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1、Unit 4Unit 4Global warmingGlobal warming核心考点-2-【识记阅读单词】1.consume vt.消费;消耗;耗尽;吃完2.graph n.图表;坐标图;曲线图3.random adj.胡乱的;任意的4.phenomenon n.现象5.subscribe vi.同意;捐赠;订阅vt.签署(文件);捐助6.fuel n.燃料7.per prep.每;每一8.catastrophe n.大灾难;浩劫mitment n.承诺;交托;信奉10.motor n.发动机11.can n.容器;罐头12.microwave n.微波炉;微波13.presentatio

2、n n.显示;演出14.nuclear adj.核的;核能的;原子核的.单词单词 由简到难,水到渠成The first step is as good as half over.核心考点-3-【拼写高频单词】1.quantity n.量;数量2.tend vi.趋向;易于;照顾vt.照顾;护理3.data n.资料;数据4.trend n.趋势;倾向;走向5.flood n.洪水;水灾6.mild adj.温和的;温柔的;淡的7.state vt.陈述;说明8.range n.种类;范围9.glance vi.看一下;扫视n.一瞥10.tendency n.倾向;趋势11.widespread

3、 adj.分布广的;普遍的12.average adj.平均的13.outer adj.外部的;外面的核心考点-4-14.advocate vt.拥护;提倡;主张15.pollution n.污染;弄脏16.electrical adj.电的;与电有关的17.casual adj.随便的;漫不经心的;偶然的18.circumstance n.环境;情况19.refresh vt.使恢复;使振作20.educator n.教育工作者;教育家核心考点-5-【拓展核心单词】1.oppose vt.反对;反抗;与(某人)较量opposed adj.反对的;对立的2.consequence n.结果;后

4、果;影响consequent adj.作为结果的3.steady adj.平稳的;持续的;稳固的steadily adv.平稳地;持续地4.existence n.生存;存在exist vi.生存;存在;有5.pollution n.污染;弄脏pollute vt.污染6.growth n.增长;生长grow v.增长;生长7.contribution n.贡献contribute v.捐助;贡献8.disagreement n.分歧;不一致agreement n.协定;协议agree vi.达成协议;同意 核心考点-6-1.名词变复数的不规则变化phenomenonphenomena 现象m

5、ediummedia 媒体datumdata 数据criterioncriteria 标准bacteriumbacteria 细菌2.与“电”有关的单词荟萃electric adj.电的;电动的electrical adj.电的;与电有关的electricity n.电;电能electrician n.电工;电学家electronic adj.电子的electrics n.电学power n.电力;电源核心考点-7-3.与“灾难”有关的名词集锦earthquake地震catastrophe大灾难disaster灾难flood洪灾survivor幸存者victim受难者4.average用法小结

6、an average of平均有(后跟数词)on average平均起来above average平均以上below average平均以下average out算出平均数核心考点-8-5.advocate用法小结advocate doing sth.主张做某事an advocate of的倡导者advocate that.(should)do sth.提倡做某事6.quantity用法小结a large quantity of大量的quantities of大量的in quantity大量的核心考点-9-【识记】1.subscribe to 同意;赞成;订购2.keep on 继续3.on

7、the whole 大体上;基本上.短语短语化难为简,轻松记忆Learn to walk before you run.核心考点-10-【默写】1.发生;造成 come about 2.大量的 quantities of3.上升;增长;升起 go up4.导致 result in5.反对 be opposed to6.即使 even if7.代表一方;作为的代言人 on behalf of8.忍受;容忍 put up with9.只要 so long as10.等等 and so on核心考点-11-1.“动词+about”短语荟萃come about发生bring about带来think

8、about考虑learn about得知2.“动词+up with”结构的短语一览catch up with跟上(强调动作)keep up with与同步;跟上(强调状态)put up with忍耐;忍受come up with提出;想出end up with以结束核心考点-12-1.There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer.毫无疑问,地球正在变暖考点提炼There is no doubt that.句型。that引导同位语从句,解释说明doubt的内容。2.It is OK to leave an electrical appli

9、ance on so long as you are using itif not,turn it off!只要你在使用电器设备,你便可以让它开着。如果不用就把它关掉!考点提炼so/as long as“只要”,引导条件状语从句。.高频句型高频句型分析探究,融会贯通Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.核心考点-13-1.毫无疑问,这些理论全都是错误的。There is no doubt that these theories are all wrong.2.只要你每天都不虚度,你就会成功。Youll make it so long as you m

10、ake every day count.核心考点-14-All scientists subscribe to the view 1.that the increase in the earths temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal,natural gas and oil to produce energy.Some byproducts of this process 2.are called(call)“greenhouse”gases,the most important one of 3.which i

11、s carbon dioxide.Dr Janice Foster explains:“There 4.is(be)a natural phenomenon that scientists call thegreenhouse effect.This is when small amounts of 5.gases(gas)in the atmosphere,like carbon dioxide,methane and water vapour,trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth.语篇填空语篇填空旧材新用,探究根源Kill

12、two birds with one stone.核心考点-15-6.Without the greenhouse effect,the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius 7.cooler(cool)than it is.So,we need those gases.The problem begins when we add huge 8.quantities(quantity)of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.9.It means that more heat energ

13、y tends to be trapped in the atmosphere 10.causing(cause)the global temperature to go up.”-16-核心词汇核心句式1.tend vi.趋向;易于;照顾vt.照顾;护理派生tendency n.趋向;倾向(常与to/towards连用)领悟高考究考法用tend的适当形式填空(1)Readers also to share articles that were exciting or funny.(2016全国,阅读理解D)读者们也往往分享让人激动或有趣的文章。(2)He always has a to La

14、tin music.他对拉丁音乐一直情有独钟。tended tendency-17-核心词汇核心句式翻译句子(3)People who eat slowly tend to consume about 70 fewer calories per meal.(2015课标全国,阅读理解B)_(4)Many people tend to talk about traditions without knowing what they really are.(2018全国,阅读理解C)_(5)Doctors and nurses tended the injured._吃饭慢的人每顿饭往往要少摄入大约

15、 70 卡路里。许多人在谈论传统时往往不知道它们到底是什么。医生和护士护理受伤者。-18-核心词汇核心句式2.result in导致;引起(句子的主语是原因,宾语是结果)领悟高考究考法完成句子完成或翻译句子(1)Human development fewer languages.(2018全国,阅读理解C)人类发展导致语言减少。(2)As we all know,his success his hard work.众所周知,努力工作使他取得了成功。results inresulted from-19-核心词汇核心句式(3)The exam was of vital importance for

16、 me.,I had no choice but to completely focus on my study.这次考试对我来说非常重要,因此,我别无选择只好集中全部精力学习。(4)We simply weigh too much,a lot of pressure.(2014重庆,阅读理解C)我们只是太重了,导致压力很大。As a result resulting in-20-核心词汇核心句式联想拓展记考点(1)result from.由而引起,因而导致;宾语是导致某事的原因,主语是结果。(2)as a result 结果(做状语);常置于句首,并用逗号和后面的句子隔开。(3)as a r

17、esult of.由于;在句中特指引起某种结果的原因时,用定冠词代替不定冠词a。(4)without result 毫无结果。-21-核心词汇核心句式3.oppose vt.反对;反抗;与(某人)较量领悟高考究考法完成句子(1)This the“early bird”schedule.(2014四川,阅读理解D)这与“早起的人”的作息时间表相反。(2)He to build a new hall.他反对修建新礼堂的建议。(3)Many people are strongly opposed to a new factory here.许多人反对在这里建立一家新工厂。is opposed to

18、opposed the suggestion building-22-核心词汇核心句式联想拓展记考点(1)oppose sth./doing sth./sb.doing sth.反对某事/做某事/某人做某事oppose sth.to/against sth.使某事物与另一事物对照或对抗(2)opposed adj.反对的;对立的be opposed to.反对;与对立-23-核心词汇核心句式4.range n.种类;范围;幅度;界限v.(在一定范围内)变动;变化;排列领悟高考究考法完成句子(1)None of the houses our price range seemed satisfac

19、tory.(2015天津,完形填空)在我们的价格范围内没有一座房子令人满意。(2)After the stadium is set up,sports events will be held.体育场建成后,将举行广泛的体育活动。(3)Cups and plates were neatly on her shelves.杯子和盘子整齐地排列在她的架子上。in a wide range ofranged-24-核心词汇核心句式联想拓展记考点(1)a wide range of 一系列;种类繁多(2)in/out of the range of.在/超出的范围(3)range from.to.在范围

20、内变动;包括由到之间的各类事物(4)range between.and.在和范围内变动-25-核心词汇核心句式It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using it if not,turn it off!只要你在使用电器设备,你便可以让它开着,如果不用就把它关掉!分析提炼究考法(1)so/as long as“只要”,引导条件状语从句。as long as还可表示“与一样长”。(2)as well as也;和;和一样好(3)as soon as一就(4)as far as就而言;至于;远到-26-核心词汇

21、核心句式领悟考法用考点用as long as,as far as,as soon as或as well as填空(1)The program has really helped me to improve my confidence and social skills my school grades.(2)you stick to your goal,you have a much higher chance of success.(3)I am concerned,only by studying hard at ordinary time can you succeed eventual

22、ly.(4)This line measures four times that one.(5)Dr.Welch needed medicine possible.(2016北京,完形填空)as well as As long as As far as as long as as soon as-27-.单句填空1.Not all the people at present were(oppose)to what he stated.2.The public should be(educate)in how to use energy more effectively.3.Many exper

23、ts advocate(reward)your child for good behaviour.4.The problem of air(pollute)is getting more and more serious.5.Many people do not believe the(exist)of the ghosts.6.We should be able to do the job for you quickly,so long you give us all the necessary information.opposed educated rewardingpollution

24、existence as-28-7.The temperature ranges 15 to 35 degrees.8.Many people tend(eat)a lot of fruit and vegetables because they think fruit and vegetables contain a lot of vitamins.from to eat-29-.单句改错1.How does it come out that he is so badly-off when he earns quite a good salary?_2.There is some doubt

25、 that their football team will win the match._3.On the behalf of all my fellow students,I wish to say a word of hearty thanks to you._4.In the city center,we have to put up noise._5.She seems very much opposed your going abroad._outaboutthatwhether删除theup后加withopposed后加to-30-6.After drinking a bottl

26、e of juice,I felt refreshing._7.As a result the pilots strike,all the flights had to be cancelled._8.It seems that food prices are rising steady,but the money Jenny earns keeps the same._9.At present,a large quantity of food and water are needed in the earthquake-hit area._10.Circumstance permitting

27、,Ill go abroad to study._refreshingrefreshedresult后加ofsteadysteadily areisCircumstanceCircumstances-31-.写作训练1.男孩往往喜欢打篮球。(tend)Boys.2.这个宾馆提供一系列的服务。(range)The hotel offers.3.我反对你单独去那儿。(oppose)I alone.4.我不能容忍这种行为。(put up with)I cant of this kind.5.这次交通事故使他受了伤。(as a result of)He was injured.tend to enjo

28、y playing basketball a wide range of service oppose you/your going there put up with the behavior as a result of the traffic accident dsfdbsy384y982ythb3oibt4oy39y409705923y09y53b2lkboi2y58wy0ehtoibwoify98wy049ywh4b3oiut89u983yf9ivh98y98sv98hv98ys9f698y9v698yv98x98tb98fyd98gyd98h98ds98nt98d8genklgb4

29、klebtlkb5k tkeirh893y89ey698vhkrne lkhgi8eyokbnkdhf98hodf hxvy78fd678t9fdu90gys98y9shihixyv78dfhvifndovhf9f8yv9onvkobkw kjfegiudsfdbsy384y982ythb3oibt4oy39y409705923y09y53b2lkboi2y58wy0ehtoibwoify98wy049ywh4b3oiut89u983yf9ivh98y98sv98hv98ys9f698y9v698yv98x98tb98fyd98gyd98h98ds98nt98d8genklgb4klebtlk

30、b5k tkeirh893y89ey698vhkrne lkhgi8eyokbnkdhf98hodf hxvy78fd678t9fdu90gys98y9shihixyv78dfhvifndovhf9f8yv9onvkobkw kjfegiudsfdbsy384y982ythb3oibt4oy39y409705923y09y53b2lkboi2y58wy0ehtoibwoify98wy049ywh4b3oiut89u983yf9ivh98y98sv98hv98ys9f698y9v698yv98x98tb98fyd98gyd98h98ds98nt98d8gen56384866666gjfdghmg




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