2019版高考英语一轮复习 Module 1 Deep South讲义 外研版选修8.doc

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1、【 精品教育资源文库 】 Module 1 Deep South 一积词汇见多识广 课内单词回扣 (一 )阅读词汇写其义 1 emergency n 紧急情况;突发事 情 mercial adj. 商业的 3 ceremonial adj. 仪式性的;正式的 4.befriend v. 对待 ? 如朋友 5 insight n. 洞察力,眼光 6.gravity n. 重力,地心引力 (二 )表达词汇写其形 1 state n 状态;状况 2.trap v 储存,留存 3 balance v. 使平衡 4.severe adj. 艰难的,艰巨的 5 voyage n. (乘船的 )旅行 ,

2、航行 6.privilege n. 荣幸 (三 )拓展词汇灵活用 1.promote vt.促进 , 增进 ; 提升 promotion n 晋级 ; 促进 ; 提升 2.abnormal adj.不正常的,反常的 ( 反义词 )normal adj.正常的 *3.explorer n探险者 explore v探险;探索;勘探 exploration n探险;探索; (对某地区的 )勘查 *4.depth n深度 deep adj.& adv.深的;深深地 deeply adv.强烈地;深刻地 deepen v加深;深化 *5.extreme adj.极端的,极度的 extremely adv

3、.极端地,极其;非常 *6.discourage v 阻 止 ; 打 消 ? 的念头 discouraging adj. 令 人 沮 丧 的discouraged adj.沮丧的 discouragement n泄气;使人泄气的人 (事 )( 反义词 )encourage v鼓励 7.reliability n可靠性 reliabl e adj.可信赖的 rely v依靠;信赖 8.inspiration n鼓舞;启示;灵感 inspire v鼓舞;激励 inspiring adj.鼓舞人心的;启发灵感的 9.tiresome adj.烦人的,令人讨厌的 tired adj.厌烦的;疲倦的 *

4、10.depressing adj.令人沮丧的;令人抑郁的 depress v使沮丧;使萧条 depressed adj.沮丧的;萧条的 depression n沮丧;不景气,萧条 (期 ) 11.absence n缺乏;没有 ab sent adj.缺席的,不在的 用上面标注 *的单词的正确形式填空 1 Many scientists are making great efforts to explore the Moon and other planets. Their exploration may change our future.(explore) 2 Some workers w

5、ork deep into the night just to deepen the small lake to the 【 精品教育资源文库 】 depth of 6 meters. (depth) 3 With the extreme weather coming, people felt extremely cold and many got ill.(extreme) 4 On hearing the depressing news, he felt depressed and soon got into a state of depression.(depress) 5 From

6、his discouraged look, I judged he wasnt hired, which was really discouraging. But I still encouraged him to go to other companies to try his fortune.(encourage) 话题单词积累 1 weather/we?/ n 天气 2 climate/klaIm?t/ n. 气候 3 haze/heIz/ n. 雾霾 4 mist/mIst/ n. 薄雾 5 fog/f?/ n. 雾 6 frost/fr?st/ n. 霜 7 drizzle/drIz

7、(?)l/ n. 小雨;毛毛雨 8 breeze/bri?z/ n. 微风 9 rainbow/reInb?/ n. 虹,彩虹 10 rainfall/re?nf?l/ n. 一场雨;降雨量 11 shower/?a?/ n. 阵雨;淋浴 12 storm/st?m/ n. 风暴,暴 (风 )雨 13 thunder/ ?nd?/ n & vi. 雷声;打雷 14 blow/bl?/ vi. 吹 15 freeze/fri?z/ vi. 结冰;使冻住 16 pour/p?/ vi. 倾泻,不断流出 17 mild/maIld/ adj. 温和的,暖和的 18 damp/dmp/ adj.& n

8、. 潮湿 (的 ) 19 foggy/f?I/ adj. 有雾的 20 cloudy/kla?dI/ adj. 多云的,阴天的 21 sunny/s?nI/ adj. 晴天的;晴朗的 22 freezing/fri?zI?/ adj. 冻结的;极冷的 23 snowy/sn?I/ adj. 下雪的 24 chilly/t?IlI/ adj. 寒冷的 【 精品教育资源文库 】 25 geography/d?I?r?fI/ n. 地理 26 ocean/?(?)n/ n. 海洋,大海 27 continent/k?ntIn?nt/ n. 大陆,大洲 28 stream/stri?m/ n. 小河

9、;溪流 29 range/reind?/ n. 山脉 30 valley/vlI/ n. 山谷,溪谷 31 desert/dez?t/ n. 沙漠 32 jungle/d?(?)l/ n. 丛林,密林 33 research/rIs?t?/ n. 研究 34 expedition/ekspId?(?)n/ n. 探险队 35 adventure/?dvent?/ n. 冒险 36 challenge/t?lIn(d)?/ n. 挑战 二积短语顿挫抑扬 课内短语回扣 (一 )根据汉语写出下列短语 *1.be_fond_of 喜欢 *2.in_case_of 如果;假使;以免 3.stand_ou

10、t 杰出;突出;引人注目 *4.adapt_(to) (使 )适应 e_into_sight 进入视野,出现在眼前 *e_up_with 想出 *7.set_foot_on 进入,到达,踏上 *8.keep_ones_promise 信守诺言 (二 )用上面标注 *的短语完成下列句子 1 When you keep_your_promise,_no matter how much effort it takes, you will be rewarded. 2 They were filled with joy when they set_foot_on China soil in late

11、July. 3 If you know first aid methods, you can be calmer and more helpful in_case_of emergency. 4 Since people are_fond_of humor, it is as welcome in conversation as anywhere else. 5 Having discussed the problem all afternoon, they finally come_up_with a solution to it. 【 精品教育资源文库 】 6 If plants wer

12、e moved from one habitat to the other type of habitat, they changed their appearance and adapted_to the new environment. 话题短语积累 1 zero degrees centigrade 零摄氏度 2 50 degrees Fahrenheit 50 华氏度 3 freezing point 冰点 4 heat wave 热浪 5 average temperature 平均气温 6 weather forecast 天气预报 7 subtropical climate 亚热

13、带气候 8 under the weather 身体不适;在恶劣天气条件下 9 rain or sunshine 风雨无阻 10 be rich in 富含;盛产 11 be separate from . 与 ? 分离 12 be located in/lie in 坐落于 /位于 13 be surrounded by 被 ? 包围 /环绕着 14 cover an area of . 占地面积为 ? 15 take on a new look 呈现新面貌 16 off the coast of . 在 ? 海岸附近 17 at the top/foot of . 在 ? 的顶部 /底部

14、(脚下 ) 18 to/on/in the south of .在 ? 的南面 (相望 /接壤 /在内 ) 三积句式写作扮靓 课内句式仿写 1 not until 置于句首的 部分倒装句 例句 Not until the late 18th century did the British explorer James Cook cross the Antarctic Circle, but he never saw land. 仿写 直到他面试失败,他才意识到自信是多么重要。 Not until he had failed in the job interview did_he_realize

15、 how important confidence was. 2名词前有序数词 修饰,用动词不定式作后置定语 例句 Then in 1895, a Norwegian called Carstens Borchgrevink became the first man to set foot on the Antarctic mainland. 仿写 她总是第一个到办公室最后一个离开的人,我猜这就是她这么快得到晋升的原【 精品教育资源文库 】 因。 She is always the first staff to_go_to_the_office and the last to_leave,_

16、which I guess is why she is promoted so quickly. 3现在分词短语作伴随状语 例句 Covering about 14 million square kilometres around the South Pole, it is the fifth largest continent in the world. 仿写 我的生活很充实,没有时间闲坐着自怨自艾。 I have a very busy life with no time to sit around feeling_sorry_for_myself. 话题佳句背诵 1 Antarctica

17、 is a continent centered roughly on the South Pole. 南极洲是一片大致以南极为中心的大陆。 2 Theyre going to make an expedition to the South Pole. 他们要去南极探险。 3 In the oceans around Antarctica the temperature of the water is extremely low, always below zero. 在南极洲周围的海洋中,水温很低,总在零度以下。 4 Its total land area is 16,808 square

18、kilometers, among which the mountain areas account for 52%. 它的总面积为 16 808 平方千米,其中山区占 52%。 四背语段语感流畅 I have learned from your website that you need some people to join the Antarctic expedition. Im interested in the expedition very much and Id like to apply to join it. Im in good health and have had sp

19、ecial training before, especially in extreme climates. As a result, it is not difficult for me to go on an expedition to the Antarctic. Also, my hobbies are extreme sports and adventure travel. Travelling to the Antarctic is my dream. In addition, my major in college was research into polar plants,

20、animals and geography. Im eager to do some research in Antarctic and would really welcome this challenge. I would greatly appreciate the chance to join your expedition. 我从你们的网站上了解到,你们需要一些人加入 南极探险队 。我对这次探险很感兴趣,因此想申请加入它。 我 身体状况很好 ,以前接受过 特殊的训练 , 尤其 是在极端 气候 条件下。因此,对我来说【 精品教育资源文库 】 去南极探险并不难。而且,我的爱好是 极限运动 和 冒险 旅行。到南极去旅行是我的梦想。此外,我在大学的专业是 极地 植物、动


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