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1、本科翻译汉译英本科翻译汉译英翻译考试注意事项:翻译考试注意事项:1 1,翻译即是信息的传递,以理解为基础,英汉语言差异意识,翻译即是信息的传递,以理解为基础,英汉语言差异意识为指导,以流畅、自然表达为目的。为指导,以流畅、自然表达为目的。2 2,句子翻译多用的技巧:词义选择,增词减词,褒贬转换,句子翻译多用的技巧:词义选择,增词减词,褒贬转换,拆句合句,顺序逆序等。拆句合句,顺序逆序等。3 3,篇章翻译谨记:大处着眼,整体把握,斟酌语气,注重文,篇章翻译谨记:大处着眼,整体把握,斟酌语气,注重文体。体。4 4,遇到较难或是较地道的表达多用解释法来处理。,遇到较难或是较地道的表达多用解释法来处理

2、。Sentence Translation:1,中国是一个历史悠久的文明古国,也是一个充满时代生机中国是一个历史悠久的文明古国,也是一个充满时代生机的东方大国,拥有许多得天独厚的旅游资源。的东方大国,拥有许多得天独厚的旅游资源。As a country with a long history of civilization,China is a vast oriental nation full of modern vitality,unique in the richness and variety of its tourism resources.3,陕西的民办高校发展迅速,无论在数量上还

3、是在质量上,陕西的民办高校发展迅速,无论在数量上还是在质量上,都在全国处于领先地位。都在全国处于领先地位。The Non-governmental colleges in Shaanxi have developed rapidly and have taken the lead in China both quantitatively and qualitatively.4,谈到中美贸易问题,首先要看到一个最基本的事实,这就,谈到中美贸易问题,首先要看到一个最基本的事实,这就是是25年来我们两国之间的贸易年来我们两国之间的贸易有了有了巨大的发展。巨大的发展。When talking abou

4、t China-US trade,we should not overlook(ignore/neglect)one fundamental(basic)fact;that is,in the past 25 years,two-way trade has expanded enormously(experienced/undergone a tremendous expansion).21.中国是一个历史悠久,人口众多的国家,创造了中国是一个历史悠久,人口众多的国家,创造了灿烂的古代文明,对人类做出了重大贡献。灿烂的古代文明,对人类做出了重大贡献。China is a country wit

5、h a long history and a big population.She created a bright ancient civilization and made great contributions to human beings.As a country with long history and a big population,China has made a bright ancient civilization and made great contributions to mankind.China,a populous country with a time-h

6、onored history,is home of a splendid ancient civilization and a major contributor to human progress.17.她听人说深圳遍地是黄金,于是就她听人说深圳遍地是黄金,于是就来了。来了。She had been drawn to Shenzhen by tales of unimaginable wealth.20.大厅的灯晃得我睁不开眼睛。大厅的灯晃得我睁不开眼睛。The lights in the hall are so bright that I couldnt open my eyes.The

7、lights in the hall made my eyes shut.The lights in the hall dazzled me.24.本公司顾客至上,质量超群,效率快捷,本公司顾客至上,质量超群,效率快捷,取价公道。取价公道。Out company always values its customers satisfaction in taking care of every quality requirement and providing best speeding/services in reasonable prices.25.会议开得冷冷清清,有时甚至都开不下去会议开得

8、冷冷清清,有时甚至都开不下去了。了。The meetings were marked by such absence of lively discussions that at times they were almost on the point of breaking up 26.她喜欢唯唯诺诺的人,根本听不进她喜欢唯唯诺诺的人,根本听不进所有其他人的劝告。所有其他人的劝告。27.十多年来,失业人数总是居高不下。十多年来,失业人数总是居高不下。28.北京的一些员工队伍庞大的公司承北京的一些员工队伍庞大的公司承受着运行成本高和业务不断萎缩的双重受着运行成本高和业务不断萎缩的双重压力。压力。2

9、6.她喜欢唯唯诺诺的人,根本听不进所有其他人的劝告。她喜欢唯唯诺诺的人,根本听不进所有其他人的劝告。She had deprived herself of the advice of all but yesmen.27.十多年来,失业人数总是居高不下。十多年来,失业人数总是居高不下。Unemployment has stubbornly refused to contract for more than a decade.28.北京的一些员工队伍庞大的公司承受着运行成本高和业北京的一些员工队伍庞大的公司承受着运行成本高和业务不断萎缩的双重压力。务不断萎缩的双重压力。Companies with

10、 a big staff in Beijing find themselves squeezed between high operating costs and shrinking business.29.有些厕所似乎仍是这次卫生大扫除活动的死角。有些厕所似乎仍是这次卫生大扫除活动的死角。Some toilets seem untouched in the clean-up campaign.Some toilets seem to be still dead corners in the clean-up campaignSome toilets seem immune to the cl

11、ean-up campaign.30.这片海滨使我联想起童年假期的各种愉快情景。这片海滨使我联想起童年假期的各种愉快情景。The seaside reminded me of all happy days in my childhood holidays.The seaside had all sorts of pleasant associations with childhood holidays for me.31.上周星期五上午老师出题,想考察我们用上周星期五上午老师出题,想考察我们用英语写作的实际水平。作文题目很简单,随英语写作的实际水平。作文题目很简单,随便议论议论校园内的一事一物

12、,褒贬皆可,便议论议论校园内的一事一物,褒贬皆可,任选角度。任选角度。Last Friday morning we sat for an English-writing examination.The teacher wanted to inspect our practical level in writing in English.The compositions topic was very simple.You could talk about one thing or object on campus.You could praise and criticize.You could

13、choose your angle as you liked.31.上周星期五上午老师出题,想考察我们用上周星期五上午老师出题,想考察我们用英语写作的实际水平。作文题目很简单,随英语写作的实际水平。作文题目很简单,随便议论议论校园内的一事一物,褒贬皆可,便议论议论校园内的一事一物,褒贬皆可,任选角度。任选角度。Last Friday morning we took a test in which,the teacher,in order to see how well his students could write in English,set an essay,the topic bein

14、g A comment on Campus Life-either complimentary or critical.31.上周星期五上午老师出题,想考察我们用上周星期五上午老师出题,想考察我们用英语写作的实际水平。作文题目很简单,随英语写作的实际水平。作文题目很简单,随便议论议论校园内的一事一物,褒贬皆可,便议论议论校园内的一事一物,褒贬皆可,任选角度。任选角度。Last Friday morning saw an examination in which our teacher set us an essay with the topic of“A Comment on Campus L

15、ife”-either complimentary or critical so that he would see how well his students could write in English.33.读研热正火爆中国,经常有大批人排长队参加各读研热正火爆中国,经常有大批人排长队参加各种资格考试。国家经济在各个领域快速发展,不种资格考试。国家经济在各个领域快速发展,不断增加对高水平专业人才的需求,从而促使了研断增加对高水平专业人才的需求,从而促使了研究生招生数额的迅猛扩充。究生招生数额的迅猛扩充。Graduate students are red-hot in China.Usua

16、lly there are a great number of people standing in long queues to take part in the qualification examinations.The countrys rapidly developing economy in all areas is unceasingly increasing the demand for high-level professionals This increase,in turn,promotes the quick expansion of graduate enrollme

17、nt figure.33.读研热正火爆中国,经常有大批人排长队参加各读研热正火爆中国,经常有大批人排长队参加各种资格考试。国家经济在各个领域快速发展,不种资格考试。国家经济在各个领域快速发展,不断增加对高水平专业人才的需求,从而促使了研断增加对高水平专业人才的需求,从而促使了研究生招生数额的迅猛扩充。究生招生数额的迅猛扩充。Pursuit for graduate studies is now red-hot across China,usually with long queues heading into qualification examinations when the rapid

18、development of the countrys economy in all areas fuels the demands for better-educated professionals which in turn quicken the expansion of graduate enrollment.37随着我国改革开放的深入发展,这个一度十分重要的机构随着我国改革开放的深入发展,这个一度十分重要的机构现在对治理国家的影响越来越显得无足轻重了。现在对治理国家的影响越来越显得无足轻重了。With the furtherance of Chinas opening-up and

19、reform driver,this once important institution is becoming more and more marginal to the way the country is run.With the deep development of our countrys opening-up and reform policy,this institution,which was once of much consequence,is now playing a less and less important role in running the count

20、ry.With the deepening of our countrys opening-up and reform policy,the influence of this institution which was once important to run the country is of little importance.38.近几年,网游产业在高科技光环的笼罩下飞速发近几年,网游产业在高科技光环的笼罩下飞速发展。展。2004年中国网游产业利润高达年中国网游产业利润高达4.5亿美元,亿美元,但深埋其中的隐患却并没有引起多数人的注意,但深埋其中的隐患却并没有引起多数人的注意,结果上

21、网成瘾的青少年人数在不断增长。结果上网成瘾的青少年人数在不断增长。Recent years have seen rapid development of the Internet gaming industry,in the guise of high technologies.In 2004,this sectors profit was a massive 450 million dollars,but the looming danger of addiction seems to have escaped peoples attention.As a result,the number

22、 of addicted teenagers has kept rising.我们对电影明星总是连篇累牍的进行宣传大肆炒作,而为社我们对电影明星总是连篇累牍的进行宣传大肆炒作,而为社会做出那么巨大贡献的科学家们却不能为人所知,这是很会做出那么巨大贡献的科学家们却不能为人所知,这是很不应该的。不应该的。It is unfair that movie stars should get publicity though long and/boring/tiring/dull/tedious/reports while scientists,who make great/large-scale/con

23、siderable/fabulous/marvelous/sensational contributions to society,should remain unrecognized.我们的国家大,人口众多,经济落后,农业要搞上去,最重我们的国家大,人口众多,经济落后,农业要搞上去,最重要的还是依靠一系列正确的政策调动农民的积极性,自力要的还是依靠一系列正确的政策调动农民的积极性,自力更生,艰苦奋斗。更生,艰苦奋斗。China is a very big country with a large population and backward economy.If its agricultu

24、re advances,the most important thing is to mobilize,by means of series correct policies,the initiative of the farmers to work hard and self-reliantly.Agriculture advance in so vast a country,with such a large population and backward economy as in China,requires above all else mobilizing,by means of

25、policies,the initiative of the farmers to work hard and self-reliantly.Everyone should begin collecting a private library in youth;the instinct of private property,which is fundamental in human beings,can here be cultivated with every advantage and no evils.One should have ones own bookshelves,which

26、 should not have doors,glass windows,or keys;they should be free and accessible to the hand as well as to the eye.The best of mural(墙,壁)(墙,壁)decorations are books;they are more varied in color and appearance than any wall-paper,they are more attractive in design,and they have the prime advantage of

27、being separate personalities so that if you sit alone in the room in the fire light,you are surrounded with intimate friends.The knowledge that they are there in plain view is both stimulating and refreshing.You do not have to read them all.Most of my indoor life is spent in a room containing six th

28、ousand books;and I have a stock answer to the invariable question that comes from strangers.“Have you read all of these books?”“Some of them twice.”This reply is both true and unexpected.Translation Practice:1,Everyone should begin collecting a private library in youth;the instinct of private proper

29、ty,which is fundamental in human beings,can here be cultivated with every advantage and no evils.One should have ones own bookshelves,which should not have doors,glass windows,or keys;they should be free and accessible to the hand as well as to the eye.每一个人都应该在年青时就开始搜集和收藏书籍;享有每一个人都应该在年青时就开始搜集和收藏书籍;享

30、有私有财产是人基本的本能,在这儿私有财产是人基本的本能,在这儿-享有个人藏书的享有个人藏书的本能本能-可得以培养,且百利而无一弊。人们应该有自可得以培养,且百利而无一弊。人们应该有自己的书柜,书柜不应该装门、玻璃窗或锁,应该是开己的书柜,书柜不应该装门、玻璃窗或锁,应该是开放的,便于拿书也便于看书。放的,便于拿书也便于看书。The best of mural decorations are books;they are more varied in color and appearance than any wall-paper,they are more attractive in desi

31、gn,and they have the prime advantage of being separate personalities so that if you sit alone in the room in the fire light,you are surrounded with intimate friends.用书来装饰墙壁最好,书的颜色和外观丰富多彩,胜用书来装饰墙壁最好,书的颜色和外观丰富多彩,胜过任何墙纸,样式设计也更具吸引力。用书装饰墙过任何墙纸,样式设计也更具吸引力。用书装饰墙壁还有一个最大的好处:不同的书就是不同的人,壁还有一个最大的好处:不同的书就是不同的人,你

32、一个人在屋里,坐在炉火旁,却觉得身边还围着你一个人在屋里,坐在炉火旁,却觉得身边还围着不少知心朋友。不少知心朋友。The knowledge that they are there in plain view is both stimulating and refreshing.You do not have to read them all.Most of my indoor life is spent in a room containing six thousand books;and I have a stock answer to the invariable question th

33、at comes from strangers.“Have you read all of these books?”“Some of them twice.”This reply is both true and unexpected.书都摆在那儿,抬眼就能看到,想到这儿就让人既激动书都摆在那儿,抬眼就能看到,想到这儿就让人既激动又兴奋。你不必读遍全部藏书。我的室内生活多半是又兴奋。你不必读遍全部藏书。我的室内生活多半是在书房里度过的,里面藏有在书房里度过的,里面藏有6000本书;很多陌生人总本书;很多陌生人总是问我同一个问题,是问我同一个问题,“这些书您全都读过了吗?这些书您全都读过了吗?”对对此我早有准备,此我早有准备,“有些书读过两遍呢。有些书读过两遍呢。”这样的回答这样的回答出乎他们的意料但却是真的。出乎他们的意料但却是真的。


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