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1、Criminal-law法律英语刑法-PPT课件Criminal law1.What are the crimes and criminal law?2.Criminal Procedure(美国刑法的程序)3.Criminal law classification(美国刑法的分类)4.Capital Punishment(死刑)5.Criminal liability(刑事责任)What do U think of CRIMES?what Some people think that crime that can be defined for the more serious offence

2、 against person or property,there are a number of acts,and some omissions,which are subject to the crminal law yet do not cause such a threat.一些人们认为,犯罪就是侵犯人们身体和财产的作为或者不作为的行为,比如恐吓。Some Famous say:Giving the killer what he deserves.让犯罪的人罪有应得。让犯罪的人罪有应得。It is better to fight for justice than to rail at

3、the ill.-Alfreds Tennyson,British writer 与其责骂罪恶,不如伸张正义。与其责骂罪恶,不如伸张正义。-英国作家英国作家 丁尼生丁尼生 ABUT A MAN SAID:Hate the sin but not the sinnner!可恨的是罪行而不是罪犯。Yes,in my opinions,to be accurate,we can only say that crime is any act or omission that is contrary to the criminal law.是的,在我看来,准确的说犯罪就是任何是的,在我看来,准确的说犯罪

4、就是任何违背刑法的行为。违背刑法的行为。What is the criminal law?The criminal law can be classified into criminal law in a broad sense and criminal law in a narrow sense.刑法有广义刑法与狭义刑法之分。广义刑法是指一切规定犯罪、刑事责任和广义刑法是指一切规定犯罪、刑事责任和刑罚的法律规范的总和,包括刑法典、单刑罚的法律规范的总和,包括刑法典、单行刑法以及非刑事法律中的刑事责任条款。行刑法以及非刑事法律中的刑事责任条款。Criminal law in a broad s

5、ense refers to all stipulation crime,the legal responsibility and penaltys legal norm sum total,including penal code,in specific criminal law as well as non-criminal law legal responsibility provision.Criminal law in a narrow sense refers to the penal code.The criminal law punishes the crime,maintai

6、ns the social stability the most important law,forces the devoting backing by the country.狭义刑法是指刑法典。刑法是惩治犯罪,维护社会安定的最重要的法律,由国家强制力作后盾.Criminal ProcedureThe law governing that series of procedures through which the substantive criminal is enforced.The American system of criminal procedure is“adversaria

7、l”.The procedural steps carry a case from start to finish within the process.The Steps in a typical felony case:Step 1:The Reported Crime (or“known offense”)Step 2:Prearrest Investigation (include three basic groups)Step 3:ArrestStep 4:BookingStep 5:Post-Arrest Investigation(will vary with the fact

8、situation)Step 6:The Decision to ChargeStep 7:Filling the Complaint Step 8:Magistrate Review of the ArrestStep 9:The First Appearance(a quite brief proceeding)Step 10:Preliminary Hearing Step 11:Grand Jury Review(the primary function)Step 12:The Filing of the Indictment or InformationStep 13:Arraign

9、ment on the Information or IndictmentStep 14:Pretrial MotionsStep 15:The Trial(the unique features)Step 16:Sentencing(three different types may be used)Step 17:Appeals American criminal law classification美国刑法种类美国刑法种类 1.Criminal ACTS endangering degree(犯罪行为危害程度):(犯罪行为危害程度):felony(重罪),(重罪),misdemeanor

10、(轻罪)轻罪)1962,model penal code模范刑法典模范刑法典According to the crime is divided into four grades punishment weight(按刑罚(按刑罚 轻重把犯罪分为四等):轻重把犯罪分为四等):felony(重罪),(重罪),misdemeanor(轻轻罪),罪),petty misdemeanor(微罪),微罪),violation(违警罪)违警罪)Felony divided into 3:Level 1,level 2,Level3(重罪分为三级)(重罪分为三级)No more than one years

11、imprisonment penalty misdemeanor (轻罪刑罚不超过一年监禁)(轻罪刑罚不超过一年监禁)A maximum sentence of micro sin 30 days in prison (微罪最高刑期为(微罪最高刑期为30天监禁)天监禁)Violations punish a crime only be fined (违警罪只能判处罚金)(违警罪只能判处罚金)2.The nature of crime(犯罪本身的性质):(犯罪本身的性质):malum in se(邪邪恶的罪),恶的罪),malum prohibitsin(法规禁止的罪)法规禁止的罪)malum

12、in se(邪恶的罪):邪恶的罪):murder(杀人)(杀人)set on fire(放火)放火)adultery(奸淫)(奸淫)steal(盗窃)(盗窃)malum prohibitsin(法规禁止的罪):法规禁止的罪):drunken driving(酒后开车)(酒后开车)driving through the roadwithout pay MaiLuQian shut (行车通过路关而不付买路钱)(行车通过路关而不付买路钱)operating machinery on-screen (经营机械赌具经营机械赌具)the sin of violation of economic laws

13、 and regulations (违反经济法规的罪违反经济法规的罪)3.Legal origin Angle(法律渊源角度):法律渊源角度):Common-law sin(普通法罪)(普通法罪)Enacted law sin(制定法罪)(制定法罪)4.Other classification(其他分类)(其他分类)Crime constitution form(犯罪构成形态):(犯罪构成形态):complete sin(完整罪)完整罪)inchoate crime(不完整罪)(不完整罪)Criminal principal amount(犯罪主体数量):犯罪主体数量):separate si

14、n(单独犯罪)单独犯罪)fellowship on crime(共同犯罪)共同犯罪)Criminal principal types (犯罪主体类型犯罪主体类型):crime by a natural person(自然人犯罪)自然人犯罪)legal person commits sin(法人犯罪)法人犯罪)Crime subject is the psychological state(犯罪主体心理状态):犯罪主体心理状态):intentionally crime(故意罪)(故意罪)negligent crime(过失罪)过失罪)Criminality infringe upon socia

15、l interests(犯罪行为所侵犯的社会犯罪行为所侵犯的社会利益利益):assault and attery(侵犯人身罪)侵犯人身罪)qufringed residential sin(侵犯住宅罪)侵犯住宅罪)crime of property violation(侵犯财产罪)侵犯财产罪)damage of moral yuiltlmale(损害公共道德罪)损害公共道德罪)to endanger public order of sin(危害公共秩序罪)危害公共秩序罪)disrupt government management the crime (妨害政府管理罪)妨害政府管理罪)Punis

16、hment-Sentencing system is a very broad content.Aggravating circumstances(加重情节)Reduce plot(减轻情节)Recidivist and pleaded guilty (累犯和认罪)My lecture topics:Death penalty sentencing plot(死刑的量刑情节)Basic situation American criminal law no specific reflect about the death penalty sentencing system,but the sco

17、pe of the basic limit first-degree murder just executed,considering the consequences of a murder.Other must try to give every opportunity decreases victimised suspects miscalculation.美国刑法没有具体的美国刑法没有具体的体现关于死刑的量刑体现关于死刑的量刑制度,但范围基本限制度,但范围基本限定一级谋杀才执行死定一级谋杀才执行死刑,考虑到有杀人的刑,考虑到有杀人的后果。其他的都尽量后果。其他的都尽量的给予一切的机会减

18、的给予一切的机会减少对犯罪嫌疑人的错少对犯罪嫌疑人的错判误判。判误判。Malice murder蓄意谋杀罪 Intentionally injury murder故意重伤谋杀罪 Extreme thoughtless of murder极端轻率谋杀罪-Felony murder重罪谋杀罪 -Voluntary manslaughter自愿性非恶意杀人,故意杀人(比如激情犯罪crime of passion)-involuntary homicide过失杀人The influence of the roughly sentencing plot system diagram(大致影响量刑体系图)

19、(1)About the aggravating circumstances offender character aspects,such as criminal record and future risk;关于犯罪人品格方面的加重情节,例如犯罪记录和未来的危险性;(2)when the concerning the implementation of crime of aggravating circumstances killers attitude.关于实施犯罪时杀人犯的态度的加重情节 (3)the aggravating circumstances about the victim

20、 identity关于被害人身份的加重情节The federal Supreme Court ruled that almost all of the accused favorable,as light plot and Puts forward the evidence must enter sentencing considerations.联邦最高法院认为几乎所有对被告有利的、作为从轻情节而提出的证据都必须进入量刑考量。The defendant conduct被告品行被告品行 Criminal record 犯罪记录犯罪记录 The facts of the crime releva

21、nt evidence犯罪事实犯罪事实的有关证据的有关证据.For example,If the defendant young inexperience,or wasnt mature enough,or have abused history,or in prison have good performance etc.涉世不深,或不够成熟,或有被虐待的历史,或在狱中有良好表现 On the final death penalty for the provisions of the state if not identical.Despite all the judicial area h

22、ave formulated consider aggravating and lighter,but the plot of the program by what way to consider these evidence the provisions of the state is uneven.In balance type(Weighing)jurisdiction,the aggravating circumstances sentencing must weigh the evidence and lighter plot,and both into evidence.对最终是

23、否适用死刑各州的规定不完全一样。尽管所有的司法区域 都制定了考虑加重和从轻情节的程序,但是以何种方式考虑这些证据各州的规定则不尽一致。在权衡式(Weighing)司法区域,量刑者必须权衡加重情节证据和从轻情节证据,并对两者进行比较评估后做出量刑决定。这是最为广泛采用的量刑模式。Criminal liability(刑事责任)刑事辩护事由criminal defenses1.Alibi 不在场证明2.justifications 4.Program reason 程序是由一一、self-defense 自我防卫自我防卫 二、二、the defense of others 他我防卫他我防卫三、三、

24、defense of home and property 家庭与财产防卫家庭与财产防卫四、四、necessity 紧急避险紧急避险五、五、consent 被害人同意被害人同意六、六、resisting unlawful arrest 抵抗非法逮捕抵抗非法逮捕(一)duress 被胁迫行为(二)age 年龄(三)mistake 错误(四)involuntary intoxication 非自愿醉态(五)unconsciousness 无意识(六)provocation 激怒(挑拨)(七)insanity 精神病(八)diminished responsibility 责任减等程序事由程序事由 P

25、rogram reason (一)entrapment 警察圈套 (二)double jeopardy 双重危险(三)collateral estoppel 间接再诉禁止 (四)selective prosecution 选择起诉(五)denial of speedy trial 否定速审(六)prosecutorial misconduct 公诉错误(七)police fraud 警察欺诈black rage 黑人愤怒 urban survival syndrome 城市生存综合症 Ok,This is our groupspresentation.Its not perfect,but it would be helpful to us.And thank you very much for listing!Good Bye


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