新人教版七年级英语上册 Unit 7 How much are these socks知识点总结(单元)总结 .doc

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新人教版七年级英语上册 Unit 7 How much are these socks知识点总结(单元)总结 .doc_第1页
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新人教版七年级英语上册 Unit 7 How much are these socks知识点总结(单元)总结 .doc_第5页
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1、【 精品教育资源文库 】 Unit 7 How much are these socks 知识点总结 单元目标: 1. Learn to ask about prices . 学习询问物品价格。 2. Learn to talk about clothing . 学习谈论衣物,例如颜色、大小等。 3. Thank someone and answer it . 感谢某人和对感谢的回答。 4. Learn items of clothing . 学习衣物的名称。 主要句型: 1. How much is the blue shirt ? Its eighteen dollars . 2. Ho

2、w much is this / that white cap ? Its 2 dollars . 3. How much are these / those trousers ? Theyre 12 dollars . 4. Let me see . 5. Can I help you ? Yes , please . I want ? . 6. What color do you want ? Blue . 7. Ill take it / them . Ill buy it / them. 8. Youre welcome . 主要词汇: how much , trousers , so

3、cks , T shirt , shirt , shorts , sweater , shoes , dollar , color , black , white , red , green , blue , big , short , long , clerk , help , want , clothing , store , sale , time , year , again , fantastic , price , cheap , each , just , 【 精品教育资源文库 】 come , yourself , cool , buy , sell , clothes ,

4、ask , which , numbers 10 30. 重点、难 点: 1. Learn to ask about prices . 学习询问物品价格 询问物品的价格,要用 How much is / are ? ? 例如: ( 1) How much is the hat ? 那顶帽子多少钱? Its six dollars . ( 2) How much are these shorts ? 这条短裤多少钱? Theyre 3 dollars . ( 3) How much is the red sweater ? 那件红毛衣多少钱? Its twelve dollars . ( 4)

5、How much are those trousers ? 那条裤子多少钱? They are thirteen dollars . 2. how much “ 多少 ” ( 1) how much 用来询问物品价格。 How much is it ? 那东西多少钱? ( 2) how much 还可用来询问数量多少,但后面多跟不可数名词。 a. How much milk do you have every day ? 每天你喝多少牛奶? b. How much chocolate do you want to buy ? 你想要多少巧克力? ( 3) how much 还可用来询问程度的深

6、浅。 How much do you love your school ? 你多么热爱你的学校? 3. socks , shorts , trousers , shoes 这四个词通常是以复数的形式 出现。 socks 袜子(两只) 【 精品教育资源文库 】 shorts 短裤, short 就没有 “ 短裤 ” 的意思。 shoes 鞋子(两只) trousers 裤子 pant 就没有 “ 裤子 ” 的意思。 因此在询问价格时,我们说 *另外,当我要表达一双袜子,一条裤子等时, We say a pair of socks a pair of shorts a pair of shoes

7、 a pair of trousers 注意:当提问 a pair of socks / shorts / ? 多少钱时,我们说 How much is a pair of socks ? Its ?. 4. colors 颜色 black , white , blue , brown (棕色的) , green , pink (粉红) , purple (紫色) , yellow , grey (灰色)。 5. Ask about the colors . 询问物品的颜色。 What color is your hat ? 你的帽子是什么颜色? White . 白色。 What color

8、do you want ? 你想要什么颜色? Purple . 紫色。 6. Can I help you ? Yes , please . I want ?. 这是典型的在商店中购物时说的交际用语。 Can I help you ? 您想买什么吗? /您需要什么服务吗? Yes , please . “ 是的,请。 ” 也是非常礼貌地回答 。 另外,在各种服务场所,工作人员都要对顾客说 【 精品教育资源文库 】 Can I help you ? / May I help you ? 有时也可说 What can I do for you ? 7. Ill take it . Thank y

9、ou . Youre welcome . ( 1) Ill take it . “ 我要买这件东西 ” Ill take them . 有时,根据物品的不同,也可能用 them. 同样,我们决定买东西 时,也可以说: Ill buy it / them . ( 2) Thank you . 表示对服务人员的工作表示感谢。 也可说 Thanks ! ( 3) Youre welcome . 别客气。是对 thank you 的回答。 例如: a. Thank you for your help . Youre welcome . b. Thanks for your watch . Youre

10、welcome . 8. You name it , we have it , at a very good price . name 这里意思是 “ 说出 ? 的名字 ” at 这里意思是 “ 以 ?” at a very good price “ 以一个非常优惠的价格。 ” at ¥ 50 each . 9. We have sweaters in all colors at ¥ 50 each . 我们有 50 元一件的各种颜色的毛衣。 We have T-shirts in red green and black . 我们有红色、绿色、黑色的 T-shirts . 注意:在表示颜色的词

11、前要用介词 in 表示 “? 颜色的 ” 例如: Look at the lady in white . 【 精品教育资源文库 】 看那个穿白色衣服的女士。 have a look at ? 看一看 ? May I have a look at your new dictionary ? Have a look at yourself . Let me have a look at your photo . 11. Culture . In some parts of the world , salespeople greet and work with several customers

12、at the same time . In the United States , however , salespeople usually work with only one customer at one time . When you approach a salesperson whos helping another customer , its considered impolite to interrupt their conversation . 在一些地方,售货员同时可以应对数名顾客。然而,在美国售货员通常每次只照应一名顾客。当售货员正在和另一名顾客交谈时,去打断他们的对话被视为非常不礼貌的。因此,大家以后要注意自己的行为,做一个举止礼貌,素质高的公民。


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