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1、Unit Four:Earthquakes Period One:Warming up and speakingHow many natural disasters do you know?typhoon台风台风drought干旱干旱earthquakevAn earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earths crust.vEarthquakes may result in disease,lack of basic necessities,loss of life,general property dam

2、age,road and bridge damage and sometimes landslides,fires,flood and even tsunamis.二十世纪和二十一世纪的大地震1906年4月18日,美国旧金山发生8.3级地震1923年9月1日,日本国关东平原发生8.3级海洋型大地震1960.5月22 智利 9.5级大地震 1976年7月28日,位于中国东部的唐山发生7.8级大地震。震中烈度为11度。地震释放能量相当于400颗广岛原子弹爆炸。导致有百万人口的唐山市彻底毁灭。242769万人死亡。创20世纪地震死亡人数和地震毁灭城市之最。2008年5月12日14时28分04秒:中国

3、汶川发生8.0级地震,8万人遇难;2010年04月14日07时49分许:中国青海省玉树藏族自治州玉树县发生7.1级地震 2011年3月11日13点46分,日本发生9.0级地震,并引发海啸与核泄漏爆炸。2014年8月3日16时30分 在云南省昭通市鲁甸县(北纬27.1度,东经103.3度)发生6.5级地震What shall we do if an earthquake happens?Some tips for youvDont be nervous and keep calm.vDont try to run out of the classroom.vProtect your head b

4、y putting your bag on your head.vSquat or sit down under your desk.vLeave the classroom after the earthquake.watermoneyidentity cardfoodclothesmappictures of familymobile phoneWhat will you take?Why?flashlightwhistleUnit Four:Earthquake Period Two:ReadingRead the text silently and quickly and try to

5、 get the information about the following questions.1.When and where did the earthquake happen?2.How many people died or injured in this earthquake?3.What was the damage in this earthquake?What do you think will happen before an earthquake?Bright light flashes in the skyThe well has deep cracks in it

6、,and the water in it rises and fallsChickens are flying and dogs are barking,and pigs and cows are too nervous to eat.Fish jump out of the pond,and mice run wildly out of the fields.What is the result after an earthquake?People were injured.The city was in ruins.Roads might crack.The buildings fell

7、downQ1:An earthquake happened in Tangshan,Hebei,on July 28th,1976.How many parts can this passage be divided into?Three parts Do you know the main idea of each part?Part 1Paragragh1Part 2Paragraph 2.3Part 3Paragraph 4The main idea of each part:time orderPart 1.(Para.1)Before the earthquakePart 2.(Pa

8、ra.2,3)During the earthquakePart 3.(Para.4)After the earthquakeSomething strange happened in Tangshan the destroy of the earthquake in Tangshanthe rescue of TangshanA the army came to help themB the quake happened while they were sleepingC they were nervousD dames and wells were uselessE they didnt

9、know the quake caused the strange things1 The chickens didnt eat because2 Before the earthquake the people didnt worry because3 Such a great number of people died because4 Water was needed because5 The people did not lose hope becauseRead the text aloud and join the correct parts of the sentences.Tr

10、ue or false1.People in Tangshan were warned of the earthquake and didnt go to bed that night.2.People in Beijing also felt the earthquake.3.More than 400,000people were killed in the quake.4.Many rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins during the aftershock.5.People tried to get fres

11、h water from under the ground.FTFTFDetailed-readingMain IdeaDetails_ things were happening in the countryside in northeast Hebei.The water in the wells _ and _.A _ gas came out of the cracks.The chickens and pigs were too _ to _.Fish _out of the bowls and ponds.Mice _ out of the fields.At _ am on Ju

12、ly 28,1976,people saw _ _ in the sky.signs before the earthquake Para.1Fill in the blanksFill in the blanksStrangerosefellsmellynervouseatjumpedran3:00bright lightsMain IdeaDetailsAt _ am,the _ earthquake of the 20th century began._ burst from holes in the ground.Hard hills of rock became rivers of

13、_._ covered the ground like red autumn leaves.Two _ and most of the bridges fell.The railway tracks were now _pieces of _._ now filled the wells instead of water.Water,food and _ were hard to get.Damage caused byearthquakePara.2-3Fill in the blanksFill in the blanks3:42greatestSteamdirtBricksdamsuse

14、lesssteelSandelectricityMainidea EventResult after that _ not lost_ sent 150,000 soldiers _built shelters for survivors_taken to the city The city b e g a n to breathe againhope armyworkersfresh water of the nation felt the earthquake.A huge crack that was kilometres long and metres wide cut across

15、houses.In terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.of the people died or were injured during the earthquake.The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than .All of the citys hospitals,_ of its factories and buildings and of its homes were gone.1/3830152/3400,00075%90%Para.2-3conc

16、lusion:Sum up the main idea of the passage:_ happened in Tangshan.For a few days,water in the wells _.From the _ of wells _came out.Mice,chicken,pigs and even fish became _.At 3:00 am,everything began to _.It seemed that the world was _._ of the nation _ it._ cut across the city.The city lay _.Stran

17、ge thingsrose and fellcrackssmelly gasnervousshakeat an endOne-thirdfeltA huge crackin ruinsTwo-thirds of the people died or _.Then later that afternoon,another big quake _ Tangshan.People began to wonder _.But all hope _.Soldiers came to help those _.Slowly,the city began to _.were injuredshookhow

18、long the disaster would lastwas not lostsurvivorsbreathe againFilling the blacks with the first given letter:Several days before July 28,1976,many s_things happened in Tangshan.They were signs for the e_.But people in the city of Tangshan didnt think m_of these.At 3:42am that day,the earth began to

19、s_,which d_the city.trangearthquakeuchhakeestroyedMany people,including workers and doctors,came to r_those t_under the ruins.Later that afternoon,another big earthquake struck Tangshan.More people were killed or injured and more buildings f_down.Soldiers were called in to help the rescue workers.T_were organized to dig out the trapped and b_the dead.escuerappedelleamsuryTangshans new lookvLearn the useful words and expressions by heart.vRecite the 2nd para.


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