人教版九年级全册英语课件:Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are Section A.ppt

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1、Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 课前预习 Section A 一、重点单词一、重点单词 1. _ (美)洗手间;公共厕所 2. _ 邮票;印章 3. _ 书店 4. _ 在旁边;在附近 5. _ 明信片 6. _ 原谅;请再说一遍 restroom stamp bookstore beside postcard pardon 7. _ 浴室;洗手间 8. _ 通常;正常情况下 9. _ 仓促;急促 10. _ 建议;提议 11. _ 葡萄 12. _ 中心的;中央的 13. _ 附近的;邻近的;在附近;附近 14

2、. _ 邮寄;发电子邮件;邮件;信件 15. _ 东方的;东部的;向东;朝东;东;东方 bathroom normally rush suggest grape central nearby mail east 二、重点短语二、重点短语 1. _ _ 吃晚餐;吃正餐 2. a _ _ 一双;一副;一对 3. go _ 沿着走 4. _ your _ 在右边 5. _ _ 向左转 6. _ the _ 在银行旁边 7. _._. 在和之间 8. _ _ _ 经过 have/eat dinner pair of along on right turn left beside bank betwee

3、n and go past/pass by 9. _ _ way to. 在某人去的路上 10. _ that_ 在那时 11. _ _ table占位置 12.something _ _ 一些吃的东西 13. _ _ 抱歉;对不起 14. _ restaurant附近的餐馆 15. _ a _ 邮寄一封信 16. _ _ 购物中心 on ones at time get a to eat pardon me nearby post letter shopping center 名师点津 【1 1】Sure, just Sure, just go alonggo along Main Stre

4、et Main Street untiluntil you pass you pass Center Street. Center Street. 当然,就沿着主街向前走,一直到你经过中当然,就沿着主街向前走,一直到你经过中 心大街。心大街。 【知识点】 go along与until的用法。 【讲解1】 go along意为“沿着前行”,多指沿着街道、河 边或堤坝等向前走,为指路常用语。类似的有go down“沿 着(向下)前行”,但其多指向低处走,或向郊区走。 【举例】 Go along the main street and youll find a clothes shop at the

5、 end. 沿着大街前行,在尽头可以找到一家服装 店。 【讲解2】 until和 till同义,意为“直到”,till多用于口 语,until可以放在句首,till则不能放在句首。 until用于否定句中,构成not.until,意为“直到 才” ,表示直到某一时间止某一行为才发生, 之前该行为并 没有发生。此时主句的谓语动词往往为瞬间动词。 【举例】 They worked until late into the night. 他们一直工 作到深夜。 Dont get off the bus until it stops. 在车停下来之前不 要下车。 【学以致用学以致用】 根据汉语意思完成句

6、子 1. 沿着街道直走,我们学校就在左手边。 Walk straight_ the street, our school is _ the left. 2. 我们昨晚一直等他到10点。 We _ for him until ten oclock last night. 3. 直到上月底雨才停下来。 It _ raining until the end of last month. along on waited didnt stop 【2 2】The bookstore is on your rightThe bookstore is on your right, besidebeside t

7、he the bank. bank. 书店在你的右边,在银行旁边。书店在你的右边,在银行旁边。 【知识点】 介词beside。 【讲解】 beside prep. 意为“在旁边;在附近”。 by和beside均表示“在旁边”, 常可互换。 next to “与邻接的;其次的”。 near “不远的; 接近的”, 指空间或时间上的接近。 【举例】 The new house lies beside/by the lake. 新房子坐 落于湖旁。 The shop is next to the school. 商店与学校相邻。 Well see each other in the near fut

8、ure. 在不久的将 来我们会见面的。 My aunt lives quite near. 我阿姨住得相当近。 【学以致用学以致用】 1. Put your shoes besides mine. (改错) _ ( )2. In the picture, the chair is _ the table. (2015南京) A. under B. on C. above D. beside besidesbeside D 【3 3】Go pastGo past the bookstore. the bookstore. 经过书店。经过书店。 【知识点】 go past的用法。 【讲解】 go

9、past意为“经过;路过 (某个地方)”, 可以用 pass 替换,在意义上相当于pass by。 【举例】 I passed/went past the flower store every day. 我(当时)每天都从花店经过。 【熟记】 go along/down. until. 沿着走直到 pass/go past. 路过;经过 go through. 穿过 cross/go across. 横过 go straight ahead径直朝前走 【学以致用学以致用】 根据汉语意思完成句子 1. 沿着这条街走, 一直走到银行为止。 Go _ this street _ you come t

10、o a bank. along/down until 2. 游过这条河, 你就到山脚下了。 Youll reach the foot of the mountain when you swim _ the river. 3. 太晚了, 我认为我们今晚没法穿过丛林了。 It is too late. I dont think we can walk_ the jungle tonight. ( )4. Would you please tell me the way to the Pacific Hotel? Go _ the post office, and you will find it

11、on the left. (2014烟台) A. pass B. past C. to pass D. passed across through B 【4】 Pardon? Restroom? You want to rest? But we havent even started yet!什么?休息室?你想要休息什么?休息室?你想要休息 吗?但我们甚至还没开始呢!吗?但我们甚至还没开始呢! 【知识点】 pardon的用法。 【讲解】 pardon interj. 意为“请再说一遍;抱歉;对不 起”。pardon/pardon me/I beg your pardon 意为“什么, 请再说一

12、遍”,用于未听清对方说话请对方再说一遍。 相似句型: excuse me “请原谅;对不起”,用于引起注意、 请求许可、打断谈话等, 通常用在事先。 sorry/Im sorry “对不起”,表难过、致歉、遗憾,通 常用在事后。 【举例】 Pardon me, but this is my coat. 对不起, 这是 我的外套。 Excuse me, can you tell me where the post office is? 打扰一下, 你能告诉我邮局在哪里吗? Im sorry, but you cant bring your dog here. 不 好意思, 这里不允许带狗来。 【

13、学以致用学以致用】 1. 我吃过晚餐了。 什么? 我说我已经吃过晚餐了。(汉译英) Ive already eaten supper. _? I said I had already eaten supper. ( )2. Dont smoke here, please. _. (2014宜宾) A. I dont B. Sorry, I wont C. No way D. I will Pardon(me)/I beg your pardon B 【5 5】I was scared at first, but shouting I was scared at first, but shout

14、ing diddid help. help. 我开始感到害怕,但大声喊叫确实有帮助。我开始感到害怕,但大声喊叫确实有帮助。 【知识点】 助动词do对谓语动词表强调。 【讲解】 此句相当于I was scared at first, but shouting really helped. 原句是一种表现强调的句式,英语中,可用 助动词do对谓语动词进行强调,构成强调句。 【举例】 I do love you. 我真的爱你。 I did make a phone call last night. 我昨晚真的打了电 话。 【学以致用学以致用】 他的演讲的确很精彩。(根据汉语意思完成句子) He _

15、make a wonderful speech. did 【6 6】I suggest Water City Restaurant in Water World. 我建议(去)水上世界的水城餐厅。我建议(去)水上世界的水城餐厅。 【知识点】 suggest的用法。 【讲解】 suggest vt. 意为“建议;提议”,后可接名词、 代词、动名词或宾语从句 (that从句用should动词原形, should可以省略), 其同义词为advise。 suggest的名词形式为suggestion,意为“建议;意 见”, 既可作可数名词又可作不可数名词,其同义词 advice为不可数名词。 【举例】

16、 I suggested a way out to her. 我向她提出一个解 决问题的办法。 I suggested going home. 我建议回家。 I suggested that we (should) go home. 我建议我们回 家。 What a terrible suggestion!/What terrible advice! 多么糟糕的建议! 【熟记】 suggest doing sth. 建议做某事 suggest that sb. (should) do sth. 建议某人做某事 a suggestion/a piece of advice 一条建议 some s

17、uggestions/some advice 一些建议 【学以致用学以致用】 1. He suggested to leave earlier. (改错) _ 2. 她建议我买部电脑。(根据汉语意思完成句子) She suggested that I _ _ a computer. ( )3. My teacher gave me much _ on how to study English well when I had some trouble. (2014菏泽) A. advice B. question C. suggestion D. problem to leaveleaving

18、(should) buy A 【7 7】On their way to Water City Restaurant, Alice and He Wei pass by Uncle Bobs. 在他们去水城餐在他们去水城餐 厅的路上,爱丽丝和何伟路过了鲍勃叔叔的餐厅。厅的路上,爱丽丝和何伟路过了鲍勃叔叔的餐厅。 【知识点】 on ones way (to).,pass by和s所有格后的 名词省略现象。 【讲解1】 on ones/the way (to). 意为“在(某人)去 的路上”,当接地点副词作宾语时to被省略。 【举例】 On the way to school, I met my u

19、ncle. And on my way home, I saw him again. 在我去上学的路上,我遇见了 我叔叔。在回家的路上,我又看到了他。 【讲解2】 pass by,意为“路过;经过”,意义上接近于 pass,go past。 【举例】 I saw her pass by my home every day. 我每天都看 到她路过我家。 Uncle Bobs=Uncle Bobs restaurant, 当s所有格后 接的名词指商店、医院、豪宅等地点时,该名词常被省略。 at the bakers=at the bakers house在面包店;at the doctors=at

20、 the doctors clinic在诊所 【熟记】 on ones/the way (to). 在去的路上 by the way顺便说一下 in a way在某种程度上 in the way挡道;妨碍 in this way这样;通过这种方法 lose ones way迷路 【学以致用学以致用】 用on the way, in a way, by the way填空 1. _ from Athens to London, the plane stopped at Rome. 2. _, hes an honest person. 3. _, where is John Cone? On t

21、he way In a way By the way 【8 8】Excuse me, could you please tell me where the nearest bank? 打扰一下,请您告诉我最近的银行在哪里好打扰一下,请您告诉我最近的银行在哪里好 吗?吗? 【知识点】 Could you please+do?和问路的句型。 【讲解】 在“Could you please+动词原形?”句型中, could是情态动词,且作动词原形,是委婉语气,表请求帮助 或允许,其后接动词原形。该句型的否定式为Could you please not do.?类似用法的句型还有Would you p

22、lease do.? 【举例】 Jane, could you please clean your bedroom floor? 简,你可以把卧室地板打扫干净吗? Sure, Mom. 当然可以,妈妈。 Could you please do some grocery shopping? 你可 以(帮着)买点杂货吗? Sorry, I cant. I have to do my homework. 对不起, 我不能。我得做家庭作业。 Excuse me, sir, could you please not smoke here? 打扰一下,先生,您能不在这里吸烟吗? Sorry, I wont

23、 next time. 对不起,我下次不会了。 【熟记】 常见的问路的句型: Excuse me, where is.? Excuse me, how can I get to.? Excuse me, which is the way to.? Excuse me, can/could you tell me how I can get to.? Excuse me, can/could you tell me how to get to.? Excuse me, can/could you tell me the way to.? 【学以致用】 ( )1. Mr. Wang, can yo

24、u tell me _? _http:/www. gsedu. gov. cn_ will help you. (2015武威) A. what I can do to help you B. where can I get my score for this examination C. why I need some help D. where I can search for the information about education in our province ( )2. Could you tell me _? You can take the No.1 bus.(2014黔

25、西南州) A. how can we get to Xingyi Airport B. how we can get to Xingyi Airport C. how do we get to Xingyi Airport D. how we got to Xingyi Airport D B 3. 你五岁的时候就会弹吉他了? 是的,我能。(根据汉语意思完成句子) _ you play the guitar at the age of five? Yes, I _. Could could 语篇理解 【1】阅读教材阅读教材P19-3a课文课文“Fun Times ParkAlways a Fu

26、n Time!”, 判断下列句子的正判断下列句子的正 (T) 误误 (F) 1. Alice shouted a lot during the ride because she was just so excited. ( ) 2. Water World is a fast food place which serves delicious hamburgers and hot dogs. ( ) 3. Uncle Bobs is an interesting restaurant in Animal World. ( ) 4. The band plays in the restauran

27、t every evening. ( ) 5. Sometimes people have difficulty getting a table at Uncle Bobs if they arrive late. ( ) F T F F T 【2 2】再仔细阅读文章再仔细阅读文章, , 选出下列各题的最佳选项选出下列各题的最佳选项 ( )1. The sentence “You never know until you try something” in the dialogue means “_”. A. Whatever it is, trying is the most importa

28、nt B. Theres no use trying even if youre brave enough C. You get to know something before you give it a try D. Never try anything when you have no idea about it A ( )2. The reason He Wei suggests a fast food place is because_. A. theres only fast food served in the neighborhood B. Alice feels hungry

29、 and wants to get some good food quickly C. therere rock bands playing music in fast food places there D. its the best choice because its the nearest ( )3. Why is Fun Times Park always fun? A. Rides there are great fun though a little scary sometimes. B. Some restaurants there serve tasty food. C. O

30、ne can even enjoy music there while having dinner. D. All of the above. B D 【3 3】本课时主要短语串联应用本课时主要短语串联应用 (用方框内短语的适当形(用方框内短语的适当形 式填空)式填空) something to eat, suggest doing, a litter earlier, not.until, walk up to, pardon me, on ones way to, pass by, it seems that, have fun doing We always believe that n

31、ature is full of wonders. Thats why we are trying to close to it. This Spring Festival, we 1._ great_ traveling around in the country. had fun This morning, my family finished our breakfast 2._ than usual because we decided to go climbing and my dad 3._ on foot. We started at 8:30. 4._ the foot of t

32、he mountain, we 5._ some beautiful large field with various kinds of colorful wild flowers blossoming in it. 6._ spring has already come and everything outside looks fresh and green. We felt so excited and within less than one hour, we reached the bottom of the mountain. Without any stop, we went on

33、 and began climbing up. There, we saw pure and clear water winding joyfullythrough the streams and birds singing beautifully in the trees. Time passed quickly, about 2 hours later, we got to halfway up the mountain. a little earlier suggested going On our way to passed by It seems that It was almost

34、 midday and we felt like 7._. Luckily, there are some restaurants there, so my cousin 8._ a nearby one and politely asked, “9._, is your restaurant open today? Are there any rooms in your restaurant?” “Lucky you!Theres one last room available, and you can dine(用餐) here,” replied the restaurant owner

35、. The food there was fresh and delicious. Everyone ate a lot. After lunch, we went on climbing up until we arrived at the top. We screamed, shouted and took lots of photos there. We 10._ get back home_ 7:00 p.m. What an exciting day! something to eat walked up to Pardon me didnt until 语法聚焦 宾语从句(宾语从句

36、() 本单元将重点学习如何将特殊疑问句变为宾语从句。 一般情况下, 特殊疑问句变为宾语从句时只需将原来的疑问 词作为引导词并改为陈述语序即可。将Whats wrong?/Whats the matter?/Whats the trouble? 等句子 改为宾语从句时通常保持原来的语序, 因为what此时本身作 主语。如: Where is the restaurant?Could you please tell me where the restaurant is? 请你告诉我餐馆在哪里,好 吗? Whats the matter with her?Did you know what was

37、the matter with her? 你知道她怎么了吗? 当主句的谓语动词是wonder, know, tell, remember, forget等, 且主句主语与从句主语一致时, 可简化为“疑问词+ 不定式”的结构。 主句谓语动词是tell, ask, show, teach等, 且后带双宾语, 从句主语和间接宾语一致时, 也可简化为“疑问词+不定式” 的结构。 如: How can I close the window? She wonders how she can close the window. 简化:She wonders how to close the window.

38、她想知道 她怎样能关上窗户。 What should I say?Could you tell me what I should say? 简化:Could you tell me what to say? 你能告诉我我该说 什么吗? 宾语从句有几个特例,如: I dont know if Jeremy will come. 我不知道杰里米是否 会来。(if引导宾语从句) If he comes, hell let me know. 如果他来了, 他会告 诉我的。(if引导条件句) The teacher told us (that) light travels faster than sou

39、nd. 老师告诉我们光的传播速度比声音快。(客观真理) She isns here. /I think. I dont think she is here. 我认为她不在这里。(否定前置) 口诀:宾语从句三要素:时态、语序、引导词。口诀:宾语从句三要素:时态、语序、引导词。 主从时态常一致,陈述语序才合适;主从时态常一致,陈述语序才合适; 一般问句作从句,引导词一般问句作从句,引导词if莫忘记;莫忘记; 特殊问句作宾从,特殊问词就可以;特殊问句作宾从,特殊问词就可以; 特殊情况特殊记,勤思多练没问题。特殊情况特殊记,勤思多练没问题。 【学以致用】【学以致用】 一、合并为一个复合句 1. How

40、 can I get to Tsinghua University?/Could you please tell me? _ _ 2. Why is he late?/She asked us. _ 3. The earth goes around the sun./Jason told his students. _ _ Could you please tell me how I can get to Tsinghua University? She asked us why he was late. Jason told his students (that) the earth goe

41、s around the sun. 二、同义句改写 1. Mark knew how he could get to the Main Street. Mark knew _. 2. Please show Mary where to get a dictionary. Please show Mary _. 3. I wondered what I should do next. I wondered _. how to get to the Main Street where she can get a dictionary what to do next 三、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1

42、. It will be hard for us to get up in the morning if we _(go) to bed too late. 2. We dont know if he _ (be) happy to see us again. 3. Do you know if she _ (come) to visit us? I think she will come if she _ (not be) busy tomorrow. go will be will come isnt 四、单项填空 ( )1. Do you know _? Yes. Its on your

43、 table. (2015三亚) A. where my dictionary is B. where is my dictionary C. when I bought my dictionary ( )2. I wonder _. Yes, of course. (2015德州) A. where we can buy the parts B. how often you hear form your sister C. if I may have a word with you D. why he arrived late yesterday A C ( )3. I have some

44、tickets for the basketball match. I wonder _. (2014河北) A. where you buy the tickets B. why you like to go there C. if youd like to come along D. when you watch the match ( )4. The teacher is already standing here. Do you know when she _? (2014河北) A. comes B. came C. is coming D. was coming ( )5. Could you tell me _a meeting in Guangzhou next week? A. if there was going to be B. if there is going to be C. whether is there going to be D. whether there is going to have C B B


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