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1、【 精品教育资源文库 】 Unit 1 Cultural relics 重点单词 1 rare adj.稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的 2 fancyadj.奇特的;异样的 vt.想象;设想;爱好 3 style n风格;风度;类型 4 remove vt.移动;搬开 5 mystery n神秘;神秘的事物 6 worth prep.值得的;相当于 ? 的价值 n价值;作用 7 local adj.本地的;当地的 8 apart adv.分离地;分别地 9 prove vt.证明;证实 linkv.证明是;结果是 10 sink vi.下沉;沉下 11 debate n 用作形容词时,意为 “ 花哨

2、的;别致的 ” 。 Fancy spending a few days in here! 在这儿待几天多好! “It is easy to spot pretty girls because they have big earrings, fancy dresses and all the jewelry, ” he writes in Chapter Three. “ 美女不 难辨认,因为她们戴着大耳环,穿着花哨并且浑身珠宝。 ” 他在第三章中写道。 4prove vt.证明;证实 linkv.证明是;结果是 For example, it can be proved that China

3、has more people than any other country in the world.(教材 P5) 例如,据证实中国比世界上任何国家的人口都多。 【 精品教育资源文库 】 (1)prove (vt.)? sth to sb向某人证明某事n./pron. ?to be? n./adj.证明 ? 是 ?that? 证明 ?(2)prove (linkv.)( to be) n./adj.? 证明是 ? Just give me a chance and Ill prove it to you. 给我一个机会,我会证明给你看。 【注意】表示 “ 向某人证明某事 ” 时应该用 p

4、rove sth to sb,而不能用 prove sb sth。 As time went on, Einsteins theory proved (to be) correct. 随着时间的推移,爱因斯坦的理论被证实是正确的。 1in search of 寻找 IN SEARCH OF THE AMBER ROOM (教材 P1) 寻找琥珀屋 (1)in ones search for in search of 寻找;搜寻 (2)search? sth/sb搜查某物 /搜身for look for寻找?for 为找到 ? 而搜查 ?She moved to London in search

5、 of fame and fortune. 她为了追逐名利,搬迁到了伦敦。 Investigators continue to search for the cause of the outburst. 调查人员继续寻找爆炸的原因。 We searched every room for the missing papers. 为了找到丢失的文件,我们搜查了每一个房间。 2belong to (财产 )属于 ? 所有;归属;为 ? 的一员 However, the next King of Prussia, Frederick William , to whom the amber room b

6、elonged, decided not to keep it.(教材 P1 2) 然而,下一位普鲁士国王、这个琥珀屋的主人腓特烈 威廉一世却决定不要它了。 While the two are only days apart in age, they seem to belong to wholly different generations. 尽管这两人年龄上只相差几天,他们却好像是属于完全不同时代的人。 A tiger i s a large fierce animal belonging (belong) to the cat family. 【 精品教育资源文库 】 老虎是一种大而凶

7、猛的动物,属于猫科。 (1)belong to 表示 “ 属于 ” ,不用于进行时态和被动语态。 (2)belongings n财产;所有物 3in return 作为报答;回报;作为交换 (常和介词 for 连用 ) In return, the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldiers.(教材 P2) 作为回赠,沙皇则送给他一队自己最好的士 兵。 He gives me life and in return, he asks me for nothing. 他赋予我生命,但不要任何回报。 The terrorists agreed to hand

8、 over the hostages in return for safe passage out of the country. 那些恐怖分子同意交出人质以换取安全出国。 in turn 轮流;依次;逐个;转而;反过来 by turns 轮流;时而 ? 时而 ? They looked after t heir mother in turn. 他们 轮流 照看他们的母亲。 Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice. 理论以实践为基础, 反过来 又为实践服务。 Leaving home for the first time

9、he felt cheerful and sad by turns. 第一次离开家,他时而高兴时而悲伤。 4think highly of 看重;器重 I think highly of those who are searching for the Amber Room.(教材 P7) 我很欣赏寻找琥珀屋的人们。 think? well/much of认为 ? 好;对 ? 评价高ill/poorly/not much/little of认为 ? 不好nothing of 不把 ? 当回事;对 ? 等闲视之As a young leader, he is highly thought of.

10、作为一位年轻的领导,他受到高度评价。 I didnt think much of your plan. 我认为你的计划不怎么样。 You must not think ill of her because she did not love you. 你不该因为她不爱你就认为她这个人不好。 【 精品教育资源文库 】 have sth done 请人做某事 /某事被做 Later, Catherine had the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers.(教材 P2) 后来,

11、叶卡 捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宫殿中。 【句式点拨】 本句结构 “have 宾语宾语补足语 ” ,意为 “ 请人做某事或者某事被做 ” ,说明 sth与过去分词表示的动作之间是被动关系。有时 have sth done 还表示遭遇到某事的意思。此时,主语是无意中的受害者,而不是动作的执行者。 have sb do sth 意为 “ 让某人做某事 ” ,此结构中的 have 是使役动词, sb 作宾语,其后的 do sth 是省去 to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语; have sb/sth doing sth 意为 “ 让某人 /某物一直做某事 ” ,宾语 sb/sth 后用

12、现在分词作宾语补足语,表示宾语与现在分词表示的动作之间为主动关系,且动作正在进行; have sth to do 意为 “ 有事要做 ” 。 Anthoney had his wallet stolen (steal) when he walked on the street. 当安东尼在街上走时钱包被偷了。 The teacher had him clean (clean) the classroom before leaving school. 老师让他在离校前打扫教室。 Its not a good way to have the student standing (stand) out

13、 of the classroom after he/she makes a mistake. 学生犯错后让他 /她一直站在教室外面不是一个好方法。 I was told that the manager had a very important meeting to_attend (attend) 我获悉经理有一个非常重要的会议要参加。 . 品句填词 (用所给词的适当形式或根据语境写一个合适 的词 ) 1 We invite you to join us on an amazing (amaze) journey of language learning. 2 He is the first

14、 student in our class to_be_selected (select) to take part in the English competition. 3 Jane and her husband do not dare to go out together for fear they might return to find their few belongings (belong) stolen. 4 Some drivers like to draw some special patterns as decorations (decorate) on their c

15、ars. 5 There are many places in Wuhan worthvisiting (visit), but if you only have little time, you absolutely cannot miss visiting the Yellow Crane Tower. 【 精品教育资源文库 】 6 The plane crashed four days ago, but theyre still holding out hope of finding more survivors (survive) 7 The 25yearold man said t

16、hat after his sailboat sank/(had)_sunk (sink) during a heavy storm, he found himself on a tiny desert island. 8 When she was in trouble, I did what I could to help her. In return for my help, she wrote me a letter of thanks. 9 There is convincing evidence (evident) that skin cancer is linked to expo

17、sure to the sun. 10 The famous professor who is thought highly of is determined to go where he is needed most. . 单句改错 (含本单元的词汇和语法 ) 1 It is surprising that the man suffering from cancer survived his wife forby3 years. 2 The sign says that only children above 12 are able to take part in skiing or oth

18、er activities designingdesignedfor them. 3.WhatIthas been proved /isthat learners learn better if they are able to take charge of their own learning. 4 There is no doubt whetherthatwe will not enjoy the sweetness of success without going through the ups and downs in life. 5 In order to search forthe

19、 lost boy, the family and their relatives searched most part of the town. 6.DecoratingDecoratedwith modern paintings, this hall looks extremely magnificent and more beautiful than ever before. 7 Darling, good news for you! I have got a promotion today, so I have afancy for some wine tonight. 8 Oh, f

20、or heavens sake. Mother, the bad tooth I had it removed yesterday is still there, making me terribly uncomfortable. 9 The old lady has a strong wish that she could do something in the return for the kindness she received from me the other day. 【 精品教育资源文库 】 10 He wrote a small initial to indicate th

21、e book was belonged to him. . 课文语法填空 The Amber Room was a treasure 1 decorated (decorate) with gold and jewels. The first King of Prussia, Frederick , ordered it 2 to_be_designed (design) for his palace and it took the countrys best artists about ten years to make. The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days. Later, the Amber Room belonged 3 to the next King o


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