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1、1October 2013 在建筑钢结构工程设计中,通常将结构施工图的设计分为设计图设计和施工详图设计两个阶段。In the design of building steel structure engineering,structure construction drawing design is usually divided into two stages:design the design drawing and design the construction detail drawing.设计图设计是由设计单位编制完成,施工详图设计是以设计图为依据,由钢结构加工厂深化编制完成,并将其

2、作为钢结构加工与安装的依据。Design drawings are compiled by the design unit,construction detail design is based on the design,compiled by steel structure factory and take it as the basis to process and install steel structure.2 设计图与施工详图的主要区别是:设计图是根据工艺、建筑和初步设计等要求,经设计和计算编制而成的较高阶段的施工设计图。The difference between design

3、 drawing and detail construction drawing is:design drawing is designed and calculated higher phase construction drawing which based on the requirement of process,building and preliminary design,它的目的和深度以及所包含的内容是作为施工详图编制的依据,它由设计单位编制完成,图纸表达简明,图纸量少。Its purpose and depth and the contained content is used

4、 as the basis for drawing compiled,it is compiled by the design unit,drawing expression concise,drawing quantity is less.内容一般包括:设计总说明、结构布置图、构件图、节点图和钢材订货表等。Generally include:general design specification,the structure arrangement,component diagram,node and steel order table,etc.施工详图是根据设计图编制的工厂施工和安装详图,

5、也包含少量的连接和构造计算,它是对设计图的进一步深化设计,目的是为制造厂或施工单位提供制造、加工和安装的施工详图,它一般由制造厂或施工单位编制完成,它图纸表示详细,数量多。内容包括:构件安装布置图、构件详图等。Drawing is the design based on the establishment of the factory construction and installation detail,also contains a small amount of connection and structure calculation,it is to further deepen t

6、he design drawings,the purpose is for the manufacturer or the construction units to provide manufacturing,processing and installation of construction details,it is generally compiled by the manufacturer or the construction unit,said it drawing details,quantity.Detail view include:component installat

7、ion layout,components,etc.3三视图:正视图(上左)、侧视图(上右)、俯视图(下)Three views:front view(left)and side view(right),vertical view(below)4 三视图在使用时不一定完整,可能只出现其中两个。When using the three views,probably it will be incomplete and only appear two of them.有剖视符号的情况下,按照符号所示方向看物体,无剖视符号时,一般习惯的看图方向是:Under section review symbol

8、s,view the object according to the symbol shown in the direction,without drawing symbols,generally look at the picture of the direction as below:侧视图在正视图的右侧时,表示是站在正视图中物体的右侧向左看;Elevation on the right side of the front view,said was standing on the right side of the objects in the front view to the lef

9、t to see;侧视图在正视图的左侧时,表示是站在正视图中物体的左侧向右看;Profile in the left of the front view means standing in the left of object to see the right.俯视图表示从上向下看到的正视图中的物体。Top view means the object is viewed from the top to down.看图方向的正确至关重要,决定了装配方向的正确与否,由于详图绘制人员的个体差异,选择表达方式上会有所差异,需要在图面上相互印证,如有不一致处及时和制图人员沟通确认。The directi

10、on of looking drawing is very important,it can determine if the assembly direction is correct or not.Due to the individual differences from the detail drawing makers,the expression selected will differ,then it needs mutually confirmed by each other on the surface of the figure and confirmed with car

11、tographers in a timely manner when there is any inconsistency.51.断面符号 Profile symbol表示从符号处剖开看到的断面,不表示断面后方的其他东西;shows the cross area viewed from the symbol and the objects behind the section will not be expressed;2.剖面符号 Section symbol表示从符号处剖开看到的断面及断面后方的其他东西;shows the stuffs viewed from the symbol and

12、 behind the symbol.3.在钢构详图中,断面符号和剖面符号使用上有些随意,是因为功能上比较接近,着重表达的是看物体的方向。In steel structure detail drawing,due to the close function,the utilization of profile symbol and section symbol is loose and emphatically expression is the direction when see the object.看物的方向是从粗线朝文字的方向看。粗线表示人的眼睛,文字表示看的朝向。看物的方向是从粗线

13、朝文字的方向看。粗线表示人的眼睛,文字表示看的朝向。The direction of see things is to see from coarse line toward the text direction.The thick line stands for peoples eyes,the text is the direction for observation.6 不带剖视方向的索引Index symbol without section view direction 左边为索引,右边为对应的节点,表示将圈画中的部分放大绘制细节。The left is index,the righ

14、t is the corresponding node,it means to enlarge the part of drawing detail in the circle.中的字母a表示参看 节点,底下的“”表示“在本图中”,如果节点详图不在本图中,就写对应的图纸编号,比如“详图-09”或“09”等。Letter a in is the node to see ,“”below means in this drawing,if the detail drawing is not in the figure,then write the corresponding drawing numb

15、er,such as detail-09 or 09,etc.有时也直接索引出来后直接放大,不用到节点符号,如下图:Sometimes directly index and then magnify without using node symbol,as below:7 带剖视符号的索引 Index with section view symbol 与剖(断)面符号类似,看物的方向是从粗线朝细线的方向看。粗线表示人的眼睛,细线表示看看物的方向是从粗线朝细线的方向看。粗线表示人的眼睛,细线表示看的朝向。的朝向。Similar to section(profile)symbols,the dir

16、ection of looking things is to from coarse line toward the thin line.Thick line stands for the persons eyes,thin line means the direction.89 Guide line Supplement symbols Basic welding symbol and size Endnotes Auxiliary symbol 1.焊缝基本符号(常用)焊缝基本符号(常用):表示焊缝横截面形状的符号1.The basic weld symbol(commonly use):

17、it means the symbols of welding cross section shape.10序号序号The serial number名称名称description示意图示意图schematicdiagram符号符号Symbo1卷边焊缝Flanged edge weld2I形焊缝I-shaped weld3V形焊缝V-shaped weld4单边V形焊缝Unilateral v-shaped weld5带钝边V形焊缝With a blunt edge v-shaped weld 带钝边单边V形焊缝With a blunt edge unilateral v-shaped wel

18、d6角焊缝Fillet weld7塞焊缝或槽焊缝Plug weld or groove welds11 2.辅助符号辅助符号:表示焊缝表面形状特征的符号2.Assist symbol:said weld surface shape feature symbol12 3.补充符号补充符号:补充说明焊缝的某些特征而采用的符号3.Auxiliary symbols:the symbols to add some characteristics to illustrate welding line.1带垫板With a plate焊缝底部有垫板There are pad at the bottom o

19、f the weld2三面围焊On three sides around the welding表示三面有焊缝Citing a weld on three sides3周围焊Around welding环绕工件周围焊缝Artifacts surrounding weld4现场焊Field weld 表示工地现场进行焊接Said welding on site5典型焊缝(余同)More than a typical weld(with)表示类似部位采用相同的焊缝Similar parts in the same seam said典型焊缝的符号一般还引申为“两面或三面的半围焊”(即引申为“两面或

20、三面都采用相同的焊缝”之意),Typical weld symbol is extended to general two or three and a half the circumference welding(that is,to two or three sides the same weld),13 4.尾注:尾注:是对焊缝的要求进行备注,一般说明质量等级,适用范围、剖口工艺的具体编号等4.Endnote:it is to note the weld requirements,generally to specify the quality level,the applicable

21、scope,groove process specific number,etc.The quality requirements Scope of application Groove,welding form No.常用的坡口的形状和尺寸可以查看建筑钢结构焊接技术规程(JGJ81-2002),下表是根据规程及我司习惯绘制的坡口节点表,可供参考The groove shape and size commonly used can refer to the (JGJ81-2002).The form below is the groove node table for reference wh

22、ich is listed according to procedures and habits of our company.141对接焊缝Butt weldS:焊缝有效厚度S:the valid thickness of weld2卷边焊缝Flange weldS:焊缝有效厚度S:the valid thickness of weld3连续角焊缝Continuous fillet weldK:焊角尺寸K:welding angular size15 S1,l1:标注边的焊角尺寸、长度S2,l2:标注对面的焊角尺寸、长度S1,l1:mark the edge of the weld leng

23、th,AngleS2,l2:mark across the weld length,Angle或4断续角焊缝Intermittent fillet weldl:焊缝长度(不计弧坑)e:焊缝间距n:焊缝段数L:weld length(excluding arc pit)E:weld spacingN:the number of weld section5交错断续角焊缝Staggered intermittent fillet weldl:焊缝长度(不计弧坑)e:焊缝间距n:焊缝段数K:焊角尺寸L:weld length(excluding arc pit)E:weld spacingN:the

24、number of weld sectionK:welding angular size16说明:说明:当无焊缝长度尺当无焊缝长度尺寸寸时时表表示焊缝是通长连续的示焊缝是通长连续的;当对接焊缝(含角对接组合焊缝)无有效深度的尺寸;当对接焊缝(含角对接组合焊缝)无有效深度的尺寸标注时,表示全熔透标注时,表示全熔透。Note:when there is no weld length size,it usually means the weld is continuous;when there is no valid size for butt weld(including the Angle of

25、 combination of butt weld),it means full penetration.1)焊缝焊缝表达举例表达举例:Examples of weld expression:2)其他表达方式:其他表达方式:Other expression:(1)直接在图上表达坡口形状尺寸的方法:Directly express the groove shape size on the diagram:17(2)在国外图纸中的一些表达方式:Some expressions in foreign drawings:另外美国图纸很多仍采用英制单位,在看图确定焊缝尺寸是需要进行换算:Besides,

26、many American drawings still use imperial units,so it needs conversation when confirming the weld size.1 英寸(1”)=25.4mm1/16”=1.6mm 1/8”=3.2mm 1/4”=6.4mm 1/2”=12.7mm18 锅炉钢结构中的一些表达方式:Some expressions in the boiler steel structure:It means directly weld in the reverse side.It means the repair weld and f

27、ull penetration after elimination.19 建筑钢结构中,常用的网架球节点有螺栓球节点和焊接球节点两大类。In building steel structure,the network frame commonly used is bolt-sphere joints and welded-sphere joints.(1)螺栓球节点 (1)Bolt-sphere joints 螺栓球节点是由钢球、螺栓、封板或锥头、套筒、螺钉或销子等组成,如图Bolt-sphere joints are made up of steel ball,bolt,sealing pla

28、te or cone head,sleeve,screws or pins,etc.,as follow.高强螺栓在整个节点中是最关键的传力部件,它的强度等级要达到88级或109级。High-strength bolt is the most important power transmission components in the whole joints,its strength grade need to reach 8.8 or 10.9.焊接球节点识图过于简单这里不做介绍Welded-sphere joints is quite easy so we wont introduce

29、here.20 螺栓、孔、电焊铆钉的表示方法见表121。Refer the table 1-21 to find the bolt,hole and electronic rivet.Permanent boltsHigh strength boltInstall the boltExpansion anchor boltBolt hole circleOblong bolt holeWelding rivet21 1节点详图识读1.reading the detail joints drawing.钢结构是由若干构件连接而成,钢构件又是由若干型钢或零件连接而成。钢结构的连接有焊缝连接、铆钉连

30、接、普通螺栓连接和高强度螺栓连接,连接部位统称为节点。连接设计是否合理,直接影响到结构的使用安全、施工工艺和工程造价,所以钢结构节点设计同构件或结构本身的设计一样重要。钢结构节点设计的原则是安全可靠、构造简单、施工方便和经济合理。The steel structure is composed by several components which is connected by some section steel and parts.Connection of steel structure have weld connection,rivet connection,ordinary bol

31、t connection and high-strength bolt connection,connection parts are collectively called as nodes.Whether the connection design is reasonable or not will directly affect the safety of using structure,construction engineering and project cost,so the importance of steel structure joint design is same a

32、s the design of the component or structure itself.The principle of steel structure joint design is safe and reliable,simple structure,convenient for construction and economic and reasonable.22 2柱拼接连接详图2.The detail drawing of column splicing connection 柱的拼接有多种形式,以连接方法分为螺栓和焊缝拼接,以构件截面分为等截面拼接和变截面拼接,以构件位

33、置分为中心和偏心拼接。图2-1为柱拼接连接详图。There are many ways for column splicing,it can be divided into bolt and weld splice by the connection method and center and eccentric splicing by component section.Figure 2-1 is the detail drawing of column splicing connection.23在此详图中,可知此钢柱为等截面拼接,HW452417表示立柱构件为热轧宽翼缘H型钢,高为452

34、mm,宽为417mm,截面特性可查型钢表GBT 11263-1998;采用螺栓连接,18M20表示腹板上排列18个直径为20mm的螺栓,24M20表示每块翼板上排列24个直径为20mm的螺栓,由螺栓的图例,可知为高强度螺栓,从立面图可知腹板上螺栓的排列,从立面图和平面图可知翼缘上螺栓的排列,栓距为80mm,边距为50mm;拼接板均采用双盖板连接,腹板上盖板长为540mm,宽为260mm,厚为6mm,翼缘上外盖板长为540mm,宽与柱翼宽相同,为417mm,厚为10mm,内盖板宽为180mm。作为钢柱构件,在节点连接处要能传递弯矩、扭矩、剪力和轴力,柱的连接必须为刚性连接。24We can in

35、fer from this detail drawing the steel column is connected by uniform section,HW452 x 417 says the pillar component is hot-rolled wide flange H-shaped,height is 452 mm,width is 417 mm,can check section features steel table of GB/T 11263-1998;18M20 means 18 bolts arranged with 20mm diameter in the we

36、b,24M20 means 24 bolts arranged with 20mm diameter in the sail.It can be known as the high strength bolt from the illustration of bolt,the arrangement of bolt can be inferred from the elevation drawing,also the arrangement of bolt on the sail plate can be known from the elevation drawing and plane g

37、raph.The distance between the bolts is 80mm,edge distance is 50mm.Splicing plate is connected by the double-cover butt,the cover plate length on the web is 540mm,width is 260mm,thickness is 6mm;outer cover plate on the sails length is 540mm,it has the same width with column sail 417mm,thickness is 1

38、0mm,the width of inter-cover plate is 180mm.As the component of steel column,it should be able to transfer the bending moment,shear force and axial force in the place of connecting,also the connection of column must be rigid.图2-2为变截面柱偏心拼接连接详图。在此详图中,知此柱上段为HW400300热轧宽翼缘H型钢,截面高、宽为400mm和300mm,下段为HW45030

39、0热轧宽翼缘H型钢,截面高、宽分别为400mm和300mm,柱的左翼缘对齐,右翼缘错开,过渡段长200mm,使腹板高度达1:4的斜度变化,过渡段翼缘宽度与上、下段相同,此构造可减轻截面突变造成的应力集中,过渡段翼缘厚为26mm,腹板厚为14mm;采用对接焊缝连接,从焊缝标注可知为带坡口的对接焊缝,焊缝标注无数字时,表示焊缝按构造要求开口。25Figure 2-2 is for variable cross-section of eccentric splicing connection detail drawing.In figure we can know the upper column

40、is the HW400 x 300 hot-rolled h-beam wide flange H-shaped steel,section has 400 mm height and 300 mm wide,lower segment is HW450 x 300 hot-rolled h-beam wide flange H-shaped steel,section has 450 mm height and 300 mm wide respectively.The left edge of column is aligned,right edge is staggered,transi

41、tion segment length is 200mm which make the web plate height has the 1:4 slope difference.The transition sail has the same width with upper and lower column.With this kind of structure it can alleviate the concentration stress caused by mutation section.The thickness of transition sail and web plate

42、 is 26 mm and 14 mm respectively.When using the butt weld connection way,it can be known from the weld mark it is the groove butt weld,when no number marked,it means weld opening is needed for the weld structure.梁拼接连接详图The beam splicing and connection detail drawing梁的拼接形式与柱类同The connection method of

43、 beam is same as column 图2-3为梁拼接连接详图。在此详图中,可知此钢梁为等截面拼接,HN500200表示梁为热轧窄翼缘H型钢,截面高、宽为500mm和200mm,采用螺栓和焊缝混合连接,其中梁翼缘为对接焊缝连接,小三角旗表示焊缝为现场施焊,从焊缝标注可知为带坡口有垫块的对接焊缝,焊缝标注无数字时,表示焊缝按构造要求开口,从螺栓图例可知为高强度螺栓,个数有10个,直径为20mm,栓距为80mm,边距为50mm;腹板上拼接板为双盖板,长为420mm,宽为250mm,厚为6mm,此连接可使梁在节点处能传递弯矩,为刚性连接。26Figure 2-3 is the beam c

44、onnection detail drawing.In this figure we can know the steel beam is constant section connected,HN500*200 means the beam is hot-rolled narrow flange H-shaped steel,the sections height and width is 500 mm and 200 mm respectively.It is jointed by bolts and weld,including the beam flange is connected

45、by butt weld.The small pennant means the weld is completed in the welding site,from the weld mark we know it is the groove butt weld with plate,when no number marked,it means weld opening is needed for the weld structure.It can be known as the high strength bolt from the illustration of bolt,the qua

46、ntity is 10 with 20mm diameter,the distance between bolts is 80 mm and 50 mm is the edge distance.It is the double-cover plate in the web with 420 mm length,250 mm width and 6 mm thickness,also it is the rigid connection and can transfer the bending moment in the connection point.1主次梁侧向连接详图 1.The pr

47、imary and secondary beam lateral connection detail drawing 2梁柱刚性连接详图 2.The detail drawing of beam-column rigid connection27 梯形屋架支座节点详图Detail drawing of trapezoid roof truss support 图2-8为一梯形屋架支座节点详图。在此详图中,将屋架上、下弦杆和斜腹杆与边柱螺栓连接,边柱为HW400300,表示柱为热轧宽翼缘H型钢,截面高、翼缘宽为400mm和300mm。在屋架上、下弦节点处,柱腹板成对设置构造加劲肋,长与柱腹板相等

48、,宽为100mm,厚为12mm。Figure 2-8 is the detail drawing of trapezoid roof truss support.It connected the roof upper and lower chord and inclined web member with side column bolt,the width of side column is HW400 x 300 which means the column is hot rolled wide flange H-shaped beam and the cross section is w

49、ith 400 mm height and 300 mm width.In the roof upper and lower bottom chord node,the column web plate pairs set stiffening rib structure,long column and web plate are equal,width is 100 mm,12 mm thickness.在上节点,上弦杆采用两不等边角钢2L 110708组成,通过长为220mm、宽为240mm和厚为14mm的节点板与柱连接,上弦杆与节点板用两条侧角焊缝连接,焊脚8mm,焊缝长度150mm,节

50、点板与长为220mm、宽为180mm和厚为20mm的端板用双面角焊缝连接,焊脚8mm,焊缝长度为满焊,端板与柱翼缘用4个直径20mm的普通螺栓连接。At the upper nodes,top chord is composed with two unequal Angle 2L of 110 x 110 x 8,by 220 mm length,240 mm width and 14 mm thickness for node plate connected to the column,upper chord and node plate with two side fillet weld


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