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1、试卷第 1页,共 6页2022-20232022-2023 学年度学年度第一学期第一学期期末练习期末练习八年级英语八年级英语一一、阅读理解(、阅读理解(20 小题,每小题小题,每小题 2 分,共分,共 40 分)分)阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。(A)In 2020,an illness called COVID-19 changed the way we live.The disease moved fastbecause people can catch it from one another and many dont even know they have it.Somen

2、ew rules have come to our everyday life.Right now,you should:Wash your hands often Wash your hands with running water.Make sure you wash your hands for at least 20seconds.Its very important to wash:before eating or cooking food;before touching(触摸)your face;after blowing your nose or coughing.Do not

3、touch your eyes,nose or mouth if your hands are dirty.Keep distance(距离)from others Inside your home:Dont be too close to sick people.Outside your home:Keep at least 1 meter of distance from other people.Cover your mouth and nose with a mask in public places The mask can protect both yourself and oth

4、er people.Make sure that your mask fits and be sure to wear your mask properly.In the future,the virus may no longer be a problem.But some of these rules may remain(保留)necessary.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。1.How does the COVID-19 move?A.Slowly.B.Quickly.C.Difficultly.D.Hardly.2.Which one is NOT suitable for washin

5、g hands?A.Wash hands for 3 seconds.B.Use running water to wash handsC.Wash hands after coughing.D.Wash hands before your meals.3.Which picture shows the good distance when talking with others according to the passage?ABCD4.Why may these rules remain necessary in the future?A.To remember COVID-19.B.T

6、o keep healthy habits.C.To keep away from others.D.To protect other people.5.Whats the best title for the passage?A.COVID-19B.Keeping Right DistanceC.Washing Hands OftenD.New Rules in Everyday Life试卷第 2页,共 6页(B)In the middle of a dark forest,there is an owl(猫头鹰).All the animals know that he isthe sm

7、artest among all of them.So they often go to him and tell him their troubles.Then theowl always teaches them what they should do.One day,a little bird goes up to the owl.She is crying.“Whats wrong with you?”asksthe owl.“Im not happy at all.I dont want to be a bird,”the bird says.“Why dont you want t

8、o be a bird?”asks the owl.“I am so small,weak and useless,”she cries.“I want to be big and strong like the lion.He is very important,but I am not.”Then the owl whispers something in her ear.At once the bird dries her tears and goesaway.One week later,the bird comes back.“Oh,thank you very much.You a

9、re a very smartowl,”she says to the owl.“I am very happy now.Every day,I sit on top of the tallest tree andwatch for lions and tigers.When they come near,I shout at the top of my voice.Then myfriends all run.They are very thankful to me.I am useful and important now.”The smart owl smiles and says,“N

10、o one in this world is useless.”根据材料内容选择最佳答案。6.Who is the smartest animal in the middle of a dark forest?A.The bird.B.The tigers.C.The owl.D.The lions.7.Why is the bird unhappy?A.Because she is important.B.Because she is big and strong.C.Because she hates the tigers and lions.D.Because she is small,

11、weak and useless.8.The underline word“whispers”means _ in Chinese.A.耳语B.吹哨C.发声D.唱歌9.The owl tells the bird _.A.to be happyB.to be thankfulC.to runD.to sit on top of the tallest tree and watch for lions and tigers10.Whats the main idea of this passage?A.Everyone in this world is useless.B.Everyone in

12、 this world is useful.C.No one in this world is strong.D.No one in this world is important.(C)Accidents may happen at any time,as schools always hold a large number of people.Itsbest for us to know how to keep us safe.The following poster in the school will help you.试卷第 3页,共 6页Prepare the first aid(

13、急救急救)box in the classrooms.The first aid box should be opened easily so that you can use it quickly if necessary.Look through the first aid box and learn how to use each thing.Check the first aid box from time to time to make sure that you have all necessary things.Protect yourself from dangers.Watc

14、h out the steps while you go out.Follow the teachers words and the steps in book ifyou make experiments(实验)in the classroom.Remember to warm up your body beforerunning or exercising.Keeping away from a large group of people can always help you keepsafe.Never do any of the following.Stand too close t

15、o the buildings on windy days.Some of the broken glass from the windows may fall on you.Run after others while going up or down stairs(楼梯).You are taking your life in your hands.Keep running while having trouble breathing.It may cause shock(休克)根据材料内容选择最佳答案。11.What is necessary in the classroom to ke

16、ep safe?A.The first aid box.B.Abook about school safety.C.The words from teachers.D.The words from the headmaster.12.What can help save you from an accident according to the poster?A.Standing close to school buildings.B.Keeping away yourself from a large group of people.C.Running after other student

17、s.D.Running and exercising as often as possible.13.What should you do before you begin to do exercise?A.Open the first aid box.B.Watch out the steps.C.Warm your body.D.Stop moving.14.What do the underlined sentence“taking your life in your hands”probably mean?A.Doing something you dont like.B.Doing

18、something unnecessary.C.Doing something very dangerous.D.Doing something boring.15.Who is the text written for?A.Teachers.B.Doctors.C.Parents.D.Children.(D)Dogs are our friends.16They can protect,even save us.They can also search for试卷第 4页,共 6页something,look after sheep,be with us and so on.There ar

19、e many kinds of dogs.17The working dogs can be divided into guide(引导)dogs,police dogs,hunting(打猎)dogs,sled dogs(雪橇犬),etc.18They can help blind(盲的)people walk on the streets,take buses,buy things anddo other things.Police dogs have sharper senses of hearing and smelling than humans.19Hunting dogs can

20、 help people who like hunting look for and catch the preys(猎物).Toy dogs may be cute or beautiful.20Today,more people like to regard dogs as their friends.They are their lovely friendsforever.A.They can be divided(分类)into working dogs and toy dogs according to differentpurposes.B.Rich or lonely peopl

21、e love to turn to toy dogs for comfort or happiness.C.They can do a lot of work for us.D.Guide dogs are trained for blind people.E.They often help police search for drugs(毒品)or bad persons.二、完形填空(二、完形填空(15 分)分)先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。Do you know Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?The

22、great composer,Mozart,started writingmusic _21_ he was just a little boy.Here _22_ a story about Mozart when he was achild.Father Mozart used to give his daughter,Nannerl,music lessons _23_ the piano.And little Wolfgang Mozart was in the room.He watched and listened to every _24_hissister played.One

23、 day,when her _25_ was over,he asked.“May I have a lesson,Papa?”“You are too little!”said Father Mozart.When Father Mozart and Nannerl _26_ the room,little Wolfgang went up to thepiano and _27_ the keys.He smiled.The music _28_ beautiful.Father Mozartheard him and came to see him.Wolfgang was playin

24、g well _29_ any help.FatherMozart _30_ to give his little boy music lessons.Soon Wolfgang played as _31_ as his big sister,Nannerl.He learned so _32_that his father was very happy.But when Wolfgang started to write music by _33_,Father Mozart was surprised.No one could _34_ that a little boy of five

25、 could write suchbeautiful music.He was _35_ amazing child,a born musician.21AbeforeBbutCwhenDbecause22AamBisCareDwas23AinBforConDup24AnoteBwordCpieceDsentence试卷第 5页,共 6页25AwordBhomeworkCprogramDlesson26AleftBcameCwentDreached27AgotBmovedCpressedDhad28AlookedBwatchedClikedDsounded29AwithBwithoutCbut

26、Dfor30AhadBlikedCbeganDdecided31AgoodBwellCbetterDbest32AquickBhappyCquicklyDhappily33AhimBherChisDhimself34AbelieveBhearCknowDsmile35AaBanCtheD/三三、语篇填空(、语篇填空(15 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 分,共分,共 15 分)分)第一节:阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。Zhou Yan,a 12-year-old student,went to the doctor becau

27、se he had“mobile phonedisease(疾病)”.A 36._ of teenagers are getting it because more and more are 37._mobile phones.Zhou got his mobile phone five months 38._.He spent too much time 39._with his mobile phone.He sent 40._ to his friends with it all the time.Zhou started to do41._ in exams than before.H

28、is mom got very angry with him,but he didnt stop playing42._ his arms hurt(疼痛).Yang Ling,a doctor,says that 43._ someone uses his mobile phone too much,hemight get“mobile phone disease”.If teenagers find their arms or fingers hurt,they44._ go to the doctor as soon as possible.Yang says playing phone

29、s is 45._ for themind and the body so that teenagers should use mobile phones less.第二节阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。The Titanic made its only trip in April 1912.It was 46._ biggest ship in the world atthat time,and people thought that nothing could sink(使沉没)it.Over 2,000 people were on the Titanic

30、 for its first trip across the Atlantic Ocean.It wasgoing from England to New York City.47._ werent enough lifeboats for everyone onthe ship,48._ most people didnt think that was a problem.They believed the shipwouldnt sink.However,when the Titanic hit an iceberg(冰山)in the water,it broke into twosho

31、uldusemessageifuntilhealthybadplaylotago试卷第 6页,共 6页pieces and sank.49._ the end,only around 700 people survived(幸存).After the terrible accident,many rules were changed.Now,ships need 50._ haveenough lifeboats and safety equipment for everyone.四四、补全对话、补全对话(5 小题,每小题小题,每小题 2 分,共分,共 10 分)分)根据下面的对话情景,在每个

32、空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A:Hello,Li Lan.I called you an hour ago,but nobody answered.51._?B:I was cooking.A:Do you often cook at home?B:52._.I prefer home cooking to fast food or take-away food.A:Why?B:53._.A:I agree with you.But I dont know how to cook.54._?B:Of course.According to the new standard

33、 for labor education by the Ministry ofEducation(教育部),middle school students need to learn some skills,including cooking.A:55._?Then I will try my best to learn it well.五五、书面表达(、书面表达(20 分)分)朱熹在劝学诗里告诉我们:“少年易老学难成,一寸光阴不可轻。”请以 Thetime Ive spent on为题,根据以下要点和要求用英语写一篇短文。(1)要点:1)你曾经把时间花在哪里;2)你为什么把时间花在那里;3)你

34、的收获和感受。(2)要求:1)请补全标题,如 exercising,reading 等;2)文中不得出现真实个人信息;3)词数 100 左右。The time Ive spent on_八年级八年级参考答案:参考答案:一、(A)BACBD(B)CDADB(C)ABCCD(D)CADEB二、CBCAD ACDBD BCDAB三、36lot 37using38ago39playing40messages41worse 42until 43if44should 45unhealthy46.the47.There48.but49.In50.to四、51What were you doing at that time 52Yes,I do53Because its not only cheap andclean but also healthy 54Can you teach me how to cook/Would you like to teach me/.55Really


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