1、法律文本翻译第十二章 常用法律文本翻译示例CONTENTS 背景知识背景知识 TEACHING AIMS 教学目标 学习本章之后,需掌握以下知识点:1.1.对法律文本的类型有所了解对法律文本的类型有所了解 2.2.能够对法律文本正误译进行一定分析能够对法律文本正误译进行一定分析 3.3.能对法律文本的误议进行纠正能对法律文本的误议进行纠正 背景知识引入Preview 法律文本主要是由具有区别性特征的法律语言构成的,学界一般都赞同把法律文本划分到特殊用途语言(Language for Special Purpose,简称LSP)这一大类中。当然也有人把这类文本称为专业语篇(professiona
2、l discourse)。第一节 翻译示例 法律法规类文本法律法规类文本商业协议类文本商业协议类文本 司法文书类司法文书类 经济组织内部法律文件类经济组织内部法律文件类 一.法律法规类文本 法律法规类文本就是大家通常所说的立法文本,这一类法律文本,一般集体合作,由国际组织、政府组织专业人员翻译。这类文本的翻译水平一般较高,是研习法律文本入门的必备资料。(一)THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 美国的每一个州都有自己的宪法,但是人们通常所说的宪法都指联邦宪法1787年5月,美国各州代表在费城召开制宪会议,同年9月通过了美利坚合众国宪法
3、1789年,美国宪法正式生效,后又附加了27条宪法修正案美国宪法是世界上寿命最长的成文宪法作为世界上第一部成文宪法,美国宪法也为以后许多国家宪法的制定提供了成功的范本PreambleWe the people of the United States,in order to form a more perfect union,establish justice,insure domestic tranquility,provide for the common defense,promote the general welfare,and secure the blessings of lib
4、erty to ourselves and our posterity,do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.中华人民共和国民法通则 第一章 基本原则第一条 为了保障公民、法人的合法的民事权益,正确调整民事关系,适应社会主义现代化建设事业发展的需要,根据宪法和我国实际情况,总结民事活动的实践经验,制定本法。第二条 中华人民共和国民法调整平等主体的公民之间、法人之间、公民和法人之间的财产关系和人身关系。第三条 当事人在民事活动中的地位平等。第四条 民事活动应当遵循自愿、公平、等价有偿、
5、诚实信用的原则。第五条 公民、法人的合法的民事权益受法律保护,任何组织和个人不得侵犯。第六条 民事活动必须遵守法律,法律没有规定的,应当遵守国家政策。第七条 民事活动应当尊重社会公德,不得损害社会公共利益,破坏国家经济计划,扰乱社会经济秩序。第八条 在中华人民共和国领域内的民事活动,适用中华人民共和国法律,法律另有规定的除外。本法关于公民的规定,适用于在中华人民共和国领域内的外国人、无国籍人,法律另有规定的除外。此类文本是法律翻译实践中使用最广、实用价值较高,也是从事法律翻译应该、必须掌握的文本。此类文本的主要特点是格式化,受国内法调整,但不以国内法为依据,而是以贸易惯例、全球通行的法律原则为
6、起草依据而制定,即当事人合意的任意性条款较多。二.商业协议类文本 Agreement and contract(协议与合同);agency agreement(代理协议);agreement on general terms and conditions on business(一般经营交易条件的协议);agreement on loan facilities up to a given amount(商定借款协议);agreement fixing price(共同定价协议);agreement on import licensing procedure(进口许可证手续协议);agreeme
7、nt on reinsurance(分保协议);agreement to resell(转售协议 );bilateral agreement(双边协议);bilateral trade agreement(双边贸易协议);commercial agreement(商业协定);compensation trade agreement(补偿贸易协议);distributorship agreement(销售协议);exclusive distributorship agreement(排他销售协议);guarantee agreement(担保协议);international trade agr
8、eement(国际贸易协议);joint venture agreement(合营协议);licensing agreement(许可证协议);loan agreement(贷款协议);management agreement(经营管理协议);multilateral trade agreement(多边贸易协议);operating agreement(经营协议);partnership agreement(合伙契约);supply agreement(供货合同);written contract(书面协议);ad referendum contract(暂定合同);agency contr
9、act(代理合同);barter contract(易货合同);blank form contract(空白合同);compensation trade contact(补偿贸易合同);cross license contract(互换许可证合同);exclusive license contract(排他许可证合同);Firm sale contact(有效销售合同);Formal contract(正式合同);Forward contract(期货合同);Illegal contract(非法合同);Indirect contract(间接合同 );Installment contract
10、(分期合同);contract of employment(雇佣合同);contract of carriage(运输合同);contract of arbitration(仲裁合同);contract for goods(订货合同);contract for purchase(采购合同);contract for service(劳务合同);contract for future delivery(期货合同);contract of sale(销售合同);等等。Sole Agency Agreement This Sole Agency Agreement is made and enter
11、ed into this 28th day of September,2009,in Changsha,Hunan,China through friendly negotiations by and between Far East Industrial Corporation of America,having its principal office at New York of U.S.A.(hereinafter called Principal)and Changsha Electronic Products Import Export Corporation,having its
12、 principal office at Changsha,Hunan,China(hereinafter called Agent)on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on the terms and conditions set forth below:1.Principal agrees to appoint Agent to act as its sole agent in the territory of Changsha,Hunan,China for the sale of COMPAQ
13、1200 computers supplied by Principal.2.Price:Agent is under obligation to push sale energetically at the price quoted by Principal.Each transaction is subject to Principals final confirmation.3.Quantity:During the under-mentioned period,Agent shall place orders with Principle for not less than 5,000
14、 sets of COMPAQ 1200 computers.Agent shall order at least 2,500 sets in the first six months from the date of signing this agreement.Should Agent fail to fulfill the above-mentioned quantity(namely 2,500 sets)in this duration,Principal shall have the right to sell the goods under this agreement to o
15、ther customers in Changsha.In case Agent places orders for less than 1,000 sets in three months from the date on which the agreement is signed,Principle shall have the right to terminate this agreement by giving notice in writing to Agent.4.Payment:Payment is to be made by confirmed,irrevocable Lett
16、er of Credit,without recourse,available by sight draft upon presentation of shipping documents.The Letter of Credit for each order shall reach Principal 30 days before(prior to)the date of shipment.Should Agent fail to establish the Letter of Credit in time,any loss or losses including bank interest
17、,storage,etc.which Principal may sustain shall be borne by Agent.5.CommissionPrincipal agrees to pay Agent a commission of 5(five percent)on F.O.B value of orders.The commission is to be paid only after full payment for each order is received by Principal.As stated in Article 3)of this agreement,no
18、commission shall be paid on orders secured and executed by Principal itself.6.Reports on Market Condition:Agent shall have the obligation to forward once every three months to Principal detailed reports on current market conditions and on consumers comment.For Principals itself,Agent shall,from time
19、 to time,forward to Principal samples of similar commodity offered by other suppliers,together with their price,sales position and advertising material.7.Advertising Publicity Expenses:Agent shall bear all expenses for advertising and publicity within the aforementioned territory in the duration of
20、this Agreement and submit to Principal all drafts and/or drawings intended for such purposes for prior approval.8.Validity of Agreement:This Agreement,when duly signed by the parties concerned,shall remain in force for two years to be effective as from September 28,2009 to September 27,2011.If a ren
21、ewal of this Agreement is desired,notice in writing should be given by either party within one month prior to its expiry.Should one of the parties fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement,the other party is entitled to terminate this Agreement.9.Arbitration:All disputes arising
22、 from the execution of this Agreement shall be settled through negotiation between both parties.In the event that no settlement can be reached,the case in dispute shall then be submitted for arbitration to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of Internation
23、al Trade,Changsha,in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procedure of the Foreign Trade Arbitration.The decision made by this Commission shall be regarded as final and is binding on both parties.10.Other Terms Conditions:Principal shall not supply the contracted commodity to other buyers in the
24、 above-mentioned territory.Direct enquiries,if any,will be referred to Agent.However,should any other buyers insist on dealing direct with Principal,Principal should have the right to deal with them.In the latter case,Principal shall send to Agent a copy of relevant S/C and reserve 3 per cent(3)comm
25、ission for Agent on the net invoice value of the transactions concluded.Should Agent fail to send their orders to Principal for a minimum of.for a period of.months,Principal shall not be bound to this Agreement.For any business transacted between governments of both parties,Principal shall have full
26、 right handle such direct dealings as authorized by principals government without binding themselves to this Agreement.Agent shall not interfere with such direct dealings,nor shall Agent bring forward any demand for compensations or commission thereof.Other terms and conditions shall be subject to t
27、hose specified in the formal S/C signed by both parties.This Agreement is made out in quadruplicate,each party bolding two copies.Principal_ Agent_ 包销协议书经友好协商,中国、北京,中国国家进出口公司(以下称甲方)与埃及、开罗,x x x公司(以下称乙方)就下列条款条件缔结协议:1甲方委托乙方在埃及地区包销“天坛”牌男式衬衫。此协议有效期自2002年5月至2004年5月。2数量:在上述时间内,乙方应努力促销,其“天坛”牌男式衬衫销售量不低于两百万件
29、议有效期间,双方应严格遵守协议各条款规定的条件。如任何一方违反协议,必要时另一方有权宣布终止本协议。6.乙方负责每月向甲方寄送报告以供参考。报告包括上述货物的当地市场情况(关于价格水平的细节以及对商品品种的需求)。7本协议期满后,双方将通过协商决定终止或续签协议。8本协议分别由中、英两种语言书写,两种文本具同等法律效力。每个版本双方均持有。甲方:xxx 乙方:xxx 2002年4月26日三.司法文书类 司法文书类主要是指起诉状(Complaint)、答辩状(Answer)、传票(Summons)、仲裁协定(Arbitral Agreement)、风险代理协议(Contingent Fee Re
30、tainer)、授权委托书(Power of Attorney).等;这类文本在司法实践中广泛运用,是从事涉外法律翻译、作为一名涉外律师应该掌握的。对于该类文书的翻译,要注意是根据不同程序使用不同的术语,比如公诉书(BILL OF INDICMENT)、民事起诉书(Civil Complaint),民事判决书(Civil Judgment)与刑事判决书(Paper of Sentence),.等等。诉状 诉状俗称起诉书,是原告提起诉讼时向法院递交的书面材料。诉状可分为民事起诉状,刑事自诉状,刑事附带民事起诉状。诉状主要包括以下四个部分:The rise一般包括文书标题,原告和被告的身份事项。C
31、laims即诉讼请求,要求用简明扼要的文字写出请求法院解决的问题。Facts and Reasons是诉状的核心,是原告提出诉讼请求的材料来源,也是人民法院裁决的重要依据。Attachments即附件。诉状是律师接触最多的文书之一,也是最常见的送达文书。在写作格式方面,中国与英美国家有比较大的差别,例如民事诉讼状,英美国家的致送法院通常在文书首部,我国民事诉讼状的致送法院放在尾部。诉状写作要求事实叙述具体明确,详略得当;实事求是,语言文明;说理充分,以理服人;诉讼请求具体明确,切实可行。答辩状 答辩状是被告人或被上诉人在诉讼活动中,针对原告或被上诉人在起诉、自诉或上诉时陈述的事实、理由、请求进
35、为,与答辩人无关。综上所述,_人民医院为不适合被告,请贵院依法驳回原告起诉。此致_市中级人民法院答辩人:_人民医院日期:传票(Summons)传票是由法院签发的要求与案件有关人员到庭接受讯问或询问(inquiring)的通知书,是传唤的书面方式。我国法律规定,民事(civil)案件的被告经传票传唤,无正当理由(warrant)拒不到庭的,可以缺席判决(adjudge)。传票(summons)一词有多种用法:在民事诉讼中,传票是在原告起诉之后,由法院书记员签发而向被告送达的令状,又称为“要求被告出庭并答辩的传票”(summons ad respondendum)。签发这种传票是民事诉讼的第一个步
37、发日期以及法院书记员在传票右下角签字。传票是法院为了特定目的而要求某人到庭的一种正式文件。传票的格式可采用范例所示的表格式,也可以采用列举式,即把相关内容分条分项地列举出来,列举时可加上编号或项目符号。授权委托书(Power of Attorney)授权委托书是指一个人授权他人作为代理人或非法律代理人,为授权人利益从事某类行为或某一特定行为的一种书面文件。它既可以是单方面出具的法律文件,也可以是其它法律文件(如合同或其它协议)的组成部分。授权委托书一般分两类:一般授权委托书:顾名思义,其授权是总括性的或全权的。特别授权委托书:所授权力则是特定的,即此种委托书将代理人的权力仅仅局限在一定范围之内
38、或某一特定事项上。授权委托书是指授权他人或组织在某一领域行使代理权的法律文件,是最为常见的法律文书之一。委托人即被代理人,应在委托书中明确规定代理人的权限,如代理时间、代理事项等。代理时间应明确,如未规定时间,应根据代理事项推定合理时间。代理事项应具体,以防代理人越权,或在以后发生争执时易于界定权责。Power of AttorneyWe,_,a corporation duly organized and existing pursuant to the laws of _ with its office at _,hereby appoint and empower Mr./Ms._to
39、be our agent ad litem in the first and second instances and/or retrial respectively,as well as in the enforcement procedures,with respect to the case of _vs._.We further appoint and empower any of the above-mentioned attorneys to prepare the answer and appear before the competent court hearing;to co
40、unterclaim;to investigate,collect,and deliver to the relevant court any related evidence;to make compromise;to accept any mediation presided over by court;to admit,waive or modify the claims;to prepare the statement of appeal and file an appeal;to apply for retrial;to apply for measures of evidence
41、preservation and measures of property preservation during or before the proceedings;to apply for enforcement of the valid court document;to accept service of court documents;to sign and receive verdicts,judgments,summons,decisions and any other court document,and to handle all other issues in connec
42、tion with the said matters.In particular,we appoint and empower Mr./Ms._to nominate and authorize any other lawyer of the law firm to engage in,fulfill and implement any of the matters and issues as contemplated herein.We further grant our recognition to the acts made and the documents signed by the
43、 attorneys mentioned above within the limits of the powers granted herein.We hereby confirm that this Power of Attorney shall remain in full force from the date of signature and/or seal through the completion of the matters as set forth in this Power of Attorney.IN WITNESS WHEREOF,we cause this Powe
44、r of Attorney to be duly signed and sealed._ (Signed and Seale)(签章)Date:_风险代理协议(Contingent fee retainer)仲裁协议书(Arbitration Agreement)仲裁协议,是指当事人双方签订的,当合同所列事项的一部分或全部发生纠纷时,将纠纷交由仲裁机构仲裁的协议(agreement)。仲裁协议的内容包括以下三个部分:请求仲裁(arbitration)的意思表示,即当事人协商同意在合同纠纷或其他财产权益纠纷发生后,以仲裁的方式解决。仲裁事项,即当事人协商同意将什么纠纷提交仲裁。选定仲裁委员会,即
45、当事人协商选定一个特定的仲裁委员会仲裁他们之间的纠纷。只有具备了上述三方面的内容才是一份有效、完整的仲裁协议。仲裁协议可以在双方当事人签订合同时,在合同中设定仲裁条款(item),也可以在履行合同过程中,双方签订。聘用律师合同(Retaining Agreement)聘用律师合同是进行诉讼的开始,聘用律师合同通常是固定格式,翻译也相对固定。作为法律文本翻译的基础,也应该了解。下例是美国某州某律师事务所的律师聘用合同。证明书(Certificate)证明书,又称“证明文件”、“证书”或“证明”,系指由政府官员或具有官方地位者对其所知或其权限范围内的某一事实所作的书面证明或确认。证明书的种类很多,
46、大凡需要正式证明某一事情或有关信息的真实情况者,均可使用这种文书。如工作经历证明、病情证明、留学生经济担保书、学业成绩证明书、公司现状和存续的合法性证明、公司财务状况证明等。证明书的写法通常也采用一般信件的 格式,但多省掉收信人的姓名、地址和结束敬语。称呼多用“To whom it may concern”,意即“有关负责人”,但此项亦可省略。写证明书要求言简意赅。公证书(Notarial Certificate)公证书是公证机关根据法律的规定和当事人的申请,按法定程序对法律行为、有法律意义的事实和文书的真实性、合法性的非诉讼活动确定其真实性及合法性后出具的证明材料。公证书应该包括以下内容:公
47、证书编号(serial No.of notarial certificate);当事人的基本情况(general description of client);公证证词(testimony);承办公证员的签名(签字章)、公证处印章和钢印(seal and signature of the notary public undertaking such notarization);公证处印章和钢印(seal and steel seal of public notary office);出证日期(date of issuance)。公证书和其他司法类文书一样,也具有固定的样式和结构。Sample
48、1是国外使用的公证书格式,公证地名写在左上方,须全用大写字母,ss.(或SS.)写在地名中间。公证书正文应和地名相隔三行。Sample 2是中国通用的公证书格式,与国外的格式稍有区别。为体现公证书的严谨性,其措辞也往往十分讲究。英文公证书常用一些古词语和相对正式的词语,如forgoing(以上)、hereunto(此外,再者)等,规范严谨的措辞和句式才能使公证书更好地发挥在国内外法律活动中的作用。四.经济组织内部法律文件类 这类文本主要常见经济贸易组织内,对此类文本的翻译要参考现有的公司法以及相关经济组织、及活动的法律法规。常见的有董事会会议记录(Minutes of the Meeting
49、of Directors)、备忘录(Memorandums),股东声明(Shareholder Representation Letter)、广告(advertisements)等等。Memorandums(备忘录)备忘录(memorandum or memo for short)大致可分两类:第一类属于正式公文,常作为外交函件或商业合同的补充条款或事项,具有一定法律约束性,因此文体正规,措词严谨。第二类备忘录是一种非正式的商务文件、便条,多用于公司或机关内部,是以书面形式来交流内部事务的一种简便函件。它可以用来解释政策、程序和指示;发布通知,提出信息和行动要求;答复要求。也可以用来提醒事务或
50、对决定、电话交谈、会议提供书面记录。由于这类备忘录流通于一定单位内部,因此大多格式简明、语言通俗。商业通告(Business Notice)商业通告属于商业书信的一种。它虽较一般通知正式些,却又不如商业信函那么正式。通常是采用书信的方式。目前不少公司、银行为求简便快捷、经济实用,直接将通告内容印于明信片或卡片上,送达顾客。凡是有关开业、合并、迁址、人事变动、财务办理等方面的通告都可以采用这种形式。Meeting Minutes(会议记录)会议记录(Meeting Minutes)是一种将开会时与会者的发言和会议内容记录下来的文字材料。由于一次会议的决议不一定能当场通过,所以需要记录下来以备将来