1、欢度元 想起航2 0 2 3 年 中 小 学 校 喜 迎 元 旦 联 欢 晚 会晚会流程0102030405060708091011121314The average person is always waiting for an opportunity to come The average person is always waiting for an The average person is always waiting for an opportunity to come The爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。千门万户曈曈日,总把新桃换旧符。王安石元旦The average pers
2、on is always waiting for an opportunity to come The average person is always waiting for an The average person is always waiting for an opportunity to come The洗去一年的征尘,换上节日的盛装;奏响欢快的乐曲,沐浴新春的吉祥;告别2022年我们即将迎来崭新的2023年,我们将点燃我们的梦想、舞动我们的青春,迈向2023年的门槛,开始踏上新的旅程。代表:xx班表演者:小XX、小胖熊、小棕熊等 新 年 好 舞蹈代表:xx班表演者:小XX、小胖熊
3、、小棕熊等 弟 子 规 创意服装秀代表:xx班表演者:小XX、小胖熊、小棕熊等 说 书 名 The average person is always waiting for an opportunity to come The average person is always waiting for an The average person is always waiting for an opportunity to come The1、吃 苹 果道具:苹果若干(也可替换其他水果)游戏规则:两人组队比赛,一个人坐在板凳上手背后,另一个人在他背后拿个苹果喂他吃,看哪组最先吃完。2、成语接龙游
4、戏规则:根据指定的字说一个成语,第一个成语的尾字为第二个成语的首字,一直接下去,哪个组用最少的词接回第一个成语的首字为胜。3、一只青蛙朗诵小小的我代表:xx班表演者:小XX、小胖熊、小棕熊等你笑起来真好看朗 诵代表:xx班表演者:小XX、小胖熊、小棕熊等相声代表:xx班表演者:小XX、小胖熊、小棕熊等全体大合唱代表:xx班表演者:XX班全体The average person is always waiting for an opportunity to come The average person is always waiting for an The average person is
5、 always waiting for an opportunity to come The合影留念The average person is always waiting for an opportunity to come The average person is always waiting for an The average person is always waiting for an opportunity to come The同学们在载歌载舞的欢快氛围中感受到了浓浓的新年气息。新的一年祝愿同学们健康成长,学业进步,收获更多快乐与自信!欢度元 想起航祝 大 家 元 旦 快 乐 感 谢 您 欣 赏