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1、 上上海海外外国国语语大大学学附附属属浦浦东东外外国国语语学学校校第第一一学学期期初初一一年年级级英英语语学学科科(平平行行)班班 期期中中试试卷卷满满分分:120 分分考考试试时时间间:90 分分钟钟Part TwoVocabulary and Grammar.Fill in the blanks with the proper words according to the given definitions.1.These developments r_ a major change in the established order.(stood for)2.Her daughter st

2、udies in the grade in a j_ high school.(having a low rank in anorganization or profession)3.Theres cinema o_ to the bookstore.(facing)4.Every August I go to the towns a_ festival.(yearly)5.The doctor listened to my heart with a s_(an instrument that a doctor used to listen toones heart and breathing

3、)6.Jean was extremely s_ and believed the colour green brought bad luck.(believing inthings that are not real or possible)7.May and her sister have a very close r_.(friendship)8.Joseph Pulizer f_ the Pulitzer prizes in 1904.(set up).Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words.1.Accor

4、ding to the survey,most _ want a traditional wedding.(Britain)2.Davis works as a _ man for a big company.(remove)3.Dishwashers and washing machines are useful _ appliances.(electricity)4.The officer _ her passport and stamped it.(examination)5.The files may have been deleted _.(accident)6.His _ dist

5、inguishes him from the other boys.(high)7.This is _ battles I have ever heard of.(bleed).Choose the best answer.1._ classmate of mine was hit on _ head by a naughty boy two days ago.A.The,theB.A,hisC.A,theD./,/2.Taiwan Island lies _ the east of Mainland China.A.atB.inC.onD.to3.In order to keep healt

6、hy,you should eat _ fast food,_ fresh vegetables andtake enough exercise.A.fewer.fewerB.less.moreC.fewer.moreD.less.less4.He cant visit his aunt this week.He _ go to the doctor.A.have toB.has gotC.has got toD.need to5.Well have a test _ next week.A.sometimeB.sometimesC.some timeD.some time6.Summer h

7、olidays are coming.Students _be careful with the fire,electricity and gas athome.A.needB.canC.mustD.may7.He was down with a cough but he _ soon.A.got it overB.got it offC.got over itD.got off it8.Bob is _ the school basketball team.A.onB.intoC.atD.in9.All of us were _ when we watched the _ match.A.d

8、isappointed,disappointedB.disappointing,disappointingC.disappointed,disappointingD.disappointing,disappointed10.The special agent did give _ the FBI had expected.A.so much information asB.as many information asC.as information much asD.as much information as11.I was writing a letter at home _ I hear

9、d a knock on the door.A.whileB.whenC.asD.but12.You must _ of that hotel by 12:00 a.m.or you get charged for an additional day.A.run outB.hand outC.check outD.find out13.Thanksgiving Day in America falls on _.A.the third Tuesday of NovemberB.the fourth Thursday of NovemberC.the fourth Tuesday of Nove

10、mberD.the third Thursday of November14.The Nobel Prizes include the following EXCEPT _.A.mathematicsB.peaceC.physicsD.chemistry15.Which is RIGHT?A.Could you please tell me what was the matter with the computer?B.He has asked us what his real problem is.C.The company couldnt decide on if they would s

11、hut down the factory or not.D.The captain didnt say when would the flight take off.Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given verbs.1.Janet _(set)a number of world records since she _(take)up the sport.2.The Roman Empire _ for centuries.(exist)3.When I passed his room,I saw him _ on the b

12、ed.(lie)4.The ten-year-old girl practices _ the piano every afternoon.(play)5.The teacher told us that the moon _ light itself.(not give)6.Denise _ her puppy this time tomorrow morning.(bathe).Rewrite the sentences as required.1.The first Starbucks coffee shop opened in 1971.(用现在完成时改写)The first Star

13、bucks coffee shop _ _ _ _ 1971.2.Alice liked orange juice better than cola when she was young.(保持原句意思不变)Alice _ orange juice _ cola when she was young.3.Well be arriving in Sydney in a few days.(对划线部分提问)_ _ will you be arriving in Sydney?4.The weather is very terrible.(改为感叹句)_ _ weather it is!5.You

14、should follow the blueprints exactly when building your own house.(保持原句意思不变)You _ _ _ follow the blueprints exactly when building your ownhouse.Put the following into English.1.There was a car accident this morning.Fortunately,nobody _(受伤严重).2.If people want to adopt a pet from the SPCA,they must _(

15、许诺好好照顾它).3.This paragraph _(与无关)the rest of the article.4.Emily _(不能上交她的学期论文)tomorrow because her computer hascrashed and shes lost all her work.Choose the wrong answer and correct it.1.Miss Smith had no idea how she should do with these naughty students.ABCD2.Nobody knows now what has happened eith

16、er of the sisters who are always anxious to learn.ABCD3.Im afraid that the box is much too heavy for so young a boy to rise it.ABCD4.It is said that he has borrowed the interesting novel from the library for two weeks.ABCDPart ThreeReading and Writing.Complete the passage with words from the box.A.e

17、verlastingB.directlyC.shortlyD.shareE.workF.spreadG.transportationH.completeI.laborOne winter morning,my husband got up early to ride his bike to his job.When myhusband arrived at _1_,he parked his bike outside the back doors as he usually does.Afterputting in 10 solid hours of _2_,he returned to fi

18、nd his bike was gone-stolen.I was so upset that someone had stolen our only means of _3_ that I wrote to the localnewspaper and told them our story.They ran an article,and _4_ afterwards,several people in our community offered toreplace the bike.One wonderful stranger simply went out and bought a bi

19、ke,then called myhusband to come to pick it up.Once again my husband has a way to get to and from his job.It really is an honor that a _5_ stranger would go out of their way for someone theyhave never met before,all because they heard our story and wanted to help.People say that a smile can _6_,but

20、acts of kindness from strangers can do even more.This experience has a chain effect in our lives because it can restore our faith in humanity as awhole.And it influences my husband and me to be more thoughtful of ways we,too,can _7_with others.No matter how big or how small,an act of kindness tells

21、the receiver that someone cares.And the results can be _8_.Reading comprehension.It was the middle of April.A large number of birds were flying northward.Thousands ofducks led the way as they usually do.But things were different that year.The north winds were very strong.Heavy snowstormscame quite l

22、ate in the spring.The birds badly needed a place to get out of the storms and to restduring their long flights.Thousands of ducks couldnt find a place to rest in Nebraska.At the time a terrible disease that kills birds broke out in Nebraska.Ducks were dying ingreat numbers.Hawks that lived nearby we

23、re spreading the disease to the water birds that landedon the small lakes.The wildlife workers were not able to stop the terrible disease.As they worried over thedying birds,they suddenly thought of something which was worse.In a few days the whoopers,one of the most beautiful birds,were going to fl

24、y across the state.What would happen if even one of the forty-nine remaining whoopers was to land nearthe sick birds?If a whooper got the disease,it could spread to all the rest.A bad snowstorm blew over Nebraska as the first whoopers fought their way across thestate.They were forced down by storm.A

25、nd they landed right in the middle of one of theplaces where the disease was spreading.A farmer was the first to see the nine whoopers on thelake.The wildlife workers quickly got ready to save the whoopers.They worked for long hours,trying to frighten the birds away to a safe place.They fired guns,b

26、ut the whoopers didnt move.At last it stopped snowing!With a small plane the workers were able to drive all but twoof the whoopers to a safe place.All night long the workers stayed in the cold as they watched over the whoppers.Suddenly,as day began to break,the last two whoppers took off.They were d

27、riven by the airplaneto a safe place.Slowly the winds became less strong.The nine whoppers flew off to the north.Thewildlife workers were tired but relieved.Choose the best answer.1.What was the unusual thing that happened in Nebraska in the middle ofApril?A.Ducks led the way as a large number of bi

28、rds flew.B.Ducks couldnt find a place to rest in Nebraska.C.Aterrible disease that kills birds broke out.D.Heavy snowstorms came early in spring.2.What made things worse was that _.A.hawks got the disease and spread it to the water birdsB.the whoopers flying by would be in danger of catching a disea

29、seC.thousands of ducks diedD.the wildlife workers were not able to stop the disease3.The wildlife workers did all the following things to save the whoopers EXCEPT _.A.firing guns to get the whoopers away from the sick birdsB.watching over the whoppers the whole nightC.using a small plane to drive th

30、e whoppers to safetyD.gathering the sick and dead birds with a small plane4.In the end,the nine whoopers flew off to the north when _.A.the night was overB.it stopped snowingC.there was less windD.the winds stopped5.Which of the following is NOT CORRECT?A.Because of hawks,the disease was spread to w

31、ater birds.B.The wildlife workers tried their best to save the whoopers.C.It was about at dawn that they managed to drive away all the whoopers to safety.D.The whoopers tend to land on the lakes in Nebraska when flying north.Cloze.(A)Several years ago,a well-known writer and editor Norman Cousins be

32、came very ill.Hisbody ached and he felt constantly tired.It was difficult for him to even _1_ around.His doctortold him that he would lose the ability to move and eventually die from the disease.He was told hehad only a 1 in 500 chance of survival._2_ the diagnosis(诊断),Cousins was determined to over

33、come the disease and survive.He had always been interested in medicine and had read a book,which discussed the idea of howbody chemistry and health can be damaged by emotional stress and negative _3_.The bookmade Cousins think about the possible _4_ of positive attitudes and emotions.he thought,“Is

34、itpossible that love,hope,faith,laughter,confidence,and the _5_ to live have positive treatmentvalue?”He decided to concentrate on positive emotions as a way to treat some of the symptomsof his disease.In addition to his traditional medical treatment,he tried to put himself in situationsthat would b

35、ring about positive emotions.“Laugh therapy”became part of his treatment.He_6_ time each day for watching comedy films,reading humorous books,and doing otheractivities that would draw out _7_ emotions.Within eight days of starting his“laugh therapy”program his pain began to _8_ and he was able to sl

36、eep more easily.He was able to return towork in a few monthstime and actually reached complete recovery after a few years.1.A.runB.passC.moveD.travel2.A.BesidesB.DespiteC.WithoutD.Beyond3.A.attitudesB.beliefsC.goalsD.positions4.A.shortcomingB.harmC.benefitD.interest5.A.emotionB.painC.fearD.will6.A.a

37、ffordedB.appointedC.offeredD.arranged7.A.positiveB.approvingC.strongD.mixed8.A.escapeB.decreaseC.shrinkD.end(B)Its not easy for us to forgive(原谅)someone who has ever hurt you or made youdisappointed.H_1_,several new studies say that it could be good for your health.When youthink of forgiveness,you p

38、robably dont think of it as a healthy or medical problem.On the otherhand,studies p_2_ that something like anger can change your well-being(身心状况).When cartoon characters like the Incredible Hulk get angry,they change colors and oftenget special power.In the real w_3_,anger is less obvious.Scientists

39、 say anger can be harmful toyour p_4_ and mental health.Two new studies seem to show the same idea.The studies findthat people who are able to forgive feel less stress,less back pain,and less depression.They also have fewer headaches,l_5_ blood pressure,and fewer problems on sleeping.So it doesnt m_

40、6_ if your anger is caused by the traffic or other things.Learning to let it go isimportant.Ways such as d_7_ breath can help you a lot,or just ask yourself if its worth hurtingyourself by staying angry with someone else.Forgiveness does not mean that your simply acceptwhat happened and say its OK.I

41、nstead,its a way of making peace with yourself about whathappened in the past.WritingWrite a passage of at least 60 words on the topic“How to Keep Healthy”.KEYSI.1.represented2.junior3.opposite4.annual 5.stethoscope6.superstition7.relationship8.foundedII.1.Britons2.removal3.electrical4.examined5.acc

42、identally6.height7.bloodyIII.1-5 CDBCA6-10 CCACD11-15 BCBABIV.1.has set,took2.existed3.lying4.playing5.doesnt give6.will be bathingV.1.has been open since2.preferred,to3.How soon 4.What terrible5.are,supposed toVI.1.was hurt badly2.promise to take good care of it3.is not related to4.wont be ableto hand in her term paperVII.1.B,how 改为 what2.B,happened 后加上 to3.D,rise 改为 raise4.B,has borrowed 改为 has keptReading and WritingI.1.E2.I3.G4.C5.H6.F7.D8.AII.1.C2.B3.D4.C5.DIII.(A)1.C2.B3.A4.C5.D6.D7.A8.B(B)1.However2.prove3.world4.physical5.lower6.matter7.deep


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