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1、易混辨异易混辨异 prize,reward,awardprize,reward,award(1)prize(1)prize为名词为名词,多指在各类竞赛、竞争或抽彩中所多指在各类竞赛、竞争或抽彩中所赢得的奖。这种奖赏有的凭能力获得,有的凭运气赢得的奖。这种奖赏有的凭能力获得,有的凭运气获得。获得。(2)reward(2)reward既可作动词也可作名词既可作动词也可作名词,指对某人的工作指对某人的工作或服务等的报答。也指因帮助警察抓到罪犯或帮助或服务等的报答。也指因帮助警察抓到罪犯或帮助失主找到东西而得到的赏金、酬金。失主找到东西而得到的赏金、酬金。(3)award(3)award作名词用时与作

2、名词用时与prizeprize相似,都指因为杰出成相似,都指因为杰出成就而受奖就而受奖;作动词用时作动词用时awardaward意为意为“授与授与,颁发颁发;判给判给”。15.It is widely accepted that young babies 5.It is widely accepted that young babies learn to do things because certain acts learn to do things because certain acts lead to _.lead to _.A.rewards B.prizes A.rewards B

3、.prizes C.awards D.results C.awards D.results 解析解析 考查名词辨析。考查名词辨析。rewardreward回报,报答;回报,报答;prizeprize 奖,奖金;奖,奖金;awardaward奖,奖品,奖金;奖,奖品,奖金;resultresult结果。结果。句意为句意为:人们普遍认为小孩子学会做事是因为某些人们普遍认为小孩子学会做事是因为某些 行为会带来回报。故选行为会带来回报。故选A A项。项。A2即学即用即学即用(1)(1)奖章授予辩论队中的最佳演说者。奖章授予辩论队中的最佳演说者。Medals _ onMedals _ on the de

4、bating team.the debating team.(2)(2)袁隆平因为在农业生产方面的贡献而被政府给予袁隆平因为在农业生产方面的贡献而被政府给予 奖励。奖励。Yuan Longping _ from the Yuan Longping _ from the government his contribution to government his contribution to agricultural production.agricultural production.are awarded to the best speakersare awarded to the best

5、 speakersreceived awardsreceived awardsforfor36.We dont have to _ an invitation just 6.We dont have to _ an invitation just because its for Friday night(date night)because its for Friday night(date night)and we are supposed to be with our and we are supposed to be with our boyfriendboyfriend or girl

6、friend.or girlfriend.A.turn down B.turn up A.turn down B.turn up C.turn out D.turn in C.turn out D.turn in 解析解析 考查动词短语辨析。考查动词短语辨析。turn downturn down拒绝;拒绝;turnturn up up出现;开大;出现;开大;turn outturn out证明是,结果是;证明是,结果是;turn turn in in上交。上交。A47._ is known to us all is that the old 7._ is known to us all is

7、that the old scientist scientist,for life was hard in the pastfor life was hard in the past,still works very hard in his eighties.still works very hard in his eighties.A.As;whom B.What;whom A.As;whom B.What;whom C.It;whose D.As;whose C.It;whose D.As;whose 解析解析 考查主考查主语从句和定语从句。第一空用语从句和定语从句。第一空用whatwha

8、t引引 导主语从句;第二空用导主语从句;第二空用whomwhom引导定语从句引导定语从句,修饰先修饰先 行词行词the old scientist,the old scientist,意为意为“对他来说对他来说”。B511.Reportedly yesterday a group of American 11.Reportedly yesterday a group of American soldiers were walking along the road in soldiers were walking along the road in Iraq when a bomb was _,

9、three of whom Iraq when a bomb was _,three of whom were killed.were killed.A.set about B.set off A.set about B.set off C.set up D.set out C.set up D.set out 解析解析 考查考查setset短语的用法。短语的用法。set aboutset about着手着手;开始开始;set off set off出发,动身;引爆;燃放出发,动身;引爆;燃放;set up;set up建立建立,设设 立,创立;搭起,支起立,创立;搭起,支起;set out;

10、set out动身动身,出发出发;着手,着手,开始。由题意知选开始。由题意知选B B项。项。B612.Why _ you stay in the countryside12.Why _ you stay in the countryside,where its not convenient to go shopping?where its not convenient to go shopping?But Ive found it rather valuable for But Ive found it rather valuable for my health.my health.A.can

11、 B.must C.may D.shall A.can B.must C.may D.shall 解析解析 考查情态动词考查情态动词mustmust的用法。的用法。mustmust在此表示特在此表示特 定的语气和态度,意为定的语气和态度,意为“偏要,一定要偏要,一定要”。B7【例例2 2】It _ have been Tom that parked the It _ have been Tom that parked the car here,as he is the only one with a car.car here,as he is the only one with a car.(

12、上海高考上海高考)A.may B.can C.must D.should A.may B.can C.must D.should 解析解析 由后句由后句“因为他是唯一有车的人因为他是唯一有车的人”可知可知,这这 是一个非常肯定的推测,故用是一个非常肯定的推测,故用mustmust。A A、B B两项是并两项是并 非十分肯定的推测;而非十分肯定的推测;而should have doneshould have done是是“本应本应 该做某事而实际未做该做某事而实际未做”,不合题意。,不合题意。课文原文课文原文 Something terrible _ if LiSomething terribl

13、e _ if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did.as he always did.must have happenedmust have happenedC8归纳总结归纳总结glare glare vivi._._,常与介词,常与介词_连用;连用;n n._._。易混辨异易混辨异glare,glance,stare,gaze,glimpseglare,glance,stare,gaze,glimpse(1)

14、glare(1)glare侧重于怒视。侧重于怒视。(2)glance(2)glance指快速地看某人或某物一眼。指快速地看某人或某物一眼。(3)stare(3)stare指由于生气、害怕或吃惊而睁大眼睛注视某指由于生气、害怕或吃惊而睁大眼睛注视某事物。事物。(4)gaze(4)gaze用于因喜爱和快乐而注视某事物。用于因喜爱和快乐而注视某事物。(5)glimpse(5)glimpse无意识地一瞥无意识地一瞥,看到的粗略印象看到的粗略印象,强调结果。强调结果。瞪眼,怒目而视瞪眼,怒目而视atat怒视;强烈刺目的光怒视;强烈刺目的光9Im busy now,because _ Im busy no

15、w,because _ _._.我现在很忙,因为我有很多工作要做。我现在很忙,因为我有很多工作要做。易混辨异易混辨异have sb./sth.doing,have sb.do,have sth.done,have sb./sth.doing,have sb.do,have sth.done,have sth.to dohave sth.to do(1)have sb./sth.doing(1)have sb./sth.doing中宾语与宾语补足语之间是中宾语与宾语补足语之间是主谓关系,强调主谓关系,强调doingdoing这一动作持续进行或这一动作持续进行或“使某人使某人或某物处于某种状态或某

16、物处于某种状态”。(2)have sb.do(2)have sb.do中宾语与宾语补足语之间是逻辑上的中宾语与宾语补足语之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,强调一次具体的动作。主谓关系,强调一次具体的动作。(3)have sth.done(3)have sth.done中宾语与宾语补足语是动宾关系。中宾语与宾语补足语是动宾关系。表示表示“让某事被做让某事被做”。(4)have sth.to do(4)have sth.to do中中to doto do为不定式短语作后置定语。为不定式短语作后置定语。I have a lot of work toI have a lot of work tododo10即学

17、即用即学即用(1)Excuse me,sir,where is Room 301?(1)Excuse me,sir,where is Room 301?Just a minute.Ill have Bob _ you Just a minute.Ill have Bob _ you to your room.to your room.A.show B.shows C.to show D.showing A.show B.shows C.to show D.showing 解析解析 此处考查此处考查“have sb.do sth.(have sb.do sth.(让某人做让某人做 某事某事)”)

18、”结构。结构。D D项表示动作正在进行项表示动作正在进行,不符合句意。不符合句意。(2)I cant have you _ ill of my good(2)I cant have you _ ill of my good friend.friend.A.to speak B.speaking A.to speak B.speaking C.speak D.spoken C.speak D.spokenAB118.You should understand the traffic rule by 8.You should understand the traffic rule by now.Y

19、ouve had it _ often enough.now.Youve had it _ often enough.A.explaining B.to explain A.explaining B.to explain C.explain D.explained C.explain D.explained 解析解析 本题中本题中itit指代指代the traffic rulethe traffic rule,它与,它与 explainexplain构成动宾关系,因此用过去分词作宾补。构成动宾关系,因此用过去分词作宾补。have sth.donehave sth.done让别人做某事。让别人做

20、某事。9.There is no possibility _ he will keep 9.There is no possibility _ he will keep his word.He is always telling lies.his word.He is always telling lies.A.how B.whether C.when D.that A.how B.whether C.when D.that 解析解析 thatthat引导引导possibilitypossibility的同位语从句的同位语从句,且且thatthat 一般不省略。一般不省略。DD12 3.The

21、 news _ he was kidnapped surprised us greatly.A.what B.that C.why D.when 4.His suggestion _ the meeting be delayed was turned down.A.which B.that C./D.it BB13 5.I have no idea _ he will start.A.when B.that C.what D./6.Ive come from the government with a message _ the meeting wont be held tomorrow.A.

22、if B.that C.whether D.which BA14【例例3 3】How much _ she looked without her How much _ she looked without her glasses!(glasses!(宁夏高考宁夏高考)A.well B.good A.well B.good C.best D.better C.best D.better 解析解析 句意为:她不戴眼镜看起来好看多了。句意为:她不戴眼镜看起来好看多了。muchmuch修饰比较级,故只有修饰比较级,故只有betterbetter正确。正确。课文原文课文原文 Im sure youd f

23、eel _.Im sure youd feel _.Dmuch healthiermuch healthier155.Mr.White has5.Mr.White has been working all the morning been working all the morning with no rest.with no rest.He is a(n)_ He is a(n)_ man.He never looks tired.man.He never looks tired.A.energetic B.powerful A.energetic B.powerful C.lovely D

24、.attractive C.lovely D.attractive 解析解析 energeticenergetic精力充沛的;积极的精力充沛的;积极的;powerful;powerful 强大的;有力的;强大的;有力的;lovelylovely可爱的;有趣的;可爱的;有趣的;attractiveattractive吸引人的吸引人的;有魅力的。根据有魅力的。根据“He never He never looks tired.”looks tired.”可知选可知选A A项。项。A1610.That woman has been taking care of the 10.That woman ha

25、s been taking care of the two white tigers for 8 years.two white tigers for 8 years.Oh,dear!She _ a lot of difficulties!Oh,dear!She _ a lot of difficulties!A.could go through A.could go through B.might go through B.might go through C.ought to have gone through C.ought to have gone through D.must hav

26、e gone through D.must have gone through 解析解析 考查情态动词。根据考查情态动词。根据8 years8 years可知说话人认可知说话人认 为她一定经历过很多困难。为她一定经历过很多困难。must have done must have done 表示表示 对已经发生事情的肯定推测。对已经发生事情的肯定推测。D1712._ of such a long mov12._ of such a long movie,the little boy ie,the little boy turned to his favourite music.turned to

27、his favourite music.A.Having tired B.Tiring A.Having tired B.Tiring C.To tire D.Tired C.To tire D.Tired 解析解析 be tired ofbe tired of对对感到厌烦。此句可视为感到厌烦。此句可视为 对对“Because he was tired of such a long Because he was tired of such a long movie,the little boy turned to his favourite movie,the little boy turne

28、d to his favourite music.”music.”的一种省略。的一种省略。D1813.Being physically examined for13.Being physically examined for free twice a free twice a year is what every clerk _ be ensured year is what every clerk _ be ensured in any company of the state.in any company of the state.A.must B.shall C.ought to D.n

29、eed A.must B.shall C.ought to D.need 解析解析 考查情态动词的用法。句意为:一年进行考查情态动词的用法。句意为:一年进行 两次免费体检是这个国家的任何一个公司都必须两次免费体检是这个国家的任何一个公司都必须 向雇员保证的。向雇员保证的。shallshall用于正式文字中可表示允用于正式文字中可表示允 诺、命令或法令,常译为诺、命令或法令,常译为“必须,必将必须,必将”等。等。shallshall用于第二、第三人称时用于第二、第三人称时,不表示主语的意愿不表示主语的意愿,而是表示说话人或他人的意图、允诺、警告、命而是表示说话人或他人的意图、允诺、警告、命 令、

30、决心等。另外,当宣布规定、法律时要用令、决心等。另外,当宣布规定、法律时要用 shallshall,意思是,意思是“必须必须”。B1914.He sat _ against the wall and listened 14.He sat _ against the wall and listened to the teacher.to the teacher.A.close;close B.closely;closely A.close;close B.closely;closely C.closely;close D.close;closely C.closely;close D.close

31、;closely 解析解析 考查考查closeclose与与closelyclosely都用作副都用作副词时的区别。词时的区别。closeclose作副词时,意为作副词时,意为“靠近,接近靠近,接近”,强调距离强调距离;而而closelyclosely表示表示“仔细地,密切地仔细地,密切地”等抽象意义。等抽象意义。句意为:他靠近墙坐着,仔细地听老师讲课。故句意为:他靠近墙坐着,仔细地听老师讲课。故D D 项符合语境。项符合语境。D20itit作形式主语,真正的主语可以是作形式主语,真正的主语可以是_、_ _ 或或_,itit作形式主语的几种句型:作形式主语的几种句型:(1)It+be+(1)I

32、t+be+adj./n.adj./n.+for sb.to do sth.+for sb.to do sth.(2)It+be+(2)It+be+adj./n.adj./n.+of sb.to do sth.+of sb.to do sth.不定式不定式动名词动名词从句从句21归纳总结归纳总结permit _ permit _ 认可,允许;准许;批准;通行证认可,允许;准许;批准;通行证;许可证;执照。许可证;执照。permitpermit后可接双宾语、动词后可接双宾语、动词-ing-ing形式,也可接动词形式,也可接动词不定式的复合结构,即不定式的复合结构,即_;作;作“_”_”解时,用作不

33、解时,用作不及物动词。及物动词。permit sb.sth.permit sb.sth.permit sb.to do sth.permit sb.to do sth.permit doing sth.permit doing sth.允许做某事允许做某事 v.&n.v.&n.permit sb.to do sth.permit sb.to do sth.容许;许可;使某事物有可能性容许;许可;使某事物有可能性允许某人做某事允许某人做某事 22归纳总结归纳总结scene _scene _。on the sceneon the scene在现场在现场come on the scenecome o

34、n the scene出现;登场出现;登场make the scenemake the scene露面;到场露面;到场易混辨异易混辨异scene,scenery,sight,viewscene,scenery,sight,view(1)scene(1)scene指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指sceneryscenery的的一部分,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内。一部分,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内。(2)scenery(2)scenery指某地总的自然风光或景色指某地总的自然风光或景色,尤指美丽的尤指美丽的乡间景色。乡间景色。n.n.场面;现场;情景;布景;场面;现场;

35、情景;布景;(戏剧戏剧)一场一场23(3)sight(3)sight既可以指场景,眼前看到的景观既可以指场景,眼前看到的景观,也可以指也可以指 名胜、风景名胜、风景,在表示在表示“名胜、风景名胜、风景”时时,用复数形式。用复数形式。(4)view(4)view常指从某个位置或角度所看到的景色。还可常指从某个位置或角度所看到的景色。还可表示表示“观点观点”。即学即用即学即用(1)The practice of hanging clothes across(1)The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a common _ in ma

36、ny parts the street is a common _ in many parts of the city.of the city.A.look B.sign A.look B.sign C.sight D.appearance C.sight D.appearance 解析解析 sightsight风景;风景;looklook表情;表情;signsign迹象,现象;迹象,现象;appearanceappearance出现,显露。出现,显露。C24go withoutgo without没有没有go wronggo wrong走错路;出毛病走错路;出毛病 即学即用即学即用(1)Iv

37、e studied growing plants as one of(1)Ive studied growing plants as one of my interests.Could I make some suggestions?my interests.Could I make some suggestions?_._.A.You will make it B.Go right ahead A.You will make it B.Go right ahead C.Dont mention it D.Take it easy C.Dont mention it D.Take it eas

38、y 解析解析 Youll make it.Youll make it.你会成功的你会成功的;Go right;Go right ahead.ahead.说吧说吧/用吧用吧/可以可以/行行;Dont mention it.;Dont mention it.不用谢不用谢;Take it easy.;Take it easy.别着急,慢慢来。根据句别着急,慢慢来。根据句 意知意知B B项正确。项正确。B25(2)Could I use your computer for a few(2)Could I use your computer for a few moments,please?moment

39、s,please?_.Im not using it myself._.Im not using it myself.A.Come on B.It depends A.Come on B.It depends C.Go ahead D.Thats great C.Go ahead D.Thats great 解析解析 本题考查交际用语。由前置语境本题考查交际用语。由前置语境“我能不我能不 能用会儿你的电脑能用会儿你的电脑”以及后置语境以及后置语境“我自己现在我自己现在 不用不用”可知应选可知应选C C项项,Go ahead“,Go ahead“用吧!去吧!干用吧!去吧!干 吧!吧!”而而Com

40、e on“Come on“加油加油”,It depends“It depends“看情况看情况 而定而定”,Thats great“,Thats great“太棒了太棒了”,均不合题意。均不合题意。C269.Well9.Well,towards nightfall I found myself towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.carried out to sea by a strong wind.傍晚傍晚 时分我发现我被一阵大风刮到海上去了。时分我发现我被一阵大风刮到海上去了。典例体验典例

41、体验 When he came to life,_ When he came to life,_ deserted island.deserted island.他醒来后,发现自己在一个荒凉的岛上。他醒来后,发现自己在一个荒凉的岛上。On hearing thisOn hearing this,_ _ _._.听到这后,我突然发现自己处在很尴尬的境地。听到这后,我突然发现自己处在很尴尬的境地。he found himself in ahe found himself in aI found myself in anI found myself in anembarrassing positio

42、nembarrassing position2710.You must come whenever you want and 10.You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like.Just having you have whatever you like.Just having you sit here is a great honour!sit here is a great honour!您想来的时候您想来的时候 就一定得来呀!在这儿,无论您想吃点什么就一定得来呀!在这儿,无论您想吃点什么,都是可以的。您就是在这儿坐一

43、下也是我们莫都是可以的。您就是在这儿坐一下也是我们莫 大的荣幸呀大的荣幸呀!典例体验典例体验 _ we met with difficulties,they _ we met with difficulties,they came to help us.came to help us.每当我们遇到困难的时候,他们都会帮助我们。每当我们遇到困难的时候,他们都会帮助我们。_ g_ great the difficulties are,we mustreat the difficulties are,we must complete the task on plete the task on tim

44、e.不管困难有多大,我们都必须按时完成任务。不管困难有多大,我们都必须按时完成任务。WheneverWheneverHoweverHowever28_ your problems are(_ your problems are(不用不用Whatever are Whatever are your problems),you mustnt lose heart.your problems),you mustnt lose heart.不管你面临的是什么问题,都不要失去信心。不管你面临的是什么问题,都不要失去信心。归纳总结归纳总结(1)whenever,wherever,however(1)whe

45、never,wherever,however引导引导_从句从句,相当于相当于_。(2)whatever,whoever,whichever(2)whatever,whoever,whichever,whomeverwhomever既可引既可引导名词性从句,也可引导让步状语从句导名词性从句,也可引导让步状语从句,在引导让步在引导让步状语从句时相当于状语从句时相当于no matter what/who/which/whomno matter what/who/which/whom。(3)“no matter+(3)“no matter+疑问词疑问词”只能引导让步状语从句,只能引导让步状语从句,可放

46、在主句前或主句后。可放在主句前或主句后。WhateverWhatever让步状语让步状语no matter when/where/howno matter when/where/how29(4)however(4)however的用法主要有以下三点需要注意:的用法主要有以下三点需要注意:用作连接副词用作连接副词,相当于相当于no matter how,no matter how,引导让步状引导让步状语从句语从句,意思是意思是“不管怎样;无论如何不管怎样;无论如何”,具体结构为具体结构为:however+however+形容词形容词/副词副词+主语主语+谓语。谓语。However rich pe

47、ople areHowever rich people are,they always seem they always seem anxious to make more money.anxious to make more money.无论人们有多富裕无论人们有多富裕,他们似乎总是渴望挣到更多的钱。他们似乎总是渴望挣到更多的钱。用作连词用作连词,引导让步状语从句引导让步状语从句,意思是意思是“无论无论”。howeverhowever还可作还可作“然而然而”讲,是副词,不能引导从讲,是副词,不能引导从句,常用逗号与其他句子成分隔开。句,常用逗号与其他句子成分隔开。30即学即用即学即用(1)T

48、his is a very interesting book.Ill buy(1)This is a very interesting book.Ill buy it,_.it,_.A.how much may it cost A.how much may it cost B.no matter how it may cost B.no matter how it may cost C.however much it may cost C.however much it may cost D.how may it cost D.how may it cost 解析解析 根据文意,根据文意,“无

49、论它可能会花去多少钱,无论它可能会花去多少钱,我都买它我都买它”。本题。本题A A项错误在于用了倒装语序项错误在于用了倒装语序,B,B项项 错误在于遗漏了错误在于遗漏了muchmuch,D D项也遗漏了项也遗漏了no matter.no matter.much much。C31(2)_ you prefer,Ill give it to you,but (2)_ you prefer,Ill give it to you,but we havent any other models for you to we havent any other models for you to choose

50、from.choose from.A.Whatever B.Whenever A.Whatever B.Whenever C.However D.Whichever C.However D.Whichever A32【例例1 1】She is very dear to us.We have been She is very dear to us.We have been prepared to do _ it takes to save her prepared to do _ it takes to save her life.(life.(湖南高考湖南高考)A.whichever B.ho


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