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1、2015年6月大学英语四级作文真题?Directions:For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled On Excessive Packagingfollowing the outline below.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.?1.目前许多商品存在过度包装的现象?2.出现这一现象的原因?3.我对这一现象的看法和建议?大纲要求:写作大纲要求:写作(writing)部分是测试学生部分是测试学生用英


3、词写下,以确保作文不离题。?vary:作文的句子要多变。要在练习中敢于尝试使用新的句型和词汇表达。?revise:作文最后定稿前,至少改三遍。第一遍自己改,第二遍请班上两名同学帮改,第三遍重新检查,抄正后再交给老师。观点对比选择型议观点对比选择型议论文写作训练论文写作训练Learning Objective?Evaluate two points of view and choose which one you agree with.?Practice writing an introduction,body paragraph and a conclusion.?Writing practi

4、ce?要求从正反两方面对某一事物加以论述。这类议论文有其固定的模式,如就某一事物或现象给出两种完全对立的观点,然后再摆出自己的看法;或是先说明某一事物的重要性,积极因素,然后再说明该事物的危害性、消极因素等。极因素等。?观点1+观点2+个人观点?描述现象描述现象+观点观点1、2(积极性、消极性)(积极性、消极性)+个人观点对比选择型对比选择型(正反两点论式正反两点论式)议论文议论文历年四级作文?20015年年12月月?Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists?1.名校校园正成为旅游新热点名校校园正成为旅游新热点(描写现象)2.校园是否应对

5、游客开放,人们看法不同校园是否应对游客开放,人们看法不同(观点1+观点2)3.我认为我认为(个人观点)历年四级作文?20014年12月?On the Spring Festival Gala1、许多人喜欢看cctv 春节晚会(现象+观点1)2、但有的人认为应该取消(观点2)3、你的看法(个人观点)历年四级作文?20013年6月?Recreational Activities1.娱乐活动多种多样娱乐活动多种多样(描写现象)2.娱乐可能使人们受益,也可能有危害性(积极性+消极性)3.作为大学生,我的看法(个人观点)?例题一:?My View On Job-hopping?有些人喜欢始终从事一种工作

6、,因为?有些人喜欢经常更换工作,因为?我的看法对比选择型对比选择型(正反两点论式正反两点论式)作文分析作文分析1Paragraph 1:introductionMy View on Job-hopping?Everyones attitude toward job-hopping is different.Some people think they will do one job until retirement.They often say something like this:Take up one thing,like it and be good at it.(引用法)These

7、people think that only when they are absorbed in one job can they do it well.(半倒装句型)?第一段:第一句首先概括主题现象。本段第二句为主题句,第三、四句通过引用某类人的观点,对主题句进行解释或者说明。?By contrast,other people like to change jobs from time to time.In their opinion,the aim of doing a job is only to get more money.So when they have a chance to

8、get a better-paid job certainly they ought to seize the chance.?第二段:段首句为主题句,中心思想是“like to change jobs from time to time”;第二、三句为发展句。在对第一、二段进行衔接时,文章使用了信号词“By contrast”。Paragraph 2:bodyParagraph 3:conclusion?My view on job-hopping falls between the two viewpoints expressed above.I think if I have a job

9、 that really suits me,Ill do it all my life.No other job can attract me no matter what the benefits may be.But if I dont get a suitable job,Ill change it until I find something satisfactory.In a word,I want to find a job that suits me;money and other things are not under consideration.?第三段:谈论“我的看法”时

10、,作者并没有单纯倾向于哪一种观点。段首句中作者首先解释:我的观点介于两者之间;之后,又在发展句中对其态度作了进一步说明。point 1point 2Your viewFurther explanation(reason)Summary(restate)Further explanation(reason)Further explanation(reason)?例题二:?Private Cars:Good Or Evil?1.有人认为我们应积极推广私人汽车有人认为我们应积极推广私人汽车?2.有人认为我们不应推广私人汽车有人认为我们不应推广私人汽车?3.你的看法你的看法?Private Cars:

11、Good or Evil?With the improvement of peoples living standard,some people have bought cars of their own,and others are planning to buy cars.(用一到两个句子描写现象,不要过度描写)。There is a general discussion nowadays aboutthe good or evil effects private cars may bring us.To this problem,different people hold differe

12、nt views.?开头段:段落第一句为概述,通过具体的现象引起读者的共鸣。第三句为论点,论点的主题:“different views”。Paragraph 1:introduction?Those who favor private cars maintainthat private cars are highly desirable for obvious reasons.(主题句)In the big cities of China,buses are often crowded and slow,especially during rush hours.If there are mor

13、e private cars,people can get around easily.Besides,by driving cars,they might be well protected from the bad weather,and cover long distances rapidly and pleasantly.(分论点;举例)?主体段:主题句为第一句。中心思想是“obvious reasons”;发展句中,作者运用了公共汽车拥挤和小汽车的种种便利这两个事实,对中心思想进行说明。Paragraph 2:body part?However,there are three chi

14、ef reasons for those people who are against cars.(主题句)First,cars are the main cause of traffic accident.(分论点)Thousands upon thousands of people have been killed or injured by car accidents all over the world.(举例)Second,car owners have to pay vast sums for road tax and other fees every year.This is a

15、 big drain on their resources.Finally,private car owners in China may have all kinds of trouble,such as getting a driving license and finding a parking lot.(举例)Paragraph 2:body part?As to me,the latter opinion is more acceptable.Although cars have so many obvious benefits,they are too luxurious for

16、the overwhelming majority of Chinese people to own them.Therefore,we may say that it is still early at present for the popularization of private ears in our country.?结尾段:本段中,作者先在第二句话介绍了原因,第三句话阐述了作者的具体观点 普及轿车为时尚早。Paragraph 3:conclusionpoint 1point 2Your viewGeneral statement(describe the phenomenon)F

17、urther explanation(example+reason)SummaryFurther explanation(example)Further explanation(reason)小结?一篇好的作文首先要有好的结构(写提纲,不离题)不离题)?句子、段落之间合理使用连接词?句子主题句明显?说理之后要举例丰富说理之后要举例丰富?恰当地使用特殊的句式(强调句、倒装句、条件状语从句)?争取在文章中要有一到三个亮点。(词汇、词组、句型)词组、句型)?在写作正反两点论式文章时,我们可以借助以下句型:下句型:?1.When asked about.,quite a few/many/most/t

18、he vast majority of people think/believe that.?But other people regard/see/view/think of.as.?I think quite/a bit differently.?2.When it comes to.,some people think/believe that.?Others argue/claimthat the opposite/reverse is true.?There is probably some truth in both arguments/statements,but I think

19、.?在写作正反两点论式文章时,我们可以借助以下句型:句型:?3.There is a public debate/discussion/controversy today/nowadays on/about/over the problem/issue of.?Those who criticize/oppose/object to.contend/argue that.They believe that.?But people who advocate/favor.,on the other hand,maintain/assert that.?4.Now a lot of/many/the

20、 majority of/most people believe/think/feel that.?Admittedly,there is no/little evidence that结尾段常用引出结尾段常用引出“我我”的个人观点的句型:的个人观点的句型:?As far as I am concerned,I agree with?就我而言,我支持?As to me,the former/latter opinion is more acceptable.?对我来说,前/后一种观点更可以接受。?For my part,I am on the side of?对我来说,我站在那边。?As I

21、see it,?就我看来?From my perspective,I?就我而言,我?两者都对两者都对?In my opinion,both sides are partly right,we should take into consideration all aspects of the problem,and then make the right decision.?同意一方同意一方?Personally,I am on the side of the former(latter)argument.?I stand on the side of the former(latter).?I

22、s It Good for Colleges Students to Have Part-time Jobs?大学生打工的好处?大学生打工的害处大学生打工的害处?你的观点Writing Practice?题目一:?My View on Studying Abroad?国外学习是发展的最佳途径;?国内学习也能施展才能;?你的观点。Writing Practice?题目二:?My View on the Micro-blog?微博的好处;?微博的弊端;?你对微博的看法写作要求?“Is It Good for Colleges Students to Have Part-time Jobs”为必写题目。?然后在“My View on Studying Abroad”和“My View on the Micro-blog”两个题目中选其中一个为拓展题目。?每篇作文都是120字左右,都必须是三段式,请使用课上讲过的文章结构,万用模板。


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