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1、An apple a day keeps the doctor away.It makes us healthy.(健康的健康的)/e/Give some suggestions(说说你的建议)说说你的建议)MiaomiaoMingmingYuanyuan(你想和谁交朋友?)(你想和谁交朋友?)ZhuangzhuangMiaomiaoMingmingYuanyuan(你想和谁交朋友?)(你想和谁交朋友?)Zhuangzhuangdo sportseverydayhave enough sleepplay computer games longeat fruit and vegetablesea

2、t junk food(快速默读短文,在相应栏里打(快速默读短文,在相应栏里打“”)A:How can we keep healthy?B:We should sleepdo sportseverydayhave enough sleepplay computer games longeat fruit and vegetableseat junk food(快速默读短文,在相应栏里打(快速默读短文,在相应栏里打“”)A:How can we keep healthy?B:We should Its good for our health.wind windy cloudcloudy heal

3、th(健康健康)healthy(健康的健康的)A:How can we keep healthy?B:We should every day.(do sports/have enough sleep/eat fruit and vegetables/)两人一组做对话两人一组做对话(再读短文,画出问题的答案)(再读短文,画出问题的答案)What shouldnt we do?We shouldnt play computer games for too long.We shouldnt eat too much junk food.Junk food垃圾食品垃圾食品 It makes us fa

4、t.What do you want to say?(你想对他们说点什么?).(听录音,模仿跟读听录音,模仿跟读)Practice TimeYou may just tell me or .I can judge!I can judge!请同学们用请同学们用 Yes 或者或者 No 真诚地回答老师。真诚地回答老师。Practice TimeI can judge!We should do sports every day!We should have enough sleep!We should play computer games for too long!We shouldnt eat

5、too much junk food.We shouldnt eat fruit and vegetables every day!Practice Time I can say!Rules:work in groups of four.Each student says a sentence about the text.The others judge.(四人一小组,每人说一句,同时其他三人做裁判。)四人一小组,每人说一句,同时其他三人做裁判。)How can we keep healthy?We should Its good for our health.We shouldnt Its

6、 bad for our health.How can we keep healthy?We should eat _ and vegetables every day.We _ eat too much junk food.We should have enough _.We shouldnt go to bed late.We should do sports every day.It makes us _ and strong.We shouldnt play computer games for too long.Its _for our eyes.badshouldntsleephe

7、althyfruit(读一读,完成短文)(读一读,完成短文)How can we keep healthy?We should eat _ and vegetables every day.We _ eat too much junk food.We should have enough _.We shouldnt go to bed late.We should do sports every day.It makes us _ and strong.We shouldnt play computer games for too long.Its _ for our eyes.badshou

8、ldntsleephealthyfruitTips:1.Discuss in your groups of four.(四人一小组讨论)四人一小组讨论)2.Make a poster.(在小组内做一张海报)在小组内做一张海报)3.Report to the front.(以小组为单位到前面来汇报)以小组为单位到前面来汇报)Hello,everyone!Im Im Im Im There are many good habits and bad habits in our life.We should We shouldntLets keep good habits.Its good for us!1.Listen and read the passage.(听录音,熟读课文听录音,熟读课文)2.Talk about how to keep healthy with your friends.(和你的朋友说说如何保持健康和你的朋友说说如何保持健康)3.Write 1 or 2 suggestions to your friend.(给朋友写给朋友写1 1条或条或2 2条保持健康的建议条保持健康的建议)


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