1、2.Etiology,unclear(1)smoking(2)drinking(3)air containtment(4)virus infection HPV(5)hormone(6)pre-malignant leisions(癌前病变)papilloma of the larynx(喉乳头状瘤)leukoplakia of the larynx(喉白班病)正正 常常 喉喉 部部Multiple papillomas of the larynxPapillomatosis of the larynxPapilloma of the larynxPapilloma of the larynx
2、 and tracheaLeukoplakia with dysplasia of the vocal cords Chronic parakeratotic laryngitis Carcinoma of the epiglottisAdvanced squamous cell carcinoma of the larynxCarcinoma in situ of the left vocal cordCarcinoma of the anterior glottisSquamous cell carcinoma of thearyepiglottic fold and piriform sinus