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1、指代题分类精读篇目推荐 第一类:生物学/古生物学(17篇)OG:P40,P90 Delta:P31,P37,P21/5-7,P33,P35,P42,P51/3-4,P86,P94,P128,P130/5,P131,P145/4-6,P183,P186 第二类:天文学/地理学(14篇)OG:P48,P117 Delta:P18,P25,P39,P73/1-2,P74/5-6,P82,P92,P111,P158,P165,P182,P192 第三类:文学/历史/哲学(16篇)OG:P80,P101 Delta:P22,P24,P27,P52,P54,P56,P77,P114,P117,P132,P

2、146/7-10,P149,P162,P196题型5:指代题 识别(refers to)题型说明OG 45 分为词汇指代词汇指代和代词指代代词指代两种类型 0-2 per set 分类分类代词代词人称代词主格he,she,it,they,we人称代词宾格him,her,it,them,us反称代词Himself,herself,itself,ourselves,themselves关系代词who,which,that,whom,when,where,whose 形容词性物主代词his,her,its,their,our,第三人称名词性物主代词his,hers,ours,its,theirs指示

3、代词或形容词this,that,these,those量词one,some,a few,many其它(形容词与代名词)all,either,none,the first,another,a few,one,the last,any,many,others,the former,both,most,several,the latter,each,neither,some,the other,little,few,all others Unlike sister 凤,sister 芙蓉更PP,她拥有苗条的身材,标致的脸庞,和其他网络达人一样,such as brother 春&曾,受到网友们的追捧

4、。“她”refers to:A sister 凤 B sister 芙蓉 C brother 春 D brother 曾The simplest forms of inequality are based on age and sex.For example,old people may have a high or a low position;women may be ranked below men.But in every society there is another form of inequality that ranks families rather than indivi

5、duals.If a large number of families are similar to each other in education,income,and values,they constitute a social class.The word in the passage refers tostratified societiesindividualslarge number of familieseducation,income,and values以下标志可以断句句号关系代词或副词连词找到选项后带回原文指代题向前找答案原则一般来说后半句中代词(数量代词,人称代词)位于

6、句首,指代前半句主语一个句子中若代词位于句首,指代前句主语。Pesticides temporarily increase the productivity of crops,until insects develop genetic resistance to them.The word in the passage refers topesticidescropsinsectssoils1.语法原则:单复数一致,人称一致(基本所有题目的选项都符合语法原则)2.前指原则:正确答案必在所考代词之前 3.句内原则:正确答案与所考代词通常在同一句内,除非代词位于句首或出现指代传递现象 4.语义原则

7、:代入并译成中文解题四大原则1.人称代词 在考试中经常考察的人称代词是they/it;they/it出现在句首通常指前半句或前一句的主语.Animals need natural periodic signals like sunrise to maintain a cycle whose period is precisely 24 hours.Such an external cue not only coordinates an animals daily rhythms with particular features of the local solar day but alsobe

8、cause it normally does so day after day-seems to keep the internal clocks period close to that of Earths rotation.The word It in the passage refers to an external cue such as sunrisethe daily rhythm of an animalthe local solar daya cycle whose period is precisely 24 hoursWith the advent of projectio

9、n,the viewers relationship with the image was no longer private,as it had been with earlier peepshow devices such as the Kinetoscope and the Mutoscope,which was a similar machine that reproduced motion by means of successive images on individual photographic cards instead of on strips of celluloid.I

10、t suddenly became public-an experience that the viewer shared with dozens,scores,and even hundreds of others.The advent of projectionThe viewers relationship with the imageA similar machineCelluloid投影Other statues were designed to be placed within an architectural setting,for instance,in front of th

11、e monumental entrance gateways to temples known as pylons,or in pillared courts,where they would be placed against or between pillars:their frontality worked perfectly within the architectural context.statuesgatewaystemplespillared courts雕塑神殿有柱子的庭院2.平行结构Someothers;oneanother;athe one;asuch,not onlyb

12、ut also;Energy is the real currency of the world.We depend on energy to grow our food,to keep us alive,and to warm and cool our bodies and the buildings where we live and work.We also use it to move people and other objects as well as to change matter from one physical or chemical form to another.Th

13、e word another in the passage refers tocurrencyenergymatterformAt least one central quality of musicrhythmic organizationcan exist apart from the ability of people to hear it.Some composers,such as Scriabin,have emphasized the important of the rhythmic aspect of music by translating their works into

14、 rhythmic series of colored forms.Others,such as Stravinsky,have stressed the significance of seeing music performed by an orchestra or a dance troupe.The word Others in the passage refers topeoplecomposersworksforms3.关系代词that,which,what通常就近指代。注意:which前边有插入语时,处理方法为去掉插入语 原则 3.如果碰到关系代词,一般是就近指代(往前找他最近的

15、名词)喜欢加入插入成分(前后有逗号)跳过插入,找最近的名词 4.This位于句首,有可能指代前一句的部分、整句、整个上一段的中心思想With the advent of projection,the viewers relationship with the image was no longer private,as it had been with earlier devices such as the Kinetoscope and the Mutoscope,which was a similar machine that reproduced motion by means of s

16、uccessive images on individual photographic cards instead of on strips of celluloid.3.指示代词This、TheseMany millions of years after ferns evolved(but long before the Hawaiian Island were born from the sea),another kind of flora evolved on Earth:the seed-bearing plants.This was a wonderful biological in

17、vention.The word This in the passage refers tothe spread of ferns and mosses in Hawaiithe creation of the Hawaiian Islandsthe evolution of fernsthe development of plants that produce seedsFrom early times pots were used in both religious and secular contexts.The imperial court commissioned work and

18、in the Yuan dynasty(A.D.1279-1368)an imperial ceramic factory was established at Jingdezhen.Pots played an important part in some religious ceremonies.Long and often lyrical descriptions of the different types of ware exist that assist in classifying pots,although these sometimes confuse an already

19、large and complicated picture.religious ceremoniesdescriptions types of warepotsPot 锅Ceremony 仪式4.词汇指代用一个词、词组或指示性代词+名词性结构来指代前文内容。被指代内容可能是词语、词组甚至是整个句子或中心思想。The central character is Everyman,a human character,and the subject is death arriving before we want it to comea theme that is universal to human

20、s.The word theme in paragraph 5 refers toperformers playing animals,objects,or ideasdeath arriving before we want it to comebeauty,knowledge,and strengthEveryman as a central character 指代传递:指代词通常首先指前一句的主语,其次是宾语,当前一句的主语也是代词时,则继续向前找Other features,however,show experts that Pakicetus is a transitional f

21、orm between a group of extinct flesh-eating mammals,the mesonychids,and cetaceans.It has been suggested that Pakicetus fed on fish in shallow water and was not yet adapted for life in the open ocean.It probably bred and gave birth on land.PakicetusFishLifeocean毛利语 指代题排除技巧 排除同等位置的选项(A or B,from A to

22、B to C,列举)指代题排除技巧 排除同等位置的选项(A or B,from A to B to C,列举)The fins are stiff,smooth,and narrow,qualities that also help cut drag.When not in use,the fins are tucked into special grooves or depressions so that they lie flush with the body and do not break up its smooth contours.The word they in the pass

23、age refers to qualities fins grooves depressions鱼鳞 鳞状物 散热片纹路 节奏 常规 给.开槽其他语法关系Growth,reproduction,and daily metabolism all require an organism to expend energy.The expenditure of energy is essentially a process of budgeting,just as finances are budgeted.If all of ones money is spent on clothes,there

24、may be none left to buy food or go to the movies.Similarly,a plant or animal cannot squander all its energy on growing a big body if none would be left over for reproduction,for this is the surest way to extinction.The word none in the passage refers to Food Plant Energy Animal 指代传递现象:指代词通常指代前一句主语宾语

25、 主语修饰语,当前一句主语也是代词时,则继续向前寻找While such interviews can be highly entertaining,they are not necessarily an accurate indication of public opinion.First,they reflect the opinions of only those people who appear at a certain location.The word“they”refers to North Americans news shows interviews opinionsIn

26、Southwest France in the 1940s,playing children discovered Lascaux Grotto,a series of narrow cave chambers that contain huge prehistoric paintings of animals.Many of these beasts are as large as 16 feet(almost 5 meters).Some follow each other in solemn parades,but others swirl about,sideways and upsi

27、de down.The animals are bulls,wild horses,reindeer,bison,and mammoths outlined with charcoal and painted mostly in reds,yellow,and browns.Scientific analysis reveals that the colors were derived from ocher and other iron oxides ground into a fine powder.Methods of applying color varied:some colors w

28、ere brushed or smeared on rock surfaces and others were blown or sprayed.It is possible that tubes made from animal bones were used for spraying because hollow bones,some stained with pigment,have been found nearby.The word others in the passage refers toChambers Paintings Beasts Parades 其他语法考察Delta

29、 P52 Q5 Q6其他语法考察Delta P52 Q5 Q6其他语法考察背景知识补充:Maslows hierarchy of needs Maslows hierarchy of needs is often portrayed in the shape of a pyramid,with the largest and most fundamental levels of needs at the bottom,and the need for self-actualization at the top.题型总结指代的简单原则后指代前,就近指代,语法原则指代内容可能是前面的名词、词组,甚

30、至是整个句子可能会出现指代传递现象指代题指代关系的模型两个步骤:1.定位:用()表示代词所指代的范围2.名词的选择指代题常考线索(6个)1.one+nthe other some+nothers many+nothers 2.which:就近指代S+V+O,which S+V+O+,which 后置定语时间地点状语插入成分同位语3.both the formerthe latter 向前寻找并列信息点最常见:A and B和平行结构4.指代传递现象(多重指代)定义:代词所指代的对象不在句子中。如,they在句1中,向前,句2,还是they;再向前,句3.最多不超过3句。5.比较级和固定搭配比较

31、级:more A than B A=B A:S+V+O B:it+V+O it=固定搭配总结:只要发现代词处在一个结构一致的法则中,就直接遵循主宾格一致的概念。6.n.1 of n.2本质:结构一致例如:前面:n.1 of n.2 后面:n.1 of that n.1=n.1of=of that=n.2一、问题形式被考的文章中有一个词或词组被加亮,这个词通常是一个代词或名词。指代题的形式如下:The word(or phrase)X in the passage refers to二、解题步骤二、解题步骤1根据解题技巧确定答案2代入原文验证,看语义、逻辑和语法上是否通顺三、基本原则三、基本原则

32、1就近指代所谓就近指代,就是被指代对象通常在指代词前不远处,如本句或上一句中。有时也出现在更前面的一句中。例如;Large wind farms might also interfere with the flight patterns of migratory birds in certain areas,and they have killed large birds of prey(especially hawks,falcons,and eagles)that prefer to hunt along the same ridge lines that are ideal for wi

33、nd turbines.The killing of birds of prey by wind turbines has pitted environmentalists who champion wildlife protection against environmentalists who promote renewable wind energy.Researchers are evaluating how serious this problem is and hope to find ways to eliminate or sharply reduce this problem

34、.The phrase this problem in the passage refers toA interference with the flight patterns of migrating birds in certain areas B building ridge lines that are ideal for wind turbines C the killing of birds of prey by wind turbines D meeting the demands of environmentalists who promote renewable wind e

35、nergy本题涉及的是一个词组this problem。寻找这一词组的指代对象时只需向上搜索就行。根据就近原则,前一句中的主语the killing of birds of prey by wind turbines可以初步确定为答案。将其代入原文,符合语义和逻辑,因此第三个选项为正确答案。第一个选项和第三个选项都和this problem相距较远,而且代入时语义和逻辑上不通,因此为干扰选项。2数格一致被指代对象通常与指代词在数(如单数或复数)和格(主格或宾格)两方面相同。如单数代词one指代单数名词,复数代词they指代复数名词。四、主要思路1主从复合句中的指代在主从复合句中,第二句的代词主

36、语经常指代第一句的名词主语。例如,The fins are stiff,smooth,and narrow,qualities that also help cut drag.When not in use,the fins are tucked into special grooves or depressions so that they lie flush with the body and do not break up its smooth contours.The word they in the passage refers toqualitiesfinsgroovesdepre

37、ssions在这一例子中,从句so that they中的代词主语they指代主句的名词主语the fins,因此第二个选项为正确答案。如果主从复合句中一个句子(可以是主句,也可以是从句)使用被动语态,包含被动语态的句子中的主语常指代另一句中的宾语。例如,ice was used to refrigerate freight cars,it also came into household useSimilarly,a plant or animal cannot squander all its energy on growing a big body if none would be le

38、ft over for reproduction,for this is the surest way to extinction.The word none in the passage refers tofood plant or animal energy big body在本例中,if引导的从句使用了被动语态,代词主语none指代前面主句中的宾语energy。因此,第三个选项为正确答案。2并列动词中的指代如果一个句中有两个并列的动词,第二个动词的代词宾语经常指代前一个动词后的名词宾语。例如,Artists are recognizing the distinction between

39、public and private spaces,and taking that into account when executing their public commissions.The word“that”in line 27 refers to(A)contemporary art(B)opportunity(C)audience(D)distinction句中有两个并列的动词recognizing和 taking(into account),其中recognizing的宾语是distinction,而taking 的宾语是that。根据上述技巧,that指代distinctio

40、n。因此,(D)为正确答案。3平行结构中的指代平行结构主要包括some/most/many/such/each,others;not onlybut also;the formerthe latter等。在这种结构中,平行结构两个部分的两个代词经常指代同一对象:前一句中的名词主语。例如,In Southwest France in the 1940s,playing children discovered Lascaux Grotto,a series of narrow cave chambers that contain huge prehistoric paintings of anim

41、als.Many of these beasts are as large as 16 feet(almost 5 meters).Some follow each other in solemn parades,but others swirl about,sideways and upside down.The word others in the passage refers tochambers paintings beasts parades原文包含平行结构someothers,它们都指代前一句中的名词主语beasts,因此第三个选项为正确答案。4所有格的指代所有格代词经常指代其前面

42、与其最接近的名词。例如,Folk-made objects give way to their popular equivalent,usually because the popular item is more quickly or cheaply produced,is easier or time saving to use,or lends more prestige to the owner.The word“their”in line 1 refers to(A)folk(B)nations(C)countries(D)objects 根据所有格指代的解题技巧,their指代前面

43、位置最近的名词objects,因此(D)为正确答案。5指代的接力棒现象这一现象是指被考的代词对应前面一个相同的代词,而前面的代词指代更前一句中的名词。例如,While such interviews can be highly entertaining,they are not necessarily an accurate indication of public opinion.First,they reflect the opinions of only those people who appear at a certain location.The word“they”in line

44、 8 refers to(A)North Americans(B)news shows(C)interviews(D)opinions在这一例子中,第二句中的代词they(reflect the opinions)对应第一句中的they(are not),而第一个they指代前面从句中的名词主语interviews,那么第二个they也指代interviews,因此(C)为正确答案。除了上述情况之外,其他指代,如定语从句中(of which,in which,from which)的关系代词指代先行词,from there结构中的there指代前面最接近的地点名词等,限于篇幅,不再详述。此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢


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