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1、To learn the basic forms of the passive voice and some special passive patternsTo learn how to use modal verbs in the passive voiceTo find out the verbs which are often used in the passive voice语法讲解建议采用归纳法,如尽可能语法讲解建议采用归纳法,如尽可能多的呈现一些相关例句,或可让学生多的呈现一些相关例句,或可让学生从已学课文中找相应例句,引导学生从已学课文中找相应例句,引导学生试着从所观察到的语言

2、现象中总结出试着从所观察到的语言现象中总结出语言规则和语法规律。语言规则和语法规律。语态语态(Voice)是动词的一种形式,它表示句是动词的一种形式,它表示句子的主语和谓语动词之间的关系。语态通子的主语和谓语动词之间的关系。语态通常分为主动语态和被动语态。常分为主动语态和被动语态。被动语态被动语态(Passive Voice)表示句子的主语是表示句子的主语是动作的接受者或受影响者。动作的接受者或受影响者。被动语态的基本动词形式是被动语态的基本动词形式是be+V-ed。通。通过改变过改变be的时态,可以构成不同时态的被的时态,可以构成不同时态的被动语态。动语态。Point out the ver

3、b,the subject and the object in the following sentences.We kept food in the fridge.We close the windows and the door.S V.O.SV.Food was kept(by us)in the fridge.O The windows and the door are closed(by us).How can we change a sentence into passive voice?1.Find out the object of the sentence and use i

4、t as the subject of the sentence with the passive voice.2.Decide the tense of the sentence and use the related form of its passive.3.If necessary,use“by”to join the former subject,which should be put into its object form.When do we use the passive voice?Many houses will be built here.1.不知道或没必要指出动作的执

5、行者。不知道或没必要指出动作的执行者。The song was composed by a young worker.2.说话人对宾语的兴趣大于对主语的兴说话人对宾语的兴趣大于对主语的兴 趣趣(这时可用这时可用by引导出动作的执行者引导出动作的执行者)。The plan was supported by those who wished to have more chances to speak English.3.动作的执行者有较长的修饰语。动作的执行者有较长的修饰语。You are requested to attend the meeting.4.出于礼貌出于礼貌,不愿意说出动作的执行者

6、。不愿意说出动作的执行者。be+V-ed am/is/are 一般现在时一般现在时 am/is/are+being现在进行时现在进行时shall/will+be一般将来时一般将来时have/has+been现在完成时现在完成时be+V-ed was/were 一般过去时一般过去时 was/were+being过去进行时过去进行时would+be过去将来时过去将来时had+been过去完成时过去完成时The man _(call)“A good husband”.is calledFill in the blanks according to the pictures.A frog _(catc

7、h)by a big bird just now.was caughtThe car _(repair)for two hours.has been repaired The pet dog _(treat)by a vet.is being treatedA new building _(build)here soon.will be built 被动语态的各种句型被动语态的各种句型1.单宾语结构。单宾语结构。Our English teacher often uses a tape-recorder in teaching English.A tape-recorder is often

8、used(by our English teacher)in teaching English.在被动语态中,动作发出者往往置于在被动语态中,动作发出者往往置于by之后,之后,但在不必指出动作发出者是谁、动作发出者但在不必指出动作发出者是谁、动作发出者并不重要或很难指出动作发出者是谁时,一并不重要或很难指出动作发出者是谁时,一般不提及动作发出者。般不提及动作发出者。The villagers gave the foreign guests a warm welcome.The foreign guests were given a warm welcome by the villagers.A

9、 warm welcome was given to the foreign guests by the villagers.2.双宾语结构。双宾语结构。We offered people in the flooded areas some food and clothes.People in the flooded areas were offered some food and clothes.Some food and clothes were offered to the people in the flooded areas.在在give,lend,offer,send,tell和和

10、show等动词等动词后,可带有两个宾语后,可带有两个宾语,可以把任意一个宾,可以把任意一个宾语提前。如果把语提前。如果把sth提前,则需要在提前,则需要在sb.前前加上加上to。3.复合宾语结构复合宾语结构。宾语。宾语+宾语补足语宾语补足语They heard someone singing in the next room.objectobject complementSomeone was heard singing in the next room.在主动语态中,有些使役动词和感官动词在主动语态中,有些使役动词和感官动词后接后接不带不带to的不定式的不定式作宾语补足语。作宾语补足语。但但

11、在被动语态中,要改为在被动语态中,要改为带带to的动词不定式的动词不定式。如如:have/watch/notice/see/hear/make/hear sb.do sth.变成被动为:变成被动为:sb.be seen/heard/made to do sth.They saw the boy fall from the tree.The boy was seen to fall from the tree.(相当于相当于及物动词及物动词的的)动词动词短语短语也也可以可以有被动有被动语态。语态。如如:look after,give up,take care of,pay attention t

12、o,make use of,put off,wake up,put out等。等。The children are taken good care of.The big fire has been put out.孩子们得到了很好的照顾。孩子们得到了很好的照顾。大火已经扑灭了。大火已经扑灭了。4.动词短语结构动词短语结构。特别注意特别注意1.在被动语态中,有时在被动语态中,有时get可用来代替可用来代替be,如如get changed,get hurt,get dressed和和get injured等等。Please wait a while.Ill just go and get chan

13、ged.2.表示状态的动词不能用被动语态。表示状态的动词不能用被动语态。I have many science books.VR films belong to the latest wave of new technology.3.有些有些动词如动词如clean,lock,open,write,read,sell,wash,measure等在用来描等在用来描述主语内在述主语内在“品质品质”或性能时,常用或性能时,常用其主动形式表被动意义其主动形式表被动意义。Your article reads well.This type of car sells well in China.This ha

14、ll measures 100 metres long and 60 metres wide.4.在一些固定句型中常用被动语态。在一些固定句型中常用被动语态。如:如:1)It+动词的被动语态形式动词的被动语态形式+that引导的从句引导的从句It is said that It is reported that It is believed that 2)主语主语+动词的被动语态形式动词的被动语态形式+动词不定式动词不定式The technology behind the RealCine is said to be virtual reality.常用于这类句型的动词有常用于这类句型的动词有

15、say,believe,report,suppose,know和和prove等。等。It is reported that another man-made satellite will be sent up into space next month.Another man-made satellite is reported to be sent up into space next month.据报道,下个月又一颗人造卫星将会被发据报道,下个月又一颗人造卫星将会被发射。射。The three missing sailors are believed to have drowned.It

16、is believed that the three missing sailors have drowned.人们认为这三个失踪的海员已经淹死了。人们认为这三个失踪的海员已经淹死了。5.有些单词经常用在被动语态中,起着有些单词经常用在被动语态中,起着形容词的作用。如:形容词的作用。如:My dad was disappointed at my test result.They were surprised at the possibilities of the Internet.be bored with,be born in/on,be disappointed at/by,be puzz

17、led by,be pleased by/with,be surprised at/by6.只有及物动词和及物动词短语才可以只有及物动词和及物动词短语才可以有被动语态。不及物动词、不及物动词有被动语态。不及物动词、不及物动词短语或感官动词无被动语态。如短语或感官动词无被动语态。如:这个房间是我的。这个房间是我的。This room belongs to me.这这首曲子很好听。首曲子很好听。This piece of music sounds sweet.happen,go on,take place,belong to,sound,feel 等无被动语态。等无被动语态。7.deserve,n

18、eed,require,want,be worth之后可接动名词的主动形式表示被动意之后可接动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。如义。如:This is an extraordinary technology that deserves developing further.The active voiceThe passive voicedo/doesam/is/are doinghas/have donebe going to/will dodidwas/were doinghad donemodal verb+doare/is doneam/is/are being donehas/have

19、been donebe going to/will be donewas/were donewas/were being donehad been donemodal verb+be+doneIndividual activity请点击请点击word图标图标1.They are living with their parents for the moment because their own house _.(2012四川四川)A.is being rebuilt B.has been rebuilt C.is rebuilt D.has rebuilt2.Is honesty the be

20、st policy?We _ that it is when we are little.(2012上海上海)A.will teach B.teach C.are taught D.will be taughtQuiz I:Choose the best answer.3.Dont worry.The hard work that you do now _ later in life.(2012湖南湖南)A.will be repaid B.was being repaid C.has been repaid D.was repaid4.Have you heard about that fi

21、re in the market?(2012北京北京)Yes,fortunately no one _.A.hurt B.was hurt C.has hurt D.had been hurt5.Shakespeares play Hamlet _ into at least ten different films over the past years.(2013北京北京)A.had been made B.was made C.has been madeD.would be made6.So what is the procedure?(2013北京北京)All the applicant

22、s _ before a final decision is made by the authority.A.interview B.are interviewing C.are interviewed D.are being interviewed7.If nothing _,the oceans will turn into fish deserts.(2013湖南湖南)A.doesB.had been done C.will do D.is done8.We are confident that the environment _ by our further efforts to re

23、duce pollution.(2013辽宁辽宁)A.had been improved B.will be improved C.is improved D.was improved9.Unless extra money _,the theatre will close.(2014大纲大纲)A.was found B.finds C.is found D.found 10.We wont start the work until all the preparations _.(2014天津天津)A.are being made B.will be made C.have been made

24、 D.had been made11.Did you enjoy the party?Yes.We _ well by our hosts.(2015北京北京)A.were treated B.would be treated C.treated D.had treated12.To my delight,I _ from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony.(2015福建福建)A.was chosen B.was being chosen C.would choose D.had chosen13.Despite the

25、 previous rounds of talks,no agreement _ so far by the two sides.(2015天津天津)A.has been reached B.was reached C.will reach D.will have reached14.More expressways _ in Sichuan soon to promote the local economy.(2015四川四川)A.are being built B.will be built C.have been built D.had been built15.It is report

26、ed that a space station _ on the moon in years to come.(2015安徽安徽)A.will be building B.will be built C.has been building D.has been builtQuiz II:Fill in the blanks with the right form of the words given.1.I _(give)a new book by my father on my birthday.2.English _(find)very useful.3.The work _(finish

27、)tomorrow.4.The flowers _(water)by them now.5.Many trees _(should plant)on the mountains.was given is foundwill be finished are being wateredshould be planted6.The railway _(build)this time last year.7.The railway _ already _ (build).8.The new railway _(build)by the end of last year.9.He told me the

28、 sports meeting _(hold)the next month.10.Rice _(grow)in the south of the States.was being builthas been builthad been builtwould be held is grown1.禁止吸烟。禁止吸烟。_2.The house _(正在上油正在上油 漆漆).3.The flames _(能看到能看到)several miles away.Smoking is not permitted.is being paintedQuiz III:Translation.could be see

29、n4.昨天,乔治被选为班长而非亨利。昨天,乔治被选为班长而非亨利。John _ president of the class instead of Harry yesterday.5.核能已被我们用来发电。核能已被我们用来发电。Nuclear energy _ _ by us.6.到去年年底他们已建造了三艘船。到去年年底他们已建造了三艘船。By last December three ships _.was electedhas been used to produceelectricityhad beenbuilt by themQuiz IV:Complete this radio new

30、s report using the passive form of the verbs in brackets.Good afternoon.The lunch-time news today(1)_(report)by John Howard.The Prime Minister has visited a primary school in Ipswich where he(2)_(welcome)by the children and their teachers.He opened a new sports centre that(3)_is reported was welcome

31、dis being built(build)with money raised by the parents and teachers.Half of the money(4)_ _(spend)on building the playground.Another 20,000(5)_(need)to finish the swimming pool so more money raising activities(6)_(organize)in the following months.is needed will be organized been spenthasFinish the e

32、xercises on P49-51.Finish Part C1 and Part C2 on P108.课前回顾1.Every country should pay attention to its _.(educate)2.I have a bicycle now but my sister was the _ owner.(origin)3.He hoped to find the money to _ a film.(production)4.我无法理解她为何这样说。I cant_ why she said so.educationoriginalproducefigure outW

33、hat can you conclude from the following sentences from the text?1.Rice is also grown in many other Asian countries.2.Yuan Longping was born and brought up in China.3.As a boy he was educated in schools and was given a nickname 4.Researchers were brought in from all over China Look!Theres nothing her

34、e.Everything has been taken away.I was born in 1981.She is liked by everybody.He is said to be a good teacher.不知道动作的执行者不必提出动作的执行者强调动作的承受者习惯用法各种时态的被动情况:一般现在时:一般过去时:现在进行时:过去进行时:现在完成时:过去完成时:一般将来时:过去将来时:情态动词变被动:am/is/are donewas/were doneam/is/are being donewas/were being donehave/has been donehad been

35、doneshall/will be donebe going to be donewould/should+be+done情态动词+be+done1.每天都有新的问题被处理。2.明年将种许多树。3.失踪的男孩昨晚被找到了。The lost boy was found last night.New problems are dealt with every day.Many trees will be planted next year.4.昨天下午这个问题在会上正在被讨论。5.水稻在中国种植了数千年。Rice has been grown in China for thousands of y

36、ears.The question was being discussed at the meeting yesterday afternoon.短语动词的被动语态:The doctor has been sent for.那位老人常常受到嘲笑。That old man was often laughed at.短语动词在主动结构中是一个不可分割的词组,在被动结构中也是如此,不可去掉后面的介词或副词。make use of give up 1.He must be prevented from going.2.The plan ought to be put into practice as

37、soon as possible.结论:含有情态动词的被动语态的结构为:一定要充分利用时间。Time must be made good use of.带复合宾语的被动语态结构()make sb.do sth.sb.be made to do sth.Mr Green made Jim do his homework at home.Jim was made to do his homework by Mr Green at home.feel/hear listen/make have let/look see watch notice(2)see sb.doing sth.sb.be se

38、en doing sth.I saw him playing football at that moment.He was seen playing football at that moment.hear/watch/.We often hear them sing this song.They are often heard to sing this song(by us).This song is often heard(by us)to be sung(by them).Bob sent Kate a letter last year.=Kate was sent a letter b

39、y Bob last year.=A letter was sent to Kate by Bob last year.tell ask bring write give teach pass lendtoHe told Jim a story.带双宾的动词变被动语态Mum made me a new dress.I was made a new dress by Mum.A new dress was made for me by Mum.make buy drawforI bought my brother a book.The book_ well.A.sells B.is sold T

40、he music_ nice.A.sounds B.is sounded注意:某些动词形式是主动,但含有被动的意思。1.cut,sell,read,write,fill,cook,lock,wash等带状语(well,easily)时。如:The cloth washes well.2.感官动词 look,smell,taste,sound,feel等与形容词连用时。如:The apples taste good.AA思考.Finish the exercises of Activity 2,on page 34.1.These computers are produced in Americ

41、a.2.Rice has been grown in China for thousands of years.3.These electronic games were/are made in Japan.4.A new variety of rice was discovered in 1970.5.Many important discoveries have been made since the beginning of last century.Finish the exercises of Activity 3,on page 34.1.was educated2.was giv

42、en3.were published4.was discovered5.were converted6.was exportedLook at the sentence and decide which question the underlined phrase answers.He thought he could produce more rice by crossing different species of plant.介词“by”与名词,代词或动词-ing 连用,在句中作状语。用法用法 例句例句By与名词,代词连与名词,代词连用,用,译为译为“被被”,常用于被动语态。常用于被动语

43、态。The snow was cleared away by the students.By与动词与动词-ing连用,连用,译为译为“通过通过”。表示。表示某种方式某种方式。He could produce more rice by crossing two different plants.1.What could he produce?2.Why should he produce more rice?3.How could he produce more rice?by 与动词-ing连用,译为“通过”。表示某种方式。e.g.By helping them we are helping

44、to save ourselves.选D。空格处所填的词与making并列,同作by的宾语,故用动词-ing形式。题意为“人通过出错并改正错误来学习语言。”One learns a language by making mistakes and _ them.(北京2012)A.corrects B.correctC.to correct D.correctingRewrite the sentences by changing the underlined phrases with a phrase beginning with by+ing.Example:You can get a go

45、od job if you study hard.You can get a good job by studying hard.1.Yuan Longping changed agriculture in China.He discovered a new type of rice.2.Researchers learn things when they carry out experiments.Yuan Longping changed agriculture in China by discovering a new type of rice.Researchers learn thi

46、ngs by carrying out experiments.3.They changed the design and so they built a better engine.4.You will become a better pianist if you practise often.By changing the design they built a better engine.You will become a better pianist by practising often.5.If we plan for the future we can be happy in t

47、he present.By planning for the future we can be happy in the present.Choose the correct way of saying the numbers.1.5,000,000 (a)five million (b)five millions(a)2.47.5%(a)forty seven half percent (b)forty seven point five percent3.632 (a)six hundred and thirty two (b)six hundred thirty two4.4/5 (a)f

48、our fifths (b)four five(b)(a)(a)Read the sentences aloud.1.Rice was first grown about 5,000 years ago.2.China exports about 1.5%of its rice.3.Australia produces about 250,000 tons of rice.4.2/3 of the words population regularly eat rice.Finish exercises on page 85.Look!Theres nothing here.Everything

49、 has been taken away.I was born in 1981.She is liked by everybody.He is said to be a good teacher.Youll be contacted.Star War is acted by Harrison Ford.不知道动作的执行者不必提出动作的执行者强调动作的承受者习惯用法不确定动作的执行者行文的需要1.一定要充分利用时间。Time must be made good use of.2.坏习惯已经被改掉了。Bad habits have been done away with.3.那个计划就要被他们放弃

50、了。The plan will be given up by them.4.孩子将被很好地照顾。The children will be taken good care of.改错:1.Such things neednt talked.Such things neednt be talked about.2.The books may kept for two weeks by you.The books may be kept for two weeks by you.She heard him sing a song just now.He was heard to sing a son


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