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1、1M5U2 重点词汇讲与练The economy or the environment Must we choose?Unit2单词单词环境论者 _ 检查,监督 _经济学家 _ 破坏 _保护,保存 _ 荒唐的,可笑的 _ 大气,气氛 _ 非法的,_接近,靠近 _ 胃,肚子 _生产 _ 沙漠化 _有益的 _ 建立,创立 _明显的 _ 技术人员 _形势,情形 _ 欣赏 _责任,责则 _ 农业的 _ environmentalistinspecteconomistdestructionpreservationridiculousatmosphere illegalapproach stomachpr

2、oductiondesertificationbeneficialestablishobvioustechniciansituationappropriate responsibilityagriculturaleconomy _adj _n.environment _n._ adjpreserve _ n.poison _adj _n.obvious _inspect _n._n.destruction _ adj._v.decrease _opp.disappoint _n._adjtechnical _ n._n.organize _n._economisteconomicenviron

3、mentalistenvironmentalpreservationpoisonouspoisonerapparentinspectioninspectordestructivedestroyincrease disappointment disappointedtechnologytechnicianorganizationorganizer单词填空1.That the farmable land is turned into desert is called d_,which is a growing world problem.2.Strong m_ against driving af

4、ter drinking are made,but many drivers still take the risk.3.That hat makes you look r_.No wonder they all laugh at you.4.I would a_ it much if you could do me a favour.5.The drivers is r_ for the passengers safety.6.He considered that the change would be b_ to her health.7.These days,a lot of e_ an

5、imals have been killed by hunters.8.Some new e_,including computers and air-conditions,has been fixed in the teachers office.esertificationeasuresidiculousppreciate esponsibleeneficialndangered quipment 9.With more and more products produced,i_ waste has become a worldwide problem.10.The development

6、 area in the west is in badly need of t_ and skilled workers11.As soon as Beckham turned up at the court,the football match came to the most exciting a_.12.As oil prices climb,so does interest in fuels made from a_ products,such as corn.13.People are warned not to eat the fish from this river,becaus

7、e they are p_.14.The old house was in a good state of p_.ndustrialechnicianstmospheregriculturaloisonousreservation词组1.自由发言2.另外,3.消灭 4.产卵5.对有持久的影响6.削减7.对有好处8.用完9.以形式10.装备有open the floorin additionwipe outlay eggshave a lasting effect oncut back onbe beneficial torun outin the form ofbe stocked with1

8、1.关心12.在进行中 13.集中,关注 14.自然保护区15.负起的职责 16.的关键 17.危害环境 18.有利于环境的方法 19.肩并肩的20.有很长的路要走concern aboutunder wayfocus onnature reservetake the responsibilitythe key toharm the environmentenvironmentally friendly waysside by sidehave a long way to go 一试身手1.解决问题的关键是工人们要受到平等的对待.the problem is that workers shou

9、ld be treated equally2.全球变暖是一个共同关注的问题.is an issue of common concern.3.要实现我的理想还有很长的路要走.There is still before I can have all my dreams come true.4.一进入办公室,我便发现台式电脑不翼而飞.the office,I found the desktop computer missing.5.我们已收集了大量的有用的信息.We have gathered useful information.Thekey to solvingGlobalwarminga lo

10、ng way togoOn enteringlargeamountsof6.对这起案子的调查在秘密进行中.Investigation into the case is secretly.7.从上海飞往 北京的航班由于大雾推迟了.The flight from Shanghai to Beijing was postponed a heavy fog.8.他老是打断我的演讲,使我很生气He me during my lecture,which really made me angry.9.许多公司都转转行生产环保车辆Many companies are turning to producing

11、vehicles.10.参加者年邻不等,小到岁,大到岁The participants differ in age,5 years old 70.underwayduetokepton interruptingenvironmentallyfriendlyrangingfromto课文填空When we d_ our environment,we keep p_ more and more land to live_ and more food to eat!The worlds a_ has grown to more than six times what it was in 1800.T

12、he figure is now a_ 6.5 billion people.My s_ is that we should try to cut back on production and reduce the a_ of things we make and buy.The amount of rubbish we produce is turning into a big problem;we need to think more about r_.It would be beneficial to expend our recycling industry,ways and teac

13、h people about e_ friendly of living.We may even create more jobs and help the e_ at the same time.amage roducingopulation pproachinguggestionmountecyclingnvironmentconomy on词汇填空If you have any questions or comments,you can use this time to _ them.The worlds population has grown to more than six tim

14、es _ in 1800.My suggestion is that we _try to cut back on production and reduce _ of things we make and buy.They think of greedy businessmen _ their responsibilities to the environment.The people _ these factories are very _ the environment.What Im here to say is that _ side by side with many enviro

15、nmentalists,I know that a healthy environment and a stable economy should be possible at the same time.voicewhat it wasshouldthe amounthiding fromrunningconcerned abouthaving worked 分词用法1._ a higher price for some things is not always bad for the economy.2.We still have a long way to go to solve all

16、 the problems _ the Yangtze River.3.Rapid agricultural and industrial development plus huge population growth has meant that not only is the amount of water _ from the river rising,but also the waste _ into the river has also been increasing.4.It has also had harmful effects on the ecology of the ar

17、ea,_ many plants and animals.5.This project resulted in farmers _ the crops on their farmland with trees or grassland.Payingconcerningtakenbeing put backkillingreplacing1.Dont sit there _nothing.A.do B.to do C.doing D.and doing2._ in the queue for half an hour,Tom suddenly realized that he had left

18、his wallet at home.A.To wait B.Have waited C.Having waited D.To have waited3.I couldnt do my homework with all that noise _.A.going on B.goes on C.went on D.to go on4.Oil prices have risen by 32 percent since the start of the year,_a record US$57.65 a barrel on Apil4.A.have reached B.reaching C.to r

19、each D.to be reaching1.open the floor for discussion 自由发言自由发言the floor意为意为“发言权发言权”。have/get/obtain the floor take the floor give the floorAfter they had each said a few words,Professor White took the floor.有有/取得发言取得发言权权发言发言(比赛中比赛中)给给发言权发言权他们各自说了几句话后,怀特教授开始发言。他们各自说了几句话后,怀特教授开始发言。The President then to

20、ok the floor and answered the journalists questions总统随后讲话并回答了记者的提问总统随后讲话并回答了记者的提问.The chairman gave him the floor.主席允许他发言主席允许他发言.2.voice(v.)表达表达,吐露吐露Yesterday morning a crowd of dustmen went on strike to voice complaint about their low pay.昨天上午昨天上午,大批清洁工举行罢工大批清洁工举行罢工,以以表达他们对工资的不满。表达他们对工资的不满。I dared

21、not voice my dissatisfaction.我不敢我不敢表达我的不满。表达我的不满。voice(n.)1.说话声说话声,嗓音嗓音;speak in a loud/low voiceat the top of ones voice2.(公开或正式表达出的公开或正式表达出的)意见意见,愿望愿望,发言权发言权,投票权投票权 We have no voice in the matter.)cause and effect 原因和结果原因和结果The damaged bridge is one of the effects of the typhoon.那座损坏的桥是台风肆虐的结果之一。那

22、座损坏的桥是台风肆虐的结果之一。The strike of the railway workers had a direct effect on us.铁路工人物罢工对我们有直接的影响。铁路工人物罢工对我们有直接的影响。与与effect相关的短语:相关的短语:have an effect on 对对有影响有影响come/go into effect 生效;生效;(被被)实施实施The law came into effect on April 1.in effect 实质上;有效实质上;有效The law is still in effect.3.effect(n.)“结果;影响结果;影响”t

23、ake effect 显出效果;显出效果;(法律法律)产生效力。产生效力。The medicine soon took effects.to no effect 毫无效果地,徒然。毫无效果地,徒然。We tried to persuade him to no effect.药物马上见效。药物马上见效。我们设法说服他,却一点儿用也我们设法说服他,却一点儿用也没有。没有。4.My suggestion is that1)表示)表示“建议建议,要求要求,命令命令”等意义的名词如等意义的名词如suggestion,advice,order,requirement,request等作主等作主语时语时,其

24、后表语从句,同位语从句中的谓语常由其后表语从句,同位语从句中的谓语常由“should+动词原形动词原形”构成,构成,should可省略。可省略。The advice that the teacher gave was that the students (should)go to bed early during exam time.The orders are that we(should)stay here.2)suggest,insist 的另类用法的另类用法The expression on his face suggested that he was puzzled.He insis

25、ted that he didnt steal the wallet.12.cut back on=cut down on 削减削减,缩减缩减Try to cut back on foods containing too much fat and sugar.After the big job was finished,the builder cut back on the number of men working for him.要尽量少吃脂肪和糖份含量过高的食品。要尽量少吃脂肪和糖份含量过高的食品。这项大工程完成以后这项大工程完成以后,建筑商削减了工人总数建筑商削减了工人总数cut ac

26、ross 走捷径走捷径 cut away 切除切除,剪掉剪掉cut in 插进来说插进来说,插嘴插嘴,干预干预 cut off 切断切断,停掉停掉,隔绝隔绝cut down 削减削减,砍倒砍倒 cut up 切碎切碎1.He was in hospital for six months.He felt as if he was _ from the outside world.A.cut out B.cut offC.cut up D.cut through2.I was just talking to Margaret when Jackson_.A.cut in B.cut downC.c

27、ut out D.cut upBA高考链接高考链接6.concern(vt.)与与有关;对有关;对有影响;有影响;引起引起的兴趣的兴趣(关心)(关心)This letter does not concern you.The result concerns everybody.The princess marriage concerns all the people in the country.这封信与你无关。这封信与你无关。这结果关系着每一个人。这结果关系着每一个人。公主的结婚引起国内所有人的关心。公主的结婚引起国内所有人的关心。be concerned about/for/over 担心;

28、挂念担心;挂念 be concerned with 与与有关有关 The story is concerned with fairies.我很担心他的病。我很担心他的病。他很挂念她的安全。他很挂念她的安全。这个故事与小神仙有关。这个故事与小神仙有关。I was very concerned about his illness.He is much concerned for her safety.As far as Im concernedconcerningconcernedin my opinionaboutworried/anxiousI heard nothing _this matt

29、er.A.concerned B.conceptionC.concerning D.revealC选择填空选择填空1._ gene,intelligence also depends on a good education and a sound home environment.A.In the form of B.In addition to C.Regardless of D.Under way to2.His second novel _ his fame as a writer and now he is world-famous.A.figured B.laid C.expande

30、d D.established3.We are _ petrol.Wed better find the nearest gas station to fill it up.A.wiping out B.running out of C.picking out D.cleaning up4.Do you want to climb to the top of your class?And you must try to _ work and study.A.lead to B.result in C.focus on D.lay out5.The government has promised

31、 to take _ to help the poor and those who have lost their jobs.A.effects B.efforts C.measures D.economy6.The police watched him _ in case he should escape.A.obviously B.closely C.illegally D.slightly7.No one had expected that the young writer died with his book _.A.unfinished B.unfinishing C.is unfi

32、nished D.to finish8._ that he found that he had left his key in the office.A.Not until he came to the door B.It was not until then C.Not until did he come to the door D.Until he came to the door9.Not only _ me some advice,but also _ me some money.A.did he give;did he lend B.did he give;he lend C.he gave;did he lend D.he gave:he lent


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