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1、Unit 4 cyberspaceclimateglobalTask 1 Task 1 introductionintroductionartificialintelligence artificialclimatevirtual realityaffectcrimechaoscrashWords and expressionsTask 2 extensive readingTask 2 extensive readingPart 1Part 1Part 2Part 2Part 3Part 3Part 4Part 4 the future of virtual the future of vi

2、rtual realityreality The growth of the The growth of the InternetInternet Pessimistic ideas Pessimistic ideas towards the future of towards the future of cyberspacecyberspace Optimistic ideas towards Optimistic ideas towards the future of cyberspacethe future of cyberspaceTask 3 intensive readingTas

3、k 3 intensive reading1.Why do people feel pessimistic?1.Why do people feel pessimistic?worried about the crime in cyberspace.worried about the crime in cyberspace.2.What examples are given to prove it?2.What examples are given to prove it?Hackers get into the computers of Hackers get into the comput

4、ers of banks and governments.banks and governments.Terrorists“attack”computers,Terrorists“attack”computers,causing chaos and disaster.causing chaos and disaster.2.Why do people feel optimistic?2.Why do people feel optimistic?It is convenient to do business.It is convenient to do business.information

5、 of all sorts can be got information of all sorts can be got Entertainment can be got Entertainment can be got E-mail may take the place of mail.E-mail may take the place of mail.Virtual reality will benefit people.Virtual reality will benefit people.2.Consolidation 2.Consolidation With the internet

6、 _ rapidly,With the internet _ rapidly,people have different attitudes to it.people have different attitudes to it.Some experts are _ about Some experts are _ about it,for they feel worried about the _ it,for they feel worried about the _ in cyberspace,and the _ of in cyberspace,and the _ of terrori

7、sts with computers,which cause terrorists with computers,which cause _ and disasters._ and disasters.However,others are _about However,others are _about it.They think computers can bring us a it.They think computers can bring us a lot of convenience-_,_ lot of convenience-_,_ seeking _,getting seeki

8、ng _,getting _ and so on.and they think _ and so on.and they think _ _ will become a part of _ _ will become a part of modern life.modern life.growinggrowingpessimisticpessimisticcrimecrimeattacksattackschaoschaosoptimisticoptimisticshoppingshoppingbookingbookinginformationinformationentertainmenten

9、tertainmentvirtualvirtualrealityrealityTask 4 1 the text structureTask 4 1 the text structurePeoples Peoples attitudes attitudes to internetto internetInternet increases rapidlyInternet increases rapidlypessimisticpessimisticoptimisticoptimisticExample 1Example 2Example 1Example 2Task 4 2 difficult

10、sentencesTask 4 2 difficult sentences1.In 1983,there were only 200 1.In 1983,there were only 200 computers computers connected to the connected to the internetinternet.In 1983.there were only 200 In 1983.there were only 200 computers_ were connected to computers_ were connected to the internet.the i

11、nternet.whichwhich On the playground,there are many On the playground,there are many students _(play)basketball.students _(play)basketball.the building _(build)last the building _(build)last month is our teaching building.month is our teaching building.playingplayingbuiltbuilt2.It is clear that we a

12、re going to see a 2.It is clear that we are going to see a huge growth in shopping on the huge growth in shopping on the Internet.Internet._ we are going to see a huge _ we are going to see a huge growth in shopping on the Internet is growth in shopping on the Internet is clear.clear.ThatThat _ is i

13、mportant that we should obey _ is important that we should obey the rules of lab.the rules of lab.It is important _ we should obey It is important _ we should obey the rules of lab.the rules of lab._ we should obey the rules of _ we should obey the rules of lab is importantlab is importantIt It that

14、thatThatThat3.The mail service may also 3.The mail service may also disappear disappear with the increasing use of with the increasing use of e-mail.e-mail.A.With the use of e-mail _ A.With the use of e-mail _(increase),the mail service may also(increase),the mail service may also disappear.disappea

15、r.B.With the society _(develop),B.With the society _(develop),people now can make full use of their people now can make full use of their time.time.C C.随着考试的来临,很多学生都在准备着。随着考试的来临,很多学生都在准备着。With the exams coming,many With the exams coming,many students are preparing themselves.students are preparing t

16、hemselves.increasingincreasingdevelopingdevelopingTask 5 words and expressionsTask 5 words and expressionspessimisticpessimisticoptimistic optimistic crime/criminalcrime/criminalentertainmententertainmentdisappeardisappearharmharmdestructiondestructionobviousobviousaffectaffectattackattackchaoschaos

17、crashcrashofferoffer He used to be an(a)_ He used to be an(a)_ person and often lost heart when person and often lost heart when facing trouble.facing trouble.Last night there was a _ in Last night there was a _ in which a man was killed but the which a man was killed but the _ escaped!_ escaped!(cr

18、ime)(crime)We have nothing to do often so we We have nothing to do often so we tell jokes for fun to _ourselves tell jokes for fun to _ourselves and we think that is a good _!and we think that is a good _!(entertain)entertain)Smoking will do _ to our Smoking will do _ to our health and the passive s

19、moking is health and the passive smoking is _ too._ too.(harm)(harm)5A.The preparations for the coming NMET should be paid more attention to and the importance of those also should be _ as early as possible.5B.He was struck by the sudden _ that he would probably never see her again.5C.It seems as if

20、 he knew everything,but in _,he is as stupid as can be.6A.Of course,the damned weather surly _ the efficiency of the works being carried on,but if we lengthen our working hours,we will complete it in time6B.There is no doubt that the masses make great _ on the development of the whole society.7.A.It

21、 was said that a big fire had cause the building great _B.It was said that a big fire _ the building violently.(destroy)8.8.显而易见显而易见,抢劫犯从背后,抢劫犯从背后袭击袭击了该女士,并把她了该女士,并把她的包抢走了的包抢走了!It was obvious that the robber attacked the lady from behind her back and robbed her of her bag!9.9.街上人群四处奔跑,周周围一片混乱街上人群四处奔

22、跑,周周围一片混乱!People ran away in the street in all directions,with chaos all around.People ran everywhere in the street and there was chaos all around.;168oz 澳大利亚旅游攻略;168oz 澳洲旅游攻略;168oz 悉尼自由行 wod68xqy 边,又回去捡那个瓷瓶,还一边念叨。“姨娘这可摔不得,这是少爷最喜欢的镂空青花瓷瓶,你要是摔了,回头少爷问起来,我可不好交代。”“谁让你交代了?现在就算你想交代,只怕你的公子爷也未必听得见你说,省的别的狐媚子


24、今公子爷眼看着就要大好,此时你若是闹出点什么事情,如果这传言是真的,那庄奕欢第一个不放过你。公子爷素日宠爱你不假,但倘若他要是存心保护庄奕欢,意欲真的娶那庄奕欢进门,只怕姨娘你偷鸡不成蚀把米,反倒失了公子爷的心。”“孙嬷嬷,哎呀奶娘,你可是公子的亲奶娘,这回你可要帮帮我呀,可不能让我被那小妮子欺负了去啊!”“这依我看啊,你不如先低头示个好,一来呢放松庄奕欢对你的戒备,你就可以顺理成章的去看公子爷,公子要是念及旧情呢,你这要是生下个一男半女的,你在这府里的地位还能怕谁?二来呢,公子爷和庄奕欢日夜相对,难保不会生出点别的事情来,这种事情姨娘你能忍吗?所以啊,小不忍则乱大谋,姨娘你可要小心点。”“孙嬷嬷,这我人得罪都得罪了,那我该怎么办?”“姨娘,听老奴一言。”孙嬷嬷伏在芸娘的耳旁耳语一番,只见芸娘的脸上露出一丝狡猾的笑容,而孙嬷嬷的眼神,令人捉摸不透。从君行/作者:笄筱玦第001章 喝风吃土少女的日常哒,哒,哒。伴随着音质极差的喇叭中响谢谢!


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