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1、Unit 1 Can you playCan you play  the guitar?the guitar?  Section A Grammar Focus-3c 学习目标 Key words play the drums play the piano play the piano dance, sing 1e1e Listen again. Fill in the chart with the words and phrases in 1d. zxxk Unit 2 What time do you What time do you  go to schoo

2、l ?go to school ?  Section A Grammar Focus-3c 学习目标 Key words  _ _ _ Unhealthy activities: go to bed late; _ _  brush teeth twice every day exercise eat lots of fruit  What other healthy activities you know. eat a good breakfast 2b2b  Tony and Mary are brother and sister. The

3、y have healthy and unhealthy habits. Who is healthier? Circle the healthy activities. Tony Mary brother and sister Who is healthier?  much adj. 许多许多 time n.(u) 时间时间 修饰不可数名词,修饰不可数名词, 如:如:much water,许多水;许多水; much money, 许多钱许多钱 Do you have time on the weekend? n.(c)次数,倍次数,倍 I brush my teeth two ti

4、mes every day. quickly  adv.迅速地;立刻迅速地;立刻  eat quickly  吃得快吃得快 He works quickly. 他干活很利索。他干活很利索。 get  v.到达到达  get to school 到校到校   get home  到家到家 I get home early today. 我今天到家很早。我今天到家很早。 get to +地点名词;地点名词; get +地点副词地点副词 either  adv. 或者或者 常有短语:常有短语: either or 要么要

5、么要要 么么;或者;或者或者或者 作“也”讲,用于否定词组之后,加强语气作“也”讲,用于否定词组之后,加强语气 He wants either you or your sister to help him. 他想你或者你姐姐来帮他。他想你或者你姐姐来帮他。 Im going to buy either a camera or a CD player with the money. 我准备用这笔钱买一架照相机或者买一台激光我准备用这笔钱买一架照相机或者买一台激光 唱片机。唱片机。 If you dont go,I shall not either. 如果你不去,我也如果你不去,我也 不去。不去。

6、 Read 2b again and fill in the blanks. Time Tonys Activities At eight _ eats a quick breakfast At eight thirty _ At noon _ After school _ _ in the evening At ten thirty _ brushes teeth and goes to bed gets up goes to school eats hamburgers plays basketball for half an hour does his homework watches

7、TV or plays computer games Time Marys Activities _  gets up  takes a shower and eats a good breakfast _ goes to school At twelve _ After lunch _ _ in the evening At nine thirty _ goes to bed At six thirty At eight thirty eat lots of fruit and vegetables  plays volleyball eats ice-crea

8、m does her homework, swims or takes a walk 2c2c  Write down the unhealthy habits of each person. Then think of healthy activities for them. Unhealthy habits Healthy activities Tony  Mary  have breakfast quickly have breakfast slowly eat ice-cream after dinner usually eat hamburgers ge

9、t up late get up early eat fruit and vegetables Dont eat ice-cream after dinner 3a3a Number these sentences in order to make a story about a daily routine. eats breakfast goes to  school 3 4 2 5 6 9 7 8 Davids daily routine Activity Time  gets up 6:00a.m. has breakfast 7:00a.m. 7:30a.m. ge

10、ts to school 11:30a.m. goes home 4:30p.m. gets home has dinner 10:00p.m. goes to school 8:00a.m. has lunch 5:00p.m. 7:00p.m. goes to bed 3 3b b  Write about your own daily routine. My Day WRITING I usually         at       . I have milk and bread for breakfast

11、. After breakfast, I       and then I       by  bus. I get to school at      . I  have five classes in the morning. And then I have lunch at      . In the afternoon I have two classes. I go home at       . I get hom

12、e at 4:30p.m. I        at about        . After dinner, I        . I        at        . My life isnt exciting.     Unit 2 What time do you What time do you  go to school ?go to school ?

13、 Section B 1a-1e 学习目标 Key words key sentences; guess new words) 2.learn some new words receiver(收信人)收信人) writer (写信人)写信人) 2b doctor 2b Read the first letter and choose (选择)选择) the right answer. 1. Whats Mollys problem(问题)问题)? A. She has too much homework. B. She has too many rules. B Key senten

14、ces 关键句关键句 2. Why does Molly write this letter? A. She needs some help. B. She wants to tell her rules to Dr. Know. A the  beginning the ending the body 2b  Read the letter carefully and answer the following questions.  1. When does Mary get up? 2. What must Molly do before she can wa

15、tch TV? 3.  文中文中relax 的含义是:的含义是:_(汉语)汉语) 4. “I feel terrible. “ means:  A. I feel happy. B. I feel very bad.  C. I feel afraid. She get up at 6:00. 放松,休息放松,休息 She must read a book. B Listen to tape and Underline the rules for Molly. 2b Read the second letter and choose (选择)选择)the righ

16、t answer. C 1. Dr. Know tells Molly to _ the rules. A. break B. foget(忘记)忘记) C. follow .  Read the letter from Dr. Know carefully and finish(完成)完成) the sentences . 1.There are a lot of thing _ _ _ . 2. Parents and schools are sometimes _ , but remember they make rules _ _ _. you can do strict t

17、o    help   us 不以规矩,不能成方圆。不以规矩,不能成方圆。 -孟子孟子 Nothing can be accomplished  (成功的)(成功的)without norms(标准)(标准) or standards (规格)(规格). 2c Can you complete the sentences with have to/  must , can or cant? 1. Molly _ play basketball on school days,  but she _ play it on weekends

18、. 2. Molly _ do her homework first  when she gets home. 3. Molly _ read a book after dinner  before she _ watch TV. 4. At school, Molly _be noisy or eat in class. 5. Parents and schools make rules to help students.  So students_ follow the rules. can cant must must cant have to can De

19、ar Dr. Know,  _ you help me? Im not happy because there are too many rules at home. Every morning, I _ get up at six oclock. At school, I _ wear a school uniform, and I _ keep my hair short. After school, I _ play with my friends or watch TV because I _ do my homework. I _ relax on weekends eit

20、her because I _ learn to play the piano. I never have fun, what _ I do?  Zhao Pei  have to Can have to must 3a Complete Zhao Peis letters to Dr. Know using have to / must, can / cant. must cant cant must can Answer the following questions 1.Is Zhao Pei happy? Why or why not? 2.Does Zhao Pe

21、i have to wear a uniform? 3.Why cant Zhao Pei relax on weekends either? No. Because there are too many rules  at home. Yes, he does. Because he must learn to play the piano. 3b Complete the chart with the rules in your home and school. Check the rules you think are unfair. Things I have to do T

22、hings I cant do I cant go out on school nights.  I must do the homework first after school. I cant watch TV before I practice the piano. I have to wear the uniform at school. I have to keep my hair short.  I cant see friends on school days.  I must get up before 6:30 and practice Engl

23、ish.  I cant be noisy or eat in class. 3c Write a letter to Dr. Know. Tell him about the rules and how you feel about them. Have a look at rules for Canadian(加拿大)加拿大)  students. 1.They can wear their own clothes, but they must wear clean clothes every day.  2. They can walk in class,

24、but they must be quiet. 3. They cant take any knives(刀子)刀子) to school.  4. They must look at speakers who talk to them.  5. They must be quiet when they eat food.  6. They can do their homework on computer. 1 Fill in the blanks with the words  in the box.  arrive late, liste

25、n to, be noisy, follow the rules, be strict  My name is Timmy the Mouse. I must get up early at 6:30 a.m. every morning. Then I have to go to the kitchen to get food for Grandpa. I never _ to the kitchen because I have to get there before the cat gets up. My grandpa always tells me I cant _. I

26、_ him because I dont want the cat to get me! My grandpa _ with me, but I think its best to _. listen to is strict be noisy arrive late follow the rules Suppose you are the little mouse.  Retell your story to your partners.  My names Timmy the Mouse. I must  get up, 6:30 go to the kitc

27、hen  arrive late, get up grandpa, be noisy listen to, get me strict with, follow 2 Use can/cant, have to/must  and dont to write about the rules at  school. Write two sentences for each rule. 1. arrive late/ class  _ _ 2. listen/ teacher _ _ Dont arrive late for class. We cant ar

28、rive late for class.  We must/ have to listen to our teachers at school. 3. be noisy/ library _ _ 4. speak English/ English class _ _ 5. eat/ dining hall  _ We must/can speak English in the English class. We cant be noisy in the library. Dont be noisy in the library. We must/can eat in the

29、 dining hall.  1. Everyone should remember the new    words and  phrase, then make sentences with them. 2. Most students should retell the letters  with the help of the key sentences. 3. If you can, read more articles about rules. Homework: Unit 5 Why do you like Why do you

30、like  pandas ?pandas ?  Section A Grammar Focus-3c 学习目标 Key words 城里城里, 为不可数名词。为不可数名词。 e.g. Is there a good place to eat here? Im from out of town. 这儿有吃饭的好地方吗?我对这里不这儿有吃饭的好地方吗?我对这里不 熟。熟。 1. 图书馆在邮局的对面。图书馆在邮局的对面。 The library is _ _ the  _ _. 2. 在公园附近有餐馆吗?在公园附近有餐馆吗?   Is _ a restaura

31、nt _ the _?  3. 紧挨着银行有一家旅馆。紧挨着银行有一家旅馆。 There _ a hotel _ _ the bank. there            near    park is       next  to  across from post office 4. 投币电话应在医院后面。投币电话应在医院后面。 The _ phone is _ the _. 5. 在警察局前面有很多树。在警察局前面有很多树。 There are ma

32、ny trees _ _ _ the police station. in front of pay        behind    hospital 1. 总结所记忆表示方位的介词。总结所记忆表示方位的介词。 2. 用今天所的学介词(用今天所的学介词(near, next to, in front of, behind, betweenand)来写)来写 五个句子,描述一下你生活中常见的五个句子,描述一下你生活中常见的 单位的位置。单位的位置。 Unit 8 Is there a post Is there a post &nbs

33、p;office near here ?office near here ?  Section B 2a-Self Check 学习目标 Key words 附近地区附近地区;街坊”街坊” e.g. 我的街坊们都很友好。我的街坊们都很友好。 My neighborhoods are friendly. in the neighborhood 在附近在附近  e.g. 在附近有一家中国餐馆。在附近有一家中国餐馆。 There is a Chinese restaurant in the  neighborhood. 2. enjoy喜欢;享受喜欢;享受 (近义词近义

34、词love/like)后后 跟动名词。跟动名词。 e.g. 我妹妹喜欢听音乐。我妹妹喜欢听音乐。 My sister enjoys listening to music.     3. spend 花费(时间、金钱等)。花费(时间、金钱等)。 1) spend + (时间、金钱时间、金钱) + on sth.  e.g. 杰克每天花很多时间做作业。杰克每天花很多时间做作业。 Jack spends a lot of time on his homework.  2) spend + (时间、金钱时间、金钱) + doing sth. e.g. 我妹妹每天

35、花很多时间读书。我妹妹每天花很多时间读书。 My sister spends much time reading books. 4. money 是不可数名词是不可数名词, 作单数看作单数看 e.g. 钱是重要的,但并不是一切。钱是重要的,但并不是一切。 Money is important, but it isnt everything.  5. free  免费的”免费的” e.g. 这些书都是免费的。这些书都是免费的。 These books are free.  【拓展拓展】free 空闲的;(反义词)空闲的;(反义词)busy  e.g. 格林

36、先生本周不忙。格林先生本周不忙。  Mr. Green isnt busy this week.  或或(Mr. Green is free this week.) 6. easily 容易地容易地 (副词副词)(easy + ly easily) e.g. 公共汽车站离这里很近,你能很容易公共汽车站离这里很近,你能很容易 地找到。地找到。 The bus stop is not far from here.   You can find it easily.  7. To get there, I usually walk out and  

37、 turn right on Bridge Road. 这是英语行文的一种方式,在句子开这是英语行文的一种方式,在句子开 头用头用to do短语,并用逗号将其与句子短语,并用逗号将其与句子 的主体部分隔开,相当于汉语“(若)的主体部分隔开,相当于汉语“(若) 要做要做的话”。的话”。 e.g. To listen to world news, please key  in 1. 若要收听国际新闻,请键入“若要收听国际新闻,请键入“1。 My house is across from  a _ on Long Street. I usually go shopping at

38、 a _ near my house.  It is between a _ and the _. On weekends, I like to play in the _. To get there, I go along Long Street and turn left on North Street. It is on the right, next to a _.  3a Look at the map of Cindys neighborhood  and fill in the blanks. 1. 先看所给的图片提示先看所给的图片提示,

39、看清道路与相关建筑看清道路与相关建筑 物的名称。物的名称。 2. 其次其次, 通读全文通读全文, 了解短文中所描述的出发了解短文中所描述的出发 地地, 目的地目的地, 以及行进的路线。以及行进的路线。 3. 然后然后, 细读每句话细读每句话, 根据行进路线及空格前根据行进路线及空格前 后所用的介词来仔细推敲每个空格应填的后所用的介词来仔细推敲每个空格应填的 内容。内容。 4. 最后最后, 再通读一遍短文再通读一遍短文, 看是否通顺。看是否通顺。 My house is across from a _ on Long Street. I usually go shopping at a _ ne

40、ar my house. It is between a _ and the _. On weekends, I like to play in the _. To get there, I go along Long Street and turn left on Long Street. It is on the right, next to _.  library supermarket library        post office hotel park Draw a map of your neighborhood and wr

41、ite about it. These questions may help you. 3b 1. Where do you live? 2. What is your favorite place in your neighborhood? Why? 3. How do you get there from your home? 1. 这是一篇要求描写自己周围的一些地点。这是一篇要求描写自己周围的一些地点。 并说明自己最喜欢的一处地点,并说明并说明自己最喜欢的一处地点,并说明 原因,及如何去此处。原因,及如何去此处。 2. 首先,可根据实际情况写出自己家庭住首先,可根据实际情况写出自己家庭住

42、 址及周围其他一些地点。址及周围其他一些地点。 3. 然后,描述一下自己最喜欢去的一个地然后,描述一下自己最喜欢去的一个地 方,并以方,并以 because 句来表达自己喜欢它句来表达自己喜欢它 的原因。的原因。 4. 接下来,描述一下如何到达此处,可接下来,描述一下如何到达此处,可 以以 go along, turn right/left, its on the right/left 等句式来写。等句式来写。 5. 最后,再通读一遍自己的文章,看有最后,再通读一遍自己的文章,看有 没有错误。没有错误。 I live in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a noisy neighborh

43、ood. My house is between a library and a post office. There is a bank across from my house. My favorite place is the Childrens Palace because I can play sports and learn English there. To get there, I have to go along the Center Street, then turn left at the first crossing, then walk along North Str

44、eet. The Childrens Palace is just on the right.  I am very busy on school days, but I have some _ time on weekends. I like to spend time with my grandparents on Sundays. My grandma makes the foods I like. And I _ playing Chinese chess with my grandpa. Hes very good at it! We also like to sit an

45、d talk. We sometimes watch the neighbors cats _ the trees. Its relaxing to _ weekends like this. I love my grandparents! free Complete the passage with the words in the box.  1 spend  free  climb  enjoy  enjoy spend climbing 1. _. 2. _. 3. _. 4. _.  5. _. Write five sen

46、tences about your school using there is/ are. 2 提示:提示:注意注意 there be 句型一定要注意句型一定要注意 be 动词动词(is,are)与其后面的主语一致。与其后面的主语一致。 特别应注意,如果有两个或两个以上特别应注意,如果有两个或两个以上 的主语时,应与第一个保持一致。句的主语时,应与第一个保持一致。句 型:型:There is /are + + (介词短语介词短语)  1. _. 2. _. 3. _. 4. _ _.  5. _ _. There are two pay phones in front of

47、 the park There is a bus stop behind the hospital There is a zoo on Bridge Street There is a supermarket next to the bank There is a library across from the clothes shop Imagine you are one of the two people in the picture on Page 46. A person asks you how to get to the supermarket or library. Write a conversation. 3 A: Excuse me. Is there a supermarket near here? You: Walk along New Street. Turn le


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