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1、 一、英语最基本的句型。二、英语句型的扩展。THERE BE句型倒装句 强调句1、主系表主系表主语系动词表语2、主谓(宾)主语不及物动词 间接宾语直接宾语主语及物动词宾语 宾语补足语1.The motor is out of order.2.The rose smells sweet.3.The plan sounds perfect.4.The fruit store has closed.5.The teacher corrected her poor pronunciation more than once.6.He ordered himself a soft drink.7.Can

2、you spare me a few minutes of your valuable time?8.The board of directors elected Charles president of the university.9.The shop assistant kept the customer waiting a very long time.10.They appoint Mr.White Minister of Foreign Affairs.句子按用途分为四类:陈述句(叙述一项事实,可以是肯定句,否定句)疑问句(一般疑问句;特殊疑问句;选择疑问句)祈使句(表达请求、命令

3、)感叹句(表达请求、命令)Knowledge is power.How beautiful will our future be?Dont put all your eggs in one basket.不要孤注一掷。How beautiful is youth!How bright it gleams with its illusions,aspirations,dreams!青春多么美丽!拥有梦幻、抱负和理想的青春闪耀着多么灿烂夺目的光芒!句子按结构可以分为三类:简单句简单句:只有一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语动词(或并列谓语)的句子 并列句并列句:两个或两个以上的简单句用连词连在一起构

4、成的句子。复合句复合句:由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句所构成的句子。并列句中常用的连词有:and;so(因此,所以);not onlybut also;otherwise(否则);or neithernor;eitheror but;yet(然而);still,however;while(而);whereas(而,反过来)for(因为,由于);:,表示“某地(或某时)存在有某人(或某物),典型特征:BE后是一个名词,其他成分都作为这个名词的修饰成分。形式:“There be代词或名词(短语)地点/时间状语”。(其实质句式为倒装句)there是引导词,没有词义,be是谓语动词,代词或名词(短语

5、)是主语。be要与主语保持人称和数的一致。否定句是在be后加not;一般疑问句是将be放在句首;反意疑问句中的简短问句是由“be(或其否定式)there”构成。There are several children swimming in the river.河里有几个孩子在游泳。There is going to/will be a class meeting tomorrow.明天有一个班会。There wasnt a meeting yesterday,was there?(反意疑问句)Is there anything wrong with your ears?两种:完全倒装:谓语主语

6、部分倒装:谓语的一部分(助动词、情态动词等)主语Seldom have I seen her so unhappy.我很少见她这么不开心。Not only did she complain about the food,she also refused to pay for it.她不仅对食物牢骚满腹,还拒绝付款。Little does he realize the danger he is in.他几乎没有意识到自己身处险境。No sooner had he put down the receiver than the telephone rang again.他刚放下听筒,电话铃就又响了。

7、Never before had anyone been sent to prison for that particular crime.在此之前,不曾有任何人因这种特殊罪名锒铛入狱.她从不喜欢这个房间。Never does she like the room.他从没预料到这项工程会完成得这样快。Never has he expected that the project can have been completed so soon.任何情况下我们都不首先使用核武器。Under no circumstances will we be the first to use nuclear wea

8、pons.Scarcely had she fallen asleep when a knock at the door awakened her.她刚要睡着,忽然敲门声把她惊醒了。那几天汤姆几乎从不离开他的实验室。Rarely did Tom leave his lab those days.By no means will we accept her invitation.In ancient times,no where in the world could people imagine that one day it would be just a matter of seconds

9、for two persons miles apart to communicate.到比赛已经开始他才来到运动场。Not until the game began did he arrive at the stadium.只有在森林深处我们才可能找到这么奇妙的植物。Only deep in the forest is it possible for us to find such magnificent plants.任何地方都找不到一条船能载我们过河。Nowhere could a boat be seen to take us across the river.我刚躺下,电话铃就响了。N

10、o sooner had I lain down than the telephone rang.Under no circumstances does a perpetual motion machine exist.Under no circumstances does a perpetual motion machine exist.谓语的一部分(助动词、情态动词等)主语 1、表示否定或基本否定的词与词组放在句首做状语时;2、only引出的状语放在句首时;3、句首为so,nor,neither等副词,表明前句说明的情况也适用于本句时;4、sothat 句型中的so 置于句首时;单词:ne

11、ver,neither,nor,little,seldom,rarely,hardly,scarcely(几乎不);词组:not until,no longer,no more,nowhere(没有任何地方),in vain,by no means,in no way(决不),on no account(决不),under no circumstances(任何情况下都不),in no case(任何情况都不),no soonerthan(刚一就),hardlywhen,scarcelywhen 她过去从未见过这么宽的河。Never before had she seen such a wid

12、e river.一年前我几乎没有想到能为你们的公司工作。Little did I think a year ago that I could work for your company.Never before has the planets linguistic diversity shrunk at such a pace.地球上的语言多样性从未以这样的速度减少过。Application is absolutely free!Nor are there any annual fees or administration fees.绝对免费申请!无须交纳任何年费或管理费。Not only w

13、ith doctors or lawyers is the required role behavior so constrained that if you are in that role for long it eventually becomes part of you,part of your personality.必需的角色行为具有明显的强制性,这不仅体现在律师和医生身上,如果你长期担任此角色,那么它最终也将成为你的一部分,你个性的一部分。constrained a.被迫的,强制的,受约束的 Only recently did he have a chance to visit

14、his hometown.只是到最近,他才有机会重访故里。Only in the past few years has the technology improved enough for the prices to drop sufficiently to make them commercially viable.Viable(计划、事业等)可行的,能成功的 只有在过去的几年里这项技术才得到提高,足以把价格降到在商业上可行的水平。只有到近年来,人们才开始意识到保护野生动物的重要性。Only in recent years have people begun to realize the i

15、mportance of wildlife conservation.Protecting wild animals Only after the mysterious mass extinction of the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago were our ancestors able to emerge into the daylight in any substantial numbers.substantial 大量的,巨大的 直到六千五百万前,恐龙神秘大灭绝之后,我们的祖先才能在光天化日之下进行大规模的活动。Copper is a go

16、od conductor.So are many other metals.铜是优良导体,许多其他金属也是。句首为so,nor,neither等副词,表明前句说明的情况也适用于本句时 So 助动词 主语:也一样 As the number of Japanese tourists traveling abroad has grown,so has Australias share of the Japanese tourist market.随着日本出国旅游人数的增长,澳大利亚所占日本人出境旅游市场的份额也得到增长。In the broadest sense,just as archaeolo

17、gy is an aspect of anthropology,so too is it part of history.从最广泛的意义上讲,就像考古学是人类学的一个方面一样,它也是历史的一部分。So diligently does he work that he often forgets to eat and sleep.他工作勤奋,经常废寝忘食。He works so diligently that he So ordinary and routine has this become to us that it takes a determined leap of the imagina

18、tion to grasp the impact of those first moving images.grasp v.理解 领会 明白 这对我们而言非常平常和普通,需要想像力的坚定飞跃才能理解这些动感图像所产生的影响。this has become so ordinary and routine to us that it So impressive was this invention,so difficult was it to exceed this speed limit,that nearly 3500 years later,when the first mail coach

19、 began operating in England in 1784,it averaged a mere ten mph.这项发明令人如此印象深刻,而超过这一速度极限又如此困难,以至于几乎在过去了3500年以后,当第一辆邮政马车在1784年的英格兰开始运行时,其平均速度只有每小时10英里。this invention was so impressive it was so difficult to exceed Small as it is,an atom can still be seen.An intellectual breakthrough,brilliant though it

20、may be,does not automatically ensure that the transition is made from theory to practice.一项智力上的突破,哪怕也许很出色,也不一定顺理成章的确保从理论过渡到实际应用。This young fellow was clever because the first thing he did was to study other systems-primitive as they were-of moving pictures and then put all the existing technologies

21、together to make the first entire motion picture system.这位年轻人很聪明,因为他做的第一件事情就是研究其他移动的图像系统尽管很原始然后综合利用一切现有技术,制作出第一个完整的电影系统。谓语主语 here,there,then,thus等副词放在句首,并且谓语动词为come,go,be,exist,follow,live,lie等不及物动词时 There comes the bus.The reputation of wisdom comes along with success.Along with success comes the r

22、eputation of wisdom.It is in Iran that the family members are involved in the wedding preparations.正是在伊朗家庭成员要参与婚礼的准备工作。构成形式:It is(was)被强调成分 that(who)(which)句子的其他部分。被强调的部分通常为主语、宾语和状语。“是”“正是”“就是”It is the dieters who(that)want to lose weight fast.正是这些节食者想要快速减肥。翻译:安妮昨晚得了严重的心脏病。It was Anne that(who)had

23、a severe heart attack last night.World science is dominated today by a small number of languages,including Japanese,German and French,but it is English which is probably the most popular global language of science.表示强调的结构还有:do(does/did)动词原形 She did love you but now you know she doesnt.形容词very,only,s

24、ingle,such 等修饰名词 Youd better avoid meeting her this very moment.总的来说,我们可以看出这两个经济体之间不仅存在巨大的差异,而且这些差异在不断扩大。Overall we can see that not only are there very large differences between the two economies but that these gaps are widening.随着日本出国旅游人数的增长,澳大利亚所占日本人出境旅游市场的份额也得到增长。As the number of Japanese touris

25、ts traveling abroad has grown,so has Australias share of the Japanese tourist market.Rarely do patients watch a doctor write with a pen that isnt emblazoned with a drugs name,or see a nurse use a tablet not bearing a pharmaceutical companys logo.Difficult as it is to believe,there are desert fishes that can survive through years of drought in the form of inactive eggs.Only when a great deal more information has been obtained will it be possible to plan a manned trip to Mars.I never contribute a penny to my family,nor was I required to do this job by anyone.


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