1、第24单元 选择句视译英汉汉英视译教程下篇 汉译英第24单元 选择句视译 n 凡是涉及两个或两个以上选择关系的句子都可称为“选择句”,而无论句子类别如何,如选择条件句、选择疑问句等。汉语选择句式与英语选择句式的逻辑关系没有本质区别,但是由于汉英思维差异和文化差异,以及视译自身的规律所致,汉语选择句翻译成英语时有时会发生语序和语气方面的变化,这一点在翻译比较性选择句时显得尤为突出。例句2 就比较典型,第一个结构has no more good effect than 的语气较强,第二个结构has less effect than 的语气就较弱。在视译过程中语序和语气的选择主要决定于译员的好恶和经
2、验,译员有较大的自主权。第24单元 选择句视译n 译员需要特别注意的是要正确理解汉语原句的选择关系,只有把握住这一点,才可以在翻译时做到随机应变,灵活机动,应对自如。但是,由于视译本身的规律使然,尤其是在翻译逻辑关系比较复杂的语句或语段时,汉语选择句的逻辑关系与英语选择句的逻辑关系出现差异时,会对顺势推进的视译翻译主旋律构成干扰,因此译员需要平时加强对选择句式的单项练习,战时方可做到游刃有余。经验表明,无论理解原文,还是组织译文,汉语选择句英译时的难度要大于英语选择句汉译时的难度。第24单元 选择句视译(要点梳理)n汉语选择句式与英语选择句式的逻辑关系没有本质区别n但翻译时有时会发生语序和语气
3、方面的变化n汉语选择句英译时的难度要大于英语选择句汉译时的难度n译员要正确理解汉语原句的选择关系第24单元 选择句视译(例句)n1.他不喜欢喝咖啡,宁可喝茶。n【笔译】n【视译】He doesnt like coffee at all,but he prefers tea.His favorite is not coffee but tea/He prefers tea to coffee/Tea rather than coffee is his favorite.第24单元 选择句视译(例句)n译评 在翻译实践中,笔译或视译译文都可以接受,语意略有差异,只是提供了更多不同英语思维方式。第2
4、4单元 选择句视译(例句)n2.从长远看,这样模糊不清的异议还不如不提。n【笔译】n【视译】Making such vague complaints has no more good/less effect in the long run than making no complaints.In the long run,making such vague complaints is in fact no more productive than making no complaints.第24单元 选择句视译(例句)n译评 笔译译文中in the long run 作了位置移动,增添了翻译难
5、度。视译译文里增加了in fact,既语义准确,又语气贴切。is not more productive 的运用比has less good effect 更通俗易懂。第24单元 选择句视译(例句)n3.小王总是偷懒耍滑头,上班时不是去打电话就是跑到医务室去看病。n【笔译】n【视译】Xiao Wangs always goofing offeither making phone calls or going to the clinic to see doctors during office hours.Xiao Wangs always loafing on the job.He would
6、 either make phone calls or go to the clinic to see doctors during office hours.第24单元 选择句视译(例句)n译评相比goof off,loaf on the job 更加通俗易懂。视译译文的句式结构更口语化。视译听众的文化语言背景往往不尽相同,因此无论视译,还是其他口译形式,最好使用最通俗易懂的词汇和结构,以确保信息得到最大限度的传递。第24单元 选择句视译(例句)n4.当幻想面对现实时,总是很痛苦的。要么你被痛苦击倒,要么你把痛苦踩在脚下。n【笔译】n【视译】While your dream is confr
7、onted with the reality,you always feel painful.Youll either be beaten down by the pain or have to trample on it.It is always painful when bring your dream in confrontation with the reality.Just trample on the pain,or youll be beaten down by it.第24单元 选择句视译(例句)n译评 汉语原文形式上是平行选择,但是从语意角度看却是不平行的,恰好是“舍”与“取
8、”的关系,因此祈使句的使用十分恰当。第24单元 选择句视译(例句)n5.参与校花评选还是抵制校花评选,本身并不存在谁是谁非的问题。n【笔译】n【视译】To participate in or boycott the contest for the campus belle has nothing to do with the right and the wrong.Anyone has the right to participate in or oppose the contest for the campus belle,and it has nothing to do with the
9、right and the wrong.第24单元 选择句视译(例句)n译评笔译译文的语意逻辑结构更贴近汉语原文,但译文略显生硬。视译译文具有解释意味,生动易懂,也是一种可取的尝试。第24单元 选择句视译(例段)n1.经济的繁荣不一定带来文化的进步。首先,人们追求经济利益时,常常忽略或放弃文化建设;第二,当旧的观念被打破时,一些人就会不知所措或误入歧途。n1.经济的繁荣不一定带来文化的进步。首先,人们追求经济利益时,常常忽略或放弃文化建设;第二,当旧的观念被打破时,一些人就会不知所措或误入歧途。An economic flourish does not necessarily bring ab
10、out cultural progress.First,when people seek economic benefits,they are likely to neglect or give up building the culture.Second,when traditional concepts are broken up,some people will be at a loss or go astray.第24单元 选择句视译(例段)第24单元 选择句视译(例段)n【笔译】An economic flourish is not bound to bring about cult
11、ural progress.Firstly,when people seek economic benefits,they often neglect or give up the building of culture.Secondly,when old concepts are broken up,some people will be at a loss or go astray.第24单元 选择句视译(例段)n【视译】An economic flourish does not necessarily bring about cultural progress.First,when pe
12、ople seek economic benefits,they are likely to neglect or give up building the culture.Second,when traditional concepts are broken up,some people will be at a loss or go astray.第24单元 选择句视译(例段)n译评从连接关系角度看,两个翻译版本没有实质不同。笔译译文显得更正式,视译译文由于一些词语的变化语意显得更加清晰生动,提高了口耳信息传递效果。第24单元 选择句视译(例段)n2.三国末年,晋武帝司马炎灭掉蜀国,夺取魏
13、国政权以后,准备出兵攻打东吴,实现统一全中国的愿望。他召集文武大臣们商量灭吴大计。多数人认为,吴国还有一定实力,与其一举消灭它恐怕不易,不如有了足够的准备再说。n2.三国末年,晋武帝司马炎灭掉蜀国,夺取魏国政权以后,准备出兵攻打东吴,实现统一全中国的愿望。In the last years of the Three Kingdoms period,Sima Yan conquered the Kingdom of Shu and seized the state power of the Kingdom of Wei,and became Emperor of the Jin Dynasty.
14、Then he planned to send his troops to attack the Kingdom of Wu so as to unify China.第24单元 选择句视译(例段)第24单元 选择句视译(例段)n他召集文武大臣们商量灭吴大计。多数人认为,吴国还有一定实力,与其一举消灭它恐怕不易,不如有了足够的准备再说。He called his civil and military officials to discuss the plan to destroy the Kingdom of Wu.Most of them thought that it would be d
15、ifficult to try to destroy the Kingdom of Wu with one action because the Kingdom of Wu was still powerful.Therefore,it would be more preferable to wait until fuller preparations were made.第24单元 选择句视译(例段)n【笔译】In the last years of the Three Kingdoms period,Sima Yan of the Jin Dynasty,conquered the Kin
16、gdom of Shu and seized the state power of the Kingdom of Wei.Then he planned to send his troops to attack the Kingdom of Wu so as to unify China.He called his civil and military officials to discuss the plan to annihilate Wu.Most of them thought that Wu was still powerful so that it would be difficu
17、lt to destroy it with one action.So it would be better to wait until fuller preparations were made.第24单元 选择句视译(例段)n【视译】In the last years of the Three Kingdoms period,Sima Yan conquered the Kingdom of Shu and seized the state power of the Kingdom of Wei,and became Emperor of the Jin Dynasty.Then he p
18、lanned to send his troops to attack the Kingdom of Wu so as to unify China.He called his civil and military officials to discuss the plan to destroy the Kingdom of Wu.Most of them thought that it would be difficult to try to destroy the Kingdom of Wu with one action because the Kingdom of Wu was sti
19、ll powerful.Therefore,it would be more preferable to wait until fuller preparations were made.第24单元 选择句视译(例段)n译评 此段落为节选,汉语语境不够完整,原文语境有误导效应。蜀、魏、晋不是严格意义上的同期朝代,视译译文更符合史实。此段汉语的个别地方含有文言文的逻辑方式,由于词组“恐怕不易”在选择句里的存在,此句已经不是一般选择句式那么简单,选择逻辑里增加了原因性说明。因此视译译文的处理方式更妥当。第24单元 选择句视译(例篇)n 在今日新华社的另一篇报道中,记者在黄河流域一些省区采访时就发现
20、一个奇怪的现象:污染企业“扎堆”的地方,环保部门衣食无忧;而在污染企业被大量关停的地方,环保人员却连工资都发不出来,以至于“治污越好环保部门越穷”。究其原因在于,这些地方的环保部门,或是财政预算“黑户”,或是财政拨款严重不足,主要靠“自收自支”维持生存。那么,为何会出现“财政不养环保”呢?报道引用有关专业人士的说法认为,“关键是在一些领导眼中,环保和发展是对立的,花钱搞环保不如投资上项目,有的领导甚至提出宁可呛死,不能饿死的观点。”n 因此,某些环保部门为污染企业说话,某些环保局局长更像是污染企业的代言人,这绝不能简单看成是“个别部门职能错位”的结果,更不能以“个别执法人员素质低下”为由搪塞了
21、事,相反,应当引起我们的高度警惕和深刻反思其背后所揭示出的是一些地方环保执法的尴尬困局。n 无疑,只有正视这样的执法困局,只有努力想办法化解这样的执法困局,我们的环保工作才有可能获得良好的执法环境,我们才有可能真正走出“先污染,后治理”或者“边污染,边治理”的怪圈。第24单元 选择句视译(例篇)n【视译】n In another recent report of Xinhua News Agency,the reporter,while visiting some provinces and autonomous regions along the Yellow River,came acro
22、ss a strange phenomenon.In areas where polluting enterprises are clustered,departments of environmental protection do not need to worry about their own“food and clothing”.In areas where such enterprises are massively shut down,the environmental agencies can hardly afford to pay salaries to their sta
23、ff.This has thus led to a situation where the better pollution is controlled,the poorer the local environmental protection department is.The cause of all this is that,in these areas the environmental protection departments are either not listed in the local governments budget or the financial alloca
24、tion from the government is far from being adequate.They therefore mainly rely on themselves to generate income for their survival.Then why is environmental protection not covered by fiscal budget?“The key is that from the viewpoint of certain leaders,environmental protection and development are inc
25、ompatible.”the reporter says,quoting from relevant professionals,“Local leaders prefer investment in development projects to environmental protection.Some leaders even suggested that it is better to be choked to death(as a result from pollution)than to die of hunger(due to poverty).”n Thus,certain e
26、nvironmental protection departments speak in favor of polluting enterprises and certain heads of departments behave more like the spokesperson of the polluters than an environment champion.This issue can not be simply dismissed as an isolated phenomenon where a few departments have“misunderstood the
27、ir functions”,and even less be excused on the pretext that a number of law enforcement officials are not qualified.On the contrary,this should trigger our vigilance and reflectionwhat it reveals is the embarrassing situation of environmental law enforcement in certain areas.n Undoubtedly,only by rec
28、ognizing this dilemma can we find a solution and mitigate this situation.Only then will we be able to avoid the pattern of“develop first,clean up later”or the situation of“stop one source of pollution,only to find there is another.”n 在今日新华社的另一篇报道中,记者在黄河流域一些省区采访时就发现一个奇怪的现象:污染企业“扎堆”的地方,环保部门衣食无忧;In ano
29、ther recent report of Xinhua News Agency,the reporter,while visiting some provinces and autonomous regions along the Yellow River,came across a strange phenomenon.In areas where polluting enterprises are clustered,departments of environmental protection do not need to worry about their own“food and
30、clothing”.第24单元 选择句视译(例篇详解)第24单元 选择句视译(例篇详解)n而在污染企业被大量关停的地方,环保人员却连工资都发不出来,以至于“治污越好环保部门越穷”。In areas where such enterprises are massively shut down,the environmental agencies can hardly afford to pay salaries to their staff.This has thus led to a situation where the better pollution is controlled,the
31、poorer the local environmental protection department is.n究其原因在于,这些地方的环保部门,或是财政预算“黑户”,或是财政拨款严重不足,主要靠“自收自支”维持生存。The cause of all this is that,in these areas the environmental protection departments are either not listed in the local governments budget or the financial allocation from the government is
32、 far from being adequate.They therefore mainly rely on themselves to generate income for their survival.第24单元 选择句视译(例篇详解)n那么,为何会出现“财政不养环保”呢?报道引用有关专业人士的说法认为,“关键是在一些领导眼中,环保和发展是对立的,第24单元 选择句视译(例篇详解)Then why is environmental protection not covered by fiscal budget?“The key is that from the viewpoint of
33、certain leaders,environmental protection and development are incompatible.”the reporter says,quoting from relevant professionals,第24单元 选择句视译(例篇详解)n花钱搞环保不如投资上项目,有的领导甚至提出宁可呛死,不能饿死的观点。”“Local leaders prefer investment in development projects to environmental protection.Some leaders even suggested that
34、it is better to be choked to death(as a result from pollution)than to die of hunger(due to poverty).”第24单元 选择句视译(例篇详解)n 因此,某些环保部门为污染企业说话,某些环保局局长更像是污染企业的代言人,这绝不能简单看成是“个别部门职能错位”的结果,Thus,certain environmental protection departments speak in favor of polluting enterprises and certain heads of department
35、s behave more like the spokesperson of the polluters than an environment champion.This issue can not be simply dismissed as an isolated phenomenon where a few departments have“misunderstood their functions”,第24单元 选择句视译(例篇详解)n更不能以“个别执法人员素质低下”为由搪塞了事,相反,应当引起我们的高度警惕和深刻反思 其背后所揭示出的是一些地方环保执法的尴尬困局。and even
36、less be excused on the pretext that a number of law enforcement officials are not qualified.On the contrary,this should trigger our vigilance and reflectionwhat it reveals is the embarrassing situation of environmental law enforcement in certain areas.第24单元 选择句视译(例篇详解)n 无疑,只有正视这样的执法困局,只有努力想办法化解这样的执法
37、困局,我们的环保工作才有可能获得良好的执法环境,我们才有可能真正走出“先污染,后治理”或者“边污染,边治理”的怪圈。Undoubtedly,only by recognizing this dilemma can we find a solution and mitigate this situation.Only then will we be able to avoid the pattern of“develop first,clean up later”or the situation of“stop one source of pollution,only to find there
38、 is another.”第24单元 选择句视译(例篇)n译评(1)“或是财政预算黑户,或是财政拨款严重不足”,此句“黑户”一词为中国行业特有称谓,没有同语境下直接对应的英语词汇,予以释译,方法妥当,语意贴切。(2)“花钱搞环保不如投资上项目”是一句很口语化的句式,并且省略了作为逻辑主语的个别地方政府,视译译文增加了逻辑主语,思维角度和思维逻辑都更加清晰。第24单元 选择句视译(例篇)n译评(3)“宁可呛死,不能饿死”Some leaders even suggested that“it is better to be choked to death(as a result from poll
39、ution)than to die of hunger(due to poverty)”。中文属于韵律式俗语套式,存在于特定的语境背景,因此视译译文除了直译,还添加了括号部分的附带说明。这种做法在听众与原语境之间具有较大距离时十分可取。第24单元 选择句视译(例篇)n译评(4)“我们才有可能真正走出先污染,后治理或者边污染,边治理的怪圈”。在原文里这是半句话,译文Only then will we be able to巧妙地利用时间倒置结构使得本部分成为独立逻辑,而且语意通达。“怪圈”只是一般意义上的奇怪现象,视译译文既没有用strange phenomenon,也没有用对应性更强的词语vic
40、ious circle,而只是使用了pattern 和situation,原因是上下语境逻辑已经很清楚,无须再强化翻译中文修饰性词组“怪圈”。在处理类似选择句时该方法值得借鉴。第24单元 选择句视译(视译练习:语句)n(1)我宁可这场比赛失败,也不愿意伤害他。n(2)这位清官宁肯辞职也不愿参加这种肮脏的交易。n(3)如果你想到英语国家去念大学,或者你想找一份需要英语技能的工作的话,通过英语考试就至关重要了。n(4)与其讨论“穷二代”为什么没有信心生育,不如正视他们对改善生活、期待公平的呼唤。n(5)侦查机关在第一次讯问犯罪嫌疑人或者对犯罪嫌疑人采取强制措施的时候,应当告知犯罪嫌疑人有权委托辩护
41、人。第24单元 选择句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n(1)Id rather lose the game than hurt him.n(2)The honest official would rather resign than take part in such dishonest business deals.n(3)It is vital for you to pass the English tests if you want to be enrolled in a college or university in an English-speaking country,or if y
42、ou want to find a job which requires English language skills.n(4)We should listen to their burning desires such as their improvement of the life and being equally treated rather than discuss the cause of their unwillingness of having babies.第24单元 选择句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n(5)When the investigating authoritie
43、s first interrogate the criminal suspect or subject a criminal suspect to compulsory measures,the criminal suspect should be informed of the right to appoint a defender.第24单元 选择句视译(视译练习:语段)n(1)园墙在金晃晃的空气中斜切下一溜荫凉,我把轮椅开进去,把椅背放倒,坐着或是躺着,看书或者想事,撅一杈树枝左右拍打,驱赶那些和我一样不明白为什么要来这世上的小昆虫。第24单元 选择句视译(视译练习:语段)n(2)中国特
44、色社会主义道路能不能越走越宽广,中华民族能不能实现伟大复兴,要看能不能不断培养造就大批优秀人才,更要看能不能让各方面优秀人才脱颖而出,施展才华。第24单元 选择句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n(1)In the dazzling golden sunlight,the parks wall provided shade:I wheeled myself over there,put the back of the wheelchair down,andeither sitting or lying downI read or thought.I would break off a cypress
45、 twig and drive away the insects who didnt know any better than I did why they had been born in this world.第24单元 选择句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n(2)Whether the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics can become wider and whether the Chinese nation can achieve its great rejuvenation depend on our success in
46、training and fostering a large number of outstanding personnel,and particularly,in bringing outstanding personnel in all fields to the fore and bringing out their best.第24单元 选择句视译(视译练习:语篇)n(1)现代社会无论价值观的持有还是生活方式的选择都充满了矛盾。而最让现代人感到尴尬的是,面对重重矛盾,许多时候你别无选择。匆忙与休闲是截然不同的两种生活方式。但在现实生活中,人们却在这两种生活方式间频繁穿梭,有时也说不清自
47、己到底是“休闲着”还是“忙碌着”。譬如说,当我们正在旅游胜地享受假期,却忽然接到老板的电话,告诉我们客户或工作方面出了麻烦现代便捷先进工具在此刻显示出了它狰狞、阴郁的面容搞得人一下子兴趣全无。接下来的休闲要么徒有其表、要么草草收场,因为心里已是火烧火燎了。第24单元 选择句视译(视译练习:语篇)n 为什么我们满怀休闲的渴望却总是不得不投入匆忙之中?原因之一便是时间的稀缺。一方面我们要努力工作,另一方面又要享受生活,而工作抑或休闲都需要一种资源,那便是时间。时间成为稀缺资源被视为现代社会以及后现代的重要特征。第24单元 选择句视译(视译练习:语篇)n(2)什么是积极、合作、全面的中美经贸关系呢?
48、这个问题不是一个简单的问题,需要中美双方共同来寻找答案。不仅是政府间,商会间、企业间包括在座各位都可以通过交流、研究,认真地思考这个问题。今天我暂不谈这个问题。或许,在我结束此次访问之际,我会以一定的方式来谈谈我个人对这个问题的看法。n 听说大家对当前国际金融危机对中国的影响、中国的应对之策以及前景比较感兴趣,因此,下面我想非常简要地给大家介绍一点情况。第24单元 选择句视译(视译练习:语篇)n 今年一季度中国的宏观经济数据公布后,美国可能有些朋友认为这次金融危机对中国的影响不大,或者影响已经基本见底。n 实际上,中国受到这次危机的冲击是非常大的,甚至超过了十年前亚洲金融危机的影响。中国作为开
49、放中的大国,在这场危机中经受了前所未有的困难和挑战,主要表现在五个方面:第一,经济下行压力加大。第二,进出口严重下滑。第三,工业生产明显放缓。第四,部分企业生产经营困难。第五,就业难度增加。由于时间的关系,具体数据就不介绍了,相信大家已经知道了不少的情况,比如很多朋友都知道中国外贸从去年11 月开始已经连续出现五个月的负增长。第24单元 选择句视译(视译练习:语篇)n 尽管如此,中国政府仍然秉持开放的理念,在危机中采取积极负责的态度。n n 在这样的形势下,中美两国经贸合作应该向何处去?两国在面临着许多新的挑战和困难的情况下,都面临着加强贸易保护的强烈呼声。是把门关起来好呢,还是继续打开大门并
50、且加强合作好呢?中国政府选择的是后者。第24单元 选择句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n(1)In modern society,there are many contradictions in holding values or choosing a lifestyle.What embarrasses modern people is that more often than not they have no choice in the face of those contradictions.Being hasty and at leisure are two quite distinct