句首,把句子写成倒装句。到句首,把句子写成倒装句。2.含蓄虚拟条件句含蓄虚拟条件句 假设的情况并不以假设的情况并不以if引导的条件从句形式表示出来,而引导的条件从句形式表示出来,而 是通过一个是通过一个介词短语或其他方式表示。介词短语或其他方式表示。常用的词或者短语:常用的词或者短语:without,but for,but,otherwise 习题呈现习题呈现(二二)用于用于wish/as if/if

7、 only句型中:句型中:as if/if onlyhad+donedid(be用用were)would/could/might+do我是多么希望没有浪费那么多宝贵的时间啊!我是多么希望没有浪费那么多宝贵的时间啊!How I wish I hadnt wasted so much valuable time!I hadnt wasted so much valuable time!If only_即时练习即时练习as if/thoughas if/though用法用法 It looks as if its going to rain.They seem as if they were brot

8、hers.:as if/though as if陈述事实陈述事实 陈述语气陈述语气假设假设 虚拟语气虚拟语气表表“建议、命令、要求建议、命令、要求”的动词的的动词的宾语宾语从句要用虚拟语从句要用虚拟语气,即气,即(should+do)。其他名词性从句其他名词性从句(主语主语,表语表语,同位语从句同位语从句)中谓语动词也用中谓语动词也用虚拟语气,即虚拟语气,即“(should)+do”1)坚持:坚持:insist2)命令:命令:order,command 3)建议建议:suggest,advise,propose,recommend4)要求要求:demand,desire,require,req

9、uest(三三)用于部分名词性从句中用于部分名词性从句中Our teachers advise that we should study harderOur teachers advice is that we should study harder 用主语从句常用句型用主语从句常用句型(据据)或同位语从句或同位语从句表达更高级:表达更高级:1.Its requested/suggested/ordered/desired/proposedthat (should)do应用与挑战应用与挑战2.Youd better follow my suggestion/advice that (shoul

10、d)do常见问题常见问题Its highly suggested that.(四四)用于特殊句式用于特殊句式“早该做某事了早该做某事了”的固定句型的固定句型Its(high/about)time that主语主语+did主语主语+should+do(should 不可省略)不可省略)即时练习即时练习1.真是到了我们该更加努力学习的时候了。真是到了我们该更加努力学习的时候了。Its high time that we should study harder we studied harder2.真是到了我们该重返校园的时候了。真是到了我们该重返校园的时候了。Its right time that

11、 we should go back to school.we went back to 虚拟语气应用与实践虚拟语气应用与实践(一一)用于应用文写作:用于应用文写作:(1)(1)常用句型常用句型:(:(表示委婉礼貌的语气表示委婉礼貌的语气)I would greatlyappreciate it ifI would be grateful ifyou could confirm your participation/if you could join us 表邀请表邀请you could really lend me a hand./you could be so kind to 表求助表求助

12、you could offer me the chance to/you could take my application into consideration.表申请表申请/自荐自荐you could give me a satisfactory reply/you could give attention to the matter./you could take my complaints seriously.表投诉表投诉/争端争端写作案例写作案例wouldcould(2)(2)表感谢表感谢/歉意歉意A.I would like to covey my sincere gratitud

13、e /apology to you for B.If/Without/But for(your help/professional assistance),I would not have(made such remarkable achievements).写作案例写作案例(二二)用于读后续写用于读后续写 环境细节描写环境细节描写The house is so grand that we feel as if we lived in a castle.2.外貌细节描写外貌细节描写He looks as though he hadnt had a meal for months.3.动作细节描

14、写动作细节描写Tears falling into his lap,he hung his head,feeling as if the world were at an end.4.心理活动细节描写心理活动细节描写“Had I not quarreled with Tom,walked away and climbed to the high place,I wouldnt be trapped in this awful place.”Jane regretted with endless anxiety.Jane thought to herself,“I shouldnt quarre

15、l with Tom,now I was trapped in the place.Its terrible!”写作案例写作案例Had she controlled have calmly心理描写心理描写hadnt quarreled外貌描写外貌描写动作描写动作描写巩固与提升巩固与提升结合提示,用虚拟语气完成下面短文。结合提示,用虚拟语气完成下面短文。This years Spring Festival is different from previous years.The outbreak of novel coronavirus changed our life completely.I

16、f the epidemic(疫情疫情)_(没有爆发没有爆发),we _ the same life as usual.(会过着与以前一样的会过着与以前一样的生活)生活)If the epidemic _(现在得到了彻底的控制现在得到了彻底的控制)thoroughly now,we _wholeheartedly in our beautiful school.(会在美丽的校园里专心地学习会在美丽的校园里专心地学习)hadnt broken outwould livewere controlledwould be studying Luckily,in China,we are all fig

17、hters.Without the leading experts like Zhong Nanshan,we_(我们不知道如何来阻止病毒的传播我们不知道如何来阻止病毒的传播).Without those doctorsand nurses who risk their lives to save others,more people_(更多人会死去更多人会死去).Now,Chinas anti-epidemic war has won preliminary victory,but it is still suggested that everyone_(外出要带口罩外出要带口罩)when

18、going out and _(不要去人群聚集的地方)(不要去人群聚集的地方)would nt have known how to prevent the spread of the virus.would have diedshould wear masksshould wear masksnot go to places where people gathernot go to places where people gather No one knows how long it will last.How I wish the epidemic_(疫情(疫情会尽早结束会尽早结束)and

19、everything_(一切恢复正常一切恢复正常)Its high time that people all over the world_(团结一致团结一致).Were firmly convinced that we will win!would be over as soon as possiblewould be back to normalunited as one/should unite as oneLive as if you were to die tomorrow,learn as if you were to live forever.(珍惜每分每秒,不断学习充实自己)(珍惜每分每秒,不断学习充实自己)像你明天就要死去般地活着,像你会获得永生般地学习像你明天就要死去般地活着,像你会获得永生般地学习Homework 1.Summarize what weve learned and finish your notes.2.Finish the exercises attached.


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