人教版8年级上册 Unit 9 Period 2.doc

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1、 1 Unit 9 Can you come to my party? The Second Period Section A (2a3c) Teaching aims(教学目标)(教学目标) 1. 熟练使用不同人称下 CCan .?”, 并用“Yes, Id love to. ”和 “Sorry/No, .”进行回答。 2. 熟练使用 have to /has to 来谈论职责和义务。 3. 熟练掌握礼貌发出邀请和对邀请应答的方式。 4. 熟练使用 might 的相关用法。 Language points(语言点(语言点) 1要求掌握以下词汇: 1) 名词 n. reason 2) 动词 v

2、. hang , catch,invite, accept,refuse 3) 形容词 adj. available, free 4) 连词 conj.,介词 prep until 5) 词组 another time, hang out , go bike riding (本节课的生词较少,大部分是前面内容的复现,而且单词的拼写大豆比较简单,所以学生 学起来不会感到困难,重点还是放在通过操练帮助学生掌握句型的用法。) 2. 要求掌握以下句式: Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon? Sure, Id love to . Sorry, I

3、 must study for a math test. Can he go to the party? No, he cant. He has to help his parents. Can they go to the movies? No, theyre not free. They might have to meet their friends. Sam isnt leaving until next Wednesday. Difficulties(难点):正确使用(难点):正确使用 can 句型进行问答。对于邀请注意礼貌方式,并句型进行问答。对于邀请注意礼貌方式,并 给出合理的理

4、由。流畅使用给出合理的理由。流畅使用 might 回答各种句型。回答各种句型。 Teaching steps(教学教学步骤)步骤) 1. Warm-up (课堂热身)(课堂热身) Ask and answer T: Do you want to come to my party? S: Sure, Id love to. / Sorry, I cant. I have to provide a reason (教师自然地在学生中走动问答,并可以引导学生回答) 2. Presentation(呈现关键句型中(呈现关键句型中 can/cant 的用法)的用法) (1) Work on 2a Lis

5、ten and circle can or cant. T: Jeff, Mary, May, Mei Ling and Paul all want to go to the party. Can they? 2 (教师分层次呈现 can 和 cant 的句子,既清晰强化了用法,又为后面的活动进行铺垫。) (2) Work on 2b T: Listen again. Who cant go to the party? Why? Complete the chart. Names Reasons (引导学生听关键词,在给出理由的时候,就着关键词帮助学生完整回答。这里也是听力策 略的渗透) (3

6、) Listen again and match. Jeff Id love to. Mary Im afraid not. May Sure. It sounds great. Mei Ling Im sorry. Im not free. Paul Sorry, but Im not available. (通过前面的分层,综合地进行听力训练,同时引导学生抓关键信息的能力) (4)Fill in the blanks. T: Now, lets complete Annas diary. S: Saturday is my _. Im_a birthday party. I asked s

7、ome of my friends to my party. Mary and Paul would love_ _, but Jeff _ _ _meet his friend. May can t come,_. She has the _. Mei Ling is not_ . She _ study for a _ test. What a small party! But Im sure we will _ _ _ _. (通过充分利用听力文本,进行逻辑化的编辑采用,强化学生整体应用的能力,循环使用目 标语言,同时也是对前面知识的巩固和复习) 3. Ask and answer T:

8、 Please make conversations according to the chart. Can Cant Reasons Jeff Mary May Mei Ling Paul S: A: Can go to the party? B: Yes, he/she can. No, he/she cant. He/She has to might/must (教师可以四处走动, 以帮助学生正确使用目标句型与不同人称结合的使用, 也可以让学生 3 发挥 peer assessment 的作用) 4. Work on Grammar focus Can you come to my pa

9、rty on Saturday? Sure, Id love to. Sorry, I must study for a math test. Can you go to the movies tomorrow night? Sure. That sounds great. Im afraid not. I have the flu. Can he go to the party? No, he cant. He has to help his parents. Can she go to the baseball game? No, shes not available. She must

10、go to the doctor. Can they go to the movies? No, theyre not free. They might have to meet their friends. (在前面的对话操练的基础上,对于此部分内容,可以采用诵读,快速记忆后快问快答的形 式,很好地巩固目标语言) 5. Work on 2c (1) Write and ask T: Look at the reasons in the chart in 2b. Write some more. Then, Student A, invite your partner to do someth

11、ing. Student B, say you cant go and why. (机械操练后的意义操练,通过学生互动,能实现同伴互助,帮助薄弱学生获得学习信心。) (2) Pairwork T: Now, work in pairs and make some conversations. S: A: Hey, Dave, Can you go to the movies on Saturday? B: Im sorry, Im not available. I have too much homework this weekend. A: Thats too bad. Maybe anot

12、her time (下次). B: Sure, Joe. Thanks for asking. (教师适当地指导,突出重点,能让学生更好地应用目标语言,并及时突出了语言操练中可 以替换的部分,降低了学习难度) (3) Group work T: Please invite (邀请) your friends to your party. S: A: Can you come to my party on? B: Sure, Id love to. C: Sorry, I cant. I D: Im sorry, too. I have to/ I have. /Im (doing) (给学生一

13、定的场景,在帮助学生获得学习信心后,扩大语言的交流面以及开放度,给了学 生充分的平台应用语言) (4) Dr. Know time 4 (一定的语法总结是非常必要的,但是教师要引导学生自主归纳和总结) 6. Work on 2d (1) Read and answer T: Read the dialogue and then answer questions. Who is coming to Jeffs house on Saturday? S: Sam! (教师要有意识培养学生在阅读中提高 skim 的能力获取关键信息。) (2) T or F (本段文本中有一定的难点,但是通过让学会判

14、断信息正误的形式,自然地解决了难点, 同时又帮助学生更好地理解了文本的信息,为后面的教学环节做了铺垫。) (3) Role-play S: Jeff: Hey, Nick, can you.? My cousin Sam . Nick: Oh, Sam! I remember . Jeff: Yes, thats right. Nick: Id love to come, but Im afraid I cant. I . Jeff: Thats.! Oh, but Sam isnt leaving. Can you .? Nick: Sure! . on Monday! 7. Learn t

15、o invite (1) Show an invitation (2) Read and fill in the blanks 动词短语动词短语 1. have to_ 2. have _ 3. be + doing_ 4. others (其他其他)_ Were having a birthday party! For whom: Lisa Time: June 30, at four thirty Place: Lisas house, No. 27, 15th Street Come and have fun with us! 5 Lisa: Hi, Simon, _ you come

16、to my _ ? Simon: _ is it? Lisa: Its _ at _. Simon: Great! Id love to. (此处培养学生语言与知识转化的能力并很好地联系了实际,体现了语言学习的实用性) (3) Respond to the invitation T:Lisa also invites you to her birthday party,but you You should say Thank you for your invitation. I am sorry I cant go to your birthday party because I am rea

17、lly busy then. On, Im On, I have to. (4) Work on 3b T: Complete the sentences below. Use the words in brackets to help you. (教师引导学生逐步从看邀请函,就邀请函进行目标语言操练,到以书面形式回复邀请,再 落实到课文上相关部分的重点操练,有意识地将目标语言进行了强化和拓展) 8. Work on 3a T: Complete the answers with might and one of the phrases in the box. (教师可以在学生中走动,并通过

18、peer assessment 形式帮助学生掌握 might 的正确使用) 9. Survey and report T: Write down everything you have to do next week. Choose a day and time to have a party. Then invite classmates to your party. A: Can you come to my party? B: When is it? A: Next week, on Thursday night. B: Im sorry. I have to study for a m

19、ath test. S: Next week, Im having a party. .can come to my party. cant come to my party. He/She has to And cant come, either. He/She is v-ing (教学来自于生活, 真实的语境设置能提高学生的学习兴趣。 此处学生对于语言的操练由口 语落实到书面的表达,提升了语言的整体性与应用性) 10. Summary (学生是学习的主题,引导学生学会自己总结也是一个重要的教学环节) 11. Homework Oral: 总结发出邀请以及接受和拒绝邀请会用到表达方式,与同伴互相演练。 6 Written: 制作一份邀请函,请朋友参加你家的圣诞晚会。 (根据学生程度进行口语和书面作业的布置, 同时结合了课堂学习的内容, 并落实了学生从 口头到书面的语言应用能力。)


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