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1、Lesson 93A noble gift 最新.1单词学习单词学习 noble monument statue liberty present sculptor actual copper support framework transport site pedestal adj.高尚的,壮丽的高尚的,壮丽的 n.纪念碑纪念碑 n.雕像雕像 n.自由自由 v.赠送赠送 n.雕刻家雕刻家 adj.实际的,真实的实际的,真实的 n.铜铜 v.支持,支撑支持,支撑 n.构架,框架构架,框架 v.运送运送 n.场地场地 n.底座底座最新.2 noble (1)adj.高尚的,高尚的,高貴的高貴的 i

2、gnoble a.卑鄙的卑鄙的 崇高的思想崇高的思想 a noble mind(2)adj.貴族的、高貴的貴族的、高貴的 名門望族名門望族 a noble family(3)壮丽的壮丽的、莊嚴的、宏偉的、莊嚴的、宏偉的 壮观的建筑物壮观的建筑物 a noble building最新.3 monument(1)n.纪念碑纪念碑 陣亡將士紀念碑陣亡將士紀念碑 a monument to soldiers killed in the war 人們為了紀念他,為他建立一個紀念碑。人們為了紀念他,為他建立一個紀念碑。People erected a monument in his honor.(2)n.

3、史蹟、遺跡史蹟、遺跡 古代遺跡古代遺跡 an ancient monument(3)n.不朽的成就、豐功偉業不朽的成就、豐功偉業 这些唱片是一个钢琴家的不朽的成就。这些唱片是一个钢琴家的不朽的成就。These recordings are a monument to a pianist.最新.4 statue n.雕像雕像 銅像銅像 a bronze statue 佛像佛像 a statue of Buddha 自由女神像自由女神像 the Statue of Liberty最新.5 liberty (1)n.自由自由、解放、解放 不自由不自由,毋寧死毋寧死!Give me liberty,o

4、r give me death.(2)n.自由、權力自由、權力 你有自由投票你有自由投票權權 You have the liberty to vote.(3)隨便、任意、不客氣隨便、任意、不客氣 take the liberty of doing/to do sth 冒昧地做某事冒昧地做某事 我冒昧地用你的電話我冒昧地用你的電話 I take the liberty to us use you phone.最新.6 present (1)v.赠送赠送、貢獻、呈遞、貢獻、呈遞 present sth to sb present sb with sth 將將.贈贈送某人送某人 校長把校長把畢業生的

5、毕业证书一畢業生的毕业证书一授予給畢業生。授予給畢業生。The principal presented a diploma to each of the graduates.(2)v.提出、交出、顯示提出、交出、顯示 我我將將介紹信介紹信交給了交給了接待員接待員。I presented the letter of introduction to the receptionist.present a calm face 不露生色不露生色最新.7 actual adj.实际的,真实的实际的,真实的 實際價格低於我實際價格低於我索推想的。索推想的。The actual price was lower

6、 than I had thought.in actual fact 實際上實際上 actuality n.實在實在,現實現實,現狀現狀 in actuality 實際上實際上;事實上事實上 actually adv.(1)實際上、事實上實際上、事實上 你真的看到這起事故你真的看到這起事故?Did you actually see the accident?他看起來平靜,但實際上很緊張他看起來平靜,但實際上很緊張。He looked calm,but actually he was very nervous.(2)adv.真的、竟然真的、竟然 大塊頭大塊頭湯姆湯姆竟然竟然暈倒在現場暈倒在現場。

7、That big-bodied Tom actually fainted at the scene.最新.8 support (1)v.支持,支撑支持,支撑 這長板凳無法這長板凳無法支支撐撐四個人四個人。That bench wont support four people.(2)v.扶養、贍養扶養、贍養 他養一個大家族他養一個大家族。He supports a large family.(3)n.支撐、支持、支撐物支撐、支持、支撐物 如果我們不添加更多的如果我們不添加更多的支撐物支撐物這座橋會這座橋會跨跨下來下來。The bridge will fall down if we dont ad

8、d more support.(4)n.維持生技計、維持生計者維持生技計、維持生計者 父親是維持我們家生計父親是維持我們家生計的人的人。Father is the support of my family.最新.9 framework (1)n.构架,框架构架,框架 这个报告为我们未来的研究提供了一个框架。这个报告为我们未来的研究提供了一个框架。The report provides a framework for further research.(2)n.構造、機構、組織構造、機構、組織 社會結構社會結構 the framework of society frame (1)n.骨架骨架 房

9、子房子骨架骨架在一個星期內完成在一個星期內完成。The frame of the house was completed in a week.(2)n.(窗等的)(窗等的)框架、裝飾框框架、裝飾框 在博物館裡的畫周圍在博物館裡的畫周圍用用金框金框裝飾。裝飾。The paintings in the museum have gold frames around them.最新.10 transport (1)v.运送运送、輸送、輸送 黃色的公共汽車把旅客從機場运送到城市黃色的公共汽車把旅客從機場运送到城市。The yellow bus transports passengers from the

10、 airport to the city.空運貨物。空運貨物。The goods were transported by plane.be transported with 為為万分激动万分激动 他喜不自勝。他喜不自勝。He was transported with joy.(2)n.輸送、運送、交通工具輸送、運送、交通工具 transportation(美)(美)你有交通工具你有交通工具去參加宴會去參加宴會吗吗?Have you got transport to the party?最新.11 site (1)n.场地场地 工地工地 working site 已经买下了新学校的场地。已经买下

11、了新学校的场地。The site for the new school has been bought.(2)n.地點、現場地點、現場 舊宮殿的地址舊宮殿的地址 the site of an old palace pedestal n.底座底座 我把花瓶小心的放在它的底座上。我把花瓶小心的放在它的底座上。I put the vase carefully on its pedestal最新.12课文讲解课文讲解 One of the most famous monuments in the world,the Statue of Liberty,was presented to the Unit

12、ed States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of France.The great statue,which was designed by the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi,took ten years to complete.The actual figure was made of copper supported by a metal framework which had been especially constructed by Eiffel.Before it could

13、be transported to the United States,a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built.最新.13 The site chosen was an island at the entrance of New York Harbour.By 1884,a statue which was 151 feet tall had been erected in Paris.The following year,it was taken to pieces and sent to America.By

14、 the end of October 1886,the statue had been put together again and it was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi.Ever since then,the great monument has been a symbol of liberty for the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbour to make their homes in America.最新.14

15、 One of the most famous monuments in the world,the Statue of Liberty,was presented to the United States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of France.The great statue,which was designed by the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi,took ten years to complete.take to do 花花去做去做 就從這裡步行到車站就從這裡步行到車站,我

16、們花了三十分鐘我們花了三十分鐘。It took us thirty minutes to walk from here to the station.他花了很多錢,買了一件裘皮大衣他花了很多錢,買了一件裘皮大衣。It took him a lot of money to buy a fur coat.說出真相這將需要很多的勇氣說出真相這將需要很多的勇氣。It will take a lot of courage to tell the truth.最新.15 The actual figure was made of copper supported by a metal framework

17、which had been especially constructed by Eiffel.Before it could be transported to the United States,a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built.The site chosen was an island at the entrance of New York Harbour.at the entrance of 入口处入口处 entrance 入口入口 exit 出口出口最新.16 By 1884,a statue w

18、hich was 151 feet tall had been erected in Paris.Erect(1)v.建造建造 build 他們正籌劃豎立一座紀念碑他們正籌劃豎立一座紀念碑 Theyre planning to erect a monument.(2)v.豎立、豎起豎立、豎起 搭起帳篷搭起帳篷 erect a tent(3)adj.豎直的、直立的豎直的、直立的 她她正襟危坐。正襟危坐。She was sitting erect.最新.17 The following year,it was taken to pieces and sent to America.the foll

19、owing year the next year 第二年第二年 take to pieces 把某物拆卸開把某物拆卸開 我要把机器拆开。我要把机器拆开。Im going to take the machine to pieces come to pieces 瓦解瓦解 tear to pieces 將將撕成碎片撕成碎片 他把信撕得粉碎。他把信撕得粉碎。He tore the letter to pieces.最新.18 By the end of October 1886,the statue had been put together again and it was officially

20、presented to the American people by Bartholdi.put together 放在一起放在一起;组装组装在一起在一起 拆卸机器比重新安装要容易。拆卸机器比重新安装要容易。Its easier to take a machine to pieces than to put it together again officially 官方地官方地,正式地正式地,公務上公務上,職務上職務上 他們正式出席了他們正式出席了這個這個儀式儀式。They attended the ceremony officially.最新.19 Ever since then,the

21、great monument has been a symbol of liberty for the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbour to make their homes in America.symbol (1)n.象征象征 青春痘是青春的象徵。青春痘是青春的象徵。A Pimple is a symbol of youth.(2)n.符號符號 是女性的象徵,是男性的象徵。是女性的象徵,是男性的象徵。is a symbol for female,and for male.make ones home 定居定居 settle down Ian离开英国并在中国定居。离开英国并在中国定居。Ian left England and made his home in China.约翰在找到工作并且结婚以后才会安顿下来约翰在找到工作并且结婚以后才会安顿下来 John will settle down after he gets a job and gets married最新.20


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