2018-2019学年高考英语一轮复习 Module 2 A Job Worth Doing高考试卷分块专练 外研版必修5.doc

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1、【 精品教育资源文库 】 Module 2 A Job Worth Doing 高考试卷分块专练 语言知识运用保分练 篇完形 1篇语法填空,限时 25分钟 .完形填空 I am sure the grocery gift card to Laura was just what she needed the other day. Its not uncommon to see someone who is homeless or lacking a little _1_ asking people who are walking by for _2_ change. I have seen t

2、he same woman in need several times. I recently _3_ her, introduced myself to her and asked her _4_ she would like me to get her anything to eat from the Dollar Store. She said she was okay, but was trying to _5_ up for dinner. I dont feel _6_ giving money to strangers. I guess its a social _7_ that

3、 when you really give money to someone in need, they will end up using it for drugs or alcohol or something else that we may not approve of. I didnt _8_ anything to Laura, but just asked her name and _9_ her of my name at that time. I felt bad after that _10_ with her because I didnt offer her any h

4、elp then. Yesterday, I saw her again. I _11_ to go to the nearby grocery store (Safeway), where I got her a grocery gift card.I _12_ by to give it to her, _13_ a bundle of fresh yellow flowers attached to it. I _14_ had a chat with her and she was grateful for the _15_. Often people on the streets a

5、re victims or treated as if they dont _16_. Speaking and giving something to them _17_ a long way.Although its a difficult and complex issue of knowing what is _18_, we can just try to help them.We _19_ not be able to help every person in need, but if we can help one person from time to time, it doe

6、s _20_ a lot to the person and we can really make a difference in our world.Be kind and help others.The world will be better. 语篇解读:作者前几天遇到一个非常拮据的妇女,有时向陌生人要零花钱。作者最后走上前与她搭讪,了解到她的情况之后,给她办了一个购物卡。用自己的微薄之力帮助需要帮助的人,会让世界更加美好。 1 A.courage B intention C care D luck 解析:选 D 根据语境可知:看到一些流浪者或者运气不好的人向行人讨要零钱是司空【 精品

7、教育资源文库 】 见惯的事情。 lack a little luck 意为 “ 运气不好 ” 。 2 A.valuable B spare C necessary D extra 解析:选 B spare change 意为 “ 零钱 ” 。 3 A.approached B appreciated C accompanied D inspired 解析:选 A 上文提到作者见过这样的一 个妇女很多次了。此处表示 “ 这一次,我主动走近 (approach)她,并且做了自我介绍。 ”approach 意为 “ 接近,走近 ” 。 4 A.how B when C if D before 解析:

8、选 C 下文提到给陌生人提供帮助作者会感到不舒服,所以此处是询问这个人是否愿意让作者从一元店给她买些吃的东西。 5 A.come B stand C save D turn 解析:选 C 此处语境是:她说可以,但是还要节省 (save)下来正餐时才去食用。 save up 意为 “ 节省下来 ” 。 6 A.strange B comfortable C hesitant D frustrated 解析 : 选 B 由下文的 “end up using it for drugs or alcohol” 可知 , 作者与很多人一样认为 , 一些人跟别人讨要零钱 , 可能会去酗酒或吸毒 , 所以

9、, 可以推测把钱给这样的人作者常常感到不舒服 (comfortable)。 7 A.standard B principle C policy D tradition 解析 : 选 D 由语境可知 : 当你把钱给某个需要的人时 , 他们将用来酗酒或吸毒 , 这是他们一贯的伎俩。 social tradition 意为 “ 常用的套路,一贯的伎俩 ” 。 8 A.give B promise C tell D share 解析:选 A 由第四段第一句中的 “I didnt offer her any help then” 可知,此处表示没有给 (give)劳拉任何东西。 9 A.convince

10、d B informed C reminded D suspected 解析:选 B 此处语境为 “ 我没有给她任何东西,只是问了她的名字,还告诉她我的名字 ” 。 inform sb. of sth.意为 “ 通知 /告诉 某人某事 ” 。 【 精品教育资源文库 】 10 A.discussion B quarrel C meeting D appointment 解析:选 C 上文提到作者与她搭讪,此处语境为:在那次见面 (meeting)后我感到不舒服,因为我当时没有给她提供任何帮助。 meeting 意为 “ 遇见,相遇 ” 。 11 A.chose B arranged C gua

11、ranteed D decided 解析:选 D 此处语境为:昨天我又看到她,所以决定 (decide)去食品店给她买些东西。 12 A.dropped B passed C sent D pulled 解析:选 A 我买了购物礼品卡,并且顺便 (drop by)给她,同时还附带有一束黄色的鲜花。 drop by 意为 “ 顺便来访,顺便到访 ” 。 13 A.in B with C on D over 解析:选 B 此处是 “with 复合宾语结构 ” 。 14 A.just B ever C also D still 解析:选 C 此处语境为:我还 (also)与她聊了一会儿。 15 A.

12、attitude B tip C measure D gesture 解析:选 D gesture 意为 “ 表示, 动作,举动 ” 。此处指的是作者不仅给了那个妇女购物卡、鲜花,而且还与她聊天。 16 A.exist B survive C suffer D rest 解析:选 A 由生活常识可知,人们往往把街上的流浪者看作是受害者或者当作他们不存在一样。 exist 意为 “ 存在 ” 。 17 A.walks B goes C runs D comes 解析:选 B 上文提到人们对流浪者视而不见,此处语境为:与他们说话或者提供帮助是大有帮助的。 go a long way 意为 “ 大有

13、帮助 ” 。 18 A.convenient B available C appropriate D accessible 解析:选 C 由语境可知:尽管了解做什么合适 (appropriate)是一个困难而且复杂的问题,但是我们可以尝试着去帮助他们。 appropriate 意为 “ 适当的,恰当的,合适的 ” 。 【 精品教育资源文库 】 19 A.would B may C must D should 解析:选 B 由语境可知:靠我们自己的力量我们可能 (may)帮不到需要帮助的每一个人,但是,如果我们能够不断提供帮助,我们的确会让世界有所不同。 20 A.matter B work

14、C influence D benefit 解析:选 A It does matter to sb.“? 对某人很重要 ” ,符合语境。 .语法填空 Free education and health care _1_ (be) surely among the reasons why the 2017 World Happiness Report declared Norway as the happiest country in the world. But researchers link their good cheers _2_ their community work, calle

15、d dugnad in their language. Before you rush out to help an elderly neighbor cross the street or walk dogs at your local animal shelter, although both are worthwhile _3_ (activity), you need to know that although the work of a dugnad is _4_ (volunteer), the dugnad does not directly translate to tradi

16、tional volunteering. _5_ (deep) rooted in the countrys culture, the dugnad is different from traditional charity work. It describes times _6_ community members come together to contribute their skills to _7_ goal of beautifying a certain location. This could be through repairs, building, cleaning, g

17、ardening or painting. Never _8_ (worry) if you dont own any painting supplies or arent sure how to garden. You can still contribute by showing up at a charitable community event with water, coffee, or baked goods in hand. A _9_ (share) meal after the act of helping one another can bring us _10_ (clo

18、se) to neighbors, coworkers, or fellow parents at our childrens school than before. 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,展现了挪威人幸福生活的一个侧面:他们快乐地从事社区工作。 1 are 本文以一般现在时为主,因此本空也用一般现在时。主语是 and 连接的两个不可数名词,表示两个事物,此时主语应该被看作复数,因此谓语动词用复数形式。 2 to/with link . to/with .“ 把 ? 和 ? 联系起来 ” ,是固定搭配。 3 activities 帮助一位年迈的邻居过马路或在你当地的动物收容所帮助遛狗都是

19、有意义的活动。此处指多个活动,故用可 数名词的复数形式。 4 voluntary 空格处作表语用来描述 “the work of a dugnad” 的性质,故应用形容【 精品教育资源文库 】 词, voluntary 表示 “ 志愿的,义务性的 ” 。 5 Deeply 社区工作深深地扎根于这个国家的文化里。根据句意可知,这里应用 deep的副词形式 deeply“ 深深地 ” 来修饰过去分词 rooted。虽然 deep本身也可作副词,表示 “ 深深地 ” ,但它通常表示的是具体的空间深度;而 deeply 则可表示抽象的、程度上的递进。 6 when 分析句子结构可知,本空需要填关系词引导定语从句来修饰先 行词 times,且关系词在从句中作时间状语,因此填关系副词 when。 7 the goal 后有 “of .” 修饰,故此处表示特指,应用定冠词 the。 8 worry 本句是主从复合句,主句中没有主语,因此可以判断主句是祈使句,故填动词原形。 9 shared 在互相帮助之后大家在一起吃饭,这能让人们与街坊邻居、同事,或者我们孩子学校的家长们的关系更加密切。本空在句中作定语, share 与被修饰词 meal 之间是逻辑上的被动关系,因此


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