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1、2016 年 12 月大学英语 四级考试真题(第一套)Part I Writi ng(30 minu tes)(请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试力考试)Directi ons:For thispart,you areallowed30 min utesone is totakea jobmake a choiceto write an essay.ina compa ny and theSupposeotheryou have two optio nsupon graduatio n:school.You are toto go

2、 to a graduatebetwee n the two.Writean essayto expla in the reas ons for your choice.You should write at least 120 words but nomore tha n 180 words.Much controversyhas been aroused about whether the studentsshould find a jobor start their own bus in ess after graduati on.Taking a look around,we can

3、find that some graduates bustlearound job markets,while others choose to run a shop on TMall.However,I prefer the former choice.From my perspective,there are good reas ons to find a job in the first severalyears after their graduation.First and foremost,if a graduate intends to accumulate working ex

4、perienee andlearn from the seniors,it is advisable for him to find a job.It is an undeni able fact that the theoretical knowledge will provide thegraduates with the ability to considerthingscomprehensively,however,only underthe integration with practice can the rigid knowledge be useful for their fu

5、ture developme nt.In evitably,doingsometh ing small is the premise of un dertaki ng someth ing great.Take Jack Ma,the foun der of Alibaba andtaobao,for example.He also finds some jobs beforeestablishingfor his later success.Consequently,it is of great necessity to find a job after graduation.I firml

6、yfoundationhis own career,laying a solidbelieve that it will continue to bring about more returns to our life and future.Part II Liste ning Comprehe nsion(25 mi nu tes)Section ADirecti ons:In this secti on,you will hear three n ews reports.At the end of each news report,you willhear two or three que

7、stions.Both the news report and the questi ons will be spoke n only on ce.After you heara questi on,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark thecorresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questi ons 1 and 2 are based on th

8、e n ews report you have just heard.1.A)It was going to be renovated.B)He could no Ion ger pay the rent.C)It was dan gerous to live in.D)He had sold it to the royal family.【答案】【答案】C2.A)A storm.B)A strike.C)A forest fire.D)A terrorist attack.【答案】【答案】AQuesti ons 3 and 4 are based on the n ews report yo

9、u have just heard.3.A)They lost con tact with the emerge ncy departme nt.B)They were injured by suddenly falling rocks.C)They sent calls for help via a portable radio.D)They were trapped in an underground elevator.【答案】【答案】D4.A)They provided the miners with food and water.B)They sent supplies to keep

10、 the miners warm.C)They released the details of the accident.D)They tried hard to repair the elevator.【答案】【答案】BQuesti ons 5 to 7 are based on the n ews report you have just heard.5.A)Raise postage rates.B)Improve its services.C)Close some of its post offices.D)Redesign delivery routes.【答案】【答案】C6.A)C

11、los ing offices on holidays.B)Shorte ning bus in ess hours.C)Computerizing mail sorting processes.D)Stopping mail delivery on Saturdays.【答案】【答案】D7.A)A lot of con troversy will arise.B)Taxpayers will be very pleased.C)Many people will beg in to compla in.D)Many post office staff will lose their jobs.

12、【答案】【答案】DSecti on BDirecti ons:In this secti on,you will hear two long conv ersati ons.At the end of each conv ersati on,you willhear four questi ons.Both the conv ersati on and thequesti ons will be spoke n only on ce.After you hear aquesti on,you must choose the best answer from the four choices m

13、arked A),B)y C)and D).Then mark thecorresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.8.A)He will lose part of his pay.B)He will go through retraining.C)He will be given a warning.D)He will be kept from pro

14、motion.【答案】【答案】A9.A)He is an experie need press operator.B)He is a trustworthy guy.C)He is always on time.D)He is on good terms with his workmates.10.A)She is a trade union represe ntative.B)She is a senior manager of the shop.C)She is better at handling such matters.D)She is in charge of public rel

15、ations.【答案】【答案】C11.A)He is always tryi ng to stir up trouble.B)He is skilled and experieneed.C)He is very close to the manager.D)He is always complaining about low wages.【答案】【答案】AQuestions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12.A)Ope n.B)Reserved.C)Selfish.D)Friendly.【答案】【答案】B

16、13.A)They read a book.B)They talk about the weather.C)They stay quiet.D)They chat with fellow passengers.【答案】【答案】C14.A)She was unwilling to make friends with workmates.B)She was n ever in vited to a colleagueC)She was eager to visit an English castle.D)She was always treated as a foreigner.s home.【答

17、案】【答案】B15.A)Houses are much more quiet.B)They want to have more space.C)They want a garden of their own.D)Houses provide more privacy.【答案】【答案】DSection CDirecti ons:In this secti on,you will hear three passages.At the end of eachpassage,you will hear three orfour questi ons.Both the passageand the qu

18、esti onswill be spoke n only on ce.After you hear a questi on,you must choose the best an swer from the fourchoices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresp onding letteron An swer Sheet 1 with a sin gle line through the cen tre.Questi ons 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16.

19、A)They will automatically be given hiring priority.B)They don t have to go through job in terviews.C)They are likely to get much higher pay.D)They don t have much choice of jobs.【答案】【答案】A17.A)Visit the school careers service.B)Ask their professors for help.C)Look at school bulletin boards.D)Go throu

20、gh campus newspapers.【答案】【答案】A18.A)Providing students with information about the library.B)Helping students arrange appointments with librarians.C)Supervis ing study spaces to en sure a quiet atmosphere.D)Helping students find the books and journals they need.【答案】【答案】CQuesti ons 19 to 21 are based o

21、n the passage you have just heard.19.A)It tastes better.B)It may be sold at a higher price.C)It is easier to grow.D)It can better survive extreme weathers.20.A)It can grow in drier soil.B)It is immune to various diseases.C)It will replace green tea one day.D)It is healthier than green tea.【答案】【答案】D2

22、1.A)It does not have a stable market.B)It has made tea farmers life easier.C)It does not bring the promised health ben efits.D)It has been well received by many tea drinkers.【答案】【答案】AQuesti ons 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.22.A)They care more about en viro nment.B)They decor

23、ate their homes themselves.C)They prefer unique objects of high quality.D)They need decorations to show their status.【答案】【答案】C23.A)They made great contributions to society.B)They could only try to create at ni ght.C)They were proud of their creati ons.D)They focused on the quality of their products.

24、【答案】【答案】B24.A)Iden tify fake crafts.B)Make wise choices.C)To arouse public in terest in crafts.D)To boost the local economy.【答案】【答案】B25.A)To attract foreig n in vestme nts.B)To preserve the traditional culture.C)Desig n han dicrafts themselves.D)Lear n the importa nee of creati on.Part III Read ing

25、Comprehe nsion(40 minu tes)Section ADirecti ons:In this secti on,there is a passage with ten bla nks.You are requiredto select one word for each bla nk from a list of choicesgive n in a word bank follow ingthe passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the b

26、ank is identified bya letter.Please mark the corresp onding letterfor each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words inthe bank more tha n on ce.Many men and women have long bought into the idea that there are“male”andbetween thefemale”brains,belie

27、vingthat explainsjust about every differeneesexes.A new study _26_ that belief,questi oning whether brains really can be distinguished by gender.In the study,Tel Aviv Un iversity researchers _27_ for sex differe nces throughout the en tire huma nbrain.27._A)abnormalB)appliedC)brieflyD)categorizingE)

28、challengesF)figureG)percentageH)provingI)regardlessJ)searchedK)similaritiesL)slightlyM)suggestsN)tastesAnd what did they find?Not much.Rather than offeras male”orevideneefor28 brainswith“emale,”research shows that bra ins fall into a wide ran ge,most people falling right in the middle.28._A)abno rma

29、lB)appliedC)brieflyD)categoriz ingE)challe ngesF)figureG)perce ntageH)prov ingI)regardlessJ)searchedK)similaritiesL)slightlyM)suggestsN)tastesO)traditio nalDaphna Joel,who led the study,said her research found that while there aresome gen der-based _29_,many differe nt types of brain can always bedi

30、st in guished by gen der.29._A)abno rmalB)appliedC)brieflyD)categoriz ingE)challe ngesF)figureG)perce ntageH)provingI)regardlessJ)searchedK)similaritiesL)slightlyM)suggestsN)tastesO)traditionalWhile the“average”male and“average”female brains were _30_ different,you could n t tell itby look ing at in

31、 dividual brain sca ns.Only a small _31_ of people had“all-male”or“all-female”characteristics.30._31._A)abnormalB)appliedC)brieflyD)categorizingE)challengesF)figureG)percentageH)provingI)regardlessJ)searchedK)similaritiesL)slightlyM)suggestsN)tastesO)traditionalLarry Cahill,an America n n euroscie n

32、tist(神经科学家神经科学家),said the study is animporta nt additi on to a grow ing body of research questi oning _32_ beliefs aboutgen der and brainfun cti on.But he cautio nedaga instcon clud ing from this studythatall brains are the same,_33_ of gen der.32._33._A)abnormalB)appliedC)brieflyD)categorizingE)cha

33、llengesF)figureG)percentageH)provingI)regardlessJ)searchedK)similaritiesL)slightlyM)suggestsN)tastesO)traditionalThere s a mountain of evide nee _34_ the importa nee of sex in flue nces atlevels of brain fun cti on,M he told The Seattle Times.34._A)abno rmalB)appliedallC)brieflyD)categorizingE)chall

34、engesF)figureG)percentageH)provingI)regardlessJ)searchedK)similaritiesL)slightlyM)suggestsN)tastesO)traditionalIf anything,he said,the study _35_ that“eve n whe n we are not clearexactly how.35._A)abnormalB)appliedC)brieflyD)categorizingE)challengesF)figureG)percentageH)provingI)regardlessgender pla

35、ys”rolein the braina very importantJ)searchedK)similaritiesL)slightlyM)suggestsN)tastesO)traditionalSecti on BDirecti ons:In thissecti on,you are going to read a passage withten stateme ntsattached to it.Each stateme nt contains in formatio ngive n in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph fro

36、m which the information is derived.You may choose aparagraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer thequesti ons by marki ng the corresp onding letter on An swer Sheet 2.Can Burglars Jam Your Wireless Security System?A)Any product that promises to protect your home deserves ca

37、refulexam in atio n.So it isnt surprisingthat you II find plenty of strong opinions about the potential vuln erabilities of popular home-security systems.B)The most likely type of burglary(入室盗窃入室盗窃)by far is the unsophisticatedcrimeof opportunity,usually involving a broken window or some forced entr

38、y.Accordingto the FBI,crimes like these accounted for roughly two-thirds of all household burglaries in the US in 2013.The wide majority of the rest were illegal,unforced entries that resulted from something like a window beingleft open.The odds of criminal using technical means to bypass a security

39、 system are so small that theFBI doesn t even track those statistics.C)One of the main theoreticalhome-security concerns is whether or nota givensystem is vuln erable to being blocked from work ing altogether.With wired setups,the fear is that a burglar(by cutting the right cable.入室盗贼入室盗贼)might be a

40、ble to shut your system down simplyWith a wireless setup,you stick battery-poweredsensorsup around your home that keep an eye on win dows,doors,moti on,and more.If theydetectsomethingwrong while the system is armed,they llthat willtransmita wireless alertsignal to a base stationmost cord-cutt ingthe

41、n raise the alarm.That approach will eliminateconcerns but what about their wireless equivale nt,jam ming?Withthe right device tuned to the right frequency,what s to stop a thief from jamming your setup and block ing thatalert sig nal from ever reach ing the base stati on?D)Jamming concernsare nothi

42、ng new,and they re not unique to security systems.Any device that s built to receive a wireless sig nal at a specific freque ncy canbe overwhelmed by a stron ger sig nal coming in on the same freque ncy.let s say you wan ted toto do is yell in the liste nerFor comparis on,“jam”a con versati on betwe

43、e n two people all you d n eed s ear.E)Security devices are required to list the freque ncies they broadcast onthat means that a potential thief can find what they need to know with minimalGoogli ng.They will,however,have a sig n in your yard declari ng what setup you use,thatright directi on,though

44、 at that point,wen eed to know what system they re look ingfor.If youd point them in there talki ng about a highly targeted,semi-sophisticated attack,and not the sort of forced-e ntry attack that makes upthe majority of burglaries.It s easier to find and acquiresome frequencies than it is for others

45、.F)Wireless security providers will ofte n take steps to help combat thejam ming equipme nt forthreatdisti ncti on,utilizesof jammi ng attacks.SimpliSafe,winner of our Editors Choicea special system thats capable of separati ng in cide ntal RF in terfere nee fromtargeted jamming attacks.When the sys

46、tem thinks it s being jammed,it ll notify you via push alert(推送警推送警报报).From there,it s up to you to sound the alarm manually.G)SimpliSafe was singled out in one recent article on jamming,complete witha videoshow ing the en tiresystem being effectively bypassed with han dheld jam mingequipme nt.After

47、 tak ing appropriate measure to contain the RF in terfere nee to our test lab,we tested theattack out for ourselves,and were able to verify that it is possible with the right equipment.However,we alsoverified that SimpliSafes anti-jammingsystem works.It caught us in the act,sent an alert to my smart

48、phone,on the system s eve nt log.The team beh ind theand also listed our RF in terfere neearticle and video in question make no mention of the system,or whether or not it detected them.H)We like the unique nature of that software.It means that a thief likely wouldnt be able to Google how the system

49、works,then figure out a way around itEve n if they could,SimpliSafeclaims that its system is always evo Iving,and thatit varies slightly from system to system,which means therewouldn t be a universalmagic formula for crack ing it Other systems also seem con fide nt on the subject of jamming.The team

50、 atFrontpoint addresses the issue in a blog on its site,citing their own jam protecti on software and claimi ng thatthere arencases of a successful jam attack since the compa ny bega n offeri ngsen sors in the 1980s.t any docume ntedwireless securityl)Jam ming attacks are absolutely possible.As said


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