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1、外研版外研版五年级五年级英语上册单元课件英语上册单元课件Unit 1使用说明:点击对使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,到相应章节内容,方便使用。方便使用。Unit 2ReviewModule 9外研版外研版五年级上册五年级上册Unit 1 Are you feeling bored?Lets sing:If you are happyFeelingHow do you feel?Feeling感觉,觉得感觉,觉得厌烦的,厌烦的,厌倦的厌倦的伤心的,伤心的,难过的难过的生气的,生气的,愤怒的愤怒的(狗发出的狗发出的)犬吠声犬吠声想念想念有病的,不健康的有病的,不健康

2、的痊愈的,恢复健康的痊愈的,恢复健康的tell(tell的过去式)告诉的过去式)告诉Can you read?illangrymisswoofsadboredfeeltoldbetterLook,guess and say.How does the dog feel?Look,listen and say.Are you feeling sad?Woof,woof.Are you feeling happy now?Woof,woof.感觉感觉伤心,难过伤心,难过1Watch the video and say again.Language points1.Are you feeling sa

3、d?此句是一个含有此句是一个含有be动词的动词的一般疑问句一般疑问句,在这,在这里用来询问对方感受如何。里用来询问对方感受如何。句型结构为:句型结构为:Are you feeling+形容词形容词 (sad,bored,angry)?肯定及否定回答为:肯定及否定回答为:Yes,I am./No,Im not.Listen,read and act out.Amy:Whats the matter,Lingling?Are you feeling bored?Lingling:No.Amy:Do you miss your friends in China?Lingling:No.怎么了,有什么

4、问题怎么了,有什么问题你觉得很烦躁吗?你觉得很烦躁吗?想念想念2 Amy:Are you feeling angry?Lingling:Oh,no!Of course not.Amy:Are you feeling sad?Lingling:Yes.生气生气 Amy:Whats the matter?Lingling:My grandma is ill in the hospital.Amy:Oh,Im sorry!Lingling:I call(ed)my mum yesterday.She tol(d)me that.有病的,不健康的有病的,不健康的(tell的过去式)告诉的过去式)告诉代

5、指上文提到的奶奶代指上文提到的奶奶住院的事情住院的事情Ms Smart:Your mum called this morning,Lingling.Lingling:Oh,how is my grandma?Di(d)she tell you?Ms Smart:Yes.Your grandma is better now.She went home this morning.Lingling:Fantastic!Im happy now.痊愈的,恢复健康的痊愈的,恢复健康的打电话打电话(1)Lingling is feeling bored.()(2)Lingling isnt feeling

6、 angry.()(3)Her grandma is ill in hospital.()(4)Grandma went home this afternoon.()(5)Lingling is happy now.()Read and judge.1.Does Amy miss her friends in China?2.Is Amy feeling angry?3.What s the matter with Lingling?No,she isn t.No,she doesn t.Her grandma is ill in hospital.Read and answer.Watch

7、the video and read again.2.Do you miss your friends in China?这是一个由这是一个由do引导的引导的一般疑问句一般疑问句,可直接用,可直接用yes或或no作答。作答。句中句中miss作及物动词,意思是作及物动词,意思是“怀念,想念怀念,想念”。Language pointsListen and say.Are you feeling bored?No.Are you feeling sad?Yes.3Yes./No.Lets talkAre you feeling.?Practise.Find and say.A:Is he/she f

8、eeling.?B:Yes,he/she is./No,he/she isnt.He/She is.4A:Is he _?B:No,he isnt.He is _.sadboredangryhappyfeeling sadhappyA:Is he _?B:_.sadboredangryhappyfeeling boredYes,he is A:Is she _?B:_.sadboredangryhappyfeeling angryYes,she isA:Is he _?B:No,he isnt.He is _.sadboredangryhappyfeeling happysad Is she/

9、he feeling sad/happy/?Yes,he/she is./No,he/she isn t.He/she is.Look and saySummary1.Key wordsfeel:sad;angry;illtell told 2.Key phrases:in hospital;of course3.SentencesAre you feeling sad/angry/.?Yes,I am./No,Im not.Whats the matter?l feel happy/sad/hungry/.Exercise 一、根据汉语提示正确填写单词。一、根据汉语提示正确填写单词。1.Is

10、 she _(感觉)(感觉)happy?2.My friend is _(有病的)(有病的)at home.3.I _(给(给打电话)打电话)John yesterday.4.I _(想念)(想念)my parents very much.feelingillcalledmiss二、单项选择。二、单项选择。()1.What are you thinking _?A.about B.on C.in()2.Is he feeling sad?No,he _.A.is B.isnt C.arent()3.Im going to make you a surprise cake _ your birt

11、hday.A.in B.at C.on ABCLaughter is the best medicine.Module 9外研版外研版五年级上册五年级上册Unit 2 I feel happy.Lingling feels _.Because her grandma _.Ms Smart told Lingling her grandma _.She is _ now.sadis ill in hospitalis better nowhappyRevisionLead-inhappysadangrytiredHow do you feel?How does he feel?Look and

12、say.happysadangryLook,listen and say.Hes happy.Oh,hes sad.Now,hes angry.1Daming is watching a play.Hes .Oh,hes .Now,hes !Look,listen and fill in the blanks.happysadangryWatch the video and read.I won a chess game last week.Now I feel happy.Yesterday I helped my grandpa on the farm all day.Now I feel

13、 tired.Listen and read.农场农场一整天一整天累的累的赢,获胜赢,获胜围棋比赛围棋比赛2winwonI can smell some nice noodle soup.Now I feel hungry.I lost my pen and ruler yesterday.Now I feel sad.闻出,嗅出闻出,嗅出直尺直尺农场农场直尺直尺1.What did the boy do yesterday?2.Where did he worked?3.Does he feel sad?He helped his grandpa.No,he doesnt.He worked

14、 on the farm.He feels tired.Look,read and answer.Look,listen and choose.1.She last week.A.won a football game B.won a chess game2.Now she feels .A.happy B.tired3.She lost yesterday.A.her pen and book B.her pen and ruler4.Now she feels .A.happy B.sadLook,listen and fill in the blanks.1.I can _ nice _

15、 _.2.Now I _ _.smellnoodle soupfeel hungryWatch the video and read again.Look and write.Then ask and answer.A:Does she feel happy?B:_A:How does she feel?B:_A:Does he feel angry?B:_A:How does he feel?B:_No,she doesnt.She feels angry.No,he doesnt.He feels sad.3A:Does he feel bored?B:_A:How does he fee

16、l?B:_No,he doesnt.He feels happy.Does she feel sad?_How does she feel?_No,she doesnt.She feels cold.Look and answer.Does he feel sad?_No,he doesnt.He feels hungry.How does he feel?Does she feel bored?_How does she feel?_No,she doesnt.She feels tired.Does he feel hungry?_He feels thirsty.No,he doesnt

17、.How does he feel?Listen and repeat.4 bridgedressmuchtrousersfriendscoatsjumpchairdrivertrainbedscatsj,dgdrtrtsdsch字母(组合)字母(组合)ts,ds在单词中的发音在单词中的发音字母组合字母组合 发音发音发音要领发音要领例词例词/ts/是清辅音,发音时舌尖是清辅音,发音时舌尖先抵住上齿,堵住气流,使先抵住上齿,堵住气流,使气流从舌尖和齿龈间送出,气流从舌尖和齿龈间送出,声带不振动。声带不振动。/dz/是浊辅音,发音时舌尖是浊辅音,发音时舌尖先抵住上齿堵住气流,使气先抵住上齿堵住气流

18、,使气流从舌尖和齿龈间送出,声流从舌尖和齿龈间送出,声带振动。带振动。wantsboatshandscardsts/ts/ds/dz/字母组合字母组合 发音发音发音要领发音要领例词例词/tr/是清辅音,发音时双唇收是清辅音,发音时双唇收圆向前突出,舌尖上翘抵住圆向前突出,舌尖上翘抵住上齿龈,采取发上齿龈,采取发/r/的姿势,的姿势,声带不振动。声带不振动。/dr/是浊辅音,发音时双唇收是浊辅音,发音时双唇收圆向前突出,舌尖上翘抵住圆向前突出,舌尖上翘抵住上齿龈,采取发上齿龈,采取发/r/的姿势,的姿势,但声带振动。但声带振动。treetroubledrawdrumtr/tr/dr/dr/字母(

19、组合)字母(组合)tr,dr在单词中的发音在单词中的发音字母组合字母组合 发音发音发音要领发音要领例词例词/t/是清辅音,发音时双唇略是清辅音,发音时双唇略微张开突出,舌尖抵住上齿微张开突出,舌尖抵住上齿龈,用力吐气,声带不振动。龈,用力吐气,声带不振动。/d/是浊辅音,发音时双唇略是浊辅音,发音时双唇略微张开突出,舌尖抵住上齿微张开突出,舌尖抵住上齿龈,用力吐气,但声带需振动。龈,用力吐气,但声带需振动。childchessjuicebridgech/t/j/dg/d/字母(组合)字母(组合)ch,j/dg在单词中的发音在单词中的发音Listen and say.Then sing.YOU

20、ARE HAPPY You are happy and you know it,clap your hands.You are happy and you know it,clap your hands.You are happy and you know it.And you really want to show it.You are happy and you know it,clap your hands.5You are happy and you know it,stamp your feet.You are happy and you know it,stamp your fee

21、t.You are happy and you know it.And you really want to show it.You are happy and you know it,stamp your feet.Listen,sing and do the actions.clap your handsstamp your feetWatch the video and sing again.Act and guess.sadboredangryhappytiredhungrythirstyAre you thirsty?Yes,I am.6sadboredangryhappytired

22、hungrythirstyAre you tired?No.Im thirsty.sadboredangryhappytiredhungrythirstyAre you.?Yes,I am/No.Im.Lets talk in pairs.Say and act.Yesterday,I played football.I was tired.I was hungry and thirsty.I lost my cap.I was very sad.7Work in pairs.Yesterday,I _.I was _.I was _ and _.I _.I was very _.Summar

23、y 1.Key words:farm,tired,ruler,win won2.Key phrases:on the farm;all day3.Key sentences:Hes happy/sad/angry.Yesterday/Last week,I was.Now I feel.Does he/she feel.?How does he/she feel?Exercise 一、选词填空。一、选词填空。1.Yesterday I helped my mother on the farm.I feel _.2.I can smell some rice noodle soup.I feel

24、 _.hungry angry happy tired sad tiredhungry3.I lost my bag.I cant find it.I feel _.4.Are you _ with me?Oh,no.5.Yesterday I won a chess game.I feel _.hungry angry happy tired sadsadangryhappy二、给句子排序。二、给句子排序。()What did you do?()Do you feel happy?()I feel tired.()How do you feel?()I helped my grandfath

25、er.()No,I dont.234 5 61Homework1.熟读活动二的课本内容。熟读活动二的课本内容。2.唱活动五的歌曲给父母听。唱活动五的歌曲给父母听。3.完成完成创优作业创优作业100分分Module 9 Unit 2 的练习题。的练习题。Review of Module 9外研外研五年级上册五年级上册鲤鱼跃龙门鲤鱼跃龙门!完成任务,就可以帮助鲤鱼跳过龙门啦!完成任务,就可以帮助鲤鱼跳过龙门啦!Phonics,words and phrasesRead and match.tscats,coatsdsbeds,friendstrtrain,trousersdrdriver,dres

26、schchair,muchj/dgjump,bridge规则:分两回合,点击数字,出现相应规则:分两回合,点击数字,出现相应 中文提示,根据中文提示说出对应单词。中文提示,根据中文提示说出对应单词。Lets go!Review the words.Round 1感觉,感觉,觉得觉得伤心的,伤心的,难过的难过的想念想念生气的,生气的,愤怒的愤怒的5有病的,有病的,不健康的不健康的6134厌烦的,厌烦的,厌倦的厌倦的2Round 2告诉告诉(tell的的过去式)过去式)农场农场累的,累的,疲劳的疲劳的(win的的过去式)过去式)赢,获胜赢,获胜6直尺直尺7135痊愈的,痊愈的,恢复健恢复健康的康的

27、2闻出,闻出,嗅出嗅出(狗发出(狗发出的)吠声的)吠声84Review the phrases.feel sadfeel happy看图说出其对应的英文短语。看图说出其对应的英文短语。感觉开心感觉开心感觉难过感觉难过feel tiredfeel boredfeel angry感觉累感觉累感觉生气感觉生气感觉厌烦感觉厌烦be ill in hospital生病住院生病住院win a chess game赢一场国际象棋比赛赢一场国际象棋比赛在中国在中国今天早上今天早上在农场上在农场上一整天,全天一整天,全天弄丢我的钢笔和直尺弄丢我的钢笔和直尺in Chinathis morningon the f

28、armall daylose my pen and ruler根据中文提示快速说出对应的英文短语。根据中文提示快速说出对应的英文短语。【即时演练即时演练】一、将画线部分发音相同的单词连线。一、将画线部分发音相同的单词连线。1.trainA.coats2.catsB.beds3.friendsC.trousers4.muchD.jump5.bridgeE.driver6.dressF.chair二、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词完成下列句子。二、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词完成下列句子。1.Is he f_ happy?2.I lost my cat,so Im s_.3.I m_ my pare

29、nts very much now.4.Ben t_ me a lot about the dog last night.5.My grandpa was i_ yesterday.But he is b_ now.eelingadissoldlletter三、选出与所给单词同类的一项。三、选出与所给单词同类的一项。1.feelA.woofB.smell C.soup2.angryA.tiredB.missC.was3.toldA.callB.helpC.won4.farmA.hospitalB.happy C.noodles5.rulerA.sadB.lostC.pen四、从方框中选择正确的

30、单词补全句子。四、从方框中选择正确的单词补全句子。tired ruler angry miss smell1.I was late for school this morning.Mr Li was _.2.We can _ some nice fish soup.angrysmell3.They _ their teachers very much.4.I helped my mum at home all day.Now Im _.5.Amy lost her _ and cap.misstiredrulertired ruler angry miss smell五、给下列句子选择相应的图

31、片。五、给下列句子选择相应的图片。()1.The girl wants to drink some water.She is thirsty.()2.I won the chess game.I feel happy now.EC()3.The boy wants to eat some noodles.He feels hungry.()4.I helped my grandpa on the farm.()5.I lost my ruler this morning.ADBSentences如何表达自己的心情或感受如何表达自己的心情或感受I feel+表示心情或感受的形容词表示心情或感受的

32、形容词.翻译:现在我感觉很累。翻译:现在我感觉很累。Now I feel tired.Mum bought a new dress for me.I _ happy now.A.feelB.feelingC.feels典典/型型/例例/题题确认对方的心情或感受确认对方的心情或感受问句问句答语答语Are you feeling+表示心情或表示心情或感受的形容词感受的形容词(happy,angry,bored,sad)?肯定回答:肯定回答:Yes,I am.否定回答:否定回答:No,Im not.根据图片及上下文提示补全对话。根据图片及上下文提示补全对话。_ you feeling _?Yes,I

33、 am.Areangry拓展:确认他人的心情或感受拓展:确认他人的心情或感受Is+第三人称单数第三人称单数+feeling+表示心情或感受的表示心情或感受的形容词形容词?Yes,he/she is./No,he/she isnt.Are+复述人称复述人称+feeling+表示心情或感受的形表示心情或感受的形容词容词?Yes,they are./No,they arent.21【即时演练即时演练】一、看图,仿照示例写对话。一、看图,仿照示例写对话。例:例:sad 1.bored 2.happy例:例:Is he feeling sad?No,he isnt.He is feeling happy

34、.1._ _2._ _Is he feeling bored?Yes,he is.Is she feeling happy?No,she isnt.She is feeling angry.1.I did the housework all day.I feel _ now.A.sadB.tiredC.happy2.Are you _,Mingming?Yes,I am.I want some bread.A.sadB.thirstyC.hungry二、单项选择。二、单项选择。3.How does she _?She _ sad.A.feel;feelB.feeling;feel C.feel

35、;feels4.Are you feeling thirsty?_ A.Yes,I am.B.Yes,I can.C.No,she isnt.()1.三、判断下列句子与图片是三、判断下列句子与图片是(T)否否(F)相符。相符。Today I helped my grandpa on the farm.Im tired.T()2.She won a chess game.She feels happy now.T()3.He can smell some nice noodle soup.Now he feels hungry.T()4.Yesterday I lost my ruler.I f

36、eel sad.F()5.Jack cant go out and play.He feels bored.FWriting主题概述主题概述本模块主要是学习谈论心情和感受。本模块主要是学习谈论心情和感受。我们的生活充满喜、怒、哀、乐,教室里同学们我们的生活充满喜、怒、哀、乐,教室里同学们(classmates)的心情每天也各不相同。今天你有没有的心情每天也各不相同。今天你有没有留心观察身边同学们的心情呢?请你向大家分享一下留心观察身边同学们的心情呢?请你向大家分享一下几位同学现在的心情及故事吧几位同学现在的心情及故事吧!要求要求50词左右。词左右。参考词汇:参考词汇:sad,bored,ang

37、ry,happy,tired.经典例题经典例题人称:第三人称人称:第三人称要点:描述心情及故事要点:描述心情及故事审题目审题目理思路理思路交代地交代地点、人物点、人物This is my classroom.Some boys and girls are in the classroom.He/She lost/won/helped/playedNow he/she feels开头开头总起下文总起下文中间中间主体部分主体部分描述同学们描述同学们的心情及其的心情及其原因原因总结总结I like my classmates.What about?结尾结尾总结全文总结全文 积素材积素材情绪类情绪类形

38、容词形容词sad 伤心的,难过的伤心的,难过的 bored 厌烦的,厌倦的厌烦的,厌倦的angry 生气的,愤怒的生气的,愤怒的 happy 快乐的快乐的 tired 累的,疲劳的累的,疲劳的 hungry 饥饿的饥饿的 thirsty(口)渴的(口)渴的动词动词短语短语lose the bag/pen/.丢失包丢失包/钢笔钢笔/play basketball/football 打篮球打篮球/踢足球踢足球win a.game 赢得赢得比赛比赛argue with.与与争论争论do the housework 做家务做家务do homework 做家庭作业做家庭作业 This is my cla

39、ssroom.Some boys and girls are in the classroom.Look!Lucy lost her pen.Now she feels sad.Tom argued with his friend.Now he feels angry.John won the football game yesterday.Now he feels happy.How does Amy feel?Oh,she feels bored.I like my classmates.What about your classmates?读范文读范文练典题练典题 假如你是假如你是Ben,请根据下面的表格提示,请根据下面的表格提示,描述你忙碌的一天吧!要求不少于描述你忙碌的一天吧!要求不少于5句话。句话。(已给句子不计)(已给句子不计)TimeActivitiesFeelingsin the morning12:00in the afternoon19:00go to the parkeat hot dogsgo to the supermarket lose my baggo homehappyhungrysadtiredIm Ben.Yesterday was Sunday.I was busy._


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