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1、 The fridge is considered a necessity(必需品).It has been so since the 1960s when packaged food first appeared with the label:store in the refrigerator.In my fridgeless Fifties childhood,I was fed well and healthily.The milkman came daily,the grocer,the butcher(肉商),the baker,and the icecream man delive

2、red two or three times a week.The Sunday meat would last until Wednesday and surpluss:pls(剩余的)bread and milk became all kinds of cakes.Nothing was wasted,and we were never troubled by rotten food.Thirty years on,food deliveries have ceasedsi:s(停(停止)止),fresh vegetables are almost unobtainable nbteinb

3、l (无法得(无法得到的,难获得的到的,难获得的)in the country.The invention of the fridge contributed comparatively kmprtivli(相对的)little to the art of food preservation.A vast way of welltried technique already existednatural cooling,drying,smoking,salting,sugaring,bottlingv What refrigerator did promote was marketing-ma

4、rketing hardware五金器具五金器具 and electricity,marketing soft drinks,marketing dead bodies of animals around the globe in search of a good price.2022-12-24 Consequently,most of the worlds fridges are to be found,not in the tropics where they might prove useful,but in the wealthy countries with mild temper

5、atures where they are climatically klaimetikli(气候上,气候上,风土上风土上)almost unnecessary.Every winter,millions of fridges hum嗡嗡 away continuously,and at vast expense,busily maintaining an artificially.:tifili 人工地,人为地cooled space inside an artificiallyheated house-while outside,nature provides the desired te

6、mperature free of charge.The fridges effect upon the environment has been evidentevidnt(明白的,明显的),while its contribution to human happiness has been insignificantinsignifiknt;(无关紧要的,可忽略的)If you dont believe me,try it yourself,invest in a food cabinet and turn off your fridge next winter.You may miss

7、the hamburgers,but at least youll get rid of that terrible hum.(end)choose the best answer marked A.B.C or D(无标准答案,请自由发挥)Who benefited the least from fridges according to the author?().A.Inventors B.Consumers C.Manufacturers D.Traveling salesmenThe statement In my fridgeless Fifties childhood,I was

8、fed well and healthily.suggests that().A.the author was well-fed and healthy even without a fridge in his fifties B.the author was not used to using fridges even in the fifties C.there was no fridge in the authors home in the 1950s D.the fridge was in its early stage of development in the 1950s Whats the authors overall attitude toward fridges?().A.Neutral (中立的)(中立的)B.Critical (批判的)(批判的)C.Objective (不带偏见的)(不带偏见的)D.Compromising(折衷,妥协的)(折衷,妥协的)endend


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