2023年中考英语二轮复习课件 专项训练之补全对话.pptx

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1、2023陕西中考专项训练之补全对话目录content考情分析考情分析解题方法解题方法综合训练综合训练01020304话题积累话题积累PART 01考情分析对话人物A&BA&BA&BA&BA&BA&BA&BA&BA&BA&B回合5.55.55.56664.55.556话题日常生活日常生活校园生活日常生活节日购物假期活动日常生活校园活动假期活动问路指路答案句式陈述句2232222222疑问句33233333331.考查目标:情景(口语)交际能力、逻辑思维能力及中西方 文化差异。2.考点话题:日常生活、校园生活、周末生活、假期生活、社会生活等(买礼物、与朋友相处、学习计划、旅行计划、找人/地、看病、

2、就餐、约会、购物)3.考点本质:日常口语交际&句型转换考情分析自己写句子4.陕西考题类型PART 02解题方法 补全对话解题方法一、判(看标点,判句型)二、变(看上下,变句型)三、查(通读检查)tipstips:检查全文逻辑是否一致、遵循口语交际原则、语法、大小写、单词拼写。一、判(看标点,判句型)一、判(看标点,判句型)_._?陈述句疑问句_.陈述句分为以下情况:1.1.上问下陈上问下陈(回答上文疑回答上文疑问句,问啥答啥)问句,问啥答啥)2.2.上陈下陈上陈下陈(上句为非问句,根据(上句为非问句,根据语境语境回答)回答)陈述句B:Good idea.What can I do for hi

3、m?A:84._.His sports shoes are too old.1.上问下陈B:Well,that depends on your hooby.Whats your favourite sport?A:82._.B:Then,you should collect some information about football.B:Good idea.What can I do for him?A:84._.His sports shoes are too old.You can buy a pair of sports shoes.1.上问下陈:上文疑问词确定所问内容(问句)下文给

4、出答语提示(陈述句或词组)陈述句陈述句B:Well,that depends on your hooby.Whats your favourite sport?A:82._.B:Then,you should collect some information about football.陈述句Football/SoccerA:Hi,Bob!How was your last weekend?B:81._.I really had a good time.(It was)Great/Wonderful/Pretty good陈述句Tip:回答完整句时,注意时态。A:Good afternoon

5、,Tom.Where are you going?B:81._.A:Oh,to buy books?You are out!Why not go to the Readers Room?Im going to buy books陈述句A:Er,its a special day today,isnt it?B:82._.Its Fathers Day.Yes,it isTip:对反义疑问句回答:根据实际情况回答 (事实是肯定的用yes;事实是否定的用no)陈述句A:I think communicating with each other is a better way.You can hav

6、e a good talk with your mother.B:85._.Thanks for your advice.Sounds good/Great.2.上陈下陈上句非问句,根据语境回答。回应对方建议:陈述句下句回应对方建议:上句提建议方式:陕西历年中考均为同意对方观点B:Let me see.You like drawing.I think you can draw a picture about spring.A:85._.Ill do that tomorrow.That sounds great.Thats a good idea./Sounds great./Good ide

7、a.陈述句B:Because she thinks listening to music is not good for my study.A:83._.I also love music.It makes me relaxed and helps me study better.I dont think so./I disagree.上陈下陈回应对方观点陈述句A:Youre wearing a new sweater.It looks beautiful on you!B:76._.My sister made it for me.上陈下陈回应对方称赞、赞美陈述句Thank you/Than

8、k you very much/Thanks a lot表示感谢表示感谢:Thank you./Thank you very much./Thanks a lot.回答感谢回答感谢:Youre welcome./Not at all./Thats all right./Its my pleasure.上陈下陈听到对方的不好消息(同理心表达)陈述句B:I had a headache.My parents went on business,so I took some medicine and went to bed early.A:83._.How are you feeling now?Im

9、 sorry to hear that同理心表达:Im sorry to hear that.听到对方好消息时,表示祝贺:Congratulations!B:We learned to feed animals and plant vegetables.A:Sounds great!85._.B:You probably will.I hear all the schools will do the project.I hope we will also do the project.上陈下陈根据语境推断陈述句B:Im still feeling terrible now.I feel col

10、d and I cough a lot.A:Im afraid youve had a bad cold.84._.Let me take you to Center Hospital.Youd better see a doctor.陈述句解题总结:1.上问下陈 上文疑问词确定所问内容(问句)下文给出答语提示(陈述句或词组)2.上陈下陈回应对方建议(一般多为正向回答:Sounds great./Good idea.)回应对方观点(不同意:I dont agree./I disagree./I dont think so.同意:I agree./I think so.)回应对方赞美(Thank

11、 you./Thanks)听到对方的不好消息(Im sorry to hear that.)根据语境推理(难题)(需根据上下文语境推理)_?疑问句1.特殊疑问句2.一般疑问句看看答语答语A:_?B:Yes,he is.He is easy to get along with.1.一般疑问句看下句回答,找Yes/No注意:Yes=Sure./Of course./Certainly.Is he easy to get along with一般疑问句Do your parents love you A:_?B:Yes,they do.My parents love me.一般疑问句变法:有be/情

12、,提 be/情,无 be 无情,找助 do/does/did帮忙 一看(看回答)二判(判一般/特殊)三变 (根据回答写句子;注意第一人称变第二人称;some变any;and 变or)A:Of course.84._?B:No,I dont often talk with her.We often argue.Do you often talk with your motherB:Sure,she always makes things herself.Im going to learn from her.77._?A:Id love to.I just cant wait to learn w

13、ith you.78._?一般疑问句2.高频考点:邀约句型问:Would you like to do sth.?答:肯定:Yes,Id like to./Id love to.否定:Im sorry,I cant.Id love to,but Im afraid I have no time.Would you like to learn with meWould you like/love to do sth.?“你愿意去做.吗?”表示向对方有礼貌地提出建议或发出邀约。肯定回答:Yes,Id like to./Id love to.否定回答:Im sorry,I cant.Id love

14、to,but Im afraid I have no time.易错点辨析:Would you like some.?“你想要一些.吗?”用于征求对方的意见。肯定回答:Yes,please.否定回答:No,thanks.B:Sounds interesting.Do you often go to the mountains?A:Yes.Once a week.85._?B:Id love to.But Im afraid I cant go with you this weekend.Maybe next week is OK.Would you like to go with me一般疑问

15、句A:Do you have a plan?B:Not yet.83._?A:What about spending the day with my grandpa?B:Good idea.What can I do for him?A:I dont know.84._?B:Let me see.You like drawing.I think you can draw a picture about spring.一般疑问句3.询问/征求建议句型:3.上句用询问/征求建议句型:答句出现提建议句型:W 家族H 家族特殊疑问句特殊疑问句=特殊疑问词+一般疑问句特殊疑问词答句不是Yes/No.wh

16、owhatwhywherewhenwhosewhichhow谁人什么事物为什么原因哪里地点什么时候时间谁的所属关系哪一个有范围的选择怎样方式特特殊殊疑疑问问词词7w+1hhow muchhow manyhow oldhow oftenhow longhow far how soon多少多少/多少钱多少钱不可数名词的数量不可数名词的数量/价格价格多少多少可数名词的数量可数名词的数量多大多大年龄年龄多久一次多久一次频率频率 (回答(回答:频度副词组)频度副词组)多长时间多长时间 段时间段时间 (回答:(回答:for+for+时间段)时间段)多远多远距离距离 (回答:(回答:2 2 kilomete

17、rskilometers)多久之后多久之后将来时间将来时间 (回答:(回答:in+in+时间段)时间段)A:79._?B:Shes my friend.She likes making friends.Shall I introduce her to you?特殊疑问句特殊疑问句怎么变(常规题):一找:看答句找对应疑问词二变:将剩余部分变为一般疑问句 注意:第一人称变第二人称;some变any;and变or.Who is sheB:All right.85._?A:Lets meet at the gate of your neighborhood.Ill call you as soon a

18、s I get there.特殊疑问句Where shall we meet特殊疑问句A:Hello,Dad.I have come back home.81._?B:I am in the supermarket now.Whats up?Where are youA:85._?B:I will be back in an hour.When will you be back特殊疑问句B:That sounds great!83._?A:Its next to Renmin Hospital,across from the City Park.B:Oh,its a little far.84

19、._?A:You can take No.7 bus.Where is itHow can I get there特殊疑问句B:I did.I often play the violin when I am free.A:82.?B:Twice a week.How often do you play it特殊疑问句A:Oh,did you go anywhere?B:Yes.I went to a farm with my classmates.A:82._?B:Because we are doing an Experimental Education Project this year.

20、Why did you go there 一词搞定特殊疑问句Why Because/Why?特殊疑问句A:Yes,its John here.Linda,we had a good time at the school party last night.But its a pity you didnt come.82._?B:I had a headache.My parents went on business,so I took some medicine and went to bed early.特殊疑问句答案不好找积累常考话题Whats up/wrong/the matter/the

21、 trouble A:Nick,are you busy now?B:No.81._?A:I need your help.Im planning for tomorrows Chinese class.Can we talk about it?Whats up/wrong/the matter/the trouble 特殊疑问句补全对话的通用方法一判二变三查注意:做完一定要复读对话,验证答案,注意全文逻辑。1.严格按照陕西省评分标准检查语法、大小写、单词拼写、时态语态等错误。2.对于没有把握写对的完整句,可简略问答,如:Why?How many?How much?等。积累话题,能套则套套的越

22、妙考的越高A:Good morning.81._?B:Yes,please.Id like to buy a tie for my father.A:82._?B:Blue.My father likes blue best.A:How about this one?B:Oh,its very nice.83._?A:50 yuan.B:Thats too expensive,I cant afford it.84._?A:Yes.This light blue one is only 30 yuan.B:Well,this one looks very good.And the price

23、is OK.85._.What can I do for you/Can I help you What color do you want/What color does your father like Do you have a cheaper one How much is itIll take it话题一 购物类 句型总结What can I do for you?Can/May I help you?Yes,Please.I am looking for.或 Id like.或 I want.What color/size/kind do you want/would you li

24、ke?Do you have a cheaper one?Its too big/small.How much is it?Ill take it.A:Good morning,doctor.B:Good morning.Sit down,please.81._?A:Ive got a headache and a bad cough.B:Poor boy!82._?A:It started about two days ago.B:What about your temperature?83._?A:No,I havent.B:Lets take it now.Oh,you have a f

25、ever.A:84._?B:Nothing serious.Just a little cold.A:What should I do then?Whats wrong with youWhen did it startIs it serious Have you taken your temperature话题二 看病类B:You must take some medicine and have a good rest.A:Ok,I will.85._?B:Three times a day.Youd better drink more water adn stay in bed.Youll

26、 be all right soon.A:Thank you very much.Goodbye.B:Youre welcome.Goodbye.How often do I take the medicine句型总结Whats wrong/the matter with you?How long have you been like this?/When did it start?It started 2 days ago./since last night./For 2 days.Have you taken your temperature?Is it serious?Nothing s

27、erious.Im sorry to hear that.I hope you will be better soon.A:Hello,this is Ann speaking.Is that Helen?B:Yes,speaking.A:The happy weekend is coming.81._?B:Yes,I am not busy.I have already finished my homeworkA:82._?B:I ve no idea.How about you?A:Let me see.Lets see some old things.83._?B:Certainly.W

28、here?A:In the new museum.B:Oh,I remember,I heard of it last week.84._?A:By bike.Its Saturday tomorrow.The traffic must be heavy.B:I agree.85._?A:At the gate of our school at nine in the morning.B:Ok.See you then.Are you free tomorrowWhat are you going to doHow can I get thereWould you like to go wit

29、h meWhen and where shall we meet话题三 邀约类 句型总结Are you free this weekend?Would you like to go to the cinema with me?Yes,Id love to.Id love to,but Im afraid I have no time.When and where shall we meet?How about meeting at.?See you then.话题四 假期活动注意时态度假前度假后A:Hi,Bob!How was your last weekend?B:81._.I really

30、 had a good time.A:82._?B:I played basketball.A:83._?B:Twice a week.I like it very much.How did you spend your last weekend?A:84._.B:Sounds interesting.Do you often go to the mountains?A:Yes.Once a week.85._?B:Id love to.But Im afraid I cant go with you this weekend.Maybe next week is OK.GreatWhat d

31、id you do(last week)How often do you play basketballI went climbingWould you like to go with me句型总结How was your vacation?-Did you enjoy your holiday?Who did you go with?Where did you go?-What did you do last vacation?(That)sounds great!How about you?-Great./pretty good-Yes,I did.-I went climbing.(注意

32、时态:一般过去时)A:The winter holiday is coming soon.81._?B:Ive no idea.How about you?A:Im going to Shaanxi,province.B:82._?Its said that it is far from our city.A:Because my parents live there.83._.I miss them very much.B:Oh,I see.I heard there are lots of places of interest there.84._?A:By train.B:Will yo

33、u take some photos there.A:Of course.85._.B:It seems that you have made a good plan.Whats your plan Why(are you going there)I havent seen them for a long timeHow will you get thereIll show them to you as soon as I come back句型总结Whats your plan?/What are you going to do?Why are you going there?Who will you go with?Where will you go?How do you get there?Have a good trip(time)!句型总结Where is XXX?/How can I get to XXX?/Can you tell me the way to XXX?How far is it(from here)?Which bus can I take?How long does it take?话题五 问路类


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