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1、考点一考点一形容词与副词的句法功能对比形容词与副词的句法功能对比用用 法法例例 句句作定语作定语 She is a beautiful girl.作表语作表语 The book is very interesting.作宾语作宾语补足语补足语We should keep the classroom clean.考点一考点一形容词与副词的句法功能对比形容词与副词的句法功能对比用用 法法例例 句句作表语作表语My mother is out.作定语作定语The girl there is my friend.作状语作状语He runs fast.作宾补作宾补I found him outside.

2、易错点提示易错点提示1.当形容词修饰由当形容词修饰由some-,any-,no-,every-与与thing,one,body构成的不定代词时构成的不定代词时,形容词要后置形容词要后置.e.g.Is there anything interesting in todays newspaper?易错点提示易错点提示2.有些形容词只能作表语,不有些形容词只能作表语,不能作定语。能作定语。alone afraid awake asleep alive able ill考点二考点二 形容词变副词的方法形容词变副词的方法3.以以“元音字母元音字母+e”结尾的形容词,结尾的形容词,去去e再加再加-ly.如

3、如:truetruly.4.以以le结尾的形容词,去结尾的形容词,去e再加再加-y。如。如:terribleterribly,simplesimply possiblepossibly,.考点二考点二 形容词变副词的方法形容词变副词的方法1.大多数形容词在词尾加大多数形容词在词尾加-ly.如如carefulcarefully,quickquickly.2.以以“辅音字母辅音字母+y”结尾的形容词,结尾的形容词,把把y变成变成i,再加,再加-ly。如。如happyhappily,luckyluckily.易错点提示易错点提示2.有些形容词本身又是副词。如:有些形容词本身又是副词。如:alone,

4、far,near,high,fast,early,late,易错点提示易错点提示1.少数以结尾的词是形容词,而少数以结尾的词是形容词,而不是副词,如不是副词,如.friendly,lively,lonely,lovely,daily,silly.词词 尾尾 变变 化化原级原级比较比较级级最高最高级级单音节词在词尾加单音节词在词尾加-er(比较级比较级)或或-est(最高级最高级)以字母以字母e接尾的词加接尾的词加-r或或-sttall hard large wide以重读闭音节结尾的词末尾只有一以重读闭音节结尾的词末尾只有一个辅音字母应双写辅音字母再加个辅音字母应双写辅音字母再加er或或est

5、big hot thin fat wet 以辅音字母以辅音字母+y结尾的词变为结尾的词变为i再加再加-er,或或-esthappy dry early narrow clever 多音节词和多数双音节词在其前面多音节词和多数双音节词在其前面加加more 和和most difficult popular slowlytaller harder larger wider tallest hardest largest widestbigger hotter fatter wetterbiggest hottest fattest wettest happier drier earlierhappi

6、est driest earliestnarrower cleverernarrowest cleverestmore difficult more popularmore slowly most difficult most popularmost slowly少数以少数以-er,-ow结尾的双音节结尾的双音节词可加词可加-er或或-est考点三考点三形容词、副词比较等级的构成形容词、副词比较等级的构成Lets fill Lets fill in the in the blanks.blanks.形容词比较级的用法形容词比较级的用法 1、两者之间的比较,句中有明显的标志词than Eg:To

7、m is taller than John.2、Which/Who is+比较级,A or B?Eg:Which is easier,maths or English?3、能修饰比较级的副词及短:much/a lot/far(的多)、a little/a bit(一点儿)、even(甚至更,还)、still(还要,更)Eg:This city is much more beautiful than that one.Today is even hotter than yesterday.4、is the+比较级+of the two.表示两者中“较”Eg:Tom is the taller o

8、f the two boys.汤姆是这两个男孩中最高的.5、比较级+and+比较级,“越来越”Eg:Now it is hotter and hotter.现在越来越热。原级原级goodwellbadillmanymuchlittlefarold 比较级比较级 最高级最高级better bestworseworstless more mostfartherfurtherolderelderleast farthestfurthestoldesteldest巧记:巧记:特殊形式比特殊形式比较级较级,共有三共有三对二合一对二合一,坏坏病两多并两病两多并两好好,little意思意思不是小不是小,一分

9、一分为二有两个为二有两个,一是老来二一是老来二是远是远.形容词最高级的用法形容词最高级的用法1、the+最高级+of/in(三者及以上范围的)(of用于同类之间的比较,in用于异类之间的比较)(adj.后的n.可省略)Roses are the most beautiful of all flowers.My mother is the busiest in my family.2、one of the+最高级+名词复数+in/ofShenzhen is one of the biggest cities in China.3、the+序数词+最高级+名词+in/ofThe Yellow Ri

10、ver is the second longest river in China.4、Which/Who is the+最高级,A,B or C?Which is the biggest,the moon,the earth or the sun?5、This is the+最高级+名词(that)I have ever seen/listened.This is the most beautiful city that I have ever visited.6.比较对象相同,可用that/those代替第二个比较对象Eg:The weather in Shanghai is better

11、than that in Wuhan.7、The+比较级,the+比较级 “越,越”Eg.The more,the better.越多越好。The more you practice,the easier it becomes.你练得越多,做起来就变得越容易。8.比较级可与最高级进行转换The Yangtze River is longer than any other river in China.=The Yangtze River is the longest river in China.形容词原级的用法1、very、so、quite、too等词后用原级2、too to;so that

12、;as as 中间用原级3、not as/so+原级+as 不及考点四考点四比较等级的几种常用句型比较等级的几种常用句型3.“A+比较级比较级+than+B”意为意为“A比比B”.如如:The earth is bigger than the moon.地球比月地球比月球大。球大。He works harder than we.他比我们工作更努他比我们工作更努力。力。4.“比较级比较级+and+比较级比较级”意为意为“越来越来越越”.如如:When spring comes,days are getting longer and longer.当春天来临时,白天变得越来越长。当春天来临时,白天

13、变得越来越长。考点四考点四比较等级的几种常用句型比较等级的几种常用句型1.“as+形容词形容词/副词原级副词原级+as”表示表示“前前者和后者一样者和后者一样”.如如:He is as tall as I.他和我一样高。他和我一样高。He runs as fast as I.他和我跑得一样快。他和我跑得一样快。2.“not as/so+形容词形容词/副词原级副词原级+as”表示表示“前者没有前者没有/不及后者不及后者”.如如:This ruler is not as/so long as that one.考点四考点四比较等级的几种常用句型比较等级的几种常用句型7.“A+one of the+

14、最高级最高级+名词复数名词复数”意为意为“A是最是最的的之一之一”.如如:Jay Chou is one of the most popular singers in Taiwan.周杰伦是台湾最受欢迎的歌手之一。周杰伦是台湾最受欢迎的歌手之一。China is one of the largest countries in the world.中国是世界上最大的国家之一。中国是世界上最大的国家之一。8.“A+the+序数词最高级序数词最高级+名词单数名词单数+in+范范围围”意为意为“A是某范围内第几是某范围内第几的的”.如如:The Changjiang River is the firs

15、t longest river in our country.长江是我国第一长河。长江是我国第一长河。考点四考点四比较等级的几种常用句型比较等级的几种常用句型5.“The+比较级比较级,the+比较级比较级”意为意为“越越越越”.如如:The busier he is,the happier he feels.越忙他觉越忙他觉得越高兴。得越高兴。6.“A+the+最高级最高级+in(of,among)”意为意为“在某范围内在某范围内A最最”.如如:He is the tallest of/among the three boys.他是这他是这三个孩子中最高的。三个孩子中最高的。考点五考点五 比

16、较等级之间的转换比较等级之间的转换3.最高级与比较级之间转换。最高级与比较级之间转换。(1)用)用“比较级比较级+than any other+名词单数名词单数”或或 “比较级比较级+than all the other+名词复数名词复数”.如如:汤姆在他班里最高。汤姆在他班里最高。Tom is tallest in his class.Tom is taller than any other student in his class.Tom is taller than all the other students in his class.考点五考点五 比较等级之间的转换比较等级之间的转换

17、1.原级与比较级之间的转换原级与比较级之间的转换,可用可用“less+原级原级+than”替换替换“not so/as+原级原级+as”.如如:我们的花园没有他们的漂亮。我们的花园没有他们的漂亮。Our garden isnt as/so beautiful as theirs.Our garden is less beautiful than theirs.2.比较级之间的转换。常改变比较对象的位置比较级之间的转换。常改变比较对象的位置或使用反义词。如或使用反义词。如:我姐姐比我大三岁。我姐姐比我大三岁。My sister is three years older than I.I am t

18、hree years younger than my sister.考点七考点七 使用比较级的注意事项使用比较级的注意事项1.比较对象要前后一致比较对象要前后一致上海的人比北京的人多。(A)The population of Shanghai is larger than Beijing.(B)The population of Shanghai is larger than that of Beijing 考点六考点六 比较级的修饰语比较级的修饰语当强调比较的程度是,可以再形容当强调比较的程度是,可以再形容词或副词的比较级前加词或副词的比较级前加even,much,still,a littl

19、e,a lot等。如等。如:Its much hotter today than yesterday.My apple is a little bigger than yours.易易错错点点提提示示一般比较级前不用the。但表示“两者中较”时,要用the。John is _ of the two boys.A.careful B.more carefulC.the more carefulD.the most careful考点七考点七 使用比较级的注意事项使用比较级的注意事项2.避免重复使用比较级避免重复使用比较级他比她哥哥聪明。(a)He is cleverer than his bro

20、ther.(b)He is more cleverer than his brother.A.is as good as B.isnt as good as C.is as well asD.is as better as 4.A.such a interesting B.so interesting C.such an interesting D.so an interesting基础巩固基础巩固 A.strong B.stronger C.strongest D.the strongest A.very delicious B.much delicious C.more delicious

21、 D.as delicious【2018上海】1.The students from Xinjiang enjoy staying in our school because everyone is _ to them.A.friendly B.gently C.happily D.politely【2017天津】2.Do you think math is _ than English?A.difficult B.as difficult C.more difficult D.most difficult 中中 考考 链链 接接Li Lei did quite _ in the Englis

22、h competition.I did even_。A.better;well B.good;better C.well;better D.well;good6.Bill jumped _ than any other player in the sports meeting.A.tall B.taller C.high D.higher【2017北京】5.We have a lovely room.Its one of _ in the hotel,A.nice B.nicer C.nicest D.the nice【2017陕西】6.When he heard a cry for help

23、,he ran out as_ as he could.A.hardly B.quickly C.finally D.slowly【2017江西】3.I cant eat any more food,I am_.A.busy B.hungry C.full D.serious【2017重庆】4.The more you smile,the _ you will feel.A.happy B.happier C.happily D.more happily【2017宁夏】9.You are _ young to understand it.A.too B.very C.much D.so(201

24、7江西)10.Mum,this T-shirt is much too small for me.Would you buy me a_ one?A.nice B.large C.nicer D.larger(2017江西)11.The smile on the teachers face showed that she was_ with us.A.strict B.pleased C.angry D.sorry【2017山东】7.Im very proud of that Beijing is one of _ cities in the world.A.big B.bigger C.bi

25、ggest D.the biggest【2018宁夏】8.Need I wash your car after repairing it?Yes,that would be much _.A.good B.well C.better D.best 14.Li lei often talks _ but does _ so everyone says he is a good boy.A.less more B.few much C.more little D.little many 15.Emma always makes a lot of mistakes.She is _.A.care B

26、.careful C.carefully D.careless12.In our city its _ in July,but it is even _ in August A.hotter hottest B.hot hot C.hotter hot D.hot hotter 13.Hainan is a very large Island.It is the second _ island in china.A.large B.larger C.largest D.most largest形容词和副词的意义及用法形容词和副词的意义及用法形容词和副词的比较级和形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成及用法最高级的构成及用法


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