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1、The Doctor and the Patient1.Close mouth catches no flies.2.Diseases come on horseback,but steal away on foot.3.Bitter pills may have blessed effects.4.Some soup before dinner,healthy body forever.5.Leave off with an appetite.6.Many dishes,many diseases.7.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man he

2、althy,wealthy and wise.饭前喝口汤饭前喝口汤,永远没灾永远没灾殃。殃。病从口入。病从口入。吃得七分饱,就该离吃得七分饱,就该离餐桌。餐桌。早睡早起身体好。早睡早起身体好。良药苦口利于病。良药苦口利于病。病来如山倒,病去如病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。抽丝。多吃多病。多吃多病。cold 感冒fever 发烧cough 咳嗽flu 流感headache 头疼stomachache 胃疼toothache 牙疼sore throat 喉咙痛Ive got aIve got aI feel sick.我感到不舒服。I have been in bed for a few days.我生

3、病在家几天了。I feel tired most of the time.大部分时间我都觉得非常疲倦。My head is pounding.我头痛。I feel light-headed.他觉得头晕。I feel as though everything around me is spinning.我感到周围的东西都在打转。I keep sneezing.我不停地打喷嚏。My nose is running and my eyes are watering.我不停流鼻涕,流眼泪。My toothache is killing me.我牙疼得要命。Ive got a sore throat.我

4、嗓子疼。I have a sore throat and a stuffy nose.我嗓子疼痛而且鼻子不通气。It is usually hard for me to fall asleep when I go to bed at night.我晚上就寝时很难入睡。Ive got a high fever.我发高烧。I have no appetite for anything.我没胃口。I have a had cough.我咳嗽很厉害。quit smokingtake the pillsdo more exerciseseat more vegetablego to bed earlie

5、rstay in bed for two daysrelax and have a restdrink more waterYoud betterYoud better1.1.大夫,我牙疼得厉害。大夫,我牙疼得厉害。Doctor,I have a terrible toothache.Doctor,I have a terrible toothache.2.2.请问在哪儿验血请问在哪儿验血?Excuse me,where can I get a blood test?Excuse me,where can I get a blood test?3.3.请稍等。好了,这些是您的止痛片。请稍等。好

6、了,这些是您的止痛片。Wait a minute,please.All right,here are Wait a minute,please.All right,here are your painkillers.your painkillers.4.4.我们会尽全力抢救她的。我们会尽全力抢救她的。Well try our best to save her.Well try our best to save her.5.5.哦,看来你感冒了。哦,看来你感冒了。Well,it seems youve caught a cold.Well,it seems youve caught a cold

7、.6.6.每次两片,一天三次,饭后吃。每次两片,一天三次,饭后吃。Take two pills each time,three times per day,Take two pills each time,three times per day,after meals.after meals.7.7.我的胃出了点儿毛病,不太严重。我的胃出了点儿毛病,不太严重。I had something wrong with my stomach,but it I had something wrong with my stomach,but it wasnt serious.wasnt serious.8

8、.8.我觉得好多了。谢谢你来看我。我觉得好多了。谢谢你来看我。I feel much better.Thank you for coming to I feel much better.Thank you for coming to see me.see me.9.9.你什么时候能出院?你什么时候能出院?When can you leave hospital?When can you leave hospital?10.10.那你需要来个全身检查。那你需要来个全身检查。Then you need a full body check.Then you need a full body check

9、.11.11.别着急。不是很严重。不过得打一针。别着急。不是很严重。不过得打一针。Dont worry,its not serious.But you need Dont worry,its not serious.But you need to get a injection.to get a injection.A:Oh,doctor,I feel so terrible!B:Lets see.What seems to be the problem?A:My whole body hurts.B:Perhaps youve got a cold.Take this medicine.A:

10、How shall I take the medicine?B:Two pills a time,three times a day.A:Before or after meals?B:After meals.A:Whats the matter/trouble with you?B:Ive got a bad headache.A:Have you seen a doctor?B:Yeah.He asked me to have a good rest.A:Youve got another bad tooth.B:Well,I often have very bad toothaches.

11、A:You should have dental checks more often.B:Yeah.But I just hate to see the dental drill.A:Whats wrong with you?B:I couldnt sleep well.A:Let me prescribe the BEST medicine for you!B:I know what youll say.You want me to do more exercise.A:Whats up?Is there something the matter with you?B:I feel terr

12、ible.Ive no appetite for anything.A:How long has this been lasted?B:Three days.A:Sounds like stomach trouble.Would you like to try some Chinese herbs?B:OK,if you think they will help.A:You dont look well.Whats the matter with you?B:Well,I feel weak,my nose is running and I keep sneezing.A:How long have you been feeling like this?B:For about two weeks.A:It seems you have got a flu.You need to stay in hospital.B:My god,is it serious?


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