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1、Unit 1 Friendship Period 1Warming Up&SpeakingQuestions 1.Are you good at making friends?2.Do you have good friends?What qualities(品质品质)should a good friend have?I Lead inWhat qualities should a good friend have?bravehonestresponsiblegeneroushumoroushelpfulpatientkindheartedwiseopen-minded prettyloya

2、l慷慨大方的慷慨大方的有耐心的有耐心的有责任心的有责任心的心胸开阔的心胸开阔的Do the survey on P1 by yourself.Do the survey on P1 by yourself.Then add up your score and see Then add up your score and see how many points you get.how many points you get.II Warming UpScoring sheet for the survey on page 11.A1 B3 C2 2.A1 B2 C3 3.A1 B2 C3 4.A

3、3 B2 C1 5.A0 B3 C0ScoreScore4-7points:You are not a good friend.You either ignore your friends needs or just do what he/she wants you to do.You should think more about what a good friend needs to do.Warming Up8-12 points:You are a good friend but you sometimes let your friendship become too importan

4、t,or you fail to show enough concern for your friends needs and feelings.Try to strike a balance between your friends needs and your own responsibilities.Warming Up13+points:You are an excellent friend who recognizes that to be a good friend you need to balance your needs and those of your friends.W

5、ell done!Warming UpWords previewadd upset ignore vt.增加;添加;补充说增加;添加;补充说vi.加;加起来;增添加;加起来;增添adj.心烦意乱的;不适的;心烦意乱的;不适的;不舒服的不舒服的vt.&vi.使不安;使心烦使不安;使心烦vt.不理睬;忽视不理睬;忽视Words previewcalm concern looseadj.平静的;镇定的;沉着的平静的;镇定的;沉着的vt.&vi.(使使)平静;平静;(使使)镇定镇定vt.涉及;关系到涉及;关系到n.关心;关注;(利害)关系关心;关注;(利害)关系adj.松的;松散的;松开的松的;松散的

6、;松开的Expressions previewadd up calm down have got to be concerned about walk the dog 合计合计平静下来;镇定下来平静下来;镇定下来不得不;必须不得不;必须关心;挂念关心;挂念遛狗遛狗add up 合计,加起来(可分开使用)合计,加起来(可分开使用)add up to 总计共达总计共达 e.g.These figures add up to fifty.addto把把加加 e.g.Will you add more sugar to your coffee?Add fuel to the fire.(火上浇油火上浇

7、油)add to 增加,增添增加,增添 e.g.What he said added to our difficulties.addupset adj.after verb be upset about由于由于心烦意乱心烦意乱 Dont be upset about the dress.be upset to do She was very upset to hear the news.be upset that(从句从句)He was very upset that you didnt reply to his letters.upset v.使使不安不安/心烦意乱心烦意乱e.g.His s

8、trange behavior upset his father.ignore+n./pron.忽视,不理会 e.g.He ignored my advice.I smiled at her but she just ignored me.calmdown/calm down冷静下来冷静下来/平平静下来静下来 e.g.Have a glass of brandyit will help to calm you down.concerned adj.be concerned about/for 担心担心/忧虑忧虑Im a bit concerned about/for your health.b

9、e concerned that Arent you concerned(that)she might tell someone?be concerned with与与有关有关as far as/so far as I am concerned就我就我而言而言Unit 1 FriendshipPeriod 2ReadingQuestions:1.Why do you need friends?reasons why friends are important to you.We need friends because we want to share.We need friends beca

10、use friends are helpful,friends are teachers.We need friends because friends are good companies,we can play basketball together.Pre-reading2.Does a friend always have to be a person?What else can be your friend?Most of our friends are human beings,but we also make friends with animals and even thing

11、s.For example,many of us have pets,and we all have favorite objects such as a lucky pen or a diary.Friendship helps us understand who we are,Friendship helps us understand who we are,why we need each other and what we can why we need each other and what we can do for each otherdo for each other.Pre-

12、readingII Fast reading1.Read the first part of the reading passage and answer these questions:Who was Annes best friend?When did the story happen?Her diary Kitty.During World War II.Skimming2.Now observe the text carefully to find out:how many parts it contains what the different parts are about how

13、 many persons are there in the text and who are theyIt contains two parts.One part is one page of Annes diary,the other one is the background knowledge about Anne and her diary.ReadingAnnes father:Otto FrankAnnes mother:Mrs.FrankAnne FrankAnnes older sister:MargotPeter,who lived with the Franks in t

14、he attic.Background:World War IIIn Nazi Germany,Jews were required to wear a yellow star of David on their clothing.Jews being rounded up by Nazi soldiers and forced to leave home.Polish Jews on their way to a Nazi death campJews in a concentration camp(集中营)(集中营)A mass graveThe remains of Jews(幸存者)(

15、幸存者)Victims of the gaschambers(毒气室)(毒气室)The HolocaustThe Holocaust(大屠杀)(大屠杀)After the German invasion(侵略侵略)of 1940,Anne was forced to leave her school.Almost right away,the Gestapo(盖世太保盖世太保)began to send thousands of Dutch resisters(反抗者反抗者)to slave labour camps in Germany.Then in February 1941 the G

16、estapo began to arrest Jews.It was at this moment that Otto Frank made plans to hide his family.They moved to Amsterdam,Netherlands Background Information 安妮安妮弗兰克的弗兰克的安妮日记安妮日记后被译成后被译成55种文字,它的文学价值得到了世界各国读种文字,它的文学价值得到了世界各国读者的认同,并被改编成电影和话剧。者的认同,并被改编成电影和话剧。安妮在自己生日那天收到了一份礼物安妮在自己生日那天收到了一份礼物一本一本日记本,并将其化名为日


18、在纳粹集中营永远地闭上了眼睛。集中营永远地闭上了眼睛。The place of the storyThe heroines(女主人(女主人公)公)full nameHer best friendThe length of time her family hid awayThe time they started to hideFill in the form below:Netherlands Anne Frank her diary-Kitty over two yearsFast readingScanningJuly 1942Fast readingJoin the correct pa

19、rts of the sentences.1.Anne kept a diary because2.She felt very lonely because3.They have to hide because4.Anne named her diary Kitty becauseA.she couldnt meet her friends.B.Jews were caught by Nazis and put away.C.she could tell everything to it.D.she wanted it to be her best friend.Fast readingRea

20、d the diary quickly to find out the main idea of the diary.Anne expressed _after hiding for a long time._kept Anne spellbound.Skimmingher feelings about natureEverything about natureCareful readingAnnes feelings as she was looking out at the night skyeager渴望的渴望的 excited 兴奋的兴奋的anxious忧虑的忧虑的sadlonelye

21、arnest认真的认真的crazycalmfrightened 恐惧的恐惧的1.be afraid of(doing)sth.to do sth.that2.laugh at3.go through4.during World War II 5.be caught by 6.hid away 7.set down=write down 8.a series of facts9.call my friend kitty 10.since July 194211.I wonder12.It isthat13.deep blue sky14.keep me spellbound15.for exam

22、ple/such as/namely16.stay awake17.on purpose18.in order to19.have a good look at20.too much/much too21.I didnt dare 22.happen to23.at dust24.not until25.in ones power26.It is the first time that27.a year and a half28.face to face29.be able to 30.Its no pleasure doingn+prep.+n heart to heart shoulder

23、 to shoulder hand inhand arm in arm back to back side by side step by step one by one 心贴心的心贴心的 肩并肩的肩并肩的 手拉手的手拉手的 臂挽臂的臂挽臂的 背靠背的背靠背的 并排的并排的 逐步的逐步的 一个接一个的一个接一个的Retelling I lived in _in the _ during _.My family were _,so we had to _ for a year and a half in order _ by the German Nazis.During that time I

24、 wasnt able to go _ for so long that I had _ about everything to _ nature.Once,I decided to look at the moon _ by myself.AmsterdamNetherlandsWorld War IIhide awayJewishnot to be caughtoutdoorsgrown so crazydo withat midnightRetelling But I didnt _ open the window to see the night _ because I was afr

25、aid of being discovered by the Nazis.I felt very _ without seeing my old friends.So I had to make a new friend-_,whom I could tell _ to.Sadly,at last my family was discovered and caught by _ sometime later.dare toface to facelonelymy diary Kittyeverythingthe German NazisI SB Exercises1.Find the word

26、 or expression for each of the following meanings from the text.1)_2)_3)_4)_5)_not inside a buildingfeeling disturbedto be worried aboutfree,not tied upto experience somethingoutdoorsupsetbe concerned aboutloosego throughSB Exercises6)_7)_8)_9)_10)_to take no notice ofstaying close to and looking at

27、 somebodyto become quiet after nervous activitypiece of material hung to cover a windownumber of things that happen one after anotherignore face to facecalm downcurtainseries Annes sister,Margot was very _ that the family had to move.However,she knew that she had got to _ all the difficulties with h

28、er family.She found it difficult go settle and _in the hiding place,because she was _ whether they would be discovered.She suffered from loneliness,but she had to learn to like it there.upsetgo throughconcerned aboutcalm down2.Complete this passage with some of the words and phrases above.SB Exercis

29、esWhat she really missed was going _ and walking the dog for her neighbour.It was such fun to watch it run _ in the park.She wished she could tell her neighbour _ that she was sorry not to be able to do it any longer,but she knew that was too dangerous!looseoutdoorsface to faceSB Exercises3.Complete

30、 the following sentences using words and expressions from the text.1)When the man saw the car accident on the highway,he stopped _ offer help.2)“How can Linda recover from her illness in this room when its so dirty and _?It will only make her worse,”said the doctor.3)After Peter died,George _ the st

31、ory of their friendship in a book.in order todustyset downSB Exercises4)When the street lights go on _,they make a beautiful picture,so different from the daytime.5)Good friends do not _what they do for each other;instead they offer help when it is needed.6)Although Tim and Mike come from _different

32、 backgrounds,they became close friends.at duskadd upentirelySB Exerciseshomework Read the text again and review the meaning and usage of the key words and phrases:do sth.on purpose;in order to;face to face;hide away;set down;a series of;go through;dare;holdin ones power;no longerListen to the tape c

33、arefully.Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation。1.嘲笑嘲笑2.经历,遭遇经历,遭遇3.躲藏躲藏4.记下流水帐记下流水帐5.对对感到狂热感到狂热6.令人令人心迷神往心迷神往7.熬夜熬夜8.故意故意9.为了为了10.好好看一看好好看一看11.碰巧碰巧12.关窗关窗13.被被的力量镇住了的力量镇住了14.一年半一年半laugh at go throughhide awayset down a series of factsbe crazy about keep sb spellboundstay awakeon purpose

34、in order to have a good look athappen to shut the windowshold sb in the power of a year and a half15.把把.加起来加起来16.得分得分17.平静下来平静下来18.不得不不得不19.对对担心担心;关心关心20.期末考试期末考试21.面对面地面对面地22.不再不再.23.与与相处相处24.在黄昏在黄昏25.对对厌烦厌烦add up get the points/scorescalm downhave got to be concerned aboutend-of-term examface to f

35、aceno longer/not any longerget along withat duskbe/get tired of Direct Speech&Indirect Speech口诀说明直接引语间接引语1、人称的变化、人称的变化一一随随主主二随宾二随宾第三第三人称人称不变不变引号内的第一人引号内的第一人称变间引后与主称变间引后与主句主语的人称保句主语的人称保持一致持一致引号内的第二人引号内的第二人称变间引后与主称变间引后与主句宾语的人称保句宾语的人称保持一致持一致引号内的第三人引号内的第三人称在变间引后人称在变间引后人称不变称不变She said,“I like Tennis.”She

36、 said that she liked tennis.He said to Lily,“you must get up early.”He told Lily that she must get up early.She said to me,“They want tohelp him.”She told me that they wanted tohelp him.一随主,二随宾,第三人称不更新一随主,二随宾,第三人称不更新直接引语直接引语 间接引语间接引语一般现在时一般现在时 一般过去时一般过去时 现在进行时现在进行时 过去进行时过去进行时一般过去时一般过去时 过去完成时过去完成时现在完

37、成时现在完成时 过去完成时过去完成时一般将来时一般将来时 过去将来时过去将来时2 2、时态的变化、时态的变化 直接引语直接引语 间接引语间接引语指示代词指示代词 时时 间间 状状 语语 地点状语地点状语 方向性动词方向性动词 this,that,these those now,then,today that day this week that week yesterday the day before last week the week before four days ago four days before the day before yesterday two days befor

38、e tomorrow the next daynext month the next month here there come,go,bring take、其他特殊变化3直接引语中的助动词直接引语中的助动词间接引语中的助动词间接引语中的助动词shallshallshouldshouldshouldshouldShouldShould(不变)(不变)willwillwouldwouldwouldwouldWouldWould(不变)(不变)maymaymightmightmightmightMightMight(不变)(不变)cancancouldcouldcouldcouldCouldCou

39、ld(不变)(不变)mustmustMust/had toMust/had to结论一结论一直接引语是陈述句直接引语是陈述句,变为间接引变为间接引语时用连词语时用连词thatthat引导宾语从句引导宾语从句.从句中的从句中的人称人称,时态时态,指示代词指示代词,时间状语时间状语,地点状语地点状语等相应变化等相应变化.She said she had been to many countries.She said she would call on you the next day.I am good at dancing.I have been to many countries.I will

40、 call on you tomorrow.I visited the Great Wall yesterday.She said she had visited the Great Wall the day before.She said she was good at dancing.结论二结论二直接引语是疑问句,变间接引语时,直接引语是疑问句,变间接引语时,要从要从疑问语序疑问语序变为变为陈述语序陈述语序。直接引语是直接引语是一般疑问句一般疑问句,变为间接引语变为间接引语时时,用连词用连词if或或whether连接。连接。直接引语是直接引语是特殊疑问句特殊疑问句,变为间接引语变为间接引语

41、时时,仍用仍用原来的疑问词原来的疑问词作连词来引导。作连词来引导。Do you like flowers?She asked me whether/if I liked flowers?结论三结论三直接引语是祈使句,变成间接引语,把直接引语是祈使句,变成间接引语,把动词原形动词原形变成变成动词不定式动词不定式,否定句否定句,在,在动词不定式前加动词不定式前加notnot或或nevernever.并根据语气的不同在动词不定前加并根据语气的不同在动词不定前加tell,tell,ask,order,beg,adviseask,order,beg,advise等动词。等动词。He ordered/to

42、ld me to be quiet!Be quiet!He ordered/told me not to make noise.Dont make noise!Follow me,please!He asked me to follow him.The teacher said,“The sun is bigger than the earth.”The teacher said that the sun is bigger than the earth.特殊特殊:直接引语若是客观真理直接引语若是客观真理,变为间变为间接引语时接引语时,时态不变时态不变.注意事项注意事项1)1)人称人称2)2)

43、时态时态 3)3)相应的时间地点状语相应的时间地点状语4)4)标点符号标点符号5)5)大小写大小写6)6)问号改为句号问号改为句号7)7)语序语序-疑问改陈述疑问改陈述8)8)宾语从句由什么引出宾语从句由什么引出9)9)祈使句要使用动词不定式祈使句要使用动词不定式 来引述来引述实战演练实战演练1.He said,“I m afraid I cant finish this work.”2.He said,“I havent heard from him since May.”He said that he was afraid he couldnt finish that work.He sa

44、id that he hadnt heard from him since May.4.“Why were you late again?”The teacher said to me.The teacher asked me why I was late again.Sarah said she didnt like swimming.5.“I dont like swimming,”said Sarah.3.Tom said“I will see you next week.”Tom said that he would see me the next week.1.The teacher

45、 said,“Dont be late,Mary.”The teacher told _.A.Mary not to be late B.Mary to be not late C.Mary are not late D.not to be late巩固提高巩固提高2.He asked her,“Where are you going?”He asked her _.A.where she were going B.where she was going to C.where she was going D.where she is going巩固提高巩固提高Try to do SB P.5

46、Ex.2 Change the sentences either into direct speech or indirect speech:1.Anne said that she didnt know the address of her new home.2.Anne told her father that she had got tired of looking at nature through dirty curtains and dusty windows.3.The girl said that she needed to pack up her things in the

47、suitcase very quickly.III Practice4.Her father asked her why she chose/had chosen her diary and old letters.5.“Are you very hot with so many clothes on?”Mother asked/said to her.6.“What else have you hidden under your overcoat?”Margot asked her.7.“When shall we go back home?”Anne asked her father.8.

48、“Why did you talk so much to that boy?”Father asked Anne.PracticeUnit1 ListeningListeningWhat would you do if you are misunderstood by others?Read the text and find out the answer to the following question.What was upsetting Lisa?She was understood by others to have fallen in love with a boy.Miss Wa

49、ng wrote a letter back and gave Lisa some advice.Please listen to the tape and see what advice Miss Wang gave her.Listen to the tape and answer the following question.Does Miss Wang advise Lisa to end the friendship with the boy?No.She advises her to ignore the gossiping classmates.Its possible for

50、a boy and a girl to be just good friends.1.There is nothing wrong with you and this boy _ friends and _ together.2._ your friendship with this boy would be a _ thing to do.3.Teenagers like to _,and they often see something that isnt real.4.My advice is to _ your classmates.That way you will _ them t


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