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1、九年级九年级Revision of Unit 10谈论风俗礼仪谈论风俗礼仪2021 九年级一轮复习Learning goals:知识与能力目标:知识与能力目标:1.巩固复习本单元重点单词、短语、句式及语法 2.通过对本单元单词、短语、句式、语法及语篇 的巩固复习,能会谈论风俗礼仪及应该做的事 Learn how to talk about customs and what you are supposed to do 德育目标德育目标:学会入乡随俗,做文明的中学生 Oral Pratice(体验中考体验中考)中考英语人机对话模拟试题中考英语人机对话模拟试题 根据所听到的句子,选出正确的答语,并

2、朗读。根据所听到的句子,选出正确的答语,并朗读。1.A.By bus.B.Its about ten kilometers.C.Ten.2.A.Its sunny.B.Thank you.C.Youre welcome.3.A.I like dogs.B.Bananas.C.Coffee.4.A.Great.B.You can get there by bus.C.At 10:00a.m.5.A.Its on April the 15th.B.In Hongkong.C.With Kate.Oral Pratice(体验中考)中考英语人机对话模拟试题中考英语人机对话模拟试题 根据所听到的句子,

3、选出正确的答语,并朗读。根据所听到的句子,选出正确的答语,并朗读。1.How far is it from your home to school?A.By bus.B.Its about ten kilometers.C.Ten.2.How is the weather?A.Its sunny.B.Thank you.C.Youre welcome.3.What kind of animals do you like?A.I like dogs.B.Bananas.C.Coffee.4.How can I get to your school?A.Great.B.You can get th

4、ere by bus.C.At 10:00a.m.5.When is your birthday?A.Its on April the 15th.B.In Hongkong.C.With Kate.CountriesCustomsFrancekissJapanbow BrazilkissThe United Statesshake handsChina shake handsCountriesCustomsFrancekissJapanbow BrazilkissThe United Statesshake handsChina shake handsOral work:Try to make

5、 sentences using the information above like this:In France,youre supposed to kiss when you meet people for the first time.一:Words and useful expressions:1.名词、动词 1)_v.&n.亲吻;接吻 2)_v.和 打招呼;迎接 3)_v.重视;珍视 n.价值 4)_v.敲;击 5)_v.表现;举止 6)_ n.首都;国都;省会 7)_ n.正午;中午 8)effort _ n._(词组)作出努力 9)_ n.护照10)_(词组)把擦掉 一:Wor

6、ds and useful expressions:1.名词、动词 1)kiss v.&n.亲吻;接吻 2)greet v.和 打招呼;迎接 3)value v.重视;珍视 n.价值 4)knock v.敲;击 knock on/at sth 5)behave v.表现;举止 behaved-behaved 6)capital n.首都;国都;省会 7)noon n.正午;中午 at noon 8)effort n.努力、尽力 make an effort to do sth(短语)作出努力 9)passport n.护照10)clean off(短语)把擦掉 2.形容词、介词 1)_adj.

7、放松的;自在的 2)_adj.每天的;日常的 3)_adj.很生气;疯的 4)_adj.北方的;北部的 5)_adj.值得;有 价值(的)6)_adj.空的;空洞的 7)_adj.基本的;基础的 8)_pre 除 之外,conj.除了;只是 2.形容词、介词 1)relaxed adj.放松的;自在的 2)everyday/daily adj.每天的;日常的 3)mad adj.很生气;疯的 4)northern adj.北方的;北部的 5)worth adj.值得;有 价值(的)6)empty adj.空的;空洞的 7)basic adj.基本的;基础的 8)except pre 除 之外,

8、conj.除了;只是 一、学以致用(典型预测题)综B:根据句意和汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.The boy is very_ on the beach.(轻松的、惬意的)2.We showed our _(护照)to the staff person.3.The boy did something bad,so his mother got_.(很生气、疯的)4.Here re my _(建议)for you.5.Some Chinese learn two foreign languages _(除之外)English.6.In France,youre not supposed to e

9、at anything with your hands_(除之外)bread.relaxedpassports madsuggestionsbesidesexcept 重点重点短语短语 1.be supposed to do sth =be expected to do sth =should do sth被期望/要求做某事;应该 2.shake hands 握手 3.drop by顺便拜访(+地点)4.table manners 餐桌礼仪 5.get/be used to(doing)sth习惯于6.be relaxed about对随意/放松 7.get mad/angry大动肝火;气愤

10、get mad at sb8.cleanoff 把擦掉 9.make sb feel at home 使某人感到宾至如归 10.be(well)worth(doing)(很)值得做 cost+钱/be worth+钱 11.make friends with 与交朋友12.as soon as 一就 13.go out of ones way(to do)特地;格外努力14.suggest/suggestion(C)/advice(U)建议give sb some advice/suggestions on/about sth1.You are not supposed here.A.smok

11、e B.to smoke C.smoking D.smoked 2.-was the dinner at Toms house last night?-It was OK.A.Why B.How C.What D.Where 3.We are supposed to school on time.A.arriving in B.arriving at C.arrive at D.arrive on 4.We often drop our friends homes.A.at B.in C.by D.for 5.We never visit a friends home without firs

12、t.A.call B.to call C.calls D.calling 二:选择填空二:选择填空(Have a try)6.Dont the same mistake next time.A.take B.meet C.make D.get 7.Spending time with family and friends very important.A.are B.be C.have D.is8.What did you think of me when you saw me the first time.A.at B.in C.for D.on 9.-you ever to Shangha

13、i?-Never.A.Have;gone B.Have;been C.Do;go D.Did;come 三:三:句型攻关(考点突破)句型攻关(考点突破)1.在美国在美国,他们期望握手。他们期望握手。In the United States,theyre_ _ shake hands.2.在瑞士,准时是很重要的在瑞士,准时是很重要的。Its very_ for people _ _ _ _in Switerland.expectedtoimportanttobeontime3.此外此外,没有事先打电话我们从不到朋友家里拜访。没有事先打电话我们从不到朋友家里拜访。A l s o,w e _ _ _

14、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ v i s i t a f r i e n d s house_ calling first.4.把筷子插在食物里是不礼貌的。把筷子插在食物里是不礼貌的。_ _ _ stick your chopsticks into your food.5.如果餐桌上有老人在如果餐桌上有老人在,你不应该先开始吃。你不应该先开始吃。Youre_ _ _ start eating first if there are older people at the table.neverwithoutIts impolite tonotsupposed to6.你不应该用筷子指着任何人。你

15、不应该用筷子指着任何人。You_ point_ anyone with your chopsticks.7.我面临的最大挑战是在餐桌上如何表现。我面临的最大挑战是在餐桌上如何表现。My biggest challenge is how_ _ _ the dinner table.shouldntattobehaveat四:四:语法专练(核心考点)语法专练(核心考点)1.我们没有理由迟到。我们没有理由迟到。There is_ _ for us_ _ _.2.在周末在周末,我习惯于晚睡。我习惯于晚睡。On weekends,I _ _ _ _ _.no reasonto am used lateb

16、eto sleeping late3.他费尽心思帮助我。他费尽心思帮助我。He went out_ _ _ _ _ me.4.我发现忘记那次经历很难。我发现忘记那次经历很难。I find_ _ _ _ that experience.5.正如你所能想象到的正如你所能想象到的,情况与国内的方式大不一样。情况与国内的方式大不一样。_ you can imagine,things are_ _ _ the way they are at home.of his way to it difficult to forget Asvery helpdifferent from五五.真题体验真题体验,感知中

17、考感知中考1.(2013枣庄中考枣庄中考)In France you _put bread on the table.You are not supposed to put it on the plate.A.shouldnt B.are supposed toC.would like to D.will【解析】【解析】选选B。考查情态动词和形容词短语。考查情态动词和形容词短语“be supposed to应应该该”,“would like to想要想要”的意思区别。句意的意思区别。句意:在法国在法国,你应把你应把面包放在桌子上。你不应该把面包放在盘子里。根据后一句说面包放在桌子上。你不应该把

18、面包放在盘子里。根据后一句说“不应该不应该”的意思可知的意思可知,前面叙述的事情是前面叙述的事情是“应该应该”,所所以应选以应选B。2.(2013包头中考包头中考)This kind of suit will be sold for$600,which is far more than its real_.A.valueB.costC.moneyD.price【解析】【解析】选选A。考查名词的词义辨析。句意。考查名词的词义辨析。句意:这种套装将卖这种套装将卖600美元美元,这价格远比其实际价值高。这价格远比其实际价值高。value价值价值,cost价钱价钱,money钱钱,price价格。故选

19、价格。故选A。3.(2013聊城中考聊城中考)Dont ask him to study too late into the night._,he is only a small child.A.As a result B.After allC.Best of all D.For example【解析】【解析】选选B。考查短语辨析。句意。考查短语辨析。句意:不要让他晚上学习学到不要让他晚上学习学到很晚很晚,毕竟毕竟,他只是个小孩子。他只是个小孩子。as a result意为意为“结果结果”;after all意为意为“毕竟毕竟”;best of all意为意为“所有中最好的所有中最好的”;fo

20、r example意为意为“例如例如”。故选。故选B。4.(2013山西中考山西中考)A country has dreams.We teenagers _ also have dreams.With dreams and hard work,anything amazing can be created.A.may B.must C.should【解析】【解析】选选C。考查情态动词的用法。句意。考查情态动词的用法。句意:一个国家要一个国家要有梦想有梦想,我们青少年也应该有梦想。在梦想和努力下我们青少年也应该有梦想。在梦想和努力下,奇奇迹就能被创造。故选迹就能被创造。故选C。六:综合填空(中考

21、练兵)A:用方框中所给词的适当形式填空注意用恰当的时态和语态 greet,value,knock,take off,not plan 1.We _ by our English teacher warmly in her class every day.2.Ladies and gentlemen,attention please!Our Plane _ soon.Please fasten your safety belt.3.I _ at the door,but nobody answered.4.-Where are you going?-I _ it yet.(2015中考中考)5.

22、I _ your advice as long as it is useful.will take offknockedhavent plannedwill valueare greetedB:根据句意和汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.Where Im from,were pretty_ about(对对.随意随意)time.2.We often just drop by our _(朋友朋友)homes if we have time.3.If youre _(甚至甚至)15 minutes late,your friend may get mad4.They went out of thei

23、r _(特地;格外特地;格外努力努力)to make me feel at home.5.This book is _(值得值得)reading.relaxedfriendsevenwayworth Where Im from,we re pretty relaxed about time.We dont like to 1._(rush)around,so we dont mind if people are a little late sometimes.If you tell a friend youre going to their house 2._ dinner,its OK if

24、 you arrive a bit 3._(lately).We like to enjoy our time 4._(slow).We value the time we spend with our family and friends in our 5._ (日常的)lives.能力提升:重点语篇3a综合运用阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的词法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入一个单词或用括号中词语的正确形式填空。(本题10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)lateforeveryday/dailyslowlyrush We often just drop 6._ our friends ho

25、mes if we have time.We dont have to make plans to meet our friends.When we see each other,its7._(礼貌的)for boys to shake 8._(hand)and for girls to kiss each other 9._ the side of the face.We often just walk around the town center,seeing as 10._ (much)of our friends as we can.by onpolite handsmany 大显身手

26、大显身手:Make a list of our Chinese table manners you know first,then well share your ideas.You can use“You are(not)supposed/expected to do.or Its polite/impolite to do.”to help youYou are(not)supposed to.中考模拟演练:中考模拟演练:话题表达话题表达根据所给话题,用英语进行表达根据所给话题,用英语进行表达,你有你有1分钟的准备分钟的准备时间:时间:Do you like our Chinese tab

27、le manners?Why(or why not)?(说出至少两个理由说出至少两个理由)要求要求:满分话题表达要有一个总论点、两个分论点,满分话题表达要有一个总论点、两个分论点,而且每个论点要展开说一两句话,语法正确,逻辑而且每个论点要展开说一两句话,语法正确,逻辑合理发音标准流畅。不需要太复杂的句式。合理发音标准流畅。不需要太复杂的句式。Come on人机听说人机听说话题表达(5分)Do you like our Chinese table manners?Why?Why not?Yes,I do.No,I dont.(General points总论点总论点)Points of cont

28、ention:(两个分论点两个分论点)On the one hand,(Firstly)On the other hand,(Secondly)Structures:总总-分分-总总There are two mainreasons.Here are my reasons.Supporting details:1).develop healthily and behave politely.Its great2).what were supposed to doAll in all/In a word,I like our Chinese table manners.Do you like o

29、ur Chinese table manners?Why(or why not)?(说出至少两个理由说出至少两个理由)Yes,I do.Because therere two main reasons.On the one hand,our Chinese table manners have a long history.Long long ago,our ancestors set these customs and rules for us to develop healthily and behave politely.Its great.On the other hand,our C

30、hinese table manners are very important.According to them,we can know what were supposed to do or what were not supposed to do at table.All in all,I like our Chinese table manners.书面表达:Writing(能力提升)假如你是王海,你的美国笔友Bob要来中国,请你给他写一封信介绍一些中国的风俗礼仪尤其就餐礼仪。内容包括:1.How to greet people in China.2.How to behave at

31、the table.要求:1.书写工整,结构完整 2.要点齐全,可适当发挥 3.字数:80左右的短文Dear Bob,Welcome to China.Different countries have different manners.The manners in China are different from those in America.When you first meet a Chinese friend,you are supposed to say hello to him or her and shake hands.When you have a meal with C

32、hinese friends,youre supposed to pick up佳作赏析佳作赏析the chopsticks and the bowl of rice.Its rude to point at anyone with your chopsticks.Please dont talk too much when youre at table.Have a good trip.Yours,Wang HaiSummary:一一:Language points 1.Youre supposed/expected to do sth 2.You should/shouldnt do 3.

33、Its +adj.+to do sth 二二:Customs and good manners 1.Were supposed to be on time for class/meetings.2.The oldest are supposed to start eating first.3.Its not polite to keep others waiting too long.心灵寄语:When in Rome,do as Romans do.入乡随俗Hope all of you will behave politely and enjoy your school life!1.Review the language points(For all)2.Write a composition about customs of our daily life and try to use“be(not)supposed to”and“be(not)expected to or should/shouldntto finish your work.(Optional)3.Exercise 3(综合运用综合运用For all)14.


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