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1、 1 人教版中学七年级英语上册导学案人教版中学七年级英语上册导学案 Unit 1 My names Gina. Section A(1a-2d)课时课时 1 班级: 姓名: 学号: 【学习目标】 一、Key words: name; nice; meet; your; his; and; 二、Main sentences: My names Gina. Whats your name? Im Jenny. Nice to meet you. 三、Teaching important points: How to greet people? 【预习内容】 一、 根据汉语提示填单词完成句。 1.T

2、he ruler is red (和)yellow. 2.Whats (你的)name? 3.She is (不是)Alan. 4.Nice to (遇见)you. 5.My (名字)is Alan. 二、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。 1.你叫什么名字? -我叫吉姆。 - your name? - Jim。 2.见到你很高兴。 to you. 3.她的名字叫吉娜。 Gina。 4.这是我的妈妈。This mother. 5.我在七(二)班。 in Class Two, Grade Seven. 三、通过预习,你的疑问是 【学习过程】 1.通过跟学生对话,引出本节课的主要单词和句型。 2.看图上

3、的小对话,学习并练习对话 1a:- Whats your/her/his name? -My/Her/His names -Im / Hes. /Shes. 。 3.听力练习:1a-2b。 4.合作探究: 1)Whats your name?的另外一种问法是 ,它的答语都有 2)Nice to meet you.的答语是 ,除此之外的问候语 还有 它的同义句有 3)总结 be 动词口诀: 2 5.2c: Practice the conversations in pairs. Then make your own conversations. 【课堂作业】 一、用 am, is, are 将下

4、列句子填补完整。 1. I Peter Hunt. What your name? 2. His name Bill White. 3. How you? -I fine. 4. What color it? -Its black. 5. - you Tom? -Yes, I . 二、单选。 ( ) 1. name is Tina, am a girl. A. I my B. My I C. My my D. I I ( ) 2. This is ruler. A. I B. my a C. a my D. my ( ) 3.Hello, nice to meet you. - . A. Th

5、ank you B. The same to you C. Nice to meet you, too. D. Dont say so. ( ) 4. Good morning! My name Jack. - Good morning! I Gina. A. is; is B. am; am C. is; am D. am; is ( ) 5. 向别人介绍自己的时候,你应该说 。 A. Im B. Whats your name? C. How are you? D. Hello! 三、从方框中找出相应的答语。 1. Good morning, class. 2. Are you Ling

6、Ming? 3. Whats your name? 4. Whats this? 5. How do you do? 6. Hello, Tom! 7. Sit down, please. 8. What color is it? 9. Whos that? 10. How are you? A. Its a dog. B. Yes, I am. C. Im fine, thank you. D. Hello, Li Lei. E. How do you do? F. Good morning, Miss Wang. G. Thank you. H. Its red. I. My name i

7、s Tom Smith. J. I think hes Mr Green. 3 Unit 1 My names Gina. Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)课时课时 2 班级: 姓名: 学号: 【学习目标】 一、Key words: 人称代词和形容词性物主代词。 二、Main sentences: 1. His names Dale. =Hes Dale. 2. Her names Linda. =Shes Linda. 3. My names Frank. =Im Frank. 4. -Are you Helen? -Yes, I am. / No, Im not. 三

8、、语法:含 be 动词的一般现在时的肯定句、否定句和一般疑问句及回答。 【预习内容】 二、 根据汉语提示填单词完成句子。 1. Whats (她的) name? 2. Nice to meet you, . 3. Is (她)Mary? 4. Im (女士)Brown. 5. Are you Jack? - , Im not. 二、自主朗读 Grammar Focus,并将以下句子中的空白处补充完整。 Whats your name? Alan. / ./ . ? Hes Eric. / His names Eric. Whats her name? Shes Mary. / . Is he

9、Jack? Yes, ./No, . His names Mike. Are you Helen? Yes, ./ No, .Im Gina. 4 三、通过预习,你的疑问是 【学习过程】1.温故而知新:单词检查,对话练习。复习 2d 导入语法聚焦,朗读并 试着然后写出下列题的完整形式。 Whats= names= Im= Hes= Shes= 2.语法:一般现在时 1)一般现在时的定义:表示现阶段经常、习惯做的动作或存在的状态。 2)含有 be 动词的一般现在时:变否定 , 变疑问 3)练习:She is Mary. 变否定: . 变疑问: ? 肯定回答: . 否定回答: . 3.人称代词和形

10、容词性物主代词: 1)人称代词口诀:我是 ,你是 ,男他 ,女她 动物植物事物它,我们 你们 他们她们它们 2)形容词性物主代词口诀:我的 ,你的 ,男他的 ,女她的 ,动物 植物事物它的用 ,我们的 ,你们的 , 他们她们它们的是 . 【课堂作业】 三、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. This is (I) quilt. 2. What is (you) name? 3. Whats (she) name? 4. Im Jim and (you) are Mary. 5. What (be) his name? 6. (I) am a boy. 7. Mary King is (our)

11、 teacher. 8. name is Gina. is a girl (she). 9. I have a dog and name is Wang Wang. 10. (they) English teacher is Ms Liu. 二、句型转换,每空一词: 1. My name is Dale.(划线部分提问) name? 2. She is Gina.(同义句) Gina。 3. Is he Jack? (否定回答) ,he . 4. Im Mary. (变成一般疑问句并作肯定回答) Mary? , I . 5. Mark is ten years old.(变否定) Mark t

12、en years old. 5 三、连词成句,注意句首字母大写和标点符号。 1. name, is, your, what(?) 2. you, meet, nice, to, too(.) 3. name, is, his, Mike(.) 4. her, is, what, name(?) 5. it, in, what, English, is(?) 6 Unit 1 My names Gina. Section B( 1a-1f)课时课时 3 班级: 姓名: 学号: 【学习目标】 一、Key words: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six,

13、seven, eight, nine, telephone, phone, number, telephone/phone number. 二、Main sentences: -Whats your telephone/phone number? -Its 281-9176. 三、听力练习:通过听力进一步掌握怎样用英语询问电话号码 【预习内容】一、翻译: 零 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 电话号码 句子:-你的电话号码是多少? -它是 786-2356. 二、完成下列英语算式,用英文填写。 1. one + two= 2.two two= 3.eighttwo= 4. nine thre

14、e= 5.sixthree= 6.nineone= 7.threefour= 8.ninenine= 9.twofour= 三、预习之后的疑问是 【学习过程】 1. 听写单词,检查对话背诵情况。 2. Sing an English song: Ten little Indians.引出数字单词。 Question:What numbers did you hear? Write them down. 3. 听力练习:1a-1c。 4.合作探究: 1) Whats your telephone/phone number? 这一句型同我们学过的 属于同一类句型,都是用 表示问“什么”的词放在句首

15、来提问,这种疑问句叫 特殊疑问句。此外我们学过的特殊疑问句还有哪些?至少写出三句。 2) Whats.number? 是用来对自行车牌号、房间号、电话号、身份证号等进行提问的, 答语是 。此外还有另外一种提问方式: 如:你的电话号码是多少? 【课堂作业】 一、单项选择。 ( )1Whats your telephone number? _ 278106. AIm BIt CIts DIs it 7 ( )2Is that a ruler? No, _. Ait is Bit isnt Cthat is Dthat isnt ( )3All the _ have _ own meanings.

16、Aname, its Bnames, its Cname, their Dnames, their ( )4Please listen and _ the nice pictures. Anumbers Bmeets Clook Dnumber ( )5Thats a girl. Her name is _. AWang Xiaoling BWang Xiao Ling CWang xiaoLing DWang xiao ling 二、根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1Im a student and _(I) names Dale. 2Is _(she) book new? 3Ho

17、w are _(your)? 4Six and eight _(be) fourteen. 三、按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。 1His name is Tom.(对划线部分提问) _ _ his name? 2Jane is fine.(变成否定句)Jane _ _. 3Im Jenny.(变成一般疑问句) _ _ Jenny? 4Her telephone number is 6054279.(对划线部分提问) her ? 5name, is, last, Lucys, Read.(连词成句) _ _ _ _ _. 三、补全对话。 Jim: Hello. (1) ? Li Lei: Hel

18、lo. My name is Li Lei. And whats your name? Jim: (2) . Nice to meet you. Li Lei: (3) . Jim: (4) ? Li Lei: Its 37916542. (5) ? Jim: It is 37246510. 8 Unit 1 My names Gina. Section B( 2a-3d)课时课时 4 班级: 姓名: 学号: 【学习目标】 一、Key words: friend, China, last, first, middle, school, first/last name, middle schoo

19、l. 二、Main sentences: 1.My/Her/His telephone/phone number is . 2. My friend is Gina Smith. 3. My friend is in China. 三、Make your own ID cards. Tell some information about yourself. 【预习内容】 一、根据句意和汉语提示完成句子。 1.This is my (朋友). 2.Whats her (最后的)name? 3.Mike and Bob are in (中国). 4.Her (第一)name is Alice. 5

20、.My (中学)is nice. 二、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。 1.你叫什么名字? -我叫吉姆。见到你很高兴。 - your name? - Jim. Nice you. 2.她姓什么? -她姓布朗。 - her name? -Her name is Brown. 3.我在第一中学。 I am in No.1 . 4.你的电话号码是多少? your telephone number? 5.他的名字叫杰克史密斯。 name is . 三、预习之后的疑问是 【学习过程】 1. Revision:Ask and answer. 2. 新课导入:准备几个笔记本,利用本子上的明星人物进行提问杨幂、张

21、杰 Whats her/his name? Whats her/his first name? And her/his last name? Do you like her/him? Why? Give your reasons. 3. Activity 1a: Read the list of names. Complete the task. 知识探究中英文名字的区别: 名字:first name= 姓氏:last name= 全名: 如:用英语写出 Jenny Green 的名字、姓氏和全名。 Her first /given name is Her last /family name

22、is Her full name is 4. Reading the messages in 2b and match them with the pictures. Circle and underline. 5. Make your own ID cards. Tell some information about yourself. Full name 9 First name Last name Telephone number 【课堂作业】一、单选: ( )1.Whats her first name? -Her name is Jane. A. last B. first C. f

23、amily ( )2. Whats your telephone number? - 7084563. A. Im B. My is C. Its D. its ( )3. Whats his last name? -His last name is . A. Tom B. Jack C. Green D. Alan ( )4. -Whats his full name? -His full name is . A. Zhang Xueyou B. Xueyou C. Zhang XueYou D. Zhang ( )5. My is Gina Smith. A. last name B. t

24、elephone C. friend D. number 二、完形填空。 My (1) is Lucy. Im a (2) . Im (3) . Im in (4) now. My teacher is a (5) . Her name is Wang Pei. She is an (6) teacher. David is my friend. He is English. He is fourteen. David and I (7) in Class 3, Grade1. I am (8) Number I in Row 2. He is in the same row. His Eng

25、lish is (9) . He has(有) a parrot. (10) name is Polly. ( )1Aname Bnumber Cclass Drow ( )2Aman Bwoman Cgirl Dboy ( )3AJapan BChina CAmerican DAmerica ( )4Aat the school Bat school Cin the school Dgood ( )5Aboy Bman CEnglish Dwoman ( )6AJapanese BEnglish CChinese Dgood ( )7Aare Bam Cis Dbe ( )8Ain Bat

26、C Don ( )9Awell BOK Cgood Dfine ( )10AIts BIts CIt is Dits 10 Unit 2 This is my sister. Section A(1a-2c) 课时课时 1 班级: 姓名: 学号: 【学习目标】 一、 Key words: sister; mother; father; parent; brother; family; grandparent; those; these; have; they; 二、 Main sentences: 1.Thats my family. 2. Those are my parents. 3. T

27、hese are my brothers. 4. Whos she? 三、Introduce family members in English. 【预习内容】 一、 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。 1. My (姐姐) is thirteen years old. 2. This is my (妈妈)。 3. I that your (爸爸)? 4. My (父亲或母亲) is my mother or my father. 5.Tom is his (哥哥). 6. What are (这些)? 7. (那些) are her key? 8. My (祖父母) are very old. 9

28、. I (有) a sister. 10. Thats my (家庭). 二、按要求完成下列各题。 that is(缩略形式) those(单数形式) this(复数形式) her(人称代词) these(对应词) that(复数形式) sister(对应词) is(复数形式) mother(对应词) 三、 预习之后的疑问是 【学习过程】 1. 利用图片的形式引出家庭成员单词,并教读这些新单词。 2. 1a: Match the words with the people in the picture. Then read the words. 3. Listening tasks: 1b-2

29、b. Then check their answers. 4. 合作探究: Those are my parents. . These are my brothers. . 1) 和 以及 和 都是指示代词。 2) 是 this 的复数形式;these 和 this 是指时间和空间离说话人较 的人或物; 例如: is my sister(this). are my parents(this). 3) 是 that 的复数形式;those 和 that 是指时间和空间离说话人较 的人或物; That is my brother. (变成复数句) 4)these 和 those 修饰名词 形式,后

30、面的 be 动词要用 。在回答主语是 these 或 those 的一般疑问句或特殊疑问句时,通常用 来代替回答。如: -Are these your parents? (肯定回答) (否定回答) 【课堂作业】 一、单选: ( ) 1. My_ is a teacher. A. parents B. grandparents C. parent D. fathers 11 ( ) 2. This is my good _. A. friends B. friend C. sisters D. brothers ( ) 3. My _ are all teachers. A. friend B.

31、 sister C. grandparents D. mother ( ) 4. -Are your friends in your class? -Yes, _ are. A. these B. my friends C. those D. they ( ) 5. Is Guo Peng your sister? No. _. A. she is B. she isnt C. it is D. it isnt ( ) 6. Mum, _ my friends, Dale and Helen. A. this is B. they are C. he and she D. these are

32、( ) 7. - Are these Jeff and Jack? - _. A. Yes, they arent B. No, these arent C. No, they arent D. Yes, these are ( ) 8. - _ your sister? - This is my sister. A. Whats B. Whos C. Is that D. Is she ( ) 9. My fathers brother is my _. A. uncle B. aunt C. cousin D. grandfather ( ) 10. This is Mr. Black a

33、nd _ my English teacher. A. this is B. she is C. he is D. it isnt ( ) 11. _ are in the same class. A. Helen and I B. I and Helen C. I, you and she D. These ( ) 12. This is my mother, and Im her _. A. teacher B. daughter C. parents D. mother 二、按括号内的要求变换下列句子的形式 1. These are my friends.(改为单数形式) _ _ my

34、_. 2. Is Tom your brother? (作否定回答) _ , he _. 3. These are my brothers. (改为一般疑问句并且作否定回答) _ _ your brothers? _ , _ _. 4. The pencil is black and white. (对画线部分提问) _ _ _ the pencil. 5. Those are English books.(改为单数形式)_ _ an English _. 6. Jack is my friend. (变成否定句) 7. That is a pen in English.(对划线部分提问) 8

35、. Her father and her mother are teachers.(变成同义句) 12 Unit 2 This is my sister. Section A(2d-3c) 课时课时 2 班级: 姓名: 学号: 【学习目标】 一、Key words: have; who; day; well; bye; 指示代词的巩固和复习 二、 Main sentences: 1. Whos she? 2. Well, have a good day. 3. Whore they? 4. Thanks. You, too. 三、含 be 动词的一般现在时。 【自主探索】 一、认真预习朗读 2

36、d 的对话,填空。 Sally: Good , Jane. Jane: Good morning, Sally. Sally: Oh, Jane, is my Kate. Kate, this my friend Jane. Kate: Nice to you, Jane. Jane: Nice to meet you, . those your parents? Kate: Yes, . Jane: And he? Sally: Hes is my , Paul. Jane: Oh, I see. Well, a good ! Sally/ Jane: Thanks. , too. Bye!

37、 二、自主朗读 Grammar Focus, 并将以下句子中空白处补充完整。 This my friend Jane. my grandfather. These my brother. Those my parents. she? Shes my sister. Whos he? my brother. Whore they? my grandparents. Thats= whore= whos= whore= 三、 通过预习你的疑问是 【合作探究】 一、Look at the pictures and say the words. Then introduce your family m

38、embers. 二、Learn activity 2d and Grammar Focus. Then role-play the conversation. 知识点讲解 1. Whos she? 。who 意为 , 用来询问 。由 、 、 等这些特殊疑问词来 提问的句子叫特殊疑问句。Be 动词一般现在时的特殊疑问句由 构成。 (轻松小练)用适当的疑问词填空: 13 1)- is that girl? -Shes Mary. 2)He is my favorite singer Jay Zhou.(对划线部分提问) is he? 2. -Well, have a good day. -Than

39、ks. You, too. 1) Have a good day! 意为 ,表示祝愿。回答常用 。其他表示“玩的愉快”的语句还有 。 2) You, too. too 用在肯定句的句尾表示“也”,too 也可以修饰形容词表示“太,很”,如: 太大 很老 太多 3) 根据汉语意思完成句子。 -旅途愉快,Andy! -谢谢。 - trip, Andy! - . 三、Complete activities 3a3b. Then revision. 【课堂作业】 一、 用特殊疑问词填空。 1、A: _ is the boy in blue? B: Hes Mike. 2、A: _ is the book? B: Its under the chair. 3、A: _ is the desk? B: Its blue. 4、A: _ is it today? B: Its Sunday. 5、A:_ is your brother? B: Hes 15 years old. 二、按要求进行句型转换,每空一词。 1. These are my friends. (改为单数句) my . 2. That is my sister. (改为复数句) my . 3. Hes my


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