1、(8/45)沿人体前面 Along the anterior of head,chest,abdomen and lower extremities of the body.足 Foot 头 Head 起于眶下缘上方承泣承泣The channel starts from the cheng-qi above the infraorbital ridge.止于第二足趾外侧端厉兑厉兑 The channel end in Li-dui on the lateral side of the tip of the 2nd toe.*经脉主治概要 Principal Indications of the
2、 channel on treating胃肠病、头面、目、鼻、口、齿痛胃肠病、头面、目、鼻、口、齿痛+经脉循行部位的病症经脉循行部位的病症(经病经病)Gastrointestinal diseases,diseases of the head,face,eye,nose andmouth,toothache,other diseases in the regions along the course of this channel(CD).S25*定位 Location脐旁2寸。2 cun lateral to the umbilicus *主治举例Instances of Indicatio
3、ns on treating腹胀 Abdominal distension,腹泻 Diarrhea,便秘 Constipation,etc.痛经 Dysmenorrhea*取穴法取穴法 Means 根据两乳头之间为根据两乳头之间为8寸的骨度分寸定位法寸的骨度分寸定位法量取量取 the length between the two nipples is 8 cuncun of the bone-length measurement.82 S36 *定位 Location犊鼻穴下3寸,胫骨前嵴外一横指。3 cun below Dubi,one finger-breadth from the ant
4、erior crest of he tibia.*取穴法取穴法 Means 根据膝中至根据膝中至外踝尖外踝尖为为16寸的骨度分寸或横寸的骨度分寸或横 指同身寸法量取。指同身寸法量取。From the middle of patella to the tip of lateral malleolus is 16 cun cun of the bone-length measurement or four-finger measurement.*主治举例 Instances of Indications on treating 胃痛 Gastric pain,呕吐vomiting,腹胀 Abdom
5、inal distension,腹泻 Diarrhea,便秘 Constipation,虚劳赢瘦 Emaciation due to general deficiency,etc.(8/44)瞳子髎TongziliaoTongziliao起于目外眦 The channel starts from outer canthus.目外眦旁0.5寸,眶骨外缘凹陷中。0.5 cun lateral to the outer canthus,in the depression on lateral side of the orbit.沿人体的侧面 Along the flank of head,chest
6、,abdomen and lower extremities of the body.头 Head 足Foot足第四趾外侧端 The lateral side of the tip of the 4nd toe.足窍阴足窍阴ZuqiaoyinZuqiaoyin*经脉主治概要 Principal Indications of the channel五官、胸胁、神志、热病五官、胸胁、神志、热病+经脉循行部位经脉循行部位的病症的病症 Diseases of the head,eyes,ear,hypochondrium and other diseases in the regions along
7、the course of this channel(CD).G20*定位 Location在胸锁乳突肌与斜方肌之间凹陷中。In the depression between m.sternocleido-mastoideus and m.trapezius.*主治举例 Instances of Indications on treating眼痛 Pain of the eye,耳鸣 Tinnitus,头项强痛 Pain and rigidity of the head and neck,视力减退 letdown of eyesightG30*定位 Location股骨大转子高点与骶管裂孔连线
8、的外1/3与内2/3交界处。At the junction of the lateral 1/3 and medial 2/3 of the distance between the great trochanter of the femur and the hiatus of the sacrum.*主治举例 Instances of Indications坐骨神经痛 Sciatica,下肢瘫痪 Paralysis of the lower extremities,etc.G34*定位 Location腓骨小头前下方凹陷中。In the depression anterior and inf
9、erior to the small head of the fibula.*主治举例Instances of Indications on treating下肢萎痹 Numbness and pain of the lower,肋间神经痛 Intercostal neuralgia,胆囊炎 Cholecystitis,etc.(10/67)睛明睛明JingmingJingming起于目内眦 The channel starts from the enter canthus.沿人体后面 Along the posterior of head,neck,back,lumbar region an
10、d lower extremities of the body.足 Foot 头 Head 止于足小趾外侧端 The channel end in the lateral side of the tip of the little toe.至阴至阴ZhiyinZhiyin*经脉主治概要 Principal Indications of the channel头、项、目、腰、脏腑病、神志病头、项、目、腰、脏腑病、神志病+(经病)(经病)Diseases of the head,neck,eye,lumbar region,lower extremities and Zangfu,other di
11、seases in the regions along the course of this channel(CD).睛明睛明B1 *定位 Location目内眦外上方.Above the outside of the enter canthus.*主治举例 Instances of Indications目疾 the problem of eyes B40*主治举例Instances of Indications on treating腰、腹痛 Pain in the lower back and abdomen,下肢萎痹 Numbness and pain of the lower ext
12、remities,etc.*定位 Location腘横纹中点。Midpoint of the transverse crease of the popliteal fossa.G67*定位 Location足小趾外侧端 At the lateral side of the tip of the little toe.*主治举例 Instances of Indications on treating胎位不正:malposition难产:dystocia 头痛:Headache,鼻塞:snuffle (8/24)沿人体前正中线 Along the anterior midline of the
13、body.会阴部 Perineum 头 Head 经脉主治概要 Principal Indications of the channel 腹、胸、颈、头面、相应的内脏病腹、胸、颈、头面、相应的内脏病+(经病)(经病)Diseases of the abdomen,chest,neck,head and face,neck and the corresponding internal organs +CD.Ren4*定位 Location脐下3寸。3 cun below the umbilicus.*主治举例Instances of Indications on treating遗尿 Enure
14、sis,不孕 Sterility遗精 Nocturnal emission,阳痿 Impotence,etc.Ren12*定位 Location脐上4寸。4cun above the umbilicus.*主治举例Instances of Indications on treating胃痛 Gastric pain,腹胀 Abdominal distension,呕吐vomiting,etc.*取穴法取穴法 Means 根据胸剑联合至脐中为根据胸剑联合至脐中为8寸的骨度分寸寸的骨度分寸定位法量取。定位法量取。There are 8cuncun between the sternocostal
15、angle and the centre of the umbilicus of the bone-length measurement.84 Ren17 *定位 Location前正中线,平第四肋间隙。On the anterior midline,at the level with the fourth intercostal space.*主治举例Instances of Indications on treating咳嗽 Cough,气喘 Dyspnea,胸痛 Chest pain,呃逆 Dysphagia,乳腺炎 Mastitis,心悸 Palpitation,呕吐 Vomiting
16、,etc.*取穴法取穴法 Means 根据根据两乳头之间为根据根据两乳头之间为8寸的骨寸的骨度分寸定位法量取。度分寸定位法量取。There are 8cuncun between the two nipples of the bone-length measurement.8(8/28)沿人体后正中线 Along the posterior midline of the body.会阴部 Perineum 头 Head 经脉主治概要 Principal Indications of the channel神志病、热病、腰骶背、头面、相应的神志病、热病、腰骶背、头面、相应的内脏病内脏病+(经病)
17、(经病)Mental diseases,febrile diseases,local diseases of lumbosacral region,back,head and neck,and corresponding internal organs+CD.终止于上唇系带 The end in the frenulum of the upper lip.龈交 YinjiaoDu3 定位 Location第四腰椎棘突下。On the lower border of the spinous process of the fourth lumbar vertebra.主治举例 Instances
18、of Indications腰痛 Lower back pain,遗精 Nocturnal emission,下肢萎痹 Numbness and pain of the lower,阳痿 Impotence,etc.L4L4Du14 *定位 Location第七颈椎棘突下。On the lower border of the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra.*主治举例 Instances of Indications疟疾 Malaria,热病 Febrile diseases,头项强痛 Pain and rigidity of
19、the head and neck,荨麻疹 Urticaria,etc.Du20 *定位 Location 后发际正中直上7寸,或两 耳尖直上。7cun directly above the midpoint of the posterior hairline or directly above the apex auricule,on the midline of the head.127533*取法取法 Means根据前发际至后发际为根据前发际至后发际为12寸寸的骨度分寸定位法量取,或简便定的骨度分寸定位法量取,或简便定位法。位法。There are 12cun cun from the
20、anterior hairline to the posterior hairline of the bone-length measurement.l*主治举例 lInstances of Indications on treatingl头痛 Headache,l目眩 Blurred,l不寐 Insomnia,l脱肛 Prolapse of the rectum,etc.Du26*定位 Location在人中沟的上1/3与中1/3交接处。At the junction of the superior 1/3 and middle 1/3 of the philtrum.*主治举例 Insta
21、nces of Indications昏迷 Coma,晕厥 Faint,小儿惊风 Infantile convulsion,腰扭伤 Lumbar sprain,etc.Extra 1*主治举例 Instances of Indications鼻衄 Epistaxis,眩晕 Dizziness,头痛 Headache,鼻炎 Rhinitis,etc.*定位 Location两眉头连线的中点。Midpoint of the line between the medial ends of the two eyebrows.*定位 Location眉梢与目外眦连线的中点,向后约1寸。In the de
22、pression about 1cun posterior to the midpoint between the lateral end of the eyebrow and the outer canthus.*主治举例 Instances of Indications on treating头痛 Headache,目眩 Blurred,面痛 Facial pain,急性结合膜炎 Acute conjunctivitis,etc.Extra 2Extra 5 *主治举例主治举例 Instances of Indications手背肿痛 Swelling and pain of the dorsum,手指麻木、疼痛 Numbness and pain of the fingers,etc.*定位 Location手背侧,当2、3掌骨及4、5掌骨之间,腕横纹与掌指关节中点处,一侧两穴。Two points on each side of hand back,one is between 2 and 3 metacarpus,another is between 4 and 5 metacarpus.All are in the midpoints of the transverse crease and metacarpophalangeal joint。