Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?(Period 6)课件2022-2023学年人教版英语 七年级上册 .pptx(纯ppt,可能不含音视频素材)

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Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?(Period 6)课件2022-2023学年人教版英语 七年级上册 .pptx(纯ppt,可能不含音视频素材)_第1页
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Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?(Period 6)课件2022-2023学年人教版英语 七年级上册 .pptx(纯ppt,可能不含音视频素材)_第2页
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Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?(Period 6)课件2022-2023学年人教版英语 七年级上册 .pptx(纯ppt,可能不含音视频素材)_第3页
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Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?(Period 6)课件2022-2023学年人教版英语 七年级上册 .pptx(纯ppt,可能不含音视频素材)_第4页
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Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?(Period 6)课件2022-2023学年人教版英语 七年级上册 .pptx(纯ppt,可能不含音视频素材)_第5页
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1、Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?(Period 6)单元复习课单元复习课Lets chant:I have,you have,they have.She has,he has,Tony has.Do I,do you,do they?Does she,does he,does Tony?I dont,you dont,they dont.She doesnt,he doesnt,Tony doesnt.话题梳理话题梳理话题:话题:Spending time with friends(与朋友共度时光)功能:功能:Talk about ownership(谈论物品

2、所属关系)Spending timewith friends话题梳理话题梳理球类运动(Ball games)其他活动(Other activities)问与答(Questions and answers)表达感受(Adjectives of quality)球类运动(Ball games)其他活动(Other activities)tennisbaseballsoccervolleyballbasketballping-pongplay tennisplay baseballplay soccerplay volleyballplay basketballplay ping-pongTVcom

3、puter gameswatch TVplay computer games话题梳理话题梳理表达感受(Adjectives of quality)interestingboringfundifficult easyI think its intersting.He thinks its boring.She thinks its fun.We think its difficult.They think its easy.话题梳理话题梳理问与答(Questions and answers)Do you have a ping-pong bat?Does she have a tennis ba

4、ll?Yes,I do.No,I dont.I have a ping-pong ball.Yes,she does.No,she doesnt.She has a baseball.话题梳理话题梳理 我没有棒球。I _ _ a baseball.Sally 有一个姐姐吗?_ Sally _ a sister?你喜欢打篮球吗?是的,我喜欢。Do you like playing basketball?Yes,_ _.他每天都做作业吗?_ he _ his homework every day?考点突破考点突破1do dont have Does have I doDoes do考点突破考点突破

5、1do知识复现知识复现(1)do 作助动词时,无词义,常用于构成一般现在时的否定句和疑问句。当主语是第三人称单数时,一般现在时的否定句或疑问句中助动词用 does,句中的实义动词用原形。(2)助动词 do/does 引导的一般疑问句的肯定回答用“Yes,sb.do/does.”,否定回答用“No,sb.dont/doesnt.”,答语中的助动词与问句中的助动词保持一致。考点突破考点突破1do知识知识复现复现(3)do 作实义动词时,意为“做;干”。在一般现在时中,当主语是第三人称单数时,用其第三人称单数形式 does。构成否定句和疑问句时,要借助助动词 do 或 does。考点突破考点突破 咱

6、们去清风公园吧!_ _ _ the Qingfeng Park!让我来帮助你吧。_ me _ you.Lets watch the movie Hi,mom!_ A Yes,Id love to.B Sorry,Im not.C I dont know.DSounds like a good idea.2letLets go to Let help考点突破考点突破知识知识复现复现(1)let 为使役动词,意为“允许;让”。“let sb.(not)do sth.”表示“让某人做(不做)某事”。(2)let 引导的祈使句“Lets do sth.”常用来提出建议,其肯定回答一般用“OK./Goo

7、d./Great!/All right./That sounds great./Sounds like a good idea./Good idea.”等,否定回答一般用“Sorry,I have to./No,lets.”。2let考点突破考点突破 上课不要迟到!Dont _ _ _ class!我不想晚回家。I dont want to _ _ _.3latebe late for go home late考点突破考点突破知识知识复现复现(1)late 可作形容词,意为“迟到,晚的”,常用短语 be late for.意为“迟到”。(2)late 还可用作副词,意为“晚地,迟地”,常用来

8、修饰动词。3late考点突破考点突破 Do you know the girl with long hair?Yes,she is Mary.She plays _ tennis very well.A/Bthe Ca Dsome 我喜欢弹钢琴,Kate 喜欢打篮球。I like _ _ _ and Kate likes _ _.看!Tina 正在大树下和一只小猫玩耍。Look!Tina is _ _ a cat under the big tree.4play playing the piano playing basketball playing with考点突破考点突破知识知识复现复现(

9、1)play 作动词时,意为“参加(比赛或运动);玩耍”。它和球类、棋类名词搭配时,中间不加冠词,如:play ping-pong/basketball/volleyball/tennis/soccer/football/chess;和乐器类名词搭配时,中间需要加定冠词 the,如:play the guitar/piano/drum/violin。(2)play 的常用短语:play with“和一起玩”;play sports“做运动”。4play考点突破考点突破5sound 这首曲子听起来令人放松。The music _ _.Do you like the songs by Taylor

10、?Yes.Country music _ nice and is full of feelings.Asounds Blistens Chears Dlookssounds relaxing考点突破考点突破知识知识复现复现5sound(1)sound 作感官动词时,为连系动词,意为“听起来(好像)”,后面跟形容词作表语。(2)与 sound 类似的感官动词还有 look“看起来”,taste“尝起来”,smell“闻起来”,feel“摸起来”等。考点突破考点突破朗读者是一个有趣的电视节目。The Reader is _ _ TV show.Toy Story is so _ that all

11、of us are _ in it.Ainterest;interesting Binteresting;interest Cinterested;interesting Dinteresting;interested 我哥哥对踢足球感兴趣。My brother _ _ _ playing football.6interesting an interesting is interested in考点突破考点突破知识知识复现复现6interesting(1)interesting 是形容词,意为“有趣的”,其主语 或修饰的词多为事物。interested 也是形容词,意为“对感兴趣的”,常构成短

12、语 be interested in.“对感兴趣”,其 主语多是人。考点突破考点突破6interesting(2)类似的成对形容词还有:exciting(令人兴奋的)excited(感到兴奋的)relaxing(令人放松的)relaxed(感到放松的)surprising(令人吃惊的)surprised(感到吃惊的)boring(令人无聊的)bored(感到无聊的)知识知识复现复现考点突破考点突破 我们喜欢同样的歌手。We like the _ singers.他的自行车和我的自行车一样。His bike is _ _ _ my bike.Lisa 和她的双胞胎姐姐在不同的班级。Lisa an

13、d her twin sister are in _ class.你的字典和 Tom 的字典不一样。Your dictionary _ _ _ Toms dictionary.7samesamethe same asdifferentis different from考点突破考点突破知识知识复现复现(1)same为形容词,意为“相同的”,常用结构“the same as”意为“与相同”。(2)different 是 same 的反义词,意为“不同的”,常 用结构“be different from”意为“与不同”。7same考点突破考点突破 我们班里的很多女生不喜欢打篮球。她们认为打篮球对于她

14、们来说很难。Many girls in our class dont like playing basketball.They think _ _ for them.我很喜欢英语,并且对于我来说,学好英语很容易。I like English very much and its _ for me _ _ English well.8“Its+adj.+for sb.”句型句型difficult easy to learnits 考点突破考点突破 你帮我真是太好心了。Its kind _ you to help me.打乒乓球对我来说是简单的。Its easy _ me to play ping-

15、pong.offor8“Its+adj.+for sb.”句型句型考点突破考点突破知识复现知识复现(1)“Its+adj.+for sb.”意为“对某人来说是的”。(2)Its+adj.+for sb.to do sth.意为“对某人来说做某事是 的”,该结构中的形容词一般是描述事物性质的,如 easy、difficult、hard、important、interesting 等。8“Its+adj.+for sb.”句型句型考点突破考点突破知识知识复现复现(3)“Its+adj.+of sb.to do sth.”意为“某人做真 是太”,该结构中的形容词一般是描述人的品质的,如 kind/n

16、ice“善良的,好的”,friendly“友好的”,polite“有礼貌的”等。8Its+adj.+for sb.句型句型语法突破语法突破一般现在时中一般现在时中 have 的用法的用法 _ Helen _ a baseball?Yes,she does.ADo;have BDoes;have CDo;has DDoes;has Look!There _ a photo of our teachers in todays newspaper!Ais Bare Chave Dhashave/has 和 there be 的区别have/has 表示所属关系,即某人或某物有什么;there be

17、表示某地有某物,be 动词的形式遵循就近原则。一般现在时中一般现在时中 have 的用法的用法语法突破语法突破知识知识复现复现 have 作为实义动词的基本含义是“有”,表示所属关系,在一般现在时中有人称和数的变化。肯定句肯定句I have.He has.否定句否定句I dont have.He doesnt have.一般疑问句一般疑问句及简及简略回答略回答Do you have.?Does he have.?Yes,I do./No,I dont.Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.巧学巧学妙记妙记动词 have表示“有”,位置就在主语后;“三”单主语用 has,have

18、其他主语后;要变一般疑问句,就用 do/does 来开头;若要变为否定句,dont/doesnt 主语后;Does 和 has 莫碰面,此点用法记心间。一般现在时中一般现在时中 have 的用法的用法语法突破语法突破话题梳理话题梳理Spending timewith friends球类运动(Ball games)其他活动(Other activities)问与答(Questions and answers)表达感受(Adjectives of quality)(1)do(2)let(3)late(4)play(5)sound(6)interesting(7)same(8)“Its+adj.+for sb.”句型(9)一般现在时中 have 的用法要点回顾要点回顾Preview the words and expressions in Unit 6 Section A(1a-2d)


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