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1、Writing 1(2019浙江6月)阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。Parents everywhere praise their kids.Jenn Berman,author of The A to Z Guide to Raising Happy and Confident Kids,says,“Weve gone to the opposite extreme of a few decades ago when par-ents tended to be more strict.”By giving kids a lot of praise,parents thi

2、nk theyre building their childrens confidence,when,in fact,it may be just the opposite.Too much praise can backfire and,when given in a way thats insincere,make kids afraid to try new things or take a risk for fear of not being able to stay on top where their parents praise has put them.Still,dont g

3、o too far in the other direction.Not giving enough praise can be just as damaging as giving too much.Kids will feel like theyre not good enough or that you dont care and,as a result,may see no point in trying hard for their accomplishments.五年高考So what is the right amount of praise?Experts say that t

4、he quality of praise is more important than the quantity.If praise is sincere and focused on the effort not the outcome,you can give it as often as your child does something that deserves a verbal reward.“We should especially recognize our childrens efforts to push themselves and work hard to achiev

5、e a goal,”says Donahue,author of Parenting Without Fear:Letting Go of Worry and Focusing on What Really Matters.“One thing to remember is that its the process not the end product that matters.”Your son may not be the best basketball player on his team.But if hes out there every day and playing hard,

6、you should praise his effort regardless of whether his team wins or loses.Praising the effort and not the outcome can also mean recognizing your child when she has worked hard to clean the yard,cook dinner,or finish a book report.But whatever it is,praise should be given on a case-by-case basis and

7、be proportionate(相称的)to the amount of effort your child has put into it.答案答案写作提示1.本文是一篇议论文。文章论述了如何有效表扬孩子的问题。文章结构清楚,论点明确。2.文章第一段指出过度的表扬不利于孩子的成长。第二段认为不表扬孩子也不好。第三段指出了表扬的核心:要关注过程而非结果。最后一段指出,我们要表扬孩子的努力,不必太过关注结果。3.针对此类文章最好在概要中加入主旨句,先对文章的总体内容给予介绍。One possible version:How to praise our kids is really a sens

8、itive problem.(主旨)Experts believe that too much praise or praising the kids in a wrong way may have opposite effects on children.(要点1)On the other hand,no praise also does harm to kids development.(要点2)To gain the best result,our praise should focus on the process rather than the end product.(要点3)Th

9、erefore,what we should praise is our kids proper effort,regardless of the result.(要点4)精彩语句精彩语句 1.精美词汇sensitive adj.敏感的focus on 集中于regardless of 不管2.出彩结构How to praise our kids is really a sensitive problem.(“特殊疑问词+动词不定式”结构作主语)Therefore,what we should praise is our kids proper effort,regardless of the

10、 result.(what引导主语从句)Writing 2(2018浙江11月)阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。Its a really good idea to visit colleges before you apply because their websites can all start to look and sound the same.Nothing will give you the sense of what it will actually be like to live on a col-lege campus(校园)like visiting a

11、nd seeing for yourself the dorms,classrooms and athletic equip-ment and,of course,the students.It seems a little crazy once senior year hits to find the time to vis-it college campuses,and it can also be pricey if the schools you are applying to happen to be more than a car ride away.But keep in min

12、d that you are making a decision about the next four years of your life,and do all the research you can to make sure you are making the right one.Theres no excuse not to visit the schools in your local area.In fact,a lot of college applications even ask if you have visited campus,and obviously,if yo

13、u live across the country that wont be as much of a possibility,but if you live nearby,go check it out!If campus visits arent going to happen before you apply,at the very least you should find some time between applying and getting your acceptance letters to visit the schools youd like to attend.It

14、can save you a lot of heartache if you rule out now the things that you dont like about certain campuses,things that you wouldnt know unless you actually visit.Now,if time and money are making it impossible,then check out the online college fairs at Col-legeWeekLive.Its a chance to chat online with

15、admissions officers,students,and college coun-selors(顾问),and it wont cost you a penny!You can register for its online college fair at college-.While visiting an online college fair cant take the place of an actual campus visit,it can be a very useful tool that along with all your other research will

16、 help you make an informed decision about which colleges or universities youd like to attend.答案答案写作提示本文是说明文。文章结构比较清楚,段落之间的逻辑关系也很紧密。文章第一段开门见山,提出观点:在你上大学之前,要去亲眼看看目标的大学。第二段特别指出对附近的大学一定要去看看。第三段的内容是,如果你在申请之前没有去过,在申请之后,或得到offer之前,一定要去看看,免得将来后悔。第四段的主要内容是如果无法去亲自参观的话,可以登录网站了解相关的信息,并提供了网站的信息。One possible vers

17、ion:It is a wise choice for you to pay a personal visit to the college you are applying to,especially the ones that are close to you.(要点1)In order to avoid being regretful,you should at least visit the col-lege you decided to attend.(要点2)If all the above is not affordable,it will be helpful to searc

18、h the online college fairs at CollegeWeekLive where you can get the necessary information.(要点3)高级语块高级语块1.especially speli adv.特别;尤其2.affordable fdbl adj.支付得起的3.online college fair网上大学博览会A A组组 2017201920172019年高考模拟年高考模拟考点基础题组考点基础题组Writing 1(2019浙江杭州高三一模)阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。Sometimes,we wish we

19、could stop the clock and go back in time.Well,twice a year,countries in the European Union(EU)and most states in the United States actually“change the time”them-selves.Each spring,they put their clocks forward an hour and in the fall,clocks are turned an hour back.This is known as daylight saving ti

20、me(DST).The practice first became widespread during World War One.At that time,artificial lighting was expensive and having an extra hour of daylight was believed to help reduce the cost of running such lighting.However,about a century later,this old practice may become a thing of the past.Starting

21、in October 2019,the EU will end the practice of DST,reported Bloomberg.The decision came after a survey published by the European Commission in August showed that about 85 per-cent of the 4.6 million EU citizens wanted to end DST.Its believed that DSTs original function 三年模拟of saving energy is now u

22、seless.“Newer studies show that the energy savings nowadays are marginal(不重要的),”European Commission Vice-President Maros Sefcovic told the Reuters.We are clearly heading toward smart cities,smart buildings and smart solutions,which will bring much more savings than changes of the clock.Meanwhile,it

23、was found that DST could actually have bad influences on peoples health.Polish lawmaker Bronislaw Karasek told The Washington Post that DST could cause“imbalance in the body clock,leading to mood changes,trouble with sleeping,and an increased risk of heart at-tacks”.“Our bodies change radically over

24、 the course of a day based on how much light we see and how much sleep we get.Even an hours shift in rest time and daylight hours screws everything up slightly,”according to Popular Science.However,DST isnt completely without its benefits.According to The New York Times,with DST,people could have an

25、 extra hour of activities outdoors during the spring and summer.While DST will come to an end in the EU in 2019,it isnt going to disappear for good,as many countries will keep it in use.答案答案写作提示文章介绍了欧盟取消夏令时的前前后后。文章共分5个自然段,划分的意群比较细致。在进行概要写作时,可以根据文章的逻辑进行整合,不过要注意句子之间的逻辑衔接。One possible version:The EU is

26、 planning to put an end to daylight saving time.(要点1)As a means of decreasing lighting costs,daylight saving time became popular in World War One and is being performed in many places.(要点2)But now there are better ways to save energy.(要点3)Besides,its said that it may be harmful to health.(要点4)Nevert

27、heless,it will continue to exist in other places as it does provide some benefits.(要点5)高级语块高级语块1.put an end to结束;终止2.decrease dkris v.减少;减小;降低3.save energy节能4.nevertheless nevles adv.尽管如此Writing 2(2019浙江金丽衢十二校高三第二次联考)阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。Technology is forever changing the way we get our news.Ma

28、ny people now get a lot of their news on electronic devices,instead of traditional media,such as newspapers,television or radio.An in-creasing number of people also report turning to social media for information.Now,there is a new technology that could greatly change the way we get the news:computer

29、-cre-ated news readers.Recently,China launched what is called the worlds first artificial intelligence,or AI,news presenters.The news readers,supported by machine learning technology,are based on two real-life Chinese newsmen.One is able to present newscasts in English;the other,in Mandarin Chinese.

30、Report said machine learning was used to examine video images and sounds of the two newsmen.Similar technology has been used to create video products known as“deepfake videos.”A deepfake is a video that looks real,but was electronically changed.Such videos can make people appear to say things they n

31、ever said.Its said that the AI presenters will be a great improvement to the news team because they“can work 24 hours a day”on its website and on social media.One of the presenters even promised to“work tirelessly”to keep people informed.Some machine learning experts said the system showed off China

32、s latest progress in voice recognition,text-to-speech technology and data analy-sis.Others wondered about the effects robots might have on employment and workers.Some people argued that only low-level jobs requiring heavy labor will be easily replaced by robots.Others praised the technology as a way

33、 for companies to make money from low-cost labor machines.Some businesses have experimented with similar technology for possible use in news operations.Britains BBC recently released a video that used machine learning to make it look like one of its news readers speaking different languages.The Lond

34、on-based company that developed the system says its goal is to“remove the language barrier”for many different kinds of videos on the Inter-net.Also,Amazons working on Alexa smart speaker system to create a special news reader voice.Amazon is reportedly preparing to launch Alexas news reader voice in

35、 the near future.答案答案写作提示文章介绍了中国开创的一种新的技术:AI播音技术。文章共分6个自然段。进行概要写作时,一定要把握好每一段的核心,然后进行有机整合。要注意语言的提炼和构思。One possible version:Technology has been updating our source of information.(要点1)Now,another technology,so-called AI news reader,has become a hit.(要点2)This new invention uses the voice of two great C

36、hinese newsmen,broadcasting both in English and Chinese.(要点3)One advantage of the ma-chine is that it can work non-stop.(要点4)Many companies,including BBC and Amazon,are try-ing to produce better learning machines.(要点5)高级语块高级语块1.update pdet v.更新;升级2.so-called adj.号称的;所谓的3.non-stop adv.不间断地,连续地精彩语句精彩语

37、句原句:One advantage of the machine is that it can work non-stop.分析:本句话的主干是One advantage.is that.,that引导表语从句。译文:这种机器的一个优点是它能不间断地工作。Writing 3(2019浙江丽水、衢州、湖州高三质检)阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。In 1971,Chinas first subway line in Beijing was formally put into operation.By December 2017,there were 171 subway li

38、nes stretching over 5,083 km in 35 cities on the Chinese mainland.Cur-rently,China has the longest urban railway network in the world,which is predicted to surpass 6,000 km by 2020.The rapid development of Chinas urban railway system reflects the countrys growing economic strength.The system has exp

39、erienced the fastest growth over the past 15 years due to the invest-ment of wealth accumulated from the reform and opening up in urban infrastructure construction.An urban railway system is expensive to build,with one kilometer of subway costing approximate-ly 700 million yuan($110 million).A city

40、without economic strength cannot develop such an ex-pensive system.The progress in urban railway construction technologies has also contributed to the fast expansion of the infrastructure.Subway construction involves building underground tunnels,laying rails,manufacturing trains and the operation an

41、d management of subways.It is a systematic project which not only covers traditional infrastructure building but also modern electronics and informa-tion technology.Chinas railway construction technologies are the best in the world,with Chinese subway trains now exported to developed countries inclu

42、ding the United States.The expansion of Chinese cities has made it necessary to develop urban railway systems.Since the start of the reform and opening up,a large number of people have migrated to cities and the num-ber of private cars has increased dramatically,resulting in serious traffic congesti

43、on.Building subways has become an important way to solve this problem.This year marks the 40th anniversary of the launch of Chinas reform and opening up,and the rapid development of Chinas urban railway system exemplifies the achievements made by the policy.As China furthers its opening up,it will c

44、ontinue to maintain steady and rapid economic growth and railway systems will be available in more and more cities.答案答案写作提示文章体裁为说明文。介绍了中国改革开放40年来城市地铁的飞速发展。文章共分5个自然段,思路清晰,主题鲜明。进行概要写作时,可以根据需要将文章段落大意重新整合,并注意复杂句子和高级表达的使用。One possible version:The past few decades has witnessed the fast development of Chi

45、nese urban railways both in num-ber and length,which is a reflection of Chinas prosperous economy.(要点1)Actually,not only the growing construction technologies but also the expansion of Chinese cities with booming popu-lation and heavy traffic,stimulates the urban railway construction.(要点2)With the d

46、eepening of the reform and opening up policy,more urban railways will come into use.(要点3)高级语块高级语块1.witness wtns v.见证2.urban bn adj.城市的;都市的3.reflection rflekn n.反映4.prosperous prsprs adj.繁荣的5.expansion kspnn n.扩张6.stimulate stmjulet vt.刺激精彩语句精彩语句原句:The past few decades has witnessed the fast developm

47、ent of Chinese urban railways both in number and length,which is a reflection of Chinas prosperous economy.分析:本句话的主干是The past few decades has witnessed the fast development.。which引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为前面主句的宾语。译文:几十年来,我国城市地铁在数量和长度上都得到了快速发展,这是我国经济繁荣的反映。Writing 4(2019浙江临安昌化中学高三上学期期末)阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。

48、Noisy neighbors are a common problem in a society where many people live closely together.Ob-viously,this issue can be most significant when you share walls or a floor/ceiling with a neighbor in an apartment.A noisy neighbor can make life challenging,particularly if noise continues well into the nig

49、ht,or occurs during early morning hours.This situation needs to be dealt with properly,which requires your ability to keep calm.You should first attempt to tell your noisy neighbors about the noise.This conversation should be polite,even friendly.It can begin with a statement like“Im not sure youre

50、aware.”Explain the noise issue briefly,and ask the neighbor to turn down the music,or not to hold parties until 3 a.m.You can also add that you realize they hear your noise too,and youre certainly willing to try to stop anything in your behavior that is creating extra noise.You should know that not


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