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1、中考任务型阅读中考任务型阅读 -题型解读与题型解读与 突破途径突破途径 一、一、“任务型阅读任务型阅读”,2015年中考如年中考如何体现?何体现?二、二、“任务型阅读任务型阅读”,主要考查学生,主要考查学生何种能力?何种能力?A)阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后第阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后第62-71小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为并将答案填写在答题卡标号为62-71的相应位置上。的相应位置上。注意:每个空格只填一个单词注意:每个空格只填一个单词 Sue and Jim were neighbours for five

2、 years but they were never interested in each other.Then one day,Sue saw Jims music collection.She noticed a rare punk rock CD that she also owned.At that moment,she realized that they both had the same interest in music and they started talking.Sue said,“I thought we had nothing in common(相同)(相同)un

3、til I saw his CD by the New York Dolls.”They are now married and living with each other.Some psychologists(心理学家心理学家)think that your taste in music is related to(有联系的有联系的)your personality.As part of a test at the University of Texas,Austin,USA,volunteers created a CD of their favourite songs.The volu

4、nteers then listened to each others CDs and made guesses about the CD creators personalityoutgoing,adventurous,happy,and so on.These strangers correctly guessed much more about each others personalities through their CDs than through their clothes or taste in films.For example,Sue and Jim love punk

5、music,which means they have outgoing personalities.The psychologists who did the test found Snoop Dogg(hip-hop)fans are likely to be energetic and talkative.People who like U2(rock/pop music)are generally independent and adventurous.The psychologists also found that Louis Armstrong(jazz)fans tend to

6、(倾向于倾向于)be shy.The psychologists were surprised to find that rap and heavy metal fans were also shier and quieter than many other music lovers.Title:Music and 62 An opinion Your 63 in music is related to your personality.Findings Ones clothes or taste in films is 64 important than his/her CDs in a t

7、est of guessing about ones personality.It is 65 that hip-hop fans are energetic and talkative.People who 66 rock or pop music are usually independent and adventurous.Jazz fans tend to be 67 and intelligent.Its 68 that rap and heavy metal fans are shier and quieter than many other music lovers.An 69

8、70 Sue and Jim were neighbours for five years,they were never interested in each other.After Sue noticed they both had rare punk rock CDs,she found they had 71 in common.They are now married and living with each other.三、三、“任务型阅读任务型阅读”,主要考查学生何种能力?,主要考查学生何种能力?捕捉信息捕捉信息能力:属基础题。能力:属基础题。组织信息组织信息能力:属活用题。能力

9、:属活用题。综合概括综合概括信息能力:属概括题。信息能力:属概括题。题型题型捕捉信捕捉信息题息题组织信组织信息题息题综合概综合概括题括题总题数总题数题数53210阅读填词 阅读填词是我市中考英语新题型,这一题型旨在阅读填词是我市中考英语新题型,这一题型旨在考查学生四方面的能力:考查学生四方面的能力:1.获取信息能力获取信息能力 信息的理解;文章的结构和层次等信息的理解;文章的结构和层次等。2.处理信息能力处理信息能力 信息的分层;时间顺序、空间顺序、逻辑分层、信息的分层;时间顺序、空间顺序、逻辑分层、共性与差异等。共性与差异等。3.加工信息的能力加工信息的能力 信息的分类;问题的原因、解决方法

10、等;各种观信息的分类;问题的原因、解决方法等;各种观点、看法以及建议;态度和目的等。点、看法以及建议;态度和目的等。4.运用信息的能力运用信息的能力 信息的归纳与表达。信息的归纳与表达。一、一、“任务型阅读任务型阅读”,学生怎么看?,学生怎么看?二、二、“任务型阅读任务型阅读”,可以怎样训练?,可以怎样训练?三、三、“任务型阅读任务型阅读”,有什么样的解题步骤与方法?,有什么样的解题步骤与方法?四、四、“任务型阅读任务型阅读”,解题时要注意什么?,解题时要注意什么?一、一、“任务型阅读任务型阅读”,学生怎么看?,学生怎么看?4.方法不当,方法不当,信心不足。信心不足。3.不会概括不会概括 2.

11、难以用难以用适当的词适当的词或词的适或词的适当形式来当形式来填空。填空。1.难以理难以理解文章结解文章结构与图表。构与图表。操作篇操作篇二、二、“任务型阅读任务型阅读”,可以怎样训练?,可以怎样训练?参考途径?参考途径?2.课文复习课文复习3.阅读点评阅读点评5.专项专项 限时训练限时训练1.词汇复习词汇复习6.4.答题技巧指导答题技巧指导 用所给词用所给词适当形式适当形式填空。填空。(示例)(示例)根据提示用根据提示用意义相同意义相同的词完成各句,每格一词。的词完成各句,每格一词。(示例)(示例)根据提示用根据提示用意义相反的词意义相反的词完成各句,每格一词。完成各句,每格一词。(示例)(示

12、例)词汇复习词汇复习南京考题南京考题64.These strangers correctly guessed much more about each others personalities through their CDs than through their clothes or taste in films.Ones clothes or taste in films is 64 important than his/her CDs in a test of guessing about ones personality.转换能力转换能力南京考题南京考题68.The psycholo

13、gists were surprised to find that rap and heavy metal fans were also shier and quieter than many other music lovers.Its 68 that rap and heavy metal fans are shier and quieter than many other music lovers 转换能力转换能力南京考题南京考题70.Sue and Jim were neighbours for five years but they were never interested in

14、each other.70 Sue and Jim were neighbours for five years,they were never interested in each other.转换能力转换能力南京考题南京考题71.I thought we had nothing in common(相同)(相同)until I saw his CD by the New York Dolls.After Sue noticed they both had rare punk rock CDs,she found they had 71 in common.转换能力转换能力答题技巧答题技巧

15、1.在读文章之前,先看一下文章后面的题在读文章之前,先看一下文章后面的题目及要求,这样在阅读文章时就会有针对目及要求,这样在阅读文章时就会有针对性。性。2.在读文章过程中,要兼顾文章主旨的归纳在读文章过程中,要兼顾文章主旨的归纳和细节信息的收集和细节信息的收集 3.在读文章后,核对各条题目,将信息进在读文章后,核对各条题目,将信息进行梳理,根据要求处理信息,正确表达。行梳理,根据要求处理信息,正确表达。1、略读。、略读。快速浏览全文,理清文章基本结构。快速浏览全文,理清文章基本结构。2、扫读。、扫读。扫读表格,便于带着问题找读。扫读表格,便于带着问题找读。3、细读。、细读。分析整合信息、准确表

16、达。分析整合信息、准确表达。4、复查。、复查。通观全篇,复读检查。通观全篇,复读检查。三、三、“任务型阅读任务型阅读”,有什么样的解题,有什么样的解题步骤与方法?步骤与方法?A)阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后第阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后第62-71小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为并将答案填写在答题卡标号为62-71的相应位置上。的相应位置上。注意:每个空格只填一个单词注意:每个空格只填一个单词 Sue and Jim were neighbours for five years but they were never

17、 interested in each other.Then one day,Sue saw Jims music collection.She noticed a rare punk rock CD that she also owned.At that moment,she realized that they both had the same interest in music and they started talking.Sue said,“I thought we had nothing in common(相同)(相同)until I saw his CD by the Ne

18、w York Dolls.”They are now married and living with each other.Some psychologists(心理学家心理学家)think that your taste in music is related to(有联系的有联系的)your personality.As part of a test at the University of Texas,Austin,USA,volunteers created a CD of their favourite songs.The volunteers then listened to ea

19、ch others CDs and made guesses about the CD creators personalityoutgoing,adventurous,happy,and so on.These strangers correctly guessed much more about each others personalities through their CDs than through their clothes or taste in films.For example,Sue and Jim love punk music,which means they hav

20、e outgoing personalities.The psychologists who did the test found Snoop Dogg(hip-hop)fans are likely to be energetic and talkative.People who like U2(rock/pop music)are generally independent and adventurous.The psychologists also found that Louis Armstrong(jazz)fans tend to(倾向于倾向于)be shy.The psychol

21、ogists were surprised to find that rap and heavy metal fans were also shier and quieter than many other music lovers.Title:Music and 62 PersonalityAn opinion Your 63 taste in music is related to your personality.Findings Ones clothes or taste in films is 64 less important than his/her CDs in a test

22、of guessing about ones personality.It is 65 likely that hip-hop fans are energetic and talkative.People who 66 like rock or pop music are usually independent and adventurous.Jazz fans tend to be 67 serious and intelligent.Its 68 surprsing that rap and heavy metal fans are shier and quieter than many

23、 other music lovers.An 69example 70 Though Sue and Jim were neighbours for five years,they were never interested in each other.After Sue noticed they both had rare punk rock CDs,she found they had 71 something in common.They are now married and living with each other.南京考题南京考题63.Some psychologists(心理

24、学家心理学家)think that your taste in music is related to(有有联系的联系的)your personality Your 63 in music is related to your personality.细读细读南京考题南京考题66.People who like U2(rock/pop music)are generally independent and adventurous.People who 66 rock or pop music are usually independent and adventurous.细读细读南京考题南京考

25、题67.The psychologists also found that Louis Armstrong(jazz)fans tend to(倾向倾向于于)be serious and intelligent.Jazz fans tend to be 67 and intelligent.细读细读南京考题南京考题62.Title:Music and 62 Personality.69.An opinion Findings An 69 example 归纳能力归纳能力 5.专项专项 限时限时训练训练目标目标有效表达有效表达 准确把脉准确把脉快速识图快速识图能上能下能上能下Digest out

26、put操作篇操作篇三、三、“任务型阅读任务型阅读”,有什么样的解题方法?,有什么样的解题方法?文章文章 表格表格 抓住文章的框抓住文章的框 架及每段大意架及每段大意 深入理解文章内容深入理解文章内容分析表格结构和内容分析表格结构和内容准确定位填空的要求准确定位填空的要求 (以时间以时间 地点地点 因果对比因果对比性设题性设题)捕捉信息题捕捉信息题 组织信息题组织信息题 综合概括题综合概括题 查读查读 转换信息正确表述转换信息正确表述 归纳概括归纳概括 略读细读细读扫读扫读建议:教会学生查读建议:教会学生查读 1.带着问题有意识地在细节处和关键处做标记带着问题有意识地在细节处和关键处做标记 2.

27、根据根据最醒目的字眼最醒目的字眼(time age number place)3.依据信息词依据信息词,如:如:(1)5W:Who what when where why how(2)时间先后)时间先后:First then after that next finally (3)因果)因果:Because(4)比较)比较:differences 解题方法解题方法 建议:教会学生组织、表述信息建议:教会学生组织、表述信息1.用名词所有格用名词所有格“s”代替代替 of 2.词性转换词性转换 3.句子结构转换句子结构转换4.另选它词来释义另选它词来释义 六、任务型阅读(每小题任务型阅读(每小题1分

28、,共分,共10分)分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。信息,每空一词。Different colours have different effects on people.Red is an exciting colour.It creates an image of action,energy and danger.Red is often used in flags(旗).80%of the worlds flags contain red.A study in Germany showed that football tea

29、ms wearing red are more successful.Blue is a very calm colur.Businessmen usually wear dark blue suits.Blue is also a peaceful colour.The flag of the United Nations is light blue.Yellow means freedom and green is a very relaxing colour.Some doctors nowadays wear green,because its less tiring than whi

30、te.White is a pure and strong colour.This is one reason why most doctors wear white coats.We believe in them more.People wearing grey do not want others to notice them.Brown is the opposite of black.It is warm and friendly.Different effects of coloursredan 76 colour:action,energy and dangerIts often

31、 used in flags;football teams wearing red are more likely to 77 .bluea calm colour;a 79 colourBusinessmen often wear 78 blue suits.The flag of the United Nations is light blue.yellowmeans 80 green a relaxing colourIts less tiring than 81 .white a pure and strong colourWe believe more in people 82 white.greyPeople in grey dont want to be 83 .84 a warm and friendly colourIts the 85 of black.


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