1、Diogenes and Alexander第欧根尼和亚历山大About the AuthorAbout the AuthorGilbert Arthur Highet(June 22,1906 January 20,1978)was a Scottish-American classicist,academic,writer,critic and literary historian.Born in Scotland,he is best known as a mid-20th-century teacher of the humanities in the United States.Hi
2、ghet devoted most of his energy to teaching,but he also aspired to raise the level of mass culture and achieved broader influence by publishing essays and books.DiogenesDiogenesNothing is known about his life,but his surviving Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers(名哲言行录)is a principal source fo
3、r the history of Greek philosophy.He thought that all should live natually,for what is natural is normal and cannot possibly be evil or shameful.Live without conventions,which are artificial and false:escape complexities and extravagances(奢侈):only so can you live a free life.According to a popular s
4、tory,Diogenes walked through Athens in broad daylight carrying a lighted lamp,saying that he was looking for an honest man.On another occasion Diogenes is said to have had an interview with Alexander the Great,who opened the conversation with“I am Alexander the Great.”He answered,“And I am Diogenes
5、the Cynic.”Alexander then asked him in what way he could serve him.“You can step out of my sunlight.”Diogenes replied.Alexander is said to have been so struck with the Cynics self-possession that he went away remarking,“If I were not Alexander,I should wish to be Diogenes.”Diogenes Diogenes and and
6、AlexanderAlexander人物思想 他认为除了自然的需要必须满足外,其他的任何东西,包括社会生活和文化生活,都是不自然的、无足轻重的。他强调禁欲主义的自我满足,鼓励放弃舒适环境。作为一个苦行主义的身体力行者,他居住在一只木桶内,过着乞丐一样的生活。每天白天他都会打着灯笼在街上“寻找诚实的人”。第欧根尼揭露大多数传统的标准和信条的虚伪性,号召人们回复简朴自然的理想状态生活。后来他师承苏格拉底的弟子安提斯泰尼,以身作则发扬了老师的“犬儒哲学”,试图颠覆一切传统价值。他从不介意别人称呼他为“狗”,他甚至高呼“像狗一样活着”。人们把他们的哲学叫做“犬儒主义”(Cynicism)。他的哲学思想
7、为古希腊崇尚简朴的生活理想奠定了基础。归到他名下但现已失传的各种著作中,有对话、戏剧和一部共和国,该书描绘无政府主义者的乌托邦,人们在其中过着“自然”的生活。第欧根尼PlatoPlatoPlato(428/427 BCa 348/347 BC)was a philosopher in Classical Greece.He was also a mathematician,student of Socrates(苏格拉底),and founder of the Academy in Athens,the first institution of higher learning in the W
8、estern world.Along with his mentor,Socrates,and his student,Aristotle,Plato helped to lay the foundations of Western philosophy and science.AristotleAristotleAristotle(384 BC 322 BC)was a Greek philosopher and polymath(博学的人),a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great.His writings cover ma
9、ny subjects,including physics,metaphysics(形而上学),poetry,theater,music,logic,rhetoric(修辞学),linguistics(语言学),politics,government,ethics(伦理学),biology,and zoology.Together with Plato and Socrates(Platos teacher),Aristotle is one of the most important founding figures in Western philosophy.Aristotles writ
10、ings were the first to create a comprehensive system of Western philosophy,encompassing ethics,aesthetics,logic,science,politics,and metaphysics.Alexander the Great was(born on July 20,356 B.C.,in Pella,)king of Macedonia.During his leadership,from 336 to 323 B.C.,he united the Greek city-states and
11、 led the Corinthian League.He also became the king of Persia(波斯),Babylon(巴比伦)and Asia,and created Macedonian colonies in Iran.While considering the conquests of Carthage and Rome,Alexander died of malaria in Babylon,Persia(now Iran),on June 13,323 B.CAlexander the GreatAlexander the GreatHe learned
12、the best of Greek culture.For example,Aristotle taught Alexander poetry;philosophy and uses of political power;the principles of scientific research.Indeed,it was from Aristotle that Alexander learned to seek out everything strange which might be instructive.Also,he learned generosity from Aristotle
13、.The Iliad is an ancient Greek epic poem written by Homer that tells the story of th Trojan War,said to habe been fought between the Greeks and the Trojans because the Trojan prince Paris had carried off Helen,wife of the Greek king.The war was won by a trick in which Greek soldiers,hidden inside a
14、wooden horse,were taken into Troy by the Trojans who thought that the horse was a gift from God.荷马史诗伊利亚特(希腊语:,转写:Ilis)又译伊利昂纪(取自书名“伊利昂城下的故事”之意),是古希腊诗人荷马的叙事史诗。是重要的古希腊文学作品,与奥德赛同为西方的经典之一。根据有荷马史诗人物图像的花瓶生产时期、其他引用此诗的希腊诗歌撰写日子推断,本史诗应大约完成于公元前750或725年。The Iliad不和女神埃里斯采了一只金苹果,并写上“给最美丽的女神”,赫拉、雅典娜及阿芙罗狄忒三个女神都认为苹果是
15、给自己的,宙斯拒绝作裁判,于是三人带着苹果找特洛伊国王的英俊儿子帕里斯作裁决。三个女神都以奖品诱惑他,赫拉答应给他至高无上的权力,雅典娜给他最聪明的头脑,而阿芙罗狄忒则给他世上最漂亮的女子海伦作妻,帕里斯把金苹果交了给阿芙罗狄忒,他成了阿芙罗狄忒的宠儿,而赫拉及雅典娜决心毁灭特洛伊人。因为妻子和财宝被夺,墨涅依斯召集众多英雄,围城十年,眼看希腊就要被特洛伊打败。在最后关头,他们想出了木马屠城这一招,反败为胜。海伦也被墨涅依斯带回了希腊。特洛伊战争就此结束。In Greek mythology,Achilles was aGreek hero of the Trojan War and the
16、central character and greatest warrior of Homers Iliad.Achilles most notable feat during the Trojan War was the slaying(杀戮)of the Trojan hero Hector outside the gates of Troy.Achilles was invulnerable in all of his body except for his heel.Because of his death from a small wound in the heel,the term
17、 Achilles heel has come to mean a persons point of weakness.AchillesAchilles因为他的死亡从一个小伤口在脚后跟,术语阿基里斯的脚跟将意味着一个人的弱点。Hercules is the Roman name for Greek demigod(半神)son of Zeus(宙斯)and the mortal Alcmene(阿尔克墨涅).He is one of the most great heroes in Greece.Hercules is famous for his strength and for his numerous far-ranging adventures.主神宙斯(Zeus)与阿尔克墨涅(Alcmene)之子,因其出身而受到宙斯的妻子赫拉的憎恶,后来他完成了12项被誉为“不可能完成”的伟绩,除此之外他还解救了被缚的普罗米修斯,隐藏身份参加了伊阿宋的英雄冒险队并协助他取得金羊毛。他死后灵魂升入天界,众神在商议之后认同了他的伟业,他和父亲一样被招为神并成为了星座。HerculesThanksThanks