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1、Part 2Phonetics,Grammar and Vocabulary(第第二二部部分分 语语音音、语语法法和和词词汇汇)II.Fill the blanks according to the phonetic transcriptions:(根根据据音音标标填填写写单单词词)23.Xian is an ancient city with a long _./hstr/24.This school accepts over 200 _ students every year./,ntmnl/25.Aterrible _ happened in Wuxi last month./ksdnt

2、/26.Go straight ahead and you can see it _ the post office./pzt/27.The hospital supplies _ care for elderly patients./spel/III.Choose the best answer(选选择择最最恰恰当当的的答答案案)28.Kitty and her family will have _ 8-day trip to Australia.A.aB./C.anD.the29.We are going to visit my uncle and aunt _ the end of th

3、is month.A.onB.inC.byD.at30.-_ is it from Shanghai to Beijing?A.How longB.How soonC.How farD.How fast31.There are over _ people travelling to Hainan every day.A.three thousandB.three thousandsC.thousand ofD.thousands of32.He saw a girl _ an old woman cross the road on his way home.A.helpedB.helpsC.h

4、elpingD.to help33.My brother made quite _ mistakes in the test,and he got only a C.A.littleB.a fewC.fewD.a little34.Helen is talking _ me _ the movie she saw last night.A.with;forB.to;aboutC.to;withD.with;of35.Mr.Li has invited us _ dinner with his family this weekend.A.haveB.havingC.to haveD.to hav

5、ing36.All the stones which our Chinese teacher has collected look _.A.lovelyB.gentlyC.quietlyD.beautifully37.The bedroom in my new flat is _ than that in my old flat.A.much biggerB.more biggerC.more bigD.much more bigger38.I cant go cycling with you _ I have too much homework to do.A.butB.soC.becaus

6、eD.though39.-Mr.Brown,must we hand in our work today?-No,you _.But you must bring it to school tomorrow.A.mustntB.needntC.may notD.couldnt40.-_ should I feed my puppy?-Three or four times a day.A.How oftenB.How soonC.How muchD.How much time41.-Lets go to the park and have a picnic this coming Saturd

7、ay.-_.A.You are welcomeB.Thats all right.C.Thank you.D.Thats a good idea42.-Would you please lend me a hand with my heavy suitcase?-_.A.Not at all.B.Thats all right.C.Sure.D.Thank you.IV.Complete the following passage with the words in the box.Each can only be used once(将将下下列列单单词词填填入入空空格格。每每空空格格限限填填

8、一一词词,每每词词只只能能填填一一次次)A.whatB.thinkC.medicineD.relaxedE.howF.playingI am a doctor.People come to see me when they have colds or coughs.People also come tosee me when they are sad or nervous.Sometimes _43_ helps.Sometimes talking helps.Butmany doctors _44_ that music can help people feel better too.I a

9、sked a few of my patients_45_ music helped them.The following are their answers.Listening to music helps me feel _46_.I like to listen to music and dance when I do thehousework.I play the violin.I like playing at night when it is quiet.After playing I am tired but happy.Ialways sleep better after th

10、at.Are you a musician?Good!Keep _47_.If you are not a musician,listen to music and singor dance.Its good medicine.V.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用用括括号号中中所所给给单单词词的的适适当当形形式式完完成成下下列列句句子子,每每空空格格限限填填一一词词)48.I like the flat with the three bedrooms and two big _.(balcon

11、y)49.The _ girl from the left in this photo is my grandma.(three)50.Most of the boys are _ in playing computer games.(interest)51.Finally,John went back home _ with the help of the police.(safe)52.Some people are _ to animals and even hurt them.(kind)53.Ms.Lin took some _ students to the Bund yester

12、day.(Canada)VI.Rewrite the following sentences as required(根根据据要要求求改改写写句句子子)54.Alices father drove her to school every day when her leg was broken.(改为一般疑问句)_Alices father _ her to school every day when her leg was broken?55.This booklet will tell you how to take care of your new puppy.(同义句转换)This bo

13、oklet will tell you how to _ _ your new puppy.56.Adam was lucky enough to win a visit to America.(改为感叹句)_ _ Adam was to win a visit to America!57.She gets up early to buy flowers for her shop every morning.(划线提问)_ _ she get up early every morning?58.would he like his new penfriend,to,about,what,know

14、.(连词成句)_.Part 3 Reading and Writing(第第三三部部分分阅阅读读和和写写话话)VII.Reading comprehension(阅阅读读理理解解)A.Choose the best answer(选选择择最最恰恰当当的的答答案案)We surveyed 300 young people on what they like to do at weekends.One hundred people are fromthe ages of 11-18,one hundred 19-26 and one hundred 27-35.The following show

15、s their answers:59.The people of 11-18 enjoy _ most.A.watching TVB.going to the moviesC.playing computer gamesD.talking a walk60.How many people enjoy taking a walk in the 19-26 group?A.50B.25C.75D.1561.People in which group like playing computer games best?A.The 11-18 groupB.The 19-26 groupC.The 27

16、-35 groupD.Both A and B62.According to the survey,which two activities do most people enjoy doing?A.Playing computer games and watching TV.B.Playing computer games and taking a walk.C.Watching TV and going to the movies.D.Going to the movies and taking a walk.63.We can see from the survey that the o

17、lder people are,the more they like _.A.watching TVB.going to the movieC.playing computer gamesD.taking a walk64.Which of the following is TRUE according to the chart?A.Fewest people like taking a walk.B.The people of 11-18 like taking a walk most.C.Eighty people like going to the movies in the 19-26

18、 group.D.The people of 27-35 like watching TV most.B.Choose the words and complete the passage(选选择择最最恰恰当当的的单单词词,完完成成短短文文)People celebrate festivals in different seasons.All over the world,people celebrate the end ofthe _65_.The harvest is over,and now it is the time to enjoy all that good food.In Ch

19、ina,the Mid-Autumn Festival takes place when the moon is _66_ during the eighthmonth.Families gather together.Everyone enjoys eating moon-cakes.In India,the festival of Diwali is very important for the local people.It is also a time for_67_.Every house is lit up with lamps.All the family enjoy speci

20、al meals.In Europe,Halloween is when big fires are lit.Children go from _68_,asking for sweets.Itis also a time when people remember their dead relatives.After these festivals,the days get shorter and _69_.October is when you remember thesummer and _70_ for the winter.Its also very important.65.A.sp

21、ringB.summerC.autumnD.winter66.A.smallB.bigC.fullD.bright67.A.lightsB.sweetsC.friendsD.harvest68.A.school to schoolB.city to cityC.house to houseD.day to day69.A.warmerB.wetterC.hotterD.colder70.A.prepareB.readyC.celebrateD.enjoyC.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在在短短文文的的空空格

22、格内内填填入入适适当当的的词词,是是其其内内容容通通顺顺,每每空空格格限限填填一一次次,首首字字母母已已给给)The day was like any other day in his life.Tom walked past the shop on the street corner.Hestopped to look at the front row of shoes,and he felt happy to see that the pair of shoes he wantedvery much were still there.Looking down,he felt sorry f

23、or himself.He r_71_ wanted to havethem for his birthday.He sadly walked away and thought how to tell his mother about it.He knew she would givehim anything he likes if she could.But he also knew very well she had l_72_ money.Hedecided not to go home at once,as he looked worried and his mother would

24、notice(注意)it.So hewent to the park and sat on the grass.Then be s_73_ a boy in a wheel chair(轮椅).He noticedthat the boy moved the wheels with his hands.Tom looked at him carefully and was s_74_ tofind that the boy had no feet.He looked at his own feet.Its much b_75_ to be without shoesthen without f

25、eet.he thought.There was n_76_ reason for him to feel so sad.He went awayand smiled,thinking he was happier.D.Read the passage below and answer the following questions(根根据据文文章章内内容容回回答答下下列列问问题题)The world is filled with many interesting sounds.Some are unpleasant to our ears whileothers are very pleas

26、ant to hear.In a single day you probably hear hundreds of different sounds.All sounds are different.Some any be loud.Some are high;others are low.Some sounds are useful.Without sound we cannot talk or listen to one another.The ringing of the alarm clock wakespeople up.The hooting of a car warns peop

27、le of danger.Some sounds are harmful.When planes fly low over the land,the very loud sounds candamage the houses.Very loud sounds can even make people deaf.We know sound travels aboutone kilometre in three seconds.In a thunder storm you see the lightning first and then hear thethunder.This is becaus

28、e light travels much faster than sound.Next time you see lightning,count the number of seconds before you hear the thunder.Divide this number by 3.This will tell you how many kilometers away the thunder storm is.77.All the sounds in the world are pleasant to hear,arent they?78.What may happen when p

29、lanes fly low over the land?79.How fast does sound travel?80.Why do we see the lighting first and then hear the thunder?81.Whats your favourite sound in the natural world?Why?VIII.Writing82.Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic My Flat.(以“我的家”为题写至少 60 个字的短文)Use the following points as a

30、reference.1.How is your flat?(e.g.Big or small?How many rooms are there?.)2.What do you usually do in your flat?3.Do you like your flat?Why or why not?参考答案23.history24.international25.accident26.opposite27.special28-32CDCAC33-37BBCAA38-42CBADC43 C44.B45.E46.D47.F48.balconies49.third50.interested51.s

31、afely52.unkind53.Canadian54.Did;drive55.look after56.How lucky57.Why does58.What would he like to know about his new penfriend?/What would he like his new penfriendto know about?59.B60.B61.A62.C63.D64.A65.B66.C67.A68.C69.D70.A71.really72.little73.saw74.surprised75.better76.no77.No,they arent.78.The very loud sounds can damage the houses./Very loud sounds can even make people deaf.79.Sound travels about one kilometre in three seconds.80.Because light travels much faster than sound.81.Any reasonable answer is OK.


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