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1、读后续写2021 山东济南调研英语试卷读后续写(改编)读后续写(改编)Continuation Writing 话题:个人感情 题材:一个温暖的爱情故事 John Blanchard stood up,straightened his army uniform(制服),and studied the crowd making their way through the station.He looked for the girl whose heart he knew,but whose face he didnt,the girl with a rose.His interest in he

2、r began thirteen months ago in a library.Taking a book off the shelf,he found himself fascinated,not with the words of the book,but with the notespenciled in the margin(页边的空白).The soft handwriting showed a thoughtful soul and brilliant mind.In the front of the book,he discovered the owners name,Miss

3、 Hollis Meynell.With time and effort,he found her address.She lived in New York.He wrote her a letter introducing himself and inviting her to correspond(通信).The next day he was shipped overseas for military service.During the next year and one month,the two begun to know each other by mail.Eachlette

4、r was a seed falling on both hearts.A romance was budding.Blanchard asked for a photograph,but she refused.She felt that if he really cared,it wouldnt matter what she looked like.When the day finally came for him to return from Europe,they scheduled their first meeting7 pm at the Grand Central Stati

5、on in New York.“Youll recognize me,”she wrote.“By the red rose Ill wear my dress.”So at 7:00 he was in the station looking for agirl whose heart he loved,but whose face hed never seen.A young lady was coming toward him.Her figure was long and slim;her blonde hair lay back from her ears;her eyes were

6、 blue as flowers;her lips and chin had a gentle firmness,and in her pale green suit she was like springtime coming alive.He went toward her,entirely forgetting to notice that she was not wearing a rose.As he moved,a middle-aged woman whispered,“Going my way,Sir?”Paragraph 1:Almost uncontrollably he

7、made his way to the woman,and then he noticed that she was wearing a rose._ Paragraph 2:The womans face broadened into a big smile._一、准确理解材料,理清人物事件一、准确理解材料,理清人物事件 1.浅层信息理解浅层信息理解 体裁:记叙文;人称:第三人称;主体时态:一般过去时;5Ws:who(John Blanchard,Miss Hollis Meynell,a middle-aged woman,the crowd,the book)、when(thirteen

8、 months ago,The next day,During the next year and one month)、where(in a library,in the station)、what(first meeting a girl with a rose)、why(fell in love with)2.深层信息理解深层信息理解 理清故事的发展线索理清故事的发展线索 paragraph(段落)(段落)Behaviors(行为)(行为)Topic(段意)(段意)Para 1studied the crowd,looked for the girl whose heart he kne

9、w,but whose face he didntJohn Blanchard looked for the girl with a rose.Para 2began,found himself fascinated,showed a thoughtful soul and b r i l l i a n t m i n d,discovered,found,wrote,shipped overseasThirteen months a g o,h e w a s fascinated with M i s s H o l l i s Meynell.paragraph(段落)(段落)Beha

10、viors(行为)(行为)Topic(段意)(段意)Para 3falling on both hearts,asked for a photograph,refusedDuring the next year and one month,the two begun to fall in love with her.Para 4return,scheduled,wear,recognize,looking for,never seenThey scheduled their first meeting.Para 5w e n t t o w a r d,forgetting to notice

11、 that she was not wearing a rose,movedA young lady drew his attention.判断细节描写类型:心理活动;动作;环境;外貌性格。体现词汇:long and slim;blonde;lay back from her ears;blue as flowers;a gentle firmness;pale green;like springtime coming alive。材料的语调:warm and attractive;人物情感和性格:loving,persistent;文中感悟:Its time to clean his hou

12、se。3.整合本篇的故事梗概:整合本篇的故事梗概:文章讲述了一个温暖的爱情故事。十三个月前在一个图书馆里,男主人公John Blanchard从书架上 取下了一本书,他被这本书页边空白处的字迹所深深吸引,男 主人公知道了这本书之前的主人名叫 Hollis Meynell,于是他 费了很大的力气找到这个女孩的地址,开始通信。不久,男主 人公John就去海外服兵役去了。在一年零一个月的通信中,他们之间的爱情慢慢发芽,当男主人公服役结束从欧洲回来的那 天,他们约定晚上七点在纽约的中央车站见面。女主人公说她 会穿着自己的裙子拿着玫瑰出现在那里。然而,一位妙龄女子 吸引了主人公John的注意,他完全没有

13、注意到这个妙龄女子手 中并没有拿着玫瑰。二、分析续写段首,确定续写方向二、分析续写段首,确定续写方向 根据段首句1(他几乎是不由自主地向那个女人走去,然 后他注意到她戴着一朵玫瑰花。)考生应该设计问题:Which words or phrases catch your eyes?(uncontrollably,made his way to the woman,wearing a rose)What should he be feeling?Was he disappointed?What would he do?Should he just leave or talk to the woma

14、n politely?根据段首句2(那个女人的脸上绽开了灿烂的笑容。)考生应该设计问题:Which words or phrases catch your eyes?(broadened into a big smile)So what does her smile mean?Was she pleased that he had stood such a test?What does the woman do next?Is she Hollis Meynell?Where is the real Hollis Meynell?How could Paragraph 2 be ended r

15、easonably and creatively?三、借助文本资源,创设续写情节三、借助文本资源,创设续写情节 根据故事六要素和自己的想象,借助文本资源,创设续写 两段故事的情节。Paragraph 1:故事开端 当作者不情愿地向那个中年女士走过去后发现,她确实带着一朵玫瑰发展 John Blanhard明白了这位中年(middle-aged可用in her forties替换)女士正是他要找(was looking for)的人(woman)尽管有点失望,但他觉得她的长相(what she looked like)并不重要matter他走上前,礼貌地和中年女士(woman)打了相呼拿出了那本

16、在图书馆(library)找到的有署名的书(the book with the owners name)寒暄之后,他邀请女士一起吃晚餐。Paragraph 2:高潮这个中年女士的脸上展现出了个大大的笑容中年女士说并不知道这一切是怎么回事刚才走过的那个穿绿衣(in her pale green suit)年轻女孩(the young lady)恳求我戴这朵玫瑰(wear the red rose)在身上她说如果你请我一起吃晚餐的话,我就告诉你那位年轻的女士(the young lady)在马路对面的餐厅等你结局 这只是一场考验。四、增加细节描写,完成读后续写 串联拟定好的情节,添加必要的细节描写

17、,完成续写初 稿。Paragraph 1:Almost uncontrollably he made his way to the woman,and then he noticed that she was wearing a rose.To be sure,she should be the girl he was looking for though John Blanchard was sort of disappointed to see the woman,who was in her forties.Thinking that it doesnt matter what she

18、looked like,he walked toward the woman,greeted her and held out the book with the owners name he had found in the library.“Im Johan Blanchard,and you must be Miss Maynell.I am so glad I could meet you and may I take you to dinner?”Paragraph 2:The womans face broadened into a big smile.“I dont know w

19、hat this is about on earth,”she answered,“but the young lady in her pale green suit who just went by begged me to wear the red rose on my coat.And she promised if you were going to ask me out to dinner,I should tell you that the young lady is waiting for you in the big restaurant across the street.S

20、he said it was just a test!”【名师点评】本篇读后续写要点齐全,结构完整,条理清 晰,应用了较多的语法结构和高级词汇,熟练地使用了语句 间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任 务。如句运用了插入语To be sure和定语从句he was looking for及though引导让步状语从句,从句中含who引导的定语从 句;句运用了现在分词Thinking 作状语,其后接that引导宾 语从句;句运用了what引导宾语从句;句运用了who引 导定语从句;句promised后接宾语从句中if 引导条件状语从句,tell后接that引导宾语从句。划线部分是选用与续写情节内 容相关联的文本线索词,通过照应、替代、词汇复现等方法帮助完成读后续写。


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