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1、考点一:可数名词和不可数名词考点一:可数名词和不可数名词【经典练习】【经典练习】单项选择。单项选择。1.Look!Therere so many _ in the field.They look like white clouds.A.horse B.cow C.rabbit D.sheep2.If you want to get some _ about the World Expo,you can surf the Internet.A.activity B.picture C.ticket D.information3.Several _ are talking under the tr

2、ee.And their _ are swimming in the lake.A.woman;children B.woman;child C.women;children D.women;child4.Id like mutton and _ noodles,Mum.Well,lets go to the supermarket to buy some mutton and _.A.potato;potato B.potato;potatoes C.potatoes;potatoes D.potatos;potatos5.Would you like some _ for supper?A

3、.fish and chickens B.fishes and chicken C.fish and chicken D.fishes and chickens【考点点拨】【考点点拨】名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词,而可名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词,而可数名词又有单复数之分。下面是单数名词数名词又有单复数之分。下面是单数名词变复数的特殊情况:变复数的特殊情况:替换元音字母:替换元音字母:manmen,womanwomen,footfeet,toothteeth单复数同形:单复数同形:fish,Chinese,Japanese,sheep,deer无规则变化:无规则变化:childchildr

4、en,mousemice有一些名词,加有一些名词,加-s或或-es后与其原来的意思并后与其原来的意思并不相同。如:不相同。如:water(水水)waters(水域水域),fish(鱼鱼)fishes(各种鱼各种鱼)考点二:名词作定语考点二:名词作定语【经典练习】【经典练习】用括号中所给单词的适当形式用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。填空。1.We had a big party for the _ (woman)teachers in our school on March 8th.2.I am going to the _(shoe)store to buy a pair of sports

5、shoes.3.Those _(man)doctors are from the same hospital.4.The _(girl)students are more careful than the _(boy)students in our class.5.Therere many different _(sport)meetings around the country every year.womenshoemengirlboysports【考点点拨】【考点点拨】名词作定语通常用单数形式,但名词作定语通常用单数形式,但sport作作定语常用复数形式。如:定语常用复数形式。如:thr

6、ee apple trees,a sports starman,woman作定语,其单复数形式应由作定语,其单复数形式应由被修饰的名词决定:当被修饰的名词是单被修饰的名词决定:当被修饰的名词是单数时,应用单数形式;当被修饰的名词是数时,应用单数形式;当被修饰的名词是复数时,应用复数形式。如:复数时,应用复数形式。如:a man driver,two women assistants考点三:不可数名词的量化考点三:不可数名词的量化【经典练习】【经典练习】单项选择。单项选择。1.Im hungry.Please give me _.A.a bread B.some breads C.a piece

7、 of bread D.two pieces of breads2.What would you like to drink,sir?Id like _,please.A.two glasses of orange B.two baskets of oranges C.two pieces of bread D.two bowls of noodles3.What are those on the ground?Oh,theyre two _.A.box of apple B.boxes of apples C.box of apples D.boxes of apple4.Would you

8、 like another cup of tea,Mr Smith?No,I have had _.A.two tea B.two cups tea C.two cup of tea D.two cups of tea5.Therere only _ left.We have to buy some for the children.A.two bottles of water B.two bottles water C.two bottles of waters D.two bottle of water【考点点拨】【考点点拨】不可数名词不能用不定冠词不可数名词不能用不定冠词a,an或数词或

9、数词直接修饰,但可用直接修饰,但可用some,any,a little,little,much,lots of,a lot of 等表示概数的单词或等表示概数的单词或短语修饰。短语修饰。不可数名词可与表数量的短语不可数名词可与表数量的短语(数词数词+名名词词+of)搭配使用。如:搭配使用。如:a set of furniture,two pieces of paper考点四:名词所有格考点四:名词所有格【经典练习】【经典练习】单项选择。单项选择。1.I dont think looking after children is just _ work.A.woman B.womans C.wom

10、en D.womens2._ mothers cant come to the meeting because they have gone to Dalian.A.Sallys and Jane B.Sally and Janes C.Sallys and Janes D.Sally and Jane3.Can you imagine what life will be like in _ time?A.20 years B.20 years C.20-years D.20-years4.The gift was given by _ for her birthday.A.my sister

11、s friends B.a friend of my sisters C.my sister friend D.my sister friends5.The photo on the wall is _.They took the photo on the Great Wall last summer.A.Julia and Shelleys B.Julias and Shelleys C.Julia and Shelley D.Julias and Shelley【考点点拨】【考点点拨】“名词名词s”形式表示有生命的人或动物的形式表示有生命的人或动物的名词所有格。单数名词和不以名词所有格。单

12、数名词和不以s结尾的复数结尾的复数名词一般在词尾加名词一般在词尾加“s”;以;以s结尾的复数结尾的复数名词只需在词尾加名词只需在词尾加“”“”。如果所指事物为几个人所共有,则只需如果所指事物为几个人所共有,则只需在最后一个名词后加在最后一个名词后加“s”;如果所指事如果所指事物不为几个人共有,则应在每一个名词后物不为几个人共有,则应在每一个名词后都加都加“s”。名词的双重所有格:名词的双重所有格:of 短语短语+名词所有名词所有格或名词性物主代词。格或名词性物主代词。beef,man,advice,doctor,job,water,teacher,computer,time,student,w

13、ood,desk,tea,table,juice,bus,car,rice,watch,bread,box,child,boy,milk,nurse,apple,air,train,book,sand【巩固与提高】【巩固与提高】I.请将下列单词按照可数名词和不可数名请将下列单词按照可数名词和不可数名词分为两组。词分为两组。可数名词:可数名词:_不可数名词:不可数名词:_ _ man,doctor,job,teacher,computer,student,desk,table,bus,car,watch,box,child,boy,nurse,apple,train,book beef,advi

14、ce,water,time,wood,tea,juice,rice,bread,milk,air,sand.英汉词组互译。英汉词组互译。1.我们的学校我们的学校 _2.the wall of the classroom _3.我姐姐的一位老师我姐姐的一位老师 _4.Childrens Day _5.一瓶墨水一瓶墨水 _6.three bags of rice _our school教室的墙教室的墙a teacher of my sisters儿童节儿童节a bottle of ink三袋大米三袋大米7.一张纸一张纸 _8.your bags _9.他们公司的领导们他们公司的领导们 _10.Ma

15、ry and Debbies bedroom _玛丽和黛比合住的卧室玛丽和黛比合住的卧室a piece of paper你们的书包你们的书包the leaders of their company.单项选择。单项选择。1.Would you like _?Thank you,but Im not thirsty.A.some sandwiches B.some bread C.some biscuits D.some orange2.Can I help you?Yes,Id like _ for my daughters.A.two pair of trousers B.two pairs

16、of trouser C.two pair of trouser D.two pairs of trousers3.I want to send this letter.Is there a _ near here?Yes,there is one behind the Sky Hotel.A.bank B.theatre C.post office D.museum4.Be sure to give me a(n)_ when you get to Canada,Li Ling.OK.I will call you as soon as I get there.A.information B

17、.ring C.idea D.subject5.Do you like fruit?Yes,I like the _ best.A.potato B.chicken C.pear D.bread.写出下列名词的复数形式。写出下列名词的复数形式。1.orange _ 2.class _3.mouse _ 4.monkey _5.piano _ 6.Englishman _7.leaf _ 8.watch _9.enemy _ 10.Japanese _JapaneseorangesclassesmicemonkeyspianosEnglishmenleaveswatchesenemies.把下面

18、的单数句变为复数句、复数句把下面的单数句变为复数句、复数句变为单数句。变为单数句。1.The taxi is red._2.Its an interesting story._3.We have some new dictionaries._4.We think these sheep are sleeping._5.We are drawing some pictures._I am drawing a picture.The taxis are red.They are interesting stories.I have a new dictionary.I think this she

19、ep is sleeping.【中考链接】【中考链接】1.If you work hard,youll get good _.(天津天津)A.grades B.notes C.lessons D.answers2.Would you like some drinks,boys?Yes,_,please.(四川眉山四川眉山)A.some oranges B.two boxes of chocolate C.some cakes D.two boxes of cola3.Something is wrong with my _.I cant see anything around me.(重庆重庆

20、)A.nose B.ears C.eyes D.mouth4.Good morning,madam.Can I help you?Sure,Id like _ for cooking vegetables.(四川自贡四川自贡)A.two cups of tea B.three pieces of bread C.five kilos of oil5.When I was a student,I liked to sit in the front of the classroom so that I could see the words more clearly on the _.(四川宜宾四川宜宾)A.blackboard B.desk C.dictionary D.postcard Thank you


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